Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 715 Cooking

Chapter 715 Cooking
When I walked out of this ingredient store, I was already carrying all kinds of ingredients behind me, and at this time I felt that I still needed a good pot and a sharp kitchen knife.

In fact, my concept is different from that of the chef. I always think that new things must be better than old ones, so I always think that if the chef is willing to change to a new and better pot If there are cooking utensils, then the chef's cooking skills must be able to make better food.

But I don't know why, the chef seems to be particularly interested in that pot, so I am also interested, and I didn't choose to speak out what was in my heart.

But when it comes to picking out my own pots, I'm still willing to find some that are good enough.So I went straight to the best pan store here and bought a pan that I thought was still pretty good.

When everything was ready, I started to make the bottom ingredients. Almost all the dishes of the chef had to be prepared by myself, so I had no one to help me at this time, so I had to do it myself.

However, although I have never seen how the chef prepares the base ingredients, the recipe book he gave me is clearly written, so at this time I took a deep breath and started to follow the recipe. Instructions to start making the base material.

And this time when making Tianxin Chicken, I decided to add some of my own understanding to the production method of this Tianxin Chicken, to modify some of the chef's non-standard movements.

In fact, when I looked at the chef's form and momentum, I discovered that this chef also had the background of a warrior before, but for some reason, he didn't cherish it.

This Tianxin chicken may be difficult for those apprentices who have played it. For me, the difficulty of making it is actually not that high. As long as I want to make it, it is actually very easy.

And this time, after adding my understanding to the Tianxin chicken, I couldn't wait to taste it. When the muscle melted from my mouth, I suddenly had a bright feeling.

Because after I modified the production method of Tianxin Chicken, it seems that the taste of this Tianxin Chicken I copied has changed a lot. It is not only much fresher than the previous Tianxin Chicken, but also more delicious. A unique fragrance of rejuvenating grass.

I don't know the name of this fragrance, but when I was eating chicken, I felt that if this kind of chicken couldn't impress Miracle Doctor Xue, then I wonder if anyone around here has really impressed Miracle Doctor Xue. Let Miracle Doctor Xue give his help because of the delicious food.

But no matter what it is, no matter how delicious my dish is, in fact, I am the only one who eats here, so I am not proud that my dish is already rare in the world.

What I need now is a group of people who can really give suggestions to my dishes, so I will make food when I am ready, and then I want to find someone to help me try it.

And this time I not only made this Tianxin Chicken, but also made a fish-flavored shredded pork and a fish soup, because it was the first time I made the latter two, so I didn't change too much of the production method.

And when I took a sip of the fish soup, I also felt that my current cooking level was rising at a terrifying speed, and at this time, I also quickly wrote the words "free trial".

Human is a very strange animal, almost everyone has their own ideas.But many people have a special characteristic, that is, many people like to take advantage of small things.

So not a while after my free tasting sign was posted, some people came one after another, because this is a temporary place I built, so at this time, those who rushed over to try the food have no seats
But because this place is for tasting the noodles, there are really a lot of people here, and more people came over because they saw the gathering here.

"My portion is finished, can I buy it now?" When I was sharing food with others, a man who looked like he was very rich glanced at me and asked curiously.

I could only shake my head regretfully about this, and then said to that person: "I'm very sorry, I only provide samples here, and each person only provides one, and it's a limited supply!"

I'm not a kind person who is willing to give, so I don't want to pretend to be myself here, so for some people who want to receive two copies, I still ruthlessly reject them.

When they choose to eat, I stare closely at their faces, and when I see their expressions suddenly become very happy, I slowly feel relieved.

I think they feel delicious, so they show happy expressions when eating food, so I am very happy at this time.

I am very confident now, because I feel that no one of them is dissatisfied after so many people try it, so I think I can impress Miracle Doctor Xue.

"Can't you sell me a copy? I can pay a lot of money!" When I was packing up, a girl who looked like a lady from a wealthy family walked up to me and looked at me pitifully.

After I cleaned up all the garbage caused by my tasting this time, I looked at the girl and shook my head, and said helplessly: "I don't have any food in my hand, so it's very Sorry, I have nothing to sell you!"

The effect of the trial today was exceptionally good. In the end, there was a long queue here to receive food, but in the end, some people did not receive my food.

I haven't seen this girl before, so if I still have food in my hand, I definitely don't mind giving her a share, but unfortunately, I really don't have food in my hand now.

After the girl left disappointed, I looked at the sky and found that it was already late at night, so I sighed, looked at the wound on my hand, and wanted to find a place to spend the night.

To me, to be honest, my whole heart is still empty up to now, and some things feel unreal.

I found a relatively ordinary inn, and then stayed here. Although the conditions here are not good, it is really close to the ferry. I hope that when the ferry starts to cross people tomorrow morning , I will go directly from here.

I passed the night with anticipation and a little bit of excitement and a little bit of fear, and when I woke up it was broad daylight and I got up quickly and headed to the ferry.

At the ferry, I saw a lot of people crossing the river, and it seems that the boatman only carries one guest every time, so it is still a bit cramped here.

But after waiting for a while, I lined up and got on the boat, and when the boat left the shore, the ferryman looked at me and smiled: "You are looking for Miracle Doctor Xue, right?"

I was stunned when I heard the boatman's words, because I didn't know how the boatman saw it. I looked at the boatman curiously: "How did you know that I was looking for Miracle Doctor Xue? It's because of my hand. wound?"

Now the wounds on my hands have actually healed a lot, and all the swelling and scars have subsided, and they no longer have the thick and fleshy appearance at the beginning, so I think it's just this, in fact, the boatman can't tell that I'm looking for Dr. Xue of.

So at this time, I was really curious how this not-so-smart boatman could tell, because I didn't think anything was revealed by my expression.

At this time, the boatman pouted at me and motioned me to look at the ferry: "These people are actually going to look for Miracle Doctor Xue by boat, and there are hundreds of people looking for Miracle Doctor Xue for various situations every day!"

I also followed the boatman's eyes to look at the ferry, and then gave a wry smile. When I looked over from here, I could see the whole picture of the ferry, and now I think there are at least dozens of people on the ferry. .

"There are so many people going to Miracle Doctor Xue, but sometimes no one succeeds in one day!" Looking at those longing eyes, the boatman sighed at this time, and said to me with some emotion.

To be honest, my scalp was a little numb when I saw so many competitors, so I also faintly felt some competitive pressure at this time.

Because there are really too many of them, and these people really have everyone. When I heard the boatman say that sometimes no one succeeds in a day, I was a little speechless.

Because this is really too exaggerated, those who dare to come here to look for Miracle Doctor Xue should know something about Miracle Xue's temper, so these people must be prepared at this time.

And those people who are prepared sometimes still fail to succeed after a day, so I think the requirements of this genius doctor Xue are really high!
But no matter what, I want to get the prescription that can cure Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi from the hands of Miracle Doctor Xue. When I came out, Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi had fallen into a coma again, even if the doctor looked I still have a lot of confidence to wait for a few days to ensure that these two people will not die, but I don't even know their specific situation now, so I am still very worried.

"I don't think you are very suitable to go to Miracle Doctor Xue, because I feel that your appearance is destined to fail!" At this time, the ferryman looked at me in silence and said.

Maybe it's because this boatman has ferried a lot of people, so he has experience in who can get along with Miracle Doctor Xue and who can't, so he is not very optimistic about me at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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