Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 750 Curious

Chapter 750 Curious
At this time, Nangong Yin seemed to have some doubts about Miracle Doctor Xue's words, so after taking a look at Miracle Doctor Xue, Nangong Yin said to Miracle Doctor Xue seriously: "Doctor Xue, is the eighth level you mentioned really so difficult? Do we need the four of us to join hands to live together?"

Almost anyone who is not a fool knows that the ten miles and ten levels are getting more and more difficult, so the eighth level is already like this. It seems that at this time Nangong Yin is also a little desperate for the mysterious tenth level.

In fact, I don’t think Nangong Yin can be blamed for this, because when we set off, we expected that if we had to break through this level, the best thing for us is to pass through these ten levels effortlessly. The bad thing is that we can get through ten levels in a little embarrassment.

Instead of hearing what Miracle Xue said here, it seems that we have already worked hard when we have passed the eighth level.

Seemingly seeing Nangong Yin's accident, at this time Miracle Doctor Xue nodded his head heavily, and then said to Nangong Yin: "The eighth level is so difficult in my understanding! And I think the eighth level There are other information and information at the checkpoint that I don't know, so I don't rule out that there will be more dangerous situations!"

It seems that we felt that our impact was not enough, so at this time, Miracle Doctor Xue looked at us and continued, and when we heard what Miracle Xue said next, our hearts were indeed a little heavier.

At this time, I once again thought of what Lin Luoxue said to me at that time. The current situation seems to be that I am really overwhelmed, and I have done things that are not in line with my ability.

I always thought that it would be okay to combine the strengths of Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin, but what I didn't expect was that in this Heqing Demon Sect, it would be so difficult just to pass a checkpoint.

After hearing the words of Miracle Doctor Xue, I actually couldn't imagine what our scene would be like when we were actually on the territory of Heqing Shazong.

But since Miracle Doctor Xue said it so solemnly, I think Miracle Doctor Xue naturally has his own reasons, and I also think that we really looked at things too simply before.

If the mission of the Heqing Demon Sect was really that simple, not many people would say that I would die here.

And the mercenary guild would not distrust me, and let Lin Luoxue contact me, so I sighed slightly at this time, and I felt that the reason for everything seemed to be because I was really too weak.

If I could be stronger, I think the matter of our routine today might be calmer, but unfortunately, I am not strong enough now, so our atmosphere is still a bit heavy at this time.

"I don't know what's in the ninth level or what kind of information it is. Even if it's the injury of a person who has entered the ninth level, he is too taboo to tell me. But the strength of the person I cured, if the four of us add up, we can barely hold it in his hands! Moreover, that person failed! And he was seriously injured! "Miraculous doctor Xue seemed to be talking nonstop, and when we were a little shocked, he continued to say things that seemed to shock us even more.

Those who fight with the four of us and still have the upper hand have failed, so should we give up?Because I didn't hear the slightest possibility of success from what Miracle Doctor Xue said.

If we were ordinary people at this time, we might have been crushed by the words of Miracle Doctor Xue, and now we might have started to retreat.

But we are not ordinary people after all, we all feel that although Miracle Doctor Xue understands us, he doesn't understand our cards, and the three of us have always relied on our cards to hang out in dangerous places.

So even at this time, the words of Miracle Doctor Xue did not seem to leave us with the slightest hope, but at this time there is no flinching or fear in our eyes.

Our growth along the way is actually based on certain dangers, so if it is really easy for us to be scared, maybe the three of us really have no chance to stand here.

At this time, Miracle Doctor Xue seemed to be appreciatively nodding when he saw our faces and eyes, and Nangong Yin found a piece of grass leaf that looked a little yellow and stuffed it into his mouth and began to chew.

"Hearing what Miracle Doctor Xue said, the ten mile roads and ten checkpoints leading to Heqing Shazong are really very sad!" Nangong Yin said with emotion while chewing on the grass leaves.

To be honest, I am still very curious about the taste of this kind of withered grass leaves. This Nangong Yin always eats a few grass leaves or leaves to suppress his inner emotions every time there is a danger. think about things,
What Nangong Yin said just now, I actually thought the same way, the ninth level seems to have no chance for us, and the tenth level doesn’t mean we don’t need to understand it?

Huangfu Yi, who had been digesting the news with his eyes closed, opened his eyes at this moment. He looked at Miracle Doctor Xue curiously, and said to Miraculous Doctor Xue, "What is this tenth level? The first nine levels are already like this. Couldn't the tenth level be inhabited by a ten-thousand-year-old monster?"

I am also very curious about the tenth level, so at this time I also put my sights on Dr. Xue, hoping that Dr. Xue can help me explain this is really a very mysterious tenth level.

It's just that Miracle Doctor Xue shook his head at this time and said to Huangfu Yi: "You don't need to know so much about the tenth level. After you have passed the first nine levels, you will naturally understand the scene of the tenth level." .

Divine doctor Xue completely rejected Huangfu Yi's question about going to the tenth level, so at this time, I judged that there should be something special in the tenth level, and this special thing seems to be something special at this time. I don't really want to talk about it.

Looking at Miracle Doctor Xue's forehead, Huangfu Yi's face was obviously disappointed, it seemed that he was not reconciled to not knowing so much.

But Miracle Doctor Xue who had said so much remained silent, as if he was adjusting himself and waiting for tomorrow's breakthrough.

Following Miracle Doctor Xue's explanation, it's actually already night now. I don't know what Miracle Doctor Xue is doing after knowing so much, but I know very well that this Miracle Doctor Xue must be under more psychological pressure than me.

At this time, I was actually just looking at the stars and thinking about the things along the way. To be honest, I actually had a bit of a headache for tomorrow's breakthrough, but I was really not afraid.

What I think is actually a little different from Huangfu Yi's. I think that since others can make it through, so can I.

So even at such a time, I actually don't have any big burden in my heart. I think I just make a plan for tomorrow's breakthrough after knowing enough about the situation.

In the words of Miracle Doctor Xue, he has spent ten years studying these levels, and he has already mastered many of them.

So once we enter these ten checkpoints, none of the three of us can match the role played by Miracle Doctor Xue.

And at this time, Miracle Doctor Xue didn't seem to show any helplessness or panic, so maybe this Miracle Doctor Xue still has some confidence in breaking through tomorrow.

To be honest, I don't dare to predict the specific situation of tomorrow, because I think there are too many uncontrollable anger.

Moreover, what Miracle Doctor Xue said before must not have much water, and those monsters who don't know what they are must not be far from Miracle Doctor Xue's description.

So I think tomorrow I can go to see if the monsters in those levels have enough intelligence, and if they have intelligence, it will be more troublesome, but if the monster doesn't have any intelligence, I think it's just It's very simple.

Because there are no intelligent monsters, even if they are powerful, they still cannot exert their own strength.And if there is a monster, I will decide to see if the monster has enough ability to show its strength first.

And if it is the ninth floor, I still really don't know if we have enough confidence to pass.

So at this time I was still a little nervous, but the nervousness was not so exaggerated, it seemed a little indifferent.

My rise all the way seems to be inseparable from danger, and I myself seem to have gotten used to this kind of danger without knowing when.

This time is really exciting for me, and even at this time I don't know what I am excited about.

After thinking about it carefully, I felt with a wry smile that my excitement came from this tenth level. It seemed that I was slightly looking forward to the tenth level in the last mile.

At this time, looking at Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin who were already teasing and resting, I sighed again. These days, it seems that I also fell in love with sighs and wry smiles. It seems that most things these days are not right We are in favor, and what I hold the most when I see An Xi's work seems to be a wry smile.

Tonight looks exactly the same as usual, but it is indeed a little different for me, because for me, in the middle of the night tonight, I actually need to think about some plans.

These ten levels on the ten-mile road were so solemnly stated by Dr. Xue, so I felt that when Dr. Xue told me what many levels looked like, I felt that as a team leader, I still needed to be in this position. Time to formulate some strategies.

Because there are too many variables when going through the barrier tomorrow, so I think I have to be extra prepared for some accidents.

Although Miracle Doctor Xue didn't say anything, but through the narration of the level, I think that what stands in front of the level should be puppets similar to humans, or something else. I think the most unlikely thing is a human.

Because it's very simple, there are really some people who have successfully broken through this place, no matter how rich and powerful this Heqing Shazong is, it is impossible to bring out a master of that level to be killed.

So in my eyes, it can only be that there is a master puppet in this institution, or something similar to a puppet.In my eyes, the last thing that should appear in those levels is human beings.

What I need to do is to analyze who on our side is weak, and where I need extra care and sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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