Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 391 Eating

Chapter 391 Eating
Of course I will let you go, I don’t know what he meant by your name, and the princess didn’t explain, but left here, I lived alone in a cage in an empty house, I can only watch Looking at this house, the decoration of this house is really very good. I have never seen such a style. Now think of a Persian style in the Western Regions.In the middle of the night, a person floated in through the window again. I think that person at this moment is none other than Xiao Xue!After seeing him, I shouted in surprise, his name is Xiao Xue, and he was wearing black night clothes, just to hide himself and not be discovered by others, Xiao Xue, I didn’t expect you to really come to see me Immediately afterwards, he asked for some food to be brought over, and said that you must have not eaten these days, so eat quickly.I took his food, and then started to eat. It’s not that I didn’t eat these days, but I ate food from my neck. I’m not used to it, so I simply reduced my appetite a lot. However, I was like a hungry wolf. I ate the food very quickly, and I finished the food.

Xiao Xue saw the cage and thought of opening it, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. That, the locked place.It’s really strange not to set up this cage for him next time, you know how to get in, I told him what happened at that time, and after listening to it, I was surprised, I heard, how could such a thing happen , so to speak, the cage can only be lifted up, and only when it is lifted can it appear, right?I thought about it, and it seems that this is the only way now.

But the tuition fee was paid, so the cage was not lifted up with great effort, but as soon as a group of people came, the princess came over immediately, and seeing the two of us, he immediately became furious, and quickly gave that person to me When I grabbed it, I yelled at Xiao Xue, run!Xiao Xue jumped out of the window.Depend on!After he left, my heart became evil, so I took care of this face, walked to my side and said, you better not play tricks with me, or I will tear you apart.My father can do whatever he wants, anyway, it's in your hands now, I can't resist whatever you want.Won't you resist here?Xiao Long, the legendary science subjects are brave and good at fighting, how did it become like this now?I'm annoyed, the word "I'm old" makes me so angry. I'm not me, but I can bend and stretch, which is fundamentally different from mine.I smiled, I want you because what is the use?Now I can't even save my life, everything else is just floating clouds to me!

You can think about it, so you promoted me. Suddenly, what did he discover?Said loudly, you ate just now, I am wrong, I have been here for a few days and I am full today.He took my hand and cut it with a knife, one piece, and the blood dripped out.After Bao Ke got the blood, she suddenly became angry, Xiao Long, why did you treat me like this?Do you know that you will be successful tomorrow, but because of what you ate tonight, all the substances in your blood have changed.He was going to be rambling for a while, I don't know what he meant, but I understand one reason, that is, my meal tonight broke all his plans.

Seeing him go crazy there, I just want to laugh, I have been aggrieved for so many days, and in an instant, I have revenge.I want to say princess, don't worry, am I still here?Can you come out once?I don't care, anyway, I'm already deeply poisoned now, time is just a matter of time to me, but shopping has a face, I gave me a hard look, and then I said, you know Know?

It was a waste of my hard work once, and now all the schools I applied for were wasted. Xiao Long, I want to kill you. He took out a long sword and slashed me. Immediately I couldn’t keep up, so I showed A wound, the wound spurted out blood continuously, but all the blood fell to the ground and disappeared. I also felt strange when I saw this, why my blood became like this now?Suddenly the princess shouted, it's not good, it's poisonous, let's go.

I didn't come here this time, it turns out that toxins have already infiltrated into my blood.And this kind of toxin is the same as the blue flower, even stronger than the blue flower, so the princess wants to leave here. Now he has not found the antidote, but turned me into a poison.I laughed, it's God's will!Now I have become a threat to them, and the princess glanced at me when they left.It seems impossible to accept this reality, but what can I do?Reality is reality after all, even if you can't accept it, you have to face it.I laughed and then cried, but you don't have to panic.

If you really win, we will die together. Anyway, I think you are quite beautiful, and I like you very much.Xiao Long, you bitch, he slapped me twice when he walked away, very hard.After telling them all to disappear, I was bored sitting there by myself, no.

So I dipped my hands in the blood from my arm and applied it to the cage, but something happened that I didn't expect, and the cage started to melt.It disappeared quickly, and I was free in the last episode.

I am so happy that my blood is now an invincible medicine.Now that I have come out, my next step is to start revenge. The princess treated me so well, why should I repay him well?

I walked out of the door and saw the sky outside before I knew it was still early in the morning. I had lived for several days, and I didn't know the life of day and night upside down.When I walked outside, there was no one on the street, it was deserted, but I could smell the smell. Some people passed by here just now, and we chased them. I think these people must be the group of people from Princess Tang's era.After a while, I came to the front of an inn, and then I walked in and told the boss that I wanted to cook something.

The boss said that there was only one room left, and it was still mahjong. He asked me if I could make do with it. I thought it was so late tonight and there was no place to stay, so I agreed. I lay on the horse and looked at the sky. Star.But the heart is empty.I don't know how to go about my goal in the future. After all, I have become a poisonous person now. If I gasp in the future, will I freeze people to death?This kind of situation is not impossible. If it is true, then I will not have any friends and can only live by myself. When I think of dying alone, I start to feel very sad in my heart.

But at this moment, I suddenly found the door of a room opened, and someone walked in and out again.I looked at that person, it was none other than the princess. Although she wanted to dress up a bit, I could still recognize how exquisite that face was.Just take a look and you'll never forget, I came out of the stables to spy on them, employer banker.walked out.I suddenly felt very strange, didn't they just come in from outside?Why did you leave in such a hurry?Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?After thinking of this, I followed, only to find that they had walked into the street.They caught a small child, and then, he said, the child's heart.After seeing this, I couldn't stand it anymore, how could they be so cruel?

The child is still very young.Just as they were about to attack the kid, I chopped off his hand.The princess screamed loudly, when he saw me, his face became panicked, why do you say you are here?Aren't you supposed to be inside that construction site?I smiled and said, princess, you are so noble and forgetful, don't forget, my blood has become poisonous now.The princess shook her head, knowing that it was impossible to get out of that cage. I bought that cage from other places at a huge price. It was invulnerable at all, and no one could destroy it.I stood where I was, and after hearing such words, I masturbated in my heart. In this way, the princess sent it out without any intention. He planned to keep me imprisoned there until I died. It looks like this Unfortunately, God took care of me and let me escape early.I think you are thinking wrong.You forgot that my blood is poisonous, and my blood can melt that cage, so I escaped.

What are you Xiao Long?Could it be that you really melted that cage, I bowed my head, yes, my blood is very powerful, but all this is thanks to you, after I finish speaking.He stepped forward and gave him a knife.The princess didn't pay attention, and got hit hard. He didn't expect that I would take the initiative to attack and cut me. Yes, is he a man who came to take the initiative to talk to me? He said fiercely, and I smiled , in my eyes, he is no longer a woman but a monster.If you don't spoil the child, I will let you go, but now your life is too cruel, I want to do justice for the heavens!I slashed over again, and the princess couldn't escape because of her injuries, so she took my opinion again.He fell to the ground in pain, bleeding, I knew he was acting and couldn't escape.

I don't want him to die like this. If this is the case, many secrets will not be solved. I don't need him to tell me the reason why he did this. Why do you say this kid? Do you know him? How old are you?Gulu Tan c said, why do you often want to kill him?

Do you think I don't want to live a normal life?But I can't live it, since, I can't remember when, I need to eat people's hearts every day.

(End of this chapter)

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