Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 394 Casino

Chapter 394 Casino
Little brother, then as you said, all the gambling money this morning will not be counted, and I will pay for it.After hearing this, everyone in the casino was immediately happy, because it meant that no one lost money this morning, only someone won.I watched the casino boss leave with a dark face, and I immediately became happy in my heart. I just thought of a way to punish him, because he usually made too much money from old black money, and it was right to pay a little like this. Yes, after walking out of the casino.

We were being followed, but I didn't know it!

I passed a place that sells flowers, but I hid far away, because I got into huge trouble because of buying flowers before, and now for me, I have to take a detour.After Xiao Xue saw my change, he laughed out loud. Of course he knew that I knew why I walked like this.

You can't be bitten by a snake once and be afraid of well ropes for ten years!I want to buy a flower, he said with a smile, so he bought a red rose, the rose is very beautiful, delicate and charming, with dew on it, I feel everything is fresh when I look at it.When we continued to walk forward, an inn appeared in front of us.

The decoration of that inn is very ordinary, not eye-catching at all. I took a look and decided to stay away from him. However, Xiao Xue chased me and said, let's stay here. I think he also asked why, he said He was very tired and didn't want to go anymore.Well, I know, the three of us went to the head of the department and asked me to pay. The room is very ordinary and there is no investment. I went to the Internet. After sitting on the table, I got a cup of tea and looked at the table with my hands. The table is made of mahogany, still, quite valuable.

Xiao Xue turned around, and then said, there is a back garden inside, why don't we go over there to have a look, I first thought that he is a primary school student after all, interested in everything, so I agreed.

When the two of us went to the back garden, Xiao Yan was alone in the room, studying tonics. He seemed to be fascinated recently, and he was particularly interested in these things. In fact, I really wanted to find time to study martial arts cheats, but I I guess I haven't found it all this time, so I can only do no research, just go shopping, chat and play with Xiao Xue!After I frowned, the bed and the table form a garden. I saw it, but the flowers and plants inside were very single, and there was nothing to see. After seeing this, I was a little disappointed and prepared to go back, but Xiao Xue wanted to stand Playing there, after a while, a little boy came over with a kite in his hand, he glanced at me, and said, brother, do you want to fly the kite together?

I looked at the sky, there was no cloud and no wind at all, how to fly a kite, I said with a smile, I don't play, you can play by yourself.The little boy hid aside, he put the kite on a tree, and then began to pull the string. From a distance, it looked like it was floating in the sky in the wind. I also found it strange to see this kind of play.Are you a child of whose family no one cares about you?Why are you still listening to me.Raise your chubby little face.

Smiled at me and said, if you want to know who I am, then give me something to eat first, because I heard that this kid is funny, so I took out two candies from my pocket and gave it to you, now you can Tell me whose child are you from?The little boy looked at her, and then, putting it in his mouth, told me while eating that I was the shopkeeper's son.

When I thought about it, I was right. Could there be other children?
After I played for a while, I saw a black centipede in the child's hand, which immediately caught my attention. What is it?That black centipede looks very ugly. If ordinary people see it, they will feel very scary. But children, holding it in their hands, don't feel the slightest horror. It can be seen that this kind of thing is common. Yes, he must have seen a lot.

I don't know why, I always feel that this inn is too quiet, it seems that there are no guests, but the boss said that the house is full.Wait until the evening.I went outside in the middle of the night and found out only after practicing the exercises.It was brightly lit outside.

And there is nothing at all, the appearance of the night, whenever the night comes, the songs I have heard are dark, and this time is when everyone is sleeping, but this inn is doing the opposite, It is quiet during the day, but it is extremely lively at night. I don't know what they are doing, so I found a remote place and observed secretly. This inn is divided into three floors. I live on the top layer.

So it is more convenient to look at things, but when I saw that the people on the second floor and the people on the first floor all went out, and then walked in, they entered a room in the yard, and that room was open during the day. The door was locked at night, but it was opened at night, and soon, the lights in that room were lit.After that, I heard some creaking noises.After hearing that voice, my brows furrowed.

It sounded like a mouse was eating something.I walked over and looked in through the window.Everyone inside is there.Sitting on the ground, and in their hands, each of them has two, similar to centipedes and the like, and those centipedes are mainly sucking their blood.

After seeing this, I finally understood that it is really not an inn, this inn is just a name of an inn, and their actual purpose is to raise these blood centipedes, I don’t know that this blood centipede will be transported to where?But it's really scary to see the way it is now!
But those people didn't seem to be afraid at all, even though those centipedes sucked their blood, I frowned twice, and then I saw someone coming out, so I hid next to me. After returning to the room, I observed the terrain and found that There is a staircase at the back of my room. You can go down from that staircase. The stairs to the first floor are very old, and some of them are made of wood. They are falling apart. I mean, I walked down the stairs and found out when I walked to the backyard. I opened a big box, and when I opened the box, all the bones appeared in front of me, and the bones were black, which means that all these people died of poisoning. After thinking about this, I feel that this store is very It's not safe, I want to leave here, I don't want to stay here for a moment, and when I go back to the room again, I wake up Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue, wake up, we are leaving here, I am like you, why are you in such a hurry, if you are left behind by these people If we're here, I'm afraid we'll become food in the future, right? Xiao Xue opened her eyes to look at me, and asked when she was in such a hurry, I said this is a black shop, we don't want to stay here, hurry up now, or it might be too late .After listening to my words, Xiao Xue immediately regained her energy and sat up.Packed up your things?Then the three of us were ready to go out, but when I walked to the door.Suddenly found that the door can not be opened
At this moment, a voice came from behind me, where are you going in such a hurry?

I turned my head and realized that standing in front of me was a middle-aged man wearing black clothes.It looks very cold.Otherwise, the owner of this inn, this is the difference between his current Zhuang Zhuo and the daytime, I almost can't recognize him, boss, how come you don't sleep at night!I said with a smile.His face was serious, and his eyes were fixed on my face, as if he wanted to see through all the flesh on my face.I want to ask you this, you don't stay in the store at night, why are you here?Originally, I just wanted to leave here quickly, but now it doesn't look that simple, I think this boss will always let us leave.It's like this, we suddenly had something urgent, so we planned to leave, because we left in a hurry and it was midnight, so we didn't say hello to you.

So that's the case, brother, if it's true, you can tell me if there is something urgent, and I'll refund the room fee to you.I don't want any room fee, I just want to leave here now, so I said, forget it, boss, after all, this is our wrong room fee, so you can keep it, even if it is our compensation for you.

All I want to do now is to get out of here, and money is nothing to me.I just want to leave here quickly, as long as I can leave here quickly, no matter what the conditions are, I will agree, but the boss said, I don’t do business like this, if you want to check out?If you don't live with me, I won't let him make you pay for nothing.Seeing such a persistent boss, we can only compromise!So the three of us turned back and went back with him to get some room money. It was in the lowest room on the first floor. After the money scrappers left, but not yet, the door closed automatically when they walked out the door.

I stretched out my hand and pushed it, but it couldn't be opened. I turned my head to ask the boss for help, but the boss said with a smile, you are staying here today, don't even think about leaving!After listening to what he said, I became confused. Just now you said that we just took it to get the rent, and didn't say that we were not allowed to leave. If you don't want to return the money, we don't want it either.The boss waved his hand, no, it's not the problem of the house, but I think the three of you have a very suitable physique, so I decided to keep you.Stay, of course what do you want us to do?I asked.In fact, it is very simple, as long as you sacrifice a little blood. After listening to his words, I finally understood that the boss wanted all three of us to become the mistakes of those centipedes, but how is this possible?
(End of this chapter)

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