Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 396 Special Species

Chapter 396 Special Species
So the two of us worked from dawn to dusk for these centipedes, but I don't know why these innocent people always die in batches.We didn't earn a penny, and then those people came again, and they told me that these centipedes are a special species, bloodthirsty, and centipedes need to suck human blood to grow up.In order to get paid, my wife and I used our own blood to feed every day. At first, we just mixed two, and then we got two pieces of silver. I did not have these two pieces of silver to renovate the house.

Later, we wanted to get more and more, so we adopted more and more centipedes, but the two of us had faith after all, so we couldn't raise those centipedes.Later, I tried again to obtain the blood of these livestock, but all of the five centimeters of double transfused blood died after that. I have known this since then, and we do not eat other blood at all.

In order to get more candidates, we had to open this inn and feed those centipedes with the blood of the guests.At first we thought.As long as the centipede sucked a little blood, it would be fine, but later I found out that these centipedes are poisonous, and all the guests who were bitten died, so I had to bury them all in the backyard.

After listening to this, I really can't listen anymore. This boss is simply insane. For a little profit, he can sacrifice so many people's lives. Do you know what unreasonable things I did? The face is here?The boss begged for mercy, "It's not that I know that I did something wrong, but there are many things that I stepped into step by step like this, and I can never turn back.

At the beginning, we still gave some remuneration to the guests.The blood of centipedes is also voluntarily donated, but later I felt that donation was too troublesome, so I let those centipedes.

Go, there are guest veins.Hey, now that I think about it, I really regret it. If I hadn’t made this wrong decision at the beginning, I wouldn’t have developed to this point now. After those martial arts and the effect of raising people, I would never drink that kind of bagged food again. The blood is gone, in order to ensure the survival of the centipede, I can only use this method to continue.You said that I have raised so much that it is not enough, not enough for me to give up. Isn't it true that all the previous efforts were in vain?You black-hearted boss, do you know how many lives have been killed by these innocences!

Could it be that I wouldn’t have nightmares? I was very angry and said angrily, don’t talk about nightmares, I often have them. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in the past few years. The local government burns paper money for those who died, begging for her forgiveness, and sending it out until the days pass. I see, I just met you today.I didn't vote, so I picked two, and then asked, what are you going to do after that?Let's continue to open, if this inn is me, I will close it now.

The boss looked at me helplessly, miss, do you think we have ever thought of this before?It happened many years ago. At that time, I decided to close this inn and start a new life. Anyway, I figured it out. It doesn’t matter if I’m poor, but at least I’m living comfortably!

Since I raised these martial arts, I have been worried all day long, for fear that they will die, and I am really afraid of others, who come to report me, and I will be arrested by the government, but those people who gave away centipedes took my Wife and my daughter, they said that if I don't raise centipedes, they will throw my wife and daughter over to feed innocent people. I can't bear it, so I can only keep raising centipedes, and I alone People and my son, the blood is even more limited.That's why I had no choice but to think of a way to make those who stayed in the store die anyway, so that the blood can satisfy these blood centipedes.

Xiao Xue stood up, she has always been the most incapable of seeing such things.

Hello, are you a murderer?In my opinion, he should be beaten to death with random sticks, okay.Boss, I can only sigh and say, I know I did wrong, but I made a wrong step, and now I can't turn back, if you want to kill us, that's fine, don't hurt my son in this matter .After much deliberation, I decided to help him, because this store, opened here, must have hurt many people.If the damage continues, it won't be long before this area will become a piece of ruins, because these centipedes suck blood very badly, a person's blood.

That's enough food for a centipede for two days.I turned to the boss and asked him, what are these centipedes used for when they grow up?I don't know about this, they took them all away. As for what they did, I really don't understand.Okay, then take me to see him, and I will help you get your family back!

Chevalier, if you really ruined my wife and my children, then I will just do it and repay you.Xiao Xue walked in front of me, and said a little dissatisfied, why should I save this big villain, let him die!I knew what he said was just angry words, so I said to Xiao Xue, if I don't save her, but I will only have more and more people die in this store, I also think, is this appropriate?Even if she is a pure and kind girl, she just gets a little impatient sometimes. In this way, I agree with you to save people. You have to be careful about this matter, and you will be plotted against by others.After finishing speaking, he was still angry and gave the boss a blank look. Now whether it is beating or scolding, the boss can only bear it. Girl, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that caused you trouble.How does the daughter usually connect?

I asked them. Usually they will come to collect the centipedes. Every month on the night of the full moon, they will come over once and say that they are not afraid of your jokes. I haven’t seen what they look like until now. What do you say? possible?If not regular street?How could I have never seen what they looked like.

You said that, you just want to lie to me, I frowned, I hate cheating the most now, if the boss lied to me now, I can tear him into pieces right now, what I said is true , whoever comes for them wears a veil.I asked them to stand on the ground before, but they said it was their custom. If they stood on the ground, it would be considered disrespectful to God and would be beheaded, so I didn’t go back and forth. Let them burn under the station.

Anyway, they paid me on time.It doesn't matter what they look like.Some things come to my mind. People who like to wear veils are not Persians. Are you used to it?

In other words, these people may be Persian.One more day will be the night of the full moon, as long as, wait until this day, everything can be determined.The next day the boss entertained us with good wine and good food, but none of the three of us touched our chopsticks, because I dare not eat, ah, if there is poison in this dish, we will die, and the boss eats it alone Zheng Huan, said that I haven’t had such a happy meal in a long time. I used to color, and my son and I are two. Now we are sitting together with five people. I think it’s very lively. Although you don’t know it’s okay, I After eating by himself, he quickly ate in big mouthfuls. He ate half of the food on the table.

But the three of us still refused to eat. Anyway, for us, survival is more important than starvation.We would not eat these things even if we were hungry. Maybe these bosses are doing something in it?When the night of the full moon came, a carriage came to the door of the cough. The front carriage was black, and even the flattery was black. Everything seemed to blend into the night. If you don’t look carefully, you just observe No, and the two men who came down from the carriage were also wearing black robes, and her face was covered with a black veil.Only two eyes and eyebrows are exposed. After seeing this, I feel familiar with this kind of dress. I haven't seen it before, and that is the princess of Persia.After watching these two men, I have probably been able to confirm that these people are Persians, but why they want these poisonous centipedes, this is what I want to figure out.When the owner of the inn saw them coming, he ushered them in and closed the doors behind them.

The innkeeper immediately became respectful when he saw the people coming, and said, ten centipedes have grown up, can you take them away now?After hearing this number, the two of them seemed dissatisfied, so they both frowned and said, how did they know that they had agreed on a hundred last time?How do you do things?course!The boss hurriedly nodded and bowed his head and said, recently, there are fewer people coming to make an appointment!Therefore, no one came to feed the centipede.How about this, let's have a big meal tonight, how about arresting newcomers?Just feed these centipedes.

After the innkeeper heard this, he hurriedly waved his hands and said, this is so reluctant!The people around here are all from the nearby villages. If I arrest them, wouldn't I feel sorry for their families?Don't be so long-winded, you can do whatever you want. Do you still want to make you wait? My wife and daughter are alive and well. If you dare to disobey us, we will go back and kill them tonight.When he heard this, the boss didn't dare to say anything. He knew that what these two people said was true, so sometimes he said, well, let's go out together tonight.I hid behind the house and heard their conversation clearly, but I was secretly cursing in my heart, these beasts are really not human!

The salesman stood up, her face flushed red, it could be seen that she was really in a bad mood right now.The arm asked him, what are you doing?
(End of this chapter)

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