Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 560 New Moves

Chapter 560 New Moves
It was said that it was too late, and then it was too late, Kuang Dao's broad and thick sword swung over in a blink of an eye, causing a gust of wind from the blade. This blade seemed to weigh more than a thousand catties, making it impossible for people to think of any resistance.

As expected of Crazy Saber, this knife is not only strong in strength, but his three-star spiritual power of Dou Huang is transmitted to the big sword, and the spiritual power of Dou Huang caused waves of fluctuations in the surrounding space.

However, as expected, Huangfu Yi's confidence in Nangong Yin was justified. This unavoidable sword was dispelled by Nangong Yin in a way that no one could have imagined.

Nangong Yin's expression remained the same, the long sword in his hand also accumulated spiritual power, but it was concentrated but not sent out, and the sword met the heavy sword lightly.

Everyone thought that what should have happened at this time was that Nangong Yin's long sword was blown away, and then it was aimed at Nangong Yin's body. Some people couldn't help but sighed, even Xiao Xiao, who believed in Huangfu Yi, couldn't help but clenched it tightly. She squeezed her pink fists, and her eyes were fixed on every move on the field.

The moment the long sword touched the broadsword, the trend of the long sword changed. It didn't try to shake the power of that knife, but like a guide, it changed the trend of that knife with spiritual power.

This unexpected scene happened, Crazy Saber slashed on the ground, and after a loud noise, the sky was filled with dust.

"This, can it still be like this?" Many people's eyes lit up, this sword actually made many people have a new epiphany in the way of swordsmanship.

Take advantage!Four or two strokes of a thousand catties, the subtlety of this sword is that it is not a head-on force attack at all, but uses cleverness to change the direction of the move.

Nangong Yin's face was expressionless. It seemed that this sword was nothing more than normal to him. Since he reached the realm of Douhuang, the inheritance of the way of the sword became clearer and clearer, and it would appear in Nangong Yin's mind from time to time. , so that he unconsciously used an extremely exquisite sword move.

Today's younger generation, in terms of swordsmanship alone, there is really no one who can surpass him. This is why Huangfu Yi and I are so reassured about him.

Crazy Knife missed, his face changed, as if he felt insulted, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes, he held the handle of the knife on the ground with both hands, and shouted!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" is another knife, and the power of his knife is far more powerful than the last one.

However, Nangong Yin couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile, and muttered: "Brute force, no brains!"

Sure enough, the knife slammed into the ground again, causing waves of waves.

"What are you talking about? Alright, eat my Blast Eighteen Knives!" Kuang Dao hates people saying that he only has brute force, so he practiced this set of Blast Eighteen Knives.

Gust eighteen knives, as the name suggests, eighteen knives!

Slashing horizontally and chopping vertically, slashing vertically with oblique shots, each knife carries a strong spiritual power, accompanied by the sound of howling wind, the knife weighs more than a thousand catties, and the most terrifying thing is the speed of these eighteen knives!

The wind!It was really like a gust of wind, and it was swung almost crazily. The eighteen knives made people's expressions change in horror.

Nangong Yin was no longer calm. The method he just used was useless against such a speed and strength of the saber technique. In desperation, he suddenly thought of the sword technique in the inheritance, using the point to break the face and the sword style!

All of Nangong Yin's spiritual power was poured into the tip of the sword, and his eyes were slightly closed in the face of such an attack.

Just when everyone thought they had given up resisting, Nangong Yin held the sword in his right hand and lifted it lightly.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, the tip of the sword hit the blade of the big knife, and unexpectedly swung the unstoppable big knife to the side!
Afterwards, successive crisp sounds came out, and there would be such a sound after each knife, and the big knife let out with an unstoppable momentum.

"What kind of weird sword technique is this?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

After eighteen knives, everyone was stunned by Nangong Yin's swordsmanship. Some came here with the mentality of watching the fun, but they didn't expect it to be the right one. This fight was too exciting. For many people who use swords People, this can actually make them take a big step in the way of the sword!

"Why, do you want to continue?" Nangong Yin said with a horizontal sword, pointing at the livid face of the mad knife.

"Hmph, come back, Kuang Dao, we're just sparring, it's normal that you can't beat their manager, we just have to compete with other disciples of the same generation!" The person headed by Li Shanzong said again, as if telling Everyone, our Lishan Sect just came to compete with our disciples, but the Four Seas League shamelessly sent a high-level official here, clearly of a different level.

Nangong Yin came back after winning a game, and all the disciples of the Four Seas League cheered, but Nangong Yin couldn't be allowed to continue fighting. Wouldn't it seem that Nangong Yin was really the only one in the Four Seas League?

"Lishan Zong Fengchi, I hope to learn fighting skills with the disciples of the Four Seas League!" A young man in a strong suit stood up and said.

There were only a few disciples from the Four Seas League who had just arrived at Douhuang, so they had no choice but to stand up and learn.

But to say that this Lishan sect is really powerful, there is no need to question the strength of the mad knife just now, and now there is such a Feng Chi, his speed is as fast as the wind, and the naked eye can't catch him at all.

Situ Haonan of the Four Seas League was holding a long sword at the moment, the protruding veins in his hand and the trembling blade could clearly show his nervousness at this moment.

This is not to blame Situ Haonan, he is already a very talented disciple, but now he has just been promoted to the Dou Huang, and he has not been able to stabilize his realm, so he has to participate in this competition, and once he loses, it will affect the Taoism. His reputation was something he didn't want to see, so knowing that he was invincible, he still bit the bullet and came forward to fight.

"Feng Chi Sword Shadow!" A sharp voice came from all directions, and countless figures suddenly appeared above the space, and it was unknown where Feng Chi's person was, such rapid movement made people dazzled.

"Hey, let him come down, he's no match." Huangfu Yi sighed, pointing at Situ Haonan's figure in the field.

"You Lishan Sect won this time! Our Four Seas Alliance surrendered!" Nangong Yin shook his head and shouted.

But the battle on the field didn't stop as expected, Situ Haonan was stunned when he heard the words, and just felt a numbness in his chest when he was stunned.

A golden eagle claw firmly grasped Situ Haonan's chest, and with a "poof", he forcibly grabbed a piece of bloody flesh. Situ Haonan screamed, his face turned pale immediately, and he broke out in cold sweat. up.

This scene made everyone's faces change. No one thought that such a thing would happen after a good fight.

"What do you mean? Didn't you hear that the Four Seas League has already said to admit defeat? Why do you want to go to war with my Four Seas League?" Nangong Yin asked furiously.

"Oh? Really? I was too fast just now, and I couldn't hear your words clearly. I'm really sorry, but please send some decent young masters from the Four Seas League next time. Don't these people come to death? ?” That Feng Chi said arrogantly, the cold smile on his face didn’t seem to mean accidental injury.

With such a beginning, not long after, most of the younger generation of the Four Seas League were seriously injured, which made Huangfu Yi and Nan Gongyin furious, but there was nothing they could do.

Now everyone can see that this competition is a small one, and these people are obviously coming here with malicious intentions.

"The black and white heroes of the Lishan sect, come here to learn!" Two small young men, one black and one white, stood up, with the same sinister smile on their faces, which made people feel cold when they saw it.

With so many people's encounters, no one from the Four Seas League dared to come to the stage, even though these two people shouted in front of them.

"Why, is there no one in your Four Seas League?"

"Can you start a sect in this way?"

"Our small sect of the Lishan Sect compares you, what qualifications do you have to start a sect?"

These two people began to talk in harmony, and the words in their mouths changed the expressions of everyone present. They not only seriously injured my younger disciples of the Four Seas League, but also humiliated the Four Seas League. It is really unbearable, but the Four Seas On the side of Mengmeng, they could only stare angrily, and no one could step forward to learn from them.

Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi looked at each other, and couldn't help but see the disappointment and sadness in each other's eyes. They had already regarded the Four Seas League as their home, and now they are being bullied like this, it is really unbearable.

"Wu Xie of the Four Seas Alliance, come here to learn!"

"Wu Di of the Four Seas Alliance, come here to learn!"

At this moment, two young voices suddenly came out, especially loud in the empty field, which made everyone's eyes fixed, except for Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi, no one really knew the existence of these two brothers.

These are the two guards of the City Lord's Mansion I rescued back then. Because of their outstanding talents, they joined the Litian Sword Sect and practiced hard for many years, and now they have even reached the realm of Douhuang.

Seeing the two young men in leather armor appearing behind them, the black and white duo of the Lishan Sect couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Who are you? We are here to challenge the disciples of the Four Seas League, you don't want to Mind your own business, or if you get into trouble, don’t blame us for not reminding you.”

"We accepted your challenge on behalf of the Four Seas League, and we openly attacked and hurt people under the competition. Are you worthy of challenging the Four Seas League?" dwarf.

Seeing the appearance of Wu Di and Wu Xie, Nangong Yin and Huangfu Yi had joy in their eyes, and the haze just now was swept away.

In their view, finally someone can stand up for the Four Seas League to avoid today's humiliation.

"Who are they? Brother Nangong, Brother Huangfu, do you all know each other?" the disciples of the Four Seas League saw that they asked, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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