Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 513 Human Broth

Chapter 513 Human Broth

After hearing what he said, I temporarily relaxed. Fortunately, he was willing to tell Xiao Xue's whereabouts, otherwise I was really afraid that I would never see her again in this lifetime.

Come on, don't dawdle, what are you dawdling about?I was suddenly a little unhappy.

The innkeeper then walked forward, stopped when he came to a gate, and then said to me, this is the gate to enter, you push him away, I gave Xiao Yan a wink, let him push Open, Xiao Long kicked the door open, only to find that there is a secret passage inside.

I pressed the boss and walked in.

When I walked into the secret room, I discovered that there was a large pot in the middle of the secret room, and there was boiling hot water in the pot.

Xiao Yan walked over, and suddenly he yelled, maybe there is a human arm inside.

My heart skipped a beat, could it be that Xiao Xue was killed?
I increased the strength in my hand, and the innkeeper screamed again in pain. I asked again, where is the news?He pointed to the place next to him, and said, he was there, I walked over immediately, opened that, the cabinet, and found Xiao Xue inside!His hands and feet were bound with ropes, his mouth and nose were covered, and he was unable to speak at all.

After seeing me coming, his eyes were full of anticipation, I walked over and untied her.

She suddenly hugged me tightly and said, fortunately you are here!If you don't come again, I will be thrown into this pot and boiled!I looked around and found that there was a very, rotten smell inside.

I see what the boss wants me to do here?Why is there such a place.

He saw it, and I let him know. It's a long story, because my child is sick, so I'm going to cook some meat for her.

What did you say?Do you know that you are doing something unscrupulous?I kicked the pot, and immediately the water in it started to flow out.

But the boss seemed to be frightened out of his soul, and immediately ran over to the pot. He held the tilted pot with his hands to prevent the water inside from flowing out.

Hey, don't you waste it, this is the soup I cooked all day and all night, and I'm going to eat it for my children.

The eyebrows are tightly frowned, you must boil human broth, your child will not be well after eating it.

He was not happy when he heard my words, shut your crow's mouth, my child recovered soon after eating these, I have prepared a lot of ingredients for him, I believe it will recover in a month It's the same as before.

I said no, I wrinkled it tightly, took out a long sword, and cut it off at once. The rope hanging from the pot immediately fell to the ground, and all the soup inside was spilled. all over the place.

After seeing this, he almost went crazy. He frantically collected the soup on the ground, but it was useless. If there is a destiny where he is, I can help you cure him. After he listened to my words Immediately said, he is inside, you go and see him.

Xiao Yan gave me a wink, signaling for me to be careful, and I went back immediately. When I walked into the room, I suddenly found a very small baby lying on the bed, probably only a few months old. .

And there was a bowl of soup next to him. I saw that it was hot, but I wanted to vomit. I knew what it was made of.

I walked over and immediately poured out the bowl of soup.

The baby seemed to hear my footsteps, and immediately started crying, which I found very annoying.

Because the cries were mixed with the cry of a fox.

I took a closer look and found out that this little baby has a pair of fox eyes.

After seeing this, I couldn't help but ask, what's going on?Boss, is this your son?

The boss immediately ran over and said, this is my son, but he is sick and makes cat-like noises every day.

I frowned and said, have you killed something before?
He glanced at me and asked, what do you mean by that.

I'm afraid someone has come to seek revenge, and that's why your child has a strange disease!

He immediately looked at me in shock, but he still hesitated to speak.

Now that you can see it, tell me how to cure this child.

I thought about it for a while, it is actually not difficult to treat him, it just depends on your sincerity.

I really want to cure him very much, no matter what the price is, I can do it.

I glanced at him and double-checked, is what you said true?You pay any price, he looked at me and said, of course, I really pay any price, for this child, I searched all kinds of medicine workshops, but nothing worked.

How about this, you take this child there tomorrow and go to the mountain, there is a temple in the mountain, you go to pray, maybe your child will be fine, after he heard what I said, he said in disbelief , It's as simple as that, how is it possible, if it's really that simple, then why am I putting so much effort?I smiled and said, some things are difficult when you look at them, but they can be solved in a very simple way. Anyway, just try it, and there will be no loss.

He seemed to have a hard time making a decision, so he said yes, I will try it tomorrow.

The next day, the boss took the child to the nearby Earth Temple. When he knelt down on the Earth Temple, the Earth Temple suddenly collapsed.

She ran to me angrily and said, what do you mean?My child was almost crushed to death.

After listening to her narration, I said, it seems that this earth temple is too small to accommodate your children at all, so why not, you go to find a bigger temple.

My words began to be dubious and said, what if the temple collapses again this time?I thought about it, and it's impossible to say, if he comes down, it means that your child is basically not a human being.

What does not human mean?What is he then?I thought for a while and said, it was the god who could not afford to enshrine him because the temple was too small.

After seeing my words, he said, how can an impossible child be a human being and be a god?I raised the corner of my mouth and smiled, which means that there will always be a temple that can enshrine him, so don't worry, just find a suitable temple.

After he listened to my words, although he had some doubts in his heart, he still followed suit.

Soon he found me again, but this time he said he came to me with a smile on his face. When he saw me, he said, thank you, if you didn't help me with this method, my child would not be well now .

I frowned and said, your child is already healed, so should you go and compensate those who were hurt by you?

He saw me and said what do you mean?I snorted coldly, my meaning was very clear, didn't you kill someone before?I think, since you hurt someone, you'd better report to the government yourself.

He took one look at me, then at his son, and said, ok, I'm going!But my child is only taken care of by myself, if I go, no one will take care of it for me.

What he said really surprised me, the child's mother.

This child's life is miserable. After they were born, they left here, so I brought him up all by myself. Later, when the child fell ill, I tried every means to seek medical advice for him, but there was no one. I thought, all I got were some rotten medicine prescriptions, which were useless at all, so later I heard someone say a folk prescription, which is to drink human broth, but those of me are not alive but dead, just buried No, just dug them out.

After hearing his words, I was very surprised, it's impossible, if you use dead people, then why would you kidnap Xiao Xue.

He glanced at me, and then he said first, that day was the first time I wanted to experiment with a living person, so I tied him here, but I didn't expect that you would find me later, and my arm was still taken by you. If it is scrapped, this arm will be completely useless, leaving only one hand.

I looked at his arm and it was indeed useless.

He looked up at me and said, strong man!I have something to ask you, this time I went to the kiln to report the crime, and I took the initiative to admit my mistake, saying that I stole those corpses, but in this way, no one will take my children with me.Can you help me take care of her for a while.

I was in a dilemma when I heard this. I can help others take care of people in the city, but I really can't take care of children.

He immediately knelt down in front of me and said, please!If I leave, my child will die if there is no one to take care of him. You said that I spent so much to feed him, and finally he died. Wouldn’t it be worth the loss for me?

After listening to his words, he frowned tightly and said, how about it, since you like your child so much, then you can stay.However, you still have to go to the yamen and tell them the crimes you have committed. If they are reasonable, they will agree with you to stay and take care of this child.

Xiaoxiao walked over and said forget it, anyway, I will forgive you when I didn’t say anything, but in the future you hope to kidnap others here, this kind of human broth must be a lie, and it won’t have any effect.

The boss heard Xiao Xue's words and said, thank you girl, I was really sorry for everything I did at that time, but I really had no choice but to let my child survive.

Xiao Xue glanced at me and said, let's leave here, we are going to find another inn to live in.

The three of me, Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan, came out of this inn. After seeing us, the people on the street looked sideways and thought we were very strange. I looked at them and said, you don’t need to look, the boss is normal , he is just a child with some problems, but now they have been resolved.

Suddenly an old woman came over and said, isn't this inn particularly virtuous?Why did I feel dizzy after seeing you last time?

I don't know how to explain it, anyway, these things have passed, since the past things, there is no need to mention them again.

Auntie, I think you must have been unwell at the time, which is why this problem occurred. In fact, this has nothing to do with this inn. If you are unwell, you will feel dizzy everywhere, right?So don't blame this inn.

He thought about it after hearing what I said, and it made sense to me, so he left.

When I passed the section chief this morning, I found that it was closed, and neither the boss nor the child had disappeared.

This is a group of people standing at the entrance of the examination room, and they were all discussing. I saw them and walked over and asked what was going on.

You don't know yet, the owner and children of this inn all died last night.

After hearing what he said, I couldn't believe it, because I was talking to this boss last night, and their child just ate something good, how could he die.

Are you lying?Impossible, I retorted immediately.

Someone glanced at me and said, are you from another place?You must not understand the situation. The owner of this inn had sex with his wife a few days ago, and his child became seriously ill afterwards.

What he said surprised me very much, because I didn't expect that the innkeeper actually lied to me.

How did you know he killed his wife?I am very puzzled.

This is no secret to us, everyone knows that after hearing that he killed his wife, he made soup, hey!I heard that the scene was very tragic, but we did not see it on the spot.

I can't believe this happened!I suddenly wondered if the pot of soup I saw last night was actually made by his wife.

Forget it, let their family die, we don't have to talk about these things anymore, anyway, we feel uncomfortable when we talk about it, and several people dispersed one after another.

When walking forward from here, I feel that the discomfort at those times may be because I was deceived!I always felt that the innkeeper had already changed his ways, but I didn't expect that he lied to me from the beginning.

And when walking forward, Xiao Xue suddenly shouted, look, that's the innkeeper, I followed the direction of his finger, and found a man in coarse clothes and a bamboo hat, holding a baby in his arms.

After seeing this, I grasped the past and found out that he is really the innkeeper. I said this, why do people say you are dead?But the boss also told the truth after seeing me. It seemed that he didn't expect us to meet again. The strong man told the truth, I don't want to open the inn anymore, so I can only declare to the outside world that my child and I are dead, but in fact I I want to remain anonymous and live another life.

I would not pick up his car, and I began to express my doubts in my heart, whether the wife you reported before was killed.

After hearing what I said, he just smiled and said, it was all rumors, I did not kill my wife, it was just that when my wife gave birth to the child, she had a serious illness, but she recovered later.

After hearing what he said, I was even more puzzled. Didn't you say you were going to die last night?Why are you saying he's alive now?

This is also a helpless move for me, who made us all start to speculate about my family affairs one after another?I can only say that I am dead, so that they can no longer go, and the family is short.

He pointed to the door of the inn and said, you saw the news that I just released that I was dead, those aunts were standing there talking non-stop, I hate this kind of life very much, so I decided to change my name, but I will Those who still live here will not let others recognize me!
After hearing his explanation, I was also relieved, fortunately it ended like this
He looked at me, and then said with a smile, in this case, I will take you to a place, and you will know my living conditions when you arrive, and then he smiled and followed him and walked forward to a farm house, a mansion There is a peach blossom in front, and there is a stream behind the house.

When I was wondering, I suddenly came out of the house. After seeing us one by one, the women smiled and said, I know it was the three of you who saved my child's life.

Get up and do it, I'm ready, the food is waiting for you to eat.

As I often say, we are just passing by here, and we still have to hurry.After saying goodbye to their family, the three of us started looking for a new place.

I walked in the front, Xiao Xue rushed over and stood by my side, I glanced at her, then said with a smile, "Why did you come to my side on your own initiative when the sun came out from the south. "

She said with a smile, "I'm a little alienated from you these days, you won't bear a grudge against me, will you?"

I smiled in my heart, but my face was still calm, "I never hold grudges, but once I start to hold grudges, I will remember them forever."

After hearing my words, she snorted coldly. "Then you will remember it forever."

(End of this chapter)

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