Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 535 Disappointment

Chapter 535 Disappointment
I caught up with Qiuqiu and said to him, "Qiaoqiu, we don't want to go back. I don't know if those people left just now, and Qianqian is still on the opposite mountain. I don't know what happened."

"Well, let's go this way quickly, don't leave us behind in the future, it will make us even more sad!" Qiuqiu turned to the other side and said to me.

I nodded, didn't care, and ran towards Qianqian, the spiritual power in my body was restored to a full state because of Zhu Guo.

"Qianqian! Qianqian!" The shouts of one person and one beast sounded from this side of the rattan cable bridge. I couldn't help being a little disappointed when I returned to the top of the mountain and didn't see Qianqian.

Qiuqiu looked at me and said, "The situation is not good! Did we look in the wrong direction? Although no one can ski over this cliff, it is possible to find another way."

How come I don't know!It's just that we don't know where Qianqian is, so we can only take a step to see.

I knew there was no way to find this way, so I looked at the dense forest in the distance and said, "Qiaoqiu, let's stop shouting and go deep into the woods. I felt something was wrong along the way, the middle-aged man and us Said, our arrival will bring them kill, but we did not see them!"

Qiuqiu was also a little puzzled, so he nodded immediately, blinked his big eyes, and followed me into the bushes.

From the outside, it seems that the woods are no different from the woods we have seen before, but when we enter, we find that this woods is definitely different from what we have seen before. After walking in for a while, we can hardly see our fingers, and the surroundings are also Very quiet.

I pulled out the Hanxing sword, and under the faint light of the sword light, I walked forward step by step. The terrain seemed to be getting lower and lower, as if I had entered a valley.

Not long after, I found pairs of green eyes on both sides of the woods, looking at us, that kind of green seemed to have a kind of chill, which made people shudder.

Qiuqiu also found out, and whispered to me: "The situation is not good, let's go! Don't worry about it, let's talk about it after passing through this forest!"

I also think what Qiuqiu said is very reasonable. Before the eyes on both sides came over, we quickened our pace, but it took only a quarter of an hour to get out of the woods.

What catches our eyes is a valley, an endless valley, which seems to have a slightly upward angle, which makes us very strange. When we came here, we went all the way down, but now we go all the way up, as if It's like going up some mountain.

I knew that this was the opposite side of the vine cable bridge, and it was also a lonely mountain range. As the saying goes, if you come, you will be safe, so I walked forward with Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu and I continued to walk forward, and some eyes appeared on both sides, this time they were bigger than the green eyes in front, and they looked more scary, but at this time, I saw the light, and I found that they were some wild boars Something like that, it looks like they are going to attack us.

I was about to run away with the ball, when there was a howling sound from inside.

I was shocked when I heard this howling sound. When I fell off the cliff, this kind of howling sound came from above. It didn't seem to be a human cry, nor was it the howling made by those masters of the Douhuang realm. The cry is the sound in front of me.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man came out, followed by another middle-aged woman, all in white clothes, with protruding eyes, which looked a little scary, but the clothes on her body were very good.

The middle-aged man was the one we met in front of me. He looked at me and said, "Xiaolong, I didn't expect you to be alive. Come with me!"

I was also taken aback, the attitude of this middle-aged man seemed to have changed a bit, it was not the same as when we saw it, and he also knew that my name was Xiaolong, which was also a bit strange.

I quickly asked, "Where are we going? Have you seen Qianqian?"

The middle-aged man didn't look back, but nodded, but the middle-aged woman with protruding eyes kept looking at me, maybe she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at Qiuqiu, but I couldn't tell the difference.

Qiuqiu seemed to have a feeling for the middle-aged woman, and followed the two of them straight into the depths of the mountain.

We saw a lot of monsters along the way, some monkeys and cheetah-like things walked inside, and finally pythons, elephants and tigers, and some flying things went inside, which seemed to have two heads.

It feels like this road is very far away, but not much time has passed. Those monsters also watched us walking all the way, and did not dare to attack.

The middle-aged man took us straight to a cave at the foot of the mountain and led us in.

The cave was originally very dark, but there was something glowing on the wall, very bright, it didn't look like a lamp, it was like fluorescent light, and I didn't know what it was.

However, I soon saw Qianqian in yellow clothes lying on a stone bed, and immediately let out an exclamation and ran over quickly.

I saw some scars on Qianqian's body, the clothes were scratched, but those scars were healed, and her chest was still rising and falling slightly, so I knew that Qianqian was still alive.

Only then did I quickly ask: "You guys saved Qianqian?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "It is true that we saved her. Her injuries are also very serious. She has just been treated by us and she has recovered a little bit. You must be very surprised. Why did we save Qianqian? Want to know where this is, right?"

"Yes!" I also nodded immediately: "I still want to thank you, I hope you can tell me."

Then the middle-aged man said: "This is Kongza Mountain. There are two treasures here, Zhuguo Lingjue and Psychic Beast. It is also the only place in the Central Territory that has Psychic Beast except for the Holy Beast Mountain. The world is isolated, you must have seen the scene along the way!"

I nodded hurriedly: "I know, I only know now, but how did you save Qianqian?"

Then the middle-aged man said: "We are watching you, but it is too late to rescue you, we can only save Qianqian!"

I was even more surprised: "You guys have been watching? So Qianqian hasn't left either?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Qianqian hasn't left!"

The middle-aged man told me at this time.

That night, after the middle-aged man discovered Qiuqiu, he followed us all the time, trying to snatch it away, but later found that another expert came, so he didn't do anything. Only then did he stare secretly, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Then something happened. After those people appeared, they chased us and came straight to the rattan bridge.

At that time, the middle-aged people were terrified. As long as those people cross the rattan rope bridge, they will definitely bring endless slaughter to Kongzai Mountain. I wanted to destroy the rattan rope bridge, but I was worried that Qiuqiu would die with me. Wait and wait.

I didn't expect that when we came here, I tricked Qianqian to cross the bridge, and then destroyed the rattan cable bridge. At that time, the middle-aged man was very puzzled by my actions.

It was only later that I learned that I cut my own life to save Qianqian.

But at that time, many masters of the Douhuang realm had already come, and even if the middle-aged man wanted to rescue me, he might not be able to do it.

It wasn't until the Douhuang five-star level shot, Qiuqiu wanted to save me, and I risked my life to use the spirit art to save Qiuqiu, that the middle-aged man was shocked.

A group of masters have come here in the past, and they crossed the vine rope bridge unintentionally, slaughtered the monsters here, and finally left here after killing a lot. Everyone thinks that people are the most hateful.

Seeing that I risked my life to save Qiuqiu, the middle-aged man wanted to go to save me, but by then I had already jumped off the cliff and it was too late.

Qianqian has been staring at the actions over there, because it is relatively dark here, Qianqian can see my every move over there, but I can't see the situation here.

Seeing that Qiuqiu and I jumped off, Qianqian also closed her eyes, jumped up and followed me down the cliff.

The middle-aged man knew that I cut down the rattan cable bridge just for Qianqian, and he couldn't just watch Qianqian die, so he jumped down with a long roar and saved Qianqian.

But Qiuqiu and I have disappeared. Even if we go down, rescue will be too late.

What's more, Qianqian was scratched by the branches when she fell down, her body was covered with scars, and she was dying, so she could only bring Qianqian here quickly, and use animal saliva to treat Qianqian's injuries, there is no danger now , that is, he lost too much blood, and he had to rest for a while to recover.

After the middle-aged man told me about this energy, he said: "When you jumped down, I also saw you throwing the ball with all your strength, trying to throw the ball to the opposite side. At that time, my My heart trembled even more! That scene made me believe that there is a bond between humans and beasts, and they can be together."

After I heard it, my heart trembled. After I calmed down, I said: "There is a bond between humans and beasts, but I don't understand. Why do you want to take back the ball? The ball belongs to me." ah?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly: "Qiaoqiu may belong to you now, but it turns out that Qiuqiu does not belong to you, it belongs to Kongzashan! And it belongs to our husband and wife!"

I was taken aback: "Is this raised by you?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly again, but this time he didn't answer me, but looked back at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman also made a sound similar to howling, and her body immediately floated up, turning into a white ball in the air, a snow-white ball, exactly the same as a ball!
And the middle-aged man in front of me also floated up and turned into a gray-white ball.

(End of this chapter)

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