Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 778 The Power of the Perspiration Medicine

Chapter 778 The Power of the Perspiration Medicine
I went back to the villa early. I guessed that the suzerain and Nangong Yin would not come back for a while, so I completely felt that I had enough time to prepare everything for our revenge plan, and waited for the suzerain and the others to come back It must be noon by then.

I have been trying to find a chance to make a move by myself, but I don't know what to do.So when I was wandering around in the backyard of the kitchen alone, I suddenly saw a well in the yard, and an inspiration came to my mind instantly.

I found that I am really too smart now, not only got the peerless supernatural power through inexplicable shit luck, but also my brain is so smart now, from time to time, I can suddenly pop up a few smarter ones that look perfect ghost idea.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing standing here? Stay away from that well. You must know that it is the only well in our entire Heqing Sect. If you make it dirty, how can so many of us survive?"

Just as I was crawling by the well and looking around, it seemed that a chef who was cooking in the kitchen came out to get something and felt a little strange seeing me here, worried that I might dirty the well water and affect his cooking skills Well, he just yelled that sentence to me.

I was really taken aback by his yelling, but luckily I reacted faster, so I immediately said that I was just lost and wouldn't stay here for too long, and then I pretended to go out, that big guy The chef then returned to the kitchen to cook with peace of mind.

You think I'm a fool, how could I leave so easily?Didn't the chef say that just now?Since this well is the source of life for the entire Heqing Shazong, I think I should make good use of this well to make a big fuss, isn't it very smart?

It suddenly occurred to me that I was carrying a particularly volatile Mongolian sweat medicine with me?In order to reduce some resistance, I feel that I should grit my teeth and do something unconscionable. This may be the first and only time in my life to use such indecent means to deal with others.

I took a closer look at the kitchen and it seemed that no one would notice me at the moment, so I quickly sneaked over and poured the pack of super invincible sweat medicine into the well to see that it was almost volatilized. I can't see anything wrong. I think I should do something more?

"Uncle, let me carry water for you."

I did what I said, yes, I am that warm-hearted young man. In order to ensure that my plan is foolproof, I had to pick up a load of water and enter the kitchen.The uncle didn't suspect that I had any other nefarious intentions in doing this. After all, for him, he would be happy if someone helped him with some rough work. Why would he blame me for meddling in my own business?
I saw that this uncle also used all the water, and in order to let the brothers in the entire Heqing Shazong have a taste of my super invincible Mongolian sweat medicine, I know that they are still practicing in this hot day. It must be very tired and thirsty.So no matter whether it was out of good intentions or malice, I personally brought a load of cool and refreshing well water to the place where they practiced, which surprised them very much.

"Brothers, you must be thirsty, I brought you cool well water, come and drink."

Those brothers didn't seem to suspect anything, after all, the big sun above their heads really made people feel quite speechless.At this time, it would be too extravagant to give them a sip of water to drink, so they all flocked towards me, including the confidant of the suzerain who brought everyone to practice together, and left without any doubt come over.

"I can't see that you are quite enthusiastic. Let's forget what happened last time. I'm really thirsty. Let me drink first."

The confidant was the first to drink it like this, and he would naturally not feel any discomfort for a while. Others didn't care about 21 when they saw that he was fine. They picked me here almost one by one. I wiped out all the water and not a single drop remained.

Such cooperation with my plan really made me laugh more than ten times in my heart. Of course, I am not the kind of big devil who kills people without blinking an eye. When dealing with their suzerain, there is no way to join in, and it doesn't mean to hurt their lives.

Soon Nangong Yin, Huangfu Yi and the two suzerains have returned after sending Miracle Doctor Xue to them. After I met my two brothers, I felt that it was necessary for me to tell them what I had done in this hour or so. listen.

"I didn't expect that you are such a person, but you can also behave like a villain. I really despise you naked, hum."

Huangfu Yi seemed to think that what I did was really contemptuous, but I still wanted him to recognize my attention, so I felt that it seemed necessary to explain to the two of them why I did this. What is the real intention of not being involved in his own deeds.

"Do you two think that I did that because I have no backbone? Actually, no, I really think that there are too many people in their Heqing Shazong. They have a large number of people, and we only have the most Three people, if we deal with the suzerain and other people come to help, we must be outnumbered, and it will be of no benefit to us at that time."

After listening to my explanation, the two of them seem to think it makes sense, so they will not continue to hold on to my previous practice that was seen by them as embarrassing. The three of us will continue to discuss and see what the final plan is. to be carried out accurately.

In another half an hour, the effect of my Mongolian sweat medicine will take effect, so we decided to go to the suzerain to fight to the death in half an hour.The deputy suzerain seems to have disappeared since he came back to the villa. I don't know what this guy is doing. He probably didn't come out to stab us at the most critical time.

At noon, that is, half an hour later, all the disciples of the Heqing Demon Sect who drank the well water mixed with my sweat medicine all fainted as I expected.Moreover, the people in the kitchen, including all the servants, must have had to drink well water to quench their thirst. At this moment, they all fainted on the ground, and it seemed that there were densely packed Heqing Shazong people lying on the ground and unable to wake up.

The suzerain of the Heqing Shazong was originally waiting for his confidant to bring him food, but he couldn't wait for it. Of course, his confidant has long been fainted by my Mongolian sweat medicine, and he still doesn't know where it is. Asleep?
The three of us decided not to wait any longer, and went directly to the place where the suzerain was. Indeed, we saw a lot of people lying in his yard who were fainted by the sweat medicine. Standing there, he seemed to think what happened today. What about things?Maybe no matter what, he didn't think that all of this was done by the three of us in order to avenge the miracle doctor Xue.

"Lord Sovereign, don't come here unharmed!"

Maybe he knew what happened when the three of us appeared in front of him, but no matter how much he regrets at this time, everything can only go on slowly under our control, and nothing can be changed.

At this time, the suzerain was actually sneering, maybe he really had a kind of regret, why didn't he listen to his confidant's approach and get rid of us when we cleared the customs, he insisted on trying to keep us for his use.Now I didn't expect that we would prepare such a great gift for him. I'm afraid that at this moment he really hates us so much that he wants to tear us to pieces.

"This suzerain is not mean to the three of you, why on earth are you treating me like this?"

Why did you do this to you? Thanks to you, you still have the nerve to ask us. Don’t you have a point in your heart?When you did the so-called outrageous things, did you ever think that one day others will do the same to you?But after all, this suzerain has no grievances or enmities with us, even if we want to let him die, we must let him die clearly.

"We met you for the first time. Of course, we have no deep hatred with you, but because there is a person who wants to destroy you, we don't need to say anything about the kindness and resentment between you and him. It is the one who took your son. Miracle doctor Xue who left and his crazy daughter, do you, suzerain, still remember?"

What I said touched the most vulnerable place in the suzerain's heart. I didn't expect that what was supposed to come would finally come. I thought that as long as I didn't provoke him, it would be over, but I didn't expect that Doctor Xue would even bring us along. Three such helpers came to him to avenge himself.

This is nothing, and the most hateful thing is that he was being played around by us and Doctor Xue, and now he himself has handed over the children to his sworn enemy, presumably at this moment The suzerain must have felt in his heart that he had been insulted by the sky and was played like a monkey by us.

"You bunch of hateful things, you dare to join forces with that old bastard to play me. Today is the day for the three of you to die. Wait until the lord cleans up the three of you little bastards before chasing that old bastard."

It seems that the suzerain is really angry, and there is no other way to do it now. He can only give it a go and fight us to the death. Let's see what the final result will be like.

(End of this chapter)

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