Chapter 723
The next day was almost early in the morning, and I had already woken up. At this time, when I saw that the plate I prepared still had the upturned and lonely forehead from yesterday, I laughed.

Today is a day for me to show my cooking skills for Dr. Xue, but at the same time, it is also a day when Dr. Xue must find a good way to let Dr. Xue see the process of making my Chaotian mushroom !
For me, the most perfect thing is to let Dr. Xue see the complicated process of making mushrooms, because I think that will make Dr. Xue even more moved.

In that case, maybe Miracle Doctor Xue will have a better impression of me, and it will be easier for me to ask for prescriptions.

I almost don't need to think about it. I know that taking Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi's injuries as an example, in fact, I think it will take a lot of work for Dr. Xue, so I want to perform better at this time. I hope that when the time comes Divine doctor Xue will not reject himself because of trouble.

Judging from my understanding these days and the facts I have seen with my own eyes, this Miracle Doctor Xue is really like the old doctor said, his personality is really withdrawn, and I feel that the personality of this Miracle Doctor Xue is not only Aloof, maybe the whole way of doing things is also different, and he doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all.

So if he didn't really try to impress this Miracle Doctor Xue, he might die in front of him on the spot, I don't think he would be moved, and he might even turn a blind eye.

For such a genius doctor with a weird personality, I think I should be careful as much as possible, and try my best to please him. As long as I can let the genius doctor Xue treat my two brothers well, I don’t think I have anything to do with it. All can be done, because this is my last hope.

Moreover, I haven't seen Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin enough in the past few days. I don't know whether they have woken up from the coma or not, and whether the situation has continued to deteriorate.

So at this time, I am very anxious, but I also understand that my anxiety is useless now, because Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin are already terminally ill, without the help of someone with superb medical skills like Master Xue In terms of treatment, I think they have basically declared the death penalty.

So no matter how anxious I am at this time, I can't mess up my own position, because if the position is messed up, then I may make mistakes every step of the way.

I tidied up my stove, then took a brief look at the ordinary stove that I had set up, then carried my big bag on my back, and walked towards where Miracle Doctor Xue was.

There are really many people who go to see Miracle Doctor Xue every day, but there are only a few people who can see Miracle Doctor Xue, so at this time I can only use some strange tricks to let me see Miracle Doctor Xue.

Otherwise, I feel that if I am such an unknown cook, if I really visit Miracle Doctor Xue directly, I might have made Chaotian mushrooms, and perhaps Miracle Xue will despise me and despise the food I cook, so I still don't think it is necessary to make Miracle Doctor Xue pay more attention to me.

Because only when he pays attention to me, will this Miracle Doctor Xue value what I have made, but I still have no idea what method to use to make Miracle Doctor Xue pay more attention to me.

At this time, I felt that I first wanted to go to Miracle Doctor Xue's house to take a look, and then decide based on the situation on the spot that I would draw Miracle Doctor Xue's attention to me!
Although I was already mentally prepared, when I arrived near Miracle Doctor Xue's house, I was still shocked by the people who rushed to ask for a prescription.

It may be because Miracle Doctor Xue has been in the deep mountains these days, so many people who come to ask for prescriptions have never seen Miraculous Doctor Xue, but were told by the door boy that Miracle Xue will come from the mountain today. Come back, so at this time almost all the villains who longed for Miracle Doctor Xue to help him appeared here.

I can't see exactly how many people there are, but I took a rough look, and the number of people here is absolutely no less than 500, and besides myself, it seems that everyone is accompanied by someone, so count those There are really too many accompanying people.

At this time, I kind of understand why Miracle Doctor Xue is so good at medicine but only sees a few patients. I still thought that Miracle Xue was a ruthless person before, but now I think that Miracle Doctor Xue is really a good doctor. If there is no class, then even if Miracle Doctor Xue is exhausted, there will still be people coming.

So it's better to choose a more relaxed way of life, and just conditionally prescribe medicine to some people every day.

Because there are really a lot of people here, so I also feel a lot of depression at this time. Although I think my Chaotian mushroom can be surprisingly successful, but among these people, there is really a top Chef, I can accept someone who cooks delicacies comparable to Chaotian mushrooms.

The information I learned from the doorman was that the time for this Miracle Doctor Xue to come back here should be in the afternoon, so I didn't choose to come here earlier.

After I saw so many people waiting for the return of Miracle Doctor Xue, I sighed and decided to set up my small stove first.

In fact, because Miracle Doctor Xue is a person who likes food very much, in order to allow people who come to ask for prescriptions to have a place to cook food, they have prepared a large pot room, which can accommodate many people to cook at the same time.

When I came here, I also hoped that I could cook there, and then make the Tianxin chicken that I prepared at that time, and then let Master Xue taste it.

But after seeing so many people today, I found out with a wry smile that if I really made the Chaotian mushroom, maybe it would be because Master Xue only ate one bite of food, and I would be full when it was my turn.

So I still stick to my point of view, that is to win by surprise, no matter how many people Miracle Xue plans to see today, I will be one of the people who must prescribe medicine from Miracle Xue.

So even if I come up with some methods that are not very fair to those who ask for prescriptions, I will still use them, and I will definitely use them without feeling guilty, because I really need the help of Divine Doctor Xue!
When I saw that I was making a stove here, some dignitaries looked at me with a lot of contempt on their faces, and when I glanced at them inadvertently, they seemed to frown Looking at me, it seemed that I looked at them like that, which seemed to be a great disrespect to them.

I just smiled at this, there are always dolls in this world with a sense of superiority, they feel that they are superior to other people, and these high-ranking officials who look well dressed and well-groomed naturally feel contemptuous my capital.

I don't think I need to pay too much attention to this. After all, although they make me uncomfortable when they look at me, it doesn't make me lose a piece, so I feel that I am in this When it's critical, it's better not to provoke them with your eyes.

When these dignitaries and their servants looked at me with some playful eyes in their eyes, I had already prepared my stove.

And this time I am very serious about making a decent stove, so the stove I made at this time is actually quite good in appearance, at least I think it looks good.

But the stove I made can't be seen by those high-ranking officials. After all, if they want a better stove with their status, they can make it in minutes.

Moreover, there are not too many stoves, and each one can be collected as a work of art, so when they see my stove, I don't like it.

I don't know what emotions are at work, but for this kind of condescending dignitaries who seem to be able to control my destiny and look at me, I really want everyone to give me a punch at this time, although today it seems I'm their competitor, but I still think they don't need to do this at all, because I don't think it will do them any good.

But everyone has their own ideas. In order to attract the attention of Dr. Xue later, I can only make a stove in this place. Although everything is going according to my plan, but seeing Miracle doctor Xue has become the focus of those nobles' eyes before, I think I can still smile bitterly.

But in order to impress Miracle Doctor Xue later, I think I can completely ignore the eyes of these dignitaries looking at me.

At this time, I began to think about how to catch the vision of Miracle Doctor Xue immediately after he came back, so I was thinking slowly at this time.

I believe that no matter how good Miracle Doctor Xue is, his knowledge must be very powerful. If it is just ordinary cooking, maybe he will not read much.

Because there are actually too many top chefs he has seen, so if I am just cooking normally at this time, it is impossible.

I need to use my tricks to attract Miracle Doctor Xue when he comes back, and only by using the most difficult tricks, I believe that Miracle Doctor Xue, who likes delicious food, can watch me finish the dishes with interest.

Only in this way can Miracle Doctor Xue give priority to eating my dishes before tasting other people's dishes.

This dish of asparagus is called an appetizer in the recipe, and it is a very rare appetizer, so I think that since it is an appetizer, it must be eaten immediately
Because after eating the food made by others, I think that when Dr. Xue eats my dishes, there is a high possibility that there will be some other dishes in his mouth, so I still hope that my own dishes will be the first to be picked by Xue. The miracle doctor got it.

And I believe that if my plan can attract Miracle Doctor Xue to stop by, then I think Miracle Doctor Xue will definitely taste my dishes immediately after stopping by.

So now I feel that I need to choose a more difficult technique, and it is the one that people will know that I am a master once I perform it.

At this time, I frowned slightly. Except for the hungry and thin hair of fire control, I really haven't learned the general techniques.

So I definitely want to use fire control techniques, but I think I still need to think more about how to use fire control techniques.

Because I really don't have many chances, if I can't catch the attention of Miracle Doctor Xue at the first time, maybe I have failed after Miracle Xue left here.

I sighed, and felt that it was really too difficult. If someone really made a mistake when I came to Miracle Doctor Xue this time, maybe even if I have good cooking skills, I may not be able to let Miracle Doctor Xue help me. The two brothers went to prescribe the medicine.

In my imagination, the whole morning passed quickly, and I don't know why, even in the afternoon, Miracle Doctor Xue still didn't show up immediately.

When everyone was breathing slightly short of breath and seemed a little anxious, I was still very calm. I think the fact that Dr. Xue came back late must have a premonition that there will be so many people standing outside his yard.

So many people are actually very anxious, but it seems that none of them choose to leave here, to give up such a seemingly good opportunity.

And at this time, I have already figured out how to catch the attention of Dr. Xue, so I started to prepare the ingredients at this time.

In fact, I think that instead of performing some gaudy things, it is better to cook this dish of mushrooms for Divine Doctor Xue on the spot. As long as I look more elegant when I do it on the spot, I think that as a gourmet Doctor Xue is able to judge for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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