Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 404 Angry

Chapter 404 Angry
Xiao Xue frowned, it's nothing, anyway, you won't miss us after going out for such a long time, why should we miss you?After hearing what he said, I finally realized why he wanted me to go out for too long, but he didn't know what I had experienced during this period. In fact, I have been working hard when I was outside. Wanting to bring those people back is the idea that has always supported me.

But seeing Xiaoxiao getting angry, I still want to coax her, and said here, you accept it, I bought it specially for you, it is worth a lot of money, I don’t have a word on me now, all Bought this for you.

Xiao Xue, this is the real thing, took out the Ye Mingzhu, after he took a look at it, he threw it in his cabinet casually, I really felt a little distressed when I saw this, why did he treat my Ye Mingzhu like this? .

After working hard for the past few days, I just lay on the bed and slept until the next morning.

When I woke up, I went to play with the smell of rice, which reminded me of the past.

After I walked out of the room, I found that the next door was very lively, talking and laughing, and then I went into that room, only to find that the table was already full of food for him, and Xiao Xue didn't know when she saw me coming, come and eat Ah, I'm just waiting for you. I sat on a seat, and Xiao Xue served me another bowl of porridge, and then I started to eat. Seeing the sumptuous meal, I was very moved, I haven't eaten for a long time Had a meal like this.Xiao Xuejiao smashed a spare rib into my bowl, and said, I must have been tired outside these few days, so you should eat more.

I looked at him flattered, as if I couldn't believe that he had such a good attitude towards me again.

I frowned twice, I don't know why he changed so much overnight.I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before, I don't know, you are going to save people, I think you are very brave, Xiao Long, I offer you a toast, after Xiao Xue finished speaking, she picked up a glass of wine and drank it. Only then did he realize that he knew the truth, but why did he know these things?I never told him about it.At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, and then a lot of people came in quickly. I looked, and those people were all rescued by me. They were holding various things in their hands and came to give them to me. Said, thank you, savior.

This scene moved me very much. I asked all the villagers to eat, but they just put down some things and left.The owner of the inn sent a jug of good wine and said, brother, I’m sorry, I did something wrong before, and I’m here to apologize to you. This time our family can be reunited, all because of you, he After saying that, she even knelt down for me, so I hurried forward to help her, and stood up. This time, she was able to go smoothly, and when she came back, your credit is not small. You can completely make up for the measures you took before. After thinking about it, he said.Good brother, if you have any difficulties in the future, tell me, and I will definitely come to help.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Seeing his leaving back, I was very moved.Sky began to shout loudly around the table, brother Xiao Long is a great hero.I quickly hugged her up, and then said to him, don't say that, I am very humble, and I am very low-key.

After hearing my words, Xiao Xue laughed.

He was right, he was really low-key.Sky, you don't want to be so high-profile in the future.

I glanced at Xiao Xue, dissatisfied with his teasing.I don't know why he made fun of me, so I said next time when I am saving people, I will definitely take you with me and make you a great hero!As if listening to me, but frowning, I don't want to be a hero!I just want to be an ordinary little girl. I have food and money to spend every day, and I am very satisfied living a small life. Auntie, is this the Xiao Xue I know?In the past, Xiao Xue only wanted to learn martial arts every day, but now he seems to be like a little girl. When you think of this, my heart is itchy.

Anyway, I think Xiao Xue is pretty. No matter how many women I have met, I still think she is the most beautiful. Xiao Xue asked me to post again, so I said, what are you thinking?Why don't you eat?Am I not good at cooking?I shook my head, the food I made forever was so delicious, so I was reminiscing about it, Xiao Xue said that this is good, then if I like to eat, how about I cook it for you every day from now on?After what she said to him, I immediately understood, it turned out that he was, forget about the past, okay, but I was afraid that some people's words would not count.Xiao Xue asked me with her hips akimbo, and I promise that I will mean what I say in the future.Cangtou also ran over and said, I will testify for Brother Xiao Long!If elder sister Xiao Xue is bullying her, just make him for me, two days of delicious food, I'll play him as this kid, what is that, and be a witness?But Xiao Xue doted on her very much, Cang Qiong, he hugged her and said, hahaha, just listen to you, if I regret it, I will do as you say!

During the meal, Xiao Yan always had a smile on his face. Seeing the three of us frolicking, he must be very happy in his heart, but he has never been good at expressing the feelings between him and me. Like, like brothers, we rarely talk, but if we encounter difficulties, we will be the first to help each other.While eating, Xiao Yan suddenly took out a book and pushed it in front of me and said, this is a gift for you!After listening to her words, I felt a little flustered. It is really rare that he gave me a gift. I have been with him for so long, but I have never received a gift from him. But now, I read that book, and suddenly felt that this book is very old, but the most interesting.portion.After I opened it, I realized that this book was actually the martial arts cheat book I was looking for!Xiao Yan, how did you find these?I'm a little emotional and have scars. Seeing that you have never seen the world, do you think you are the only one in this world who wants to find this book?I desire it more than you do, so I found it for you.

I looked at every word in this book as if I had found a treasure. Before, my master said that I was the most suitable for practicing the martial arts in this book, but I couldn’t find it after searching for a long time. Now I finally found it, but here is Anyone who finds it will keep it for himself, the martial arts masterpiece in the world, Xiaoye actually gave it to me!I really don’t know how to report this affection, I can only silently think in my heart that I want to be a good brother with him forever, Xiao Yan, thank you for helping me, this is the martial arts in this book, we can be two people We practiced together, so we can also learn from each other when the time comes, right?

So after listening to my words, he smiled meaningfully, I have already seen it at this time, ah, I was very surprised by his speed, then Xiao Yan continued, but the above martial arts are not suitable at all its me!I found that I should make my own, the speed of the above martial arts is too fast, I still like to practice those slow ones, because my comprehension is not strong, not as smart as you.I was a little embarrassed when he said that about me. I didn't expect my folks to come, but what I got was so many compliments.

I suddenly wanted to hug, this kind of emotion was something I had never had before, I stood up and walked over, hugged Xiao Yan from behind, but supper was special, disgusting.Pushing me with my hand, I know that for a martial arts practitioner, this is a kind of defense, maybe he is used to it!

I thought about it and said, you have gone crazy now, and you will do the same trick to me.

Only then did Xiao Yan come to his senses, and then apologized embarrassingly, I didn't target you, it's just me, I'm afraid I can't change my habitual movements!It suddenly occurred to me that Xiao Yan was very old, and now he has reached the age of marriage, but he is still alone, so I wanted to help him find a partner, but where should I find him? Where's the girl?I've been with him for so long, I still don't know what kind of woman he likes?After eating, I put this problem on the agenda.

I glanced at Xiao Yan, and then asked.Brother, you can put more than 20, don't you want to be so lonely forever?Xiao Yan looked embarrassed, as if he didn't expect that I would ask such a question.Xiao Long, you also know that I am naturally dull and can't speak, and those girls won't like me.

After hearing such words, I really smiled. Although this Xiao Yan is a piece of wood, he has a kind heart.If any girl could marry him, it would be considered a good relationship.

Leave this matter to me, I will help you find a beautiful and virtuous girl, I thought about it and said.Xiao Yan nodded, it seems that he also had this problem very early, so he said okay, okay, let you solve me quickly.

But Xiao Xue, who was sitting on the side at the moment, gave me a strange look. If he had been pinched, I would have turned my face away and saw his angry eyes. What's wrong?Xiao Xue, don't you want our elder brother to leave the order?who went?Snort, big brother, even if you want to get out of the singles, you still need to find someone you like by yourself, so what's the matter with you helping him?I don't think you want to help big brother, you just want to take the opportunity to moles girls.

I have never had such thoughts, I sincerely want to help Xiao Yan, but why did Xiao Xue say this about me?I thought about it, and then said, how about this, how about the two of us being matchmakers together and helping the elder brother find girls together, what do you think?

After hearing my proposal, he felt very reliable.

So he said, is this okay?After all, I'm a girl, so I can help you pick one too.

Seeing the smile on Xiao Xue's face, I finally understood, her small thoughts, this is such a small thought, but it looks very cute.

I picked up a glass of wine on the table and drank it. It was sent by the innkeeper. I have to say that this wine has been played underground for at least ten years. It is a good wine. It seems that the innkeeper has put His family property was taken out.

We were drinking late, and I was drunk, not drunk in a long time.I looked at the people around me, and I was suddenly moved. I felt that I had done so much, and it was really worth it.

"Xiao Long, what are you in a daze for?" Suddenly a cry came to my ears, I turned my face away, but saw a group of people rushing in front of me, they were wearing armor and battle robes,
I woke up instantly.

"Who are you and why did you break into my house?" I stood up and looked at these people in disgust.

"Hehe, we're just here to compete with you, don't you disagree?"

I frowned, there is no problem with the martial arts competition, but the question is why did they come now.

Why destroy this atmosphere, you must know that this situation is really rare.

Immediately, I became extremely angry. I really couldn't bear it, and I didn't want to bear it any longer.

"Hmph, today I'm going to let you all know how powerful I am." I picked up my weapon and made a desperate posture.I rushed to the door and looked at the group of demons in front of me.Said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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