Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 728 Heading to Heqing Demon Sect

Chapter 728 Heading to Heqing Demon Sect
I even had an illusion that Miracle Doctor Xue was deliberately teasing my mood, but after thinking about it, I seemed to feel that I was a bit of a villain again.

Divine doctor Xue is wearing a set of very powerful golden needles. I discovered this when I discovered it. After observing Huangfu Yi's situation, divine doctor Xue spread the golden needles on the table, and pointed at me. He said to the old doctor: "You two, one to fetch water and lamps, and the other to grab medicine!"

When I was talking, I could feel that Miracle Doctor Xue was also in my own thinking, so I had to say to the old doctor first: "I don't know how to prescribe the medicine, the old doctor. I'll fetch water and you go to prep the medicine!"

After I finished speaking, I didn’t care whether the old doctor agreed or not, so I left here and walked outside. Maybe it’s because I’m so anxious now, so I actually forgot to ask the old doctor where the water and lights are at this time, but now I I really don't want to waste any time, so after I smiled wryly, I decided to look for it myself.

The backyard of the old doctor is not big, I just found a well as soon as I entered the back, and I saw that there was a light on the counter of the pharmacy, so I quickly fetched some water at this time.

When I walked to the counter of the pharmacy, I found that the old doctor was frowning to weigh the medicine at this time, so I didn't bother him, but took the lamp and turned towards Doctor Xue. Place trotted past.

And when I arrived, Miracle Doctor Xue had already started acupuncture for Nangong Yin. When I saw Miracle Xue's serious expression, I didn't dare to disturb him easily, so I held a basin of water in one hand and Holding a lamp, he stood there waiting for Divine Doctor Xue.

I believe that even if Master Xue is seriously doing acupuncture for Nangong Yin at this time, but I think he must be able to sense my coming, so I think if Doctor Xue needs me at this time, then he will definitely tell me. mine.

And now I just need to wait slowly. Just now, when Miracle Doctor Xue said that he could treat Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, I almost cried. The smell is really important to me.

When Miracle Xue was using needles, I watched carefully. When I saw Nangong Yin's body was pierced with real needles, the festering part of his wound seemed to have stopped oozing blood, and he was slightly swollen. Bai's wound also slightly recovered a trace of rosiness.

So at this time, I think that the deterioration of Nangong Yin's injury may have been controlled, and what needs to be done next is how to deal with this injury.

"Bring the water here, I'm going to put the golden needle in this water to soak it later, you also light the lamp, and then put it next to the basin!" Divine doctor Xue said long after finishing the acupuncture for Nangong Yin. He let out a long sigh of relief, and then instructed me.

Naturally, I didn't dare to be negligent about the orders of Divine Doctor Xue, so I slightly adjusted my emotions at this time, and then put the water and lamp on the table according to Divine Doctor Xue's instructions.

At this time, the old doctor also walked in with the medicine. He looked at Miracle Doctor Xue with some hesitation, frowned and said, "Doctor Xue, are you really sure that you want me to sprinkle these traditional Chinese medicines directly on the two of them?" ?”

Divine doctor Xue looked back at the old doctor, and then said affirmatively: "Yes, I want you to sprinkle every wound with the required traditional Chinese medicine according to my requirements."

"The injuries of the two of them are really serious, so at this time, I think I can use some more vicious methods to stimulate their nerves, so that their nerves feel that they are still alive!" Looking at the old doctor who was still a little hesitant , Divine doctor Xue continued.

And at this time, through this small point, I also feel that I know the reason why Miracle Doctor Xue is called a miracle doctor, while the old doctor is still just a doctor.

It seemed that the old doctor really believed in Miracle Doctor Xue, so after hearing Miracle Xue's explanation, the food tiger really started to apply those important things on Nangong Yin's body who had finished the needles.

And when those important things were sucked away by the wound, I could clearly feel that Nangong Yin's flesh was trembling.

Watching this scene, my eyelids twitched. Now that Nangong Yin is in a coma, he can do this by relying on his instinctive reaction. If he really waits for Nangong Yin to wake up, I think he may directly God hurts.

Although my strength is actually quite good, but now I don't know what kind of qi is contained in the needle of this genius doctor Xue.

But no matter what, the current wounds of Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi are actually recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. I really believe that they will be the same as a healthy person in three to five days.

So at this time, I have really admired Miracle Doctor Xue for a long time. He really didn't bother to deal with such a difficult problem.

And when the nuclear reactor was dealt with, although Miracle Doctor Xue was a little more serious, it seemed that he still didn't use his full strength.

But at this time, the eyelids of Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin actually moved slightly. I think it won't be long before these two people should be able to wake up quickly.

When the old doctor saw this scene, he looked at the herbal medicine he had received, and seemed to be a little amazed by the medical skills of the divine doctor Xue, and seemed to have learned something from the treatment of the divine doctor Xue.

And when Miracle Doctor Xue finished everything, he walked up to me, smiled and said to me: "Fortunately, I have saved their life! I have already revived them, but it will take a while to really wake up!"

"Come out with me first, I have something to talk to you about!" At this moment when I was about to speak, Divine Doctor Xue said to me suddenly,

Moreover, when Miracle Doctor Xue was talking, he had already left. At this time, I felt that there was no need for me to look at Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, so I followed Miracle Xue's footsteps and left here.

"Are you going to Heqing Shazong?" God doctor Xue asked me with a frown when we walked to a place where the old doctor couldn't hear me.

I looked at Miracle Doctor Xue carefully, and I was really surprised that he was dealt with. I don't know what the follow-up of Miracle Xue will be, but at this time I decided that it is necessary for me to tell the truth, so I just nodded.

I think Miracle Doctor Xue also knows the route of the Heqing Demon Sect, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to judge that we are going to the Heqing Demon Sect based on frostbite alone.

Seeing me nodding, Miracle Doctor Xue's frowning brows relaxed, and he said to me in a somewhat cold voice: "If it's going there, I'll go with you! I still have a debt with Heqing Shazong that I haven't settled yet. clearly!"

Looking at this proud and spirited old man, I said helplessly to Divine Doctor Xue: "It's not that I won't let you go, but it's really too dangerous there! It's not for ordinary people to go..."

As I said that, I told Miracle Doctor Xue what I knew about the dangers of the Heqing Demon Sect, and I hoped that he would quit. Don't venture there anymore.

Who knew that as soon as I finished speaking, Miracle Doctor Xue's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at me a little angrily: "Are you looking down on me? How about we go there now and compare to see who is more powerful?" ?”

I feel helpless for the words of Divine Doctor Xue, he is the benefactor of me, Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, and that kind of kindness is the kindness of life-saving, how could I make gestures with her?"

So at this time, I can only be silent, and the price of this silence seems to be agreeing to Divine Doctor Xue's request to go to Heqing Shazong with us.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, in those dangerous places, with the help of this person with high medical skills, it is actually easier than going by ourselves.

Moreover, Miracle Doctor Xue's personality and temperament are actually not bad, so I think it is acceptable to go on the road with her.

At this time, I suddenly heard a cry of pain, I looked inside, my spirits lifted, and I quickly ran to Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin.

At this time, they were all awake, but because they were in too much pain, they kept moaning.When I appeared by their side, they all put their eyes on me.

"Xiao Long, when did you fall into this hell? But don't look at me so happily, it won't be long before you will have so many needles like me, because you have committed more crimes than me A lot!" Nangong Yin seemed to be stimulated by my smile, Nangong Yin rolled his eyes at this moment, and then said softly.

Perhaps because he felt that he had already reached hell, he was really blunt when he spoke.

Nangong Yin's words really made me smile wryly, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to laugh when people are suffering, but when I see them alive and well, I can't help but smile.

"Huh? Why did this doctor who helped us a few days ago come here? Did he suffer retribution from time to time?" At this time, Huangfu Yi glanced at the old doctor, because the old doctor had fiddled with his wound more than once. The taste may really be a little ecstasy, so for the old doctor, Huangfu Yi seems to have a special memory.

Originally, the old doctor seemed to be watching a play there, but when he heard Huangfu Yi's words, his face darkened immediately.

At this time, I think it's better not to make such a joke, so I coughed, and said to Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin seriously: "You are not dead, I invited a miracle doctor to bring you back to life, The needles on your body now were inserted by Miracle Doctor Xue when he rescued you!"

After Ding heard what I said, both Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin were stunned, as if they still hadn't reacted to what I said.

"I... didn't die?" At this time, Huangfu Yi grinned and pointed at himself, and then said to me, as if he didn't believe what I said.

Regarding this, I could only nod helplessly: "You, Huangfu Yi, are really living well, and you, Nangong Yin, are also living well!"

In the past few days, I was really a little confused, but now when Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi woke up, I felt that I had regained my vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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