Chapter 705
Regarding this, because I was not prepared when I came out of the cave, I actually felt much deeper than Nangong Yin, so at this time, I also nodded in agreement: "Indeed, today's wind is indeed very strong of."

Maybe it's because they got enough rest last night, Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi's complexions look much better now, except for the faint flush that can't be completely subsided, I can't see anything abnormal.

At this time, Huangfu Yi's face suddenly turned pale, and he seemed to be suffering. At this time, I hurried to Huangfu Yi's side, and looked at Huangfu Yi with concern: "What's wrong? Do you feel something? Is the place uncomfortable?"

The thing I am most worried about along the way is that some of us have an accident here, because once an accident happens here, not only will all previous efforts be wasted, but also the way back will be very far away.

But when I saw Huangfu Yi's ugly face, I was still very anxious. I am not a doctor, so I have no way to accurately judge why Huangfu Yi became like this at this time.

At this time, Huangfu Yi had a lot of cold sweat on his face because of the excessive pain, and at this time, perhaps because of the severe pain, Huangfu Yi was already clenching his teeth.

Yesterday, Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin had festering wounds. Actually, I knew about it, but I didn’t see any major problems with them, so I didn’t think it was a big problem. After all, the wounds on my body also festered because of being too cold. with.

I think it will be over if you endure it. As long as you get through this place, our group will eventually find that the hardships we have endured are worth it.

But when I was worried about Huangfu Yi, I suddenly found that my breathing was starting to be a little difficult, and at this time, it seemed that Nangong Yin's body also had some serious problems, which was exactly the same as Huangfu Yi.

Looking at this scene, I smiled wryly. If I didn't know the reason, maybe at this time I would put the blame on the food I just ate.

At this time, I basically understood that there must be something wrong with our wound, and it was because of the strong wind today, so the injury broke out very quickly today.

I can clearly feel that some of my frostbitten wounds are festering. I believe that my body is better than Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, so I am also very worried about their physical condition at this time.

So at this time, feeling a little depressed, I glanced at Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin, and said with a wry smile: "I think we have to go back, because we don't know how far the road ahead is, if we rush forward again If not, maybe we will really die here!"

I'm not a person who doesn't know how to be flexible. I think that when we are already facing danger, if we really want to give up, then we must give up and go to Heqing Shazong.

But at this time Huangfu Yi frowned: "My condition is fine, I think we can continue on our way!"

Now that Huangfu Yi can say this, I feel that Huangfu Yi is accommodating me, so at this time I was a little moved and said to Huangfu Yi: "Today I also felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. I believe that after walking for a day Otherwise, you will be worse and I will be worse, then we may really have nowhere to go, and we can only be frozen to death here!"

Looking at Huangfu Yi's expression, I think it is still necessary for me to tell my physical condition, and I believe that if Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin can hold back their pain and observe themselves at this time, they will also Think I'm telling the truth.

It may be because my body is stronger than Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, so the injury broke out later than theirs.

But at this time, I am still wondering what is the problem that makes the three of us look the same, and the symptoms are exactly the same.

When Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin and I had the same injuries, I was actually very confused. To be honest, I really don't know what went wrong that made us like this.

But I understand very well that if three people suffer from the same disease, then there must be some sources of the same symptoms on their bodies.

At this time, the wounds on Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin's bodies were deteriorating very quickly, and the wound on Huangfu Yi's hand was obviously festering at this time. If it continues to be left untreated, Huangfu Yi's life may be in danger.

At this time, I ignored the objections of Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin, and pulled them into the cave, and gave them the medicine in my hand.

But I also know that taking these medicines now has no effect given their injuries, because after I applied this medicine in the cave last night, I didn't see any obvious effect even after a night.

But at this time, I think it is necessary for me to believe that nothing is better than nothing. As long as I have a little bit of good hope for Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, I am actually willing to apply medicine to them like this.

As Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin seemed to be in pain and unable to take care of themselves, I applied medicine to them.

But when I was applying the medicine, I discovered that the wounds on their bodies were actually more serious than mine, so at this time I took a deep breath of the very cold air and said to the two people: "You two yesterday I also have the symptoms that appeared, so it is very likely that tomorrow I will be like you, none of us knows medical skills, so we must go back at this time!"

While Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi were wiping their cold sweat from the pain, I spoke very seriously.

At this time, Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin nodded, as if they agreed with my approach, and after I saw that they all agreed, I took a deep breath and decided to turn around here.

To be honest, if I look back at this place, I am a little unwilling, but I am not a person who does not know how to advance or retreat, and I will not hesitate when I have to retreat.

It's just that at this time, both Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin seemed to be in a mess, losing the ability to walk alone.

And at this time, I felt that I was not very capable of supporting them to walk alone, so I could only support the two of them in the middle, and the two of them supported me with the strength radiated from their bodies.

After leaving the cave, we looked really embarrassed. If someone finds us now, they will definitely think that we are bound to die in this cold place.

Only the few of us who seem to trust each other will feel that if we want to retreat, we must be able to retreat.

At this time, my thought was to go to a doctor as soon as possible to see the injuries of the few of us. I am fine, but the wounds of Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin really festered too fast.

If I don't stop it in time, I can't imagine what the consequences will be.

But even now I am very anxious, and there is no way to do it, because we can only walk a little bit with our own feet here.

Now I am a little lucky that we were not very early when we set off yesterday, otherwise I think it is very likely that we will not be able to get out of this place.

Because the speed of the three of us is really too slow now, much slower than when we came here. If we walked here early yesterday morning, I think if we choose to turn back today, the road must be particularly difficult. .

At this time, I seemed to have accidentally touched a place on Nangong Yin's body where the wound was very festering, so at this time, Nangong Yin's expression was very painful, and when Nangong Yin was in pain, there was a drop of tear coming from Nangong Yin's lacrimal gland burst out.

Looking at Nangong Yin in this state, I quickly said with a wry smile, "I didn't know it was intentional!"

Because our relationship is really good, so I don't need to apologize at this time, and Nangong Yin's eyes don't seem to blame me at this time.

I really feel that the way back is much more difficult than the way when I came here, because my wound is actually getting worse at this time.

In addition, I have to support two people, so my condition is not very good at this time, but I am trying hard to cover up my unbearable pain.

I glanced at Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, and when I saw that they hadn't noticed me, I was actually relieved, because I was really afraid that I would suddenly be discovered by the two of them at this time, and then the two of them A very willful rejection of his own arm.

When the speed of festering wounds on my body was accelerating, I also somewhat understood why Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi had such an expression.

I suppressed my pain with a wry smile, and resisted the urge to shout out, leading Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin to walk down the mountain together.

When I saw the scenery below the mountain, it was already dark at this time, but after seeing that I could go down the mountain after walking for a while, I was actually very excited at this time.

It's like a wolf that has been hungry for a long time in the desert sees a sheep, the feeling is not to mention how kind it is.

Chapter 7 The Disasters of Hot Baths

I think our first task now is actually to find a doctor and ask the doctor to show us, because if we continue like this, those festering wounds will easily attract insects.

And we are already in unbearable pain if we have not been eaten by insects. If it is true that many insects have eaten my festering wounds, just thinking about it, I will tremble with fear body, because that is a terrible thing.

Fortunately, we can find a doctor soon, and I believe that with the help of a doctor, our festering wounds will definitely heal.

In fact, at this time, I feel that my situation with Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi seems to be a little different, because after I left that cold environment, it seems that my body is slowly recovering, while Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin's bodies But did not see any improvement.

Seeing their vegetarian eyelids trying to close, I understand that the two of them have almost reached their limit at this time, and they seem to be about to pass out.

But whenever these two people feel like falling asleep, I will inadvertently poke their wounds to keep them awake.

(End of this chapter)

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