Chapter 798

Huangfu Yi lay down on the door and listened for a while before he said, "It's okay, the sound of the water is still some distance away from this door. Even if the door is opened, the water won't flow out."

Nangong Yin and I also leaned on the door and listened, but we could only hear the vague sound of water, not as clear as what Huangfu Yi heard.

Huangfu Yi's hearing and judgment are excellent, and Nangong Yin and I believe that he will not get it wrong.But the current situation is that we are facing two huge doors, but there is no way to open them.

Nangong Yin stroked his chin and looked at it: "Can we just punch through the door?"

It's just the simplest and most direct method. With our current capabilities, it's not completely impossible to open this door by violent means, but it will definitely take a lot of time.

We don't have so much time to toss about, we still have to enter the other side of the portal as soon as possible to get the seal of Heqing Shazong.

Huangfu Yi came down from the door, Sichen said: "Since Heqing Shazong built these two doors, there must be a mechanism to open it, but we haven't found it yet."

"Are we going to go back and bring that boy from the Heqing Demon Sect to question him again?" Nangong Yin mentioned the young lord of the Heqing Demon Sect. If we bring him, it should be easy to ask how to open the door.

But again, we don't want to waste any more time.Moreover, the young patriarch of Heqing Shazong is also very active in his mind. If he is brought here, he will not be able to make use of his familiarity with this place to trap us.

This strategy doesn't work, and we can only look at the door and frown.

"Let me try it first. If it doesn't work, I can only take my time." I drew out my sword, and with all my strength, I slashed heavily on the gate.

I have confidence in my sword. These two doors are not made of particularly strong materials, but they are indeed too thick.Cutting with a sword will not damage my sword.

Amidst the clang, sparks splashed everywhere.

My sword strike with all my might had indeed achieved results, leaving a deep ditch on the door.But compared to the whole, it still has little effect.

If we let us dig slowly like this, it will probably take ten days and a half months to cut through the door.

I retracted the sword and said helplessly: "You can't use brute force, you still have to find the right way to open it."

"You two think about it first, I'll do it first." Nangong Yin didn't like to use his brain, so he left the thinking to us, and started to hack the gate with his sword.

The sound of Nangong Yin's slashing and chopping filled his ears, but his progress was not as good as mine.Especially after persisting for a while, Nangong Yin couldn't maintain the speed and strength at the beginning.

"Stop for a moment." Huangfu Yi stopped Nangong Yin. Nangong Yin was really tired, so she didn't insist anymore. She turned her head and looked at Huangfu Yi: "Have you found the mechanism to open it?"

Huangfu Yi pointed to the mark on the door that was cut by Nangong Yin: "No, it's just that I found that you seem to be doing useless work."

"What do you mean?" Nangong Yin was puzzled.

Huangfu Yi stepped forward to grope for the traces cut by Nangong Yin, and said in a deep voice: "This door is repairing itself, although the progress cannot keep up with the speed of your destruction, but if we really want to dig through it, it is impossible to never leave it behind." rest."

I followed suit and saw clearly what Huangfu Yi said.In those cut out gullies, water slowly seeped out, the water slowly melted, and the cut out gullies were automatically filled with stone.

"It's impossible!" Nangong Yin touched the stone gate in disbelief: "This gate is made of stone, how can water turn into stone?"

I couldn't help touching the water stains in the gully, and said helplessly: "Seeing is believing, I can't say it's impossible."

But I still saw the clues, the water in the gully seeped out from nowhere.It looks clear, but it is not clean, it is muddy water.

"I understand. This is the method of Heqing Shazong. If the sewage is turned into clean water, the impurities in the water will be removed." I explained slowly.

Huangfu Yi followed my words and continued: "The water will slide down the stone gate, and the impurities in the water will stay on the gate and become one with the gate."

It has to be admitted that Heqing Shazong's method is really weird.While this all works in theory, how do they do it?

Water, mud, the shape of the door, all these seem to be uncontrollable, but the reality before our eyes is that we are indeed blocked by these things.

"This is not the most difficult step, have you discovered it? The purpose of this door is simply to stop us, and it doesn't seem to be in any danger. And Heqing Shazong is definitely not such a kind person, in other words , They must have real means to stay in the end, even if we open this door, they don't care."

What Huangfu Yi said was exactly what I thought in my heart. It can be seen that the sect of Heqing Shazong is even going downhill.

We can still deal with their contemporary disciples, but they haven't even really inherited the means of the real ancestors.

I suddenly felt that what we have to face is not only the current Heqing Demon Sect, but also the countless histories of this sect.

Nangong Yin's fighting spirit was slowly worn down, and he said decadently: "Then what should we do? Just go back like this?"

I ignored him, stood in front of the door and closed my eyes, thinking about the five elements.

This door looks like a stone gate, but it is indeed filled with water and soil, with an endless stream.Tried with a sword, gold cannot be chiseled.If you use fire, I'm afraid it can only make it stronger.It is also impossible to boil the soil-laden water dry.

Because we heard the sound of water behind the door, it seemed to be a big river, but we didn't even have anything to make fire on us, so it was impossible.

Thinking of the end, I could only sigh helplessly: "Unless we plant plants and trees on the door, maybe when the plants take root, the door can be pushed open."

Huangfu Yi immediately understood what I meant: "But that can't be done in five or ten years, right? Unless the mortal enemy of Heqing Shazong might use this method to completely destroy this door."

This is also what makes me feel helpless. To put it bluntly, it's a matter of time. We don't have that long to spend here with one door.

Nangong Yin has already retreated: "If it doesn't work, let's go back and inform Divine Doctor Xue, anyway, he wants to grow herbs if he is free, so let him come here for a walk when he is free. In ten or twenty years, maybe the door will be closed." Just open."

Nangong Yin was speaking out of anger, but I don't want to give up easily.I have been thinking in my heart, this place really looks like no one has been here for a long time.

Could it be that Heqing Shazong himself lost the way to open the portal?But what's in it is their own family's treasure seal, so it's unlikely that they would give up the treasure so hastily, right?
I still firmly believe that there must be a way to open the portal at will, and it will never be violent.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the door, Nangong Yin shook my shoulders: "You don't really want to sit here for ten or eight years, do you?"

Huangfu Yi pulled Nangong Yin away for me and didn't bother me anymore.

I turned my eyes to carefully observe the gully on the door. The water should seep from the other side of the door, carrying fine earth and rocks.

After observing for nearly an hour, I finally realized something.I really overestimated Heqing Shazong's handling of the details. Now the portal has been completely restored, and all the traces of the chiseling on it have disappeared.

But this is not the same door as before, there are many subtle differences on it.Even a skilled craftsman who is proficient in craftsmanship cannot make two exactly the same things, let alone a water stone controlled by some strange skill?
Although the traces on the door have disappeared, some details are different.For example, the original carvings on the stone gate, the details are more scribbled than before.

I smiled confidently, stood up from the ground, Nangong Yin hurried over and asked me: "Do you understand?"

I said four words softly: "It's a loss to be full."

"What do you mean?" Nangong Yin didn't understand my words, and Huangfu Yi couldn't understand this time either.

I went to verify the guess myself, grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and threw it towards the door.

"Are you impatient? Do you want to thicken it?" Nangong Yin muttered, but the scene that happened immediately shut him up.

All the dirt I threw stuck to the door, but this time pure water gushed out of the door and began to wash away the dirt.

"If you think about it from the perspective of this door, it doesn't necessarily want to stop us, maybe it just wants to maintain this shape. If you lose money, you will gain, and if you gain, you will lose yourself."

Nangong Yin was still in a daze, so I didn't explain any more to him, and asked him to throw mud on the door just like me.

The three of us really did the same thing as young children playing with water and mud. We dug mud from the ground and threw it on the door, and a huge stream of water gushed out from the stone door, constantly washing it away.

But its speed was far behind us, and we still quickly covered the door with mud.

"It's now!" I guess that the current situation must make Shimen not react quickly. Since it is water-borne soil, it must maintain the deformation of the soil, and it is impossible to completely form rock.Even if this is the case, isn't there a saying called "water drips through stone"?

I quickly drew the sword out, the body of the sword pierced through, leaving only the hilt outside.

Nangong Yin exclaimed in surprise: "This door has become so soft?"

"No, I just stuck the sword in the crack of the door." I wanted to draw the sword back, but found that it was impossible.

Losing the solid stone gate, it turned into something like a quagmire, entangled my sword tightly.

I started to be in a trance, could it be that the predecessors of the Heqing Shazong also took this change into consideration, then I really have no choice.

After the water washed away, the stone gate reappeared in front of my eyes.But the difference this time is that my sword is still stuck in the middle of the two doors.

(End of this chapter)

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