Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 745: A Bird With Wisdom

Chapter 745: A Bird With Wisdom

I actually sighed a little when I watched this scene. To be honest, I really didn’t know that a horse’s knowledge is so great, so I nodded at this time, and I already have some ideas about how to control a horse. my own thoughts.

But at this moment, I clearly felt a very powerful bird hovering above me, but I didn't know why it didn't come down.

When I finished listening to Nangong Yin's words, I looked up at the sky, and found that bird was also looking at me.When my eyes met the bird's, I had the feeling that the bird was looking for me.

When I saw the letter bucket tied to the bird's feet, I felt that this bird was here to deliver a letter to me, so I waved to the bird.

But to my disappointment, this bird didn't seem to stop its flight because of my recruitment, it still flew in the sky and looked at me, and didn't land on me
This made me a little helpless and anxious, because I can't even control a horse, let alone a bird, so at this time I looked at Nangong Yin helplessly, frowned and said, "You can make this bird Come down, this bird seems to have a letter for me!"

For me, I knew that the letter was related to Lin Luoxue without reading it. I think only Lin Luoxue can figure out where I am and let a bird wait here.

To be honest, I really don't know what news Lin Luoxue brought me this time, but no matter what, I am very nervous this time, because the time to travel is indeed very long, and I think it is time to hire There may be something on the side of the military guild, so at this time, no matter what, I want to get information about this bird that looks beautiful in the air.

It may be that he didn't care enough about the outside things at this time, so Nangong Yin still didn't notice the appearance of a bird at this time. After I said it, he looked at the sky in a daze.

And when she saw the bird on it, Nangong Yin's expression flickered, she looked at me and said with a wry smile: "This bird seems to be intelligent, I have no way to get it down!"

I was a little disappointed when I heard Nangong Yin's words. Originally, I thought that Nangong Yin, who had a lot of research on the subject, could easily bring down the bird.

But since Nangong Yin has no choice, I can only rely on myself, but the position of this bird is too high, and if I forcefully pull it down, I think he will resist.

So for a while, I was still a little helpless, so when the carriage was moving forward, I looked at the birds, and the birds looked at me, and I could only stare so wide.

At this time, Nangong Yin seemed to be thinking a little bit and seemed to be thinking of a solution, but after Huangfu Yi thought about it for a long time, I was also a little disappointed.

Now this bird has been looking at me, but it has not fallen, even if Nangong Yin suddenly accelerated the carriage at this time, the bird can easily catch up, but it just does not fall.

So at this time, I really can only do this in a hurry, there is no way.

Even when that bird was staring at me so contemptuously, I really wanted to knock it down forcibly, but considering that if it was Lin Luoxue's letter, I would still use this bird to reply to Lin Luoxue's letter , So at this time, I dare not take any action easily.

But this bird is always in the sky, and I can only look at it like this is not a solution, so at this time I plan to ask Divine Doctor Xue to see if he can do anything.

"Master Xue, there is a bird of messengers flying in the sky, is there any way for you to make this bird come down?" I knew that Doctor Xue was not sleeping at this time, so I asked softly through the curtain at this time With Dr. Xue.

I believe that as long as Miracle Doctor Xue knows, with Miracle Doctor Xue's character, he will definitely answer me, so at this time, I just need to wait.

"Keep your arm flat, and then stretch it a little higher, it will fall on your arm!" Not long after I finished speaking, the words of Divine Doctor Xue passed through the curtain and came out from the curtain.

And when I heard the words of Miracle Doctor Xue, I smiled wryly. Could it be that this seemingly simple reason why this bird didn't land on me?
I'm a little curious about this, and I'm looking forward to it, because now I really don't have any solution, so I have to try what Miracle Doctor Xue said and this method anyway, anyway, idleness is idleness for me .

I don't know why, but I just feel that this bird seems to be looking down on me, so I still look at this bird seriously at this time.

When I saw the bird's eyes squinting at me, I was almost sure that this intelligent bird was looking down on me, and that feeling was really not my illusion.

To be honest, I still feel a lot of embarrassment when I am looked down upon by a bird that doesn’t look very big. I also know that the reason why this bird looks down on me is that I don’t know how to let him fall down. .

At this time, I calmed down and pretended to be an outsider, and after I settled the posture according to what Dr. Xue said, the bird's eyes lit up, and then it swooped down quickly and landed on the ground. in my hand.

When I saw this very clever bird, I smiled bitterly. I have too much to learn, and I really can't carry it like this in the future.

That letter was hidden in the letter box of this bird. When I pulled out the letter box and took out the letter, I began to read it seriously. No matter who wrote this letter, it can be read with this one. When you come, you will send over expensive birds. I think there is something important.

And when I read this letter carefully, I suddenly smiled wryly. This letter was indeed written by Lin Luoxue, and it was indeed related to the mercenary family.

It seems that this mercenary guild knew that I was late, so they called Lin Luoxue in advance.

And Lin Luoxue may not know my specific progress and plans, so she wrote at this time to ask how long it will take me to reach Heqing Shazong.

Because the mercenary guild over there already doubts my ability, if I can't complete the task for a long time, maybe this task has nothing to do with me.

So at this time, I took a deep breath, thought about the current situation, and suddenly felt that it was really bad. If it really went on like this, it might really delay the task.

Being able to let Lin Luoxue write to me personally, I wonder how much pressure Lin Luoxue is under now, so I think I should speed up even more.

And at this time, Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi were both a little curious, so at this time I decided to tell these two people what I saw, and after I finished speaking, it seemed that both of them were in trouble There was a brief silence.

After all, the two of them felt that if it wasn't for taking care of them, I might have come in long ago.But if they had heard what Divine Doctor Xue said when he was treating me, I think these two people would really not think so.

To be honest, even with the time wasted by the two of them, I still feel that I still can’t make it, because there are too many places to waste time on this road, so many that I can hardly count them. So at this time, I still feel that the main responsibility is actually on me. After all, it seems that I am in command of this team, so if there is a problem, I will naturally have to bear it.

After a brief silence, Nangong Yin looked at me curiously: "What do you want to do?"

I know that the reason why Nangong Yin pondered for so long is mainly because of self-blame here, and saying this means that Nangong Yin has no idea.

The current time is really not enough to reach the Heqing Demon Sect. No matter how you go, it is impossible to reach the Heqing Demon Sect, so almost this task will fail if you follow the current situation.

But we really need this task, so we really can't have the slightest idea at this time, we must do this task.

But the mercenary guild doesn't seem to want to wait anymore. After all, according to my current junior worker, it really takes a lot of time to take on this task, so I really have no other way at this time.

I think it's like Nangong Yin's face, if we reach Heqing Shazong in such a short time, we will definitely die, because if we are discovered, the Ken Empire will have no way to survive.

So I think there is only one thing that can be done now, as long as it can be dragged down a little bit, even if it is not for a long time, I think we are enough.

Because we are really not very far away from the Heqing Shazong, I believe that as long as we walk a little longer, we will definitely be able to go to the sect that likes to go to the Heqing Shazong. I think everything is settled.

At this time, I didn't write the letter right away, but looked at Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, and asked them both with a smile: "What do you think we need to do? Should we give up this mission and go back directly, or what should we do?"

Although I already have an idea in my mind at this time, I want to ask Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin what's going on in their hearts and see what they mean.

Huangfu Yi didn't speak immediately, but frowned and kept thinking about something, I didn't speak when I looked at her, I looked like Huangfu Yi
It seemed that Huangfu Yi had thought it over, so he walked to my side, looked at me and said with a smile: "What can we do, it's not like you don't understand the rules of mercenaries, but at this moment, I think there is only one delay. The word formula is okay at this time, except for this leg feeling, I don’t think I have any confidence

In fact, Huangfu Yi's thoughts are basically the same as mine, because as long as he wants to reach the Heqing Demon Sect alive, there is no one who can reach the Heqing Demon Sect within the agreed time.

So no matter what, I can only rely on procrastination, and at this time, because it is a mercenary guild that has already invested a lot in me, I believe it is only a little bit late, but in fact, it will not be a big deal for this Bin to have a public h of.

At this time, Nangong Yin also nodded. He looked at me and said inexplicably, we all understand that it must be delayed.

And Miss Lin Luoxue's ability is really astonishing. I think if it is delayed, it will definitely be successful.

But I don’t think it’s possible to push it off for a long time, but I think it’s okay if it’s delayed for a while, and within this time, I’m very confident that I can successfully complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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