Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 38 Strength advances

Chapter 38 Strength advances
Looking over there, Yao Lao sighed, but said: "Let's go, we don't have anything to do standing here, why not go to practice."

He is a very cautious man, and when we heard this, we didn't say much, so we walked down the tree together, and then came to a clearing to camp.

Yao Lao is one of the most powerful men on the mainland. Under his command, the strength of the three of us has improved rapidly.

In this mountain range, I want to train anti-inflammatory while also teaching me skills and helping me improve my strength.

Because of his help, Xiaoyan became a four-star fighter, and because I ate the primordial grass stained with manticore blood, my strength improved faster at this time, and I became a five-star fighter a little more than him, so The entry of Yao Yao was very surprised.

He sighed and said that if he hadn't met Xiao Yan before, he would have taken me as his apprentice, which caused Xiao Yan to ridicule for a while, but he was very happy, I knew it was a joke, and I didn't care.

The relationship between the few of us is pretty good, the most important thing is that Xiao Xue has been promoted to a level during this period of time, and finally became a two-star fighter.

A month passed quickly, and we all gained a lot this month, but at this time Xiao Yan came to me and said that he was going to find Qinglian Dixinhuo, and he had to be with Yao Lao, and we would be separated today.

And I also have my own plans, I turned my goal to Canaan College, I am going to take Xiao Xue to study at Canaan College, and the two will bid farewell to each other and leave the place where they have lived for more than a month.

After watching Xiao Yan leave with his great sword on his back, Xiao Xue and I crossed half of the Warcraft Mountain Range and returned to the human world.

After this period of time, my strength has improved a lot, Xiao Xue has also changed from her previous immature look, and has become a master who can stand on her own.

Now even if Xiao Xue were to face someone with the same cultivation level, she would still not be afraid.

In this way, I feel very happy in my heart.

Then we walked along the main road to a small town, where we bought horses and headed towards Canaan College.

Shonan College is far away from the Warcraft Mountains, and we walked for more than a week to get there.

After arriving here, I finally caught up with the opening of the recruitment ceremony of Canaan College.

We have come late, there are already many students entering it, and we need to meet certain standards to enter here.

It's just that when we arrived at the entrance of Jiangnan College, there were already hundreds of people who came to sign up. These people only got letters of introduction, and they had to pass the test at the entrance before they could enter.

It says on the sign that two-star fighters are admitted to the hospital. This is very strict. You must know that even if two-star fighters are placed in the Xiao family, they are still among the best and exist.

But here is only the most basic qualification to enter Canaan College, and there are not many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the college.

The young people who lined up in front had all finished their tests, and it was finally Xiaoxue and I's turn.

I signaled Xiao Xuexian to go, and then I took a look at the testing place, which was similar to the one I used to test when I was in Xiao's house. They both used a spirit stone to test fighting energy as a detector.

Put your hand on it to stimulate the fighting spirit in your body. If it reaches the strength of a two-star fighter, it will let you go. If it doesn't, you will be told that you cannot enter the academy.

Xiao Xue was originally a two-star fighter, he entered it smoothly, and finally it was my turn, I shook my arms, and then took a deep breath.

Although I already know that my cultivation level will increase a lot in the Warcraft Mountains, and I guess it will be around the five-star fighter. At this time, I also want to use a formal instrument to test the extent of it up close and real.

Immediately I put my hand on the stone.

I saw the scorching light instantly remembered, and then saw the surprised look in the eyes of the recruiting teacher, "This is a five-star fighter, and you are actually a five-star fighter."

His words caused an uproar from the students who had passed and those who had not passed at the same time.

They didn't expect me to be so powerful, a five-star fighter, and seeing that I am so young, I am basically a monstrous existence. I thought that if Xiao Yan were here today, this monstrous title would increase by one...

Monster, this is a real monster.

The students who entered the academy were all talking, all discussing the fact that I was identified as a five-star fighter during the test.

Because among young people of this age, very few can reach the standard of a five-star fighter, and some of them are also extremely talented. They must be recommended by respected elders to enter the academy, and they will not pass the examination at all. to enter.

Such a genius would not have come to me.

I didn't care about all kinds of guesses. I brought Xiao Xue into the academy together. Because I passed the test and I was outstanding, my treatment was very good. A special teacher took me and Xiao Xue together. Specially assigned dormitories.

But Xiao Xue is going to the girls' dormitory, and I'm in the boys' dormitory. Here at Canaan College, the treatment for the students is quite good, and it's a good thing that everyone can be allocated an independent two-story building.

After I settled in the place, I was going to find Xiao Xue to get acquainted with the academy, but at this time I saw a tall and strong man standing at the door of the dormitory area and looking at me.

"It turned out to be the gatekeeper disciple Luo Shu."

The onlookers were talking about it, and I knew his name.

Then this disciple named Luo Shu came up to look at me and said, "I heard that you just entered the academy today, and you were rated as a five-star fighter. I don't accept it, why don't you fight with me and let me weigh it?" Let’s weigh how much you are capable of.”

This Luo Shu was provocative and aggressive, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, I was in a hurry to find Xiao Xue, so I didn't bother with him here, so I waved my hand and said, "Don't get out of my way, I still have things to do."

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but at this time Luo Shu stretched out an arm to block the way, and said, "You are cowardly, you are a bastard, you can't even take up my challenge, and you still say that you It’s a five-star fighter, go eat shit.”

His provocative words made me angry. Originally, I didn't want to be as knowledgeable as him, but I didn't expect her to be so aggressive.

Immediately I stood still and looked at him, and said: "I really have something to do, but now you insult me, apologize to me immediately, otherwise you will definitely bleed a little today to pay for insulting me."

Luo Shu chuckled, and said, "I won't apologize, if you have the guts, come here."

After finishing speaking, I folded my arms around my chest, and at this moment, I lost my mind to continue talking nonsense with him, so I immediately raised my foot and kicked forward.

Luo Shu also reacted very quickly, he quickly turned his body to the side to dodge, but I was just a feint attack, often dodging I just turned around and raised my fist, swung an uppercut and hit his arm .

I didn't use too much strength this time. After all, I am a five-star fighter. If I use too much strength, I will seriously injure him. I just taught him how to do it, but it hit his arm. Afterwards, Naluo stepped back a few steps, but he showed no sign of repentance.

Instead, he raised his head and laughed, and said: "You only have this little strength, and this is what the five-star fighter wants to defeat me. Go ahead and dream, kneel down and beg me, or I won't let you go today." .”

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards him again. Luo Shu's body was like a tank. Seeing him like this, my heart was immediately aroused. Things can't be done hastily, so I squinted my eyes immediately, and then circulated the fighting energy of the five-star fighter in the meridians.

Today I also want to verify what this Luo Shu is capable of?
After coming out of the Warcraft Mountains, I have not found a suitable candidate to verify the effect of reaching the level of the realm at this time. This is Luo Shuchao. I rushed over and saw this. I seemed to see a large human-shaped sandbag. Let me intuitively detect the strength at this time.

This is because Luo Shu's movements slowed down a lot in my eyes. After all, all the monsters I met in the Warcraft Mountains moved quickly and shot fiercely. They were all predators, and they were sharpened between life and death every day. , the vision has already been much higher than that of ordinary students in this academy.

When I saw him coming, I sneered, and without thinking, I raised my arm and threw it at him.

And this Luo Shu didn't dodge, and also raised his fist and threw it at me. He probably thought that I was not as strong as him, and that this blow would break my arm.

I sneered in my heart.

And the next moment, our arms collided together, that Luo Shu sneered at me, he seemed to see my arm broken and screamed, and the next moment, his face changed, and he felt a strong force The force of the attack hits the meridian of the arm.

I hate him so much that he insulted me repeatedly, directly using [-]% of his strength, this time he couldn't stop my fighting energy from invading, and was directly poured into the Meridian Master by my fighting energy, only a few clicks were heard , his arm bent strangely.

Then I hit his chest with a string of dime, knocking him straight out like a cannonball, and finally fell to the ground, and I was frustrated for several feet before stopping.

At this time, Luo Shu couldn't get up anymore. I hit him too hard just now, which hurt his internal organs.

At this time, the surrounding onlookers let out a sound of amazement. They never expected that a freshman like me would teach Luo Shu, the gatekeeper disciple here, to be knocked down to the ground. You must know that Luo Shu is very strong, and he is a three-star fighter. There are also very powerful figures in the academy.It's a pity that my progress is completely beyond his expectation, and I can feel his surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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