Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 377 Anxiety

Chapter 377 Anxiety

"Damn it, why are there so many people attacking us? Could it be that the news we received was wrong?" Several blood-clothed elders in front looked at each other and said in a low voice.

They had already received the news yesterday that the Zhengdao Sect would collectively attack another sub-helm, and asked him to provide support early, so he let several Douzong strongmen leave.

But unexpectedly, so many people came to crusade immediately after.

"It seems that the general trend is over, let's go back to the sect and discuss it again!" Although the situation on both sides is not clear now, these elders seem to have retreated, and they don't want to fight with us at all.

"Run, can you run? Frozen thousands of miles!" Nangong Han used his famous stunt for the first time, frozen thousands of miles. In an instant, everything around him was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, as if it was really frozen Usually, the cold air is overwhelming, and the original blood energy can't help but weaken.

Seeing that they were about to escape, Nangong Han didn't care about the life and death of the blood sect masters here. He was anxious and quickly used his strongest fighting skills. He swung three swords in an instant, so fast that people couldn't see what he was doing. A few swords were fired.

Nangong Han was indeed very powerful. After these few sword swings, two masters were knocked down in an instant, and the blood splashed, spraying the faces of the two masters nearby, which made the blood sect a little scared.

Nangong Han's skill is not invincible, the Frozen Thousand Miles is only temporarily sealed, and the remaining few people are also freed quickly, two of them ran back quickly, and the remaining two were also afraid of Nangong Han performed this stunt again, and immediately stood still, concentrating on resisting.

Nangonghan's aura lifted the spirits of all the suzerains, and they gathered around again.

The remaining ten or so blood sect masters also raised their palms one after another, fighting with all the suzerain masters with their spiritual power flying.

The suzerain Kanli didn't give it for nothing, and his cultivation level was comparable to Nangong Han's. One-on-one was almost the same, and two of them were immediately involved. Very intense.

Just when the suzerains were about to win, another group of people rushed out. The leader was a middle-aged man in a blood-red robe and a blood-red scarf on his head. He was very tall and had a terrifying aura.

This person was followed by a group of people with mixed clothes, but from a distance, they didn't act so neatly. It seemed that there was some blood red in their eyes.

A little suzerain was startled, and immediately exclaimed: "There are people who have lost their minds in this sub-helm, and now we are also in danger!"

As soon as the little suzerain's voice yelled out, everyone was shocked, and was a little dazed for a while. Everyone realized that this battle is very difficult to win. It seems that everyone still underestimated the strength of the blood sect!

At the same time, I was about to leave here, but the envoy silently chased after me, and said with a smile behind me: "Young master, do you have something to worry about?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes! We are currently facing some major events, and I was temporarily pulled out by you. The situation is still very critical. Many people cannot die because of my leaving!"

The right emissary smiled: "I can understand your feelings, but this matter is beyond your control, right?"

I froze for a moment, the envoy seemed to know what was going on, and I asked tentatively, "Do you mean you know what we are doing?"

The right envoy smiled and said: "I generally know something, you should be in a hurry, but your cultivation level?????? It's really not on the table!"

I was immediately hung up, this is the most helpless thing for me right now!

Seeing that I was a little dazed, the right envoy smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

I asked strangely: "Are you going to help me defeat them?"

The right envoy laughed loudly: "No way! Before our Demon Dragon Sect is restored to its former glory, we will not go out casually, nor will we show our faces in front of the world."

I said with some disappointment: "If this is the case, I don't need you. Although I don't have this level of cultivation, I have wisdom, and I can use my wisdom to command and help everyone win!"

The right envoy chuckled: "What you said is simple, but what about the facts? Is it true? If you saw that your allies were defeated and everyone was killed, would you still be able to calm down? Can you use your wit?"

I was stunned immediately, don't care if this right envoy knows what I want to do, but this guy's words can always speak to my heart, I really can't see this scene, once I see this scene, it is indeed His blood is boiling, he will never watch the battle from the sidelines, even if he is reduced to powder, he will go up.

After I figured this out, I asked, "Then how can you help me?"

The right envoy smiled and said: "You come with me, I will help you, I will ensure that you win this battle, and you can take the lead. I think you will consider the next thing."

The right envoy didn't stop me anymore this time, and I could only follow behind curiously. I don't know if the right envoy can let me go to the battlefield if he doesn't help, what else can he do?
The right envoy took me to a cave in front, let me sit down opposite him, handed me a white pill, and said with a smile: "Swallow this first."

I knew that if this envoy wanted to kill me, I would have no hope of escaping at all, and it was impossible to use any poison to harm me, so I swallowed it without hesitation.

The right envoy laughed again when he saw me: "Okay, good job! You are the person we are looking for, haha! Now don't think about other things, peep inside the sea of ​​Qi!"

I hastily closed my eyes tightly, peeping inside Qihai acupoint.

After swallowing this pill, it slid down my throat and fell into my stomach, and quickly dissolved in my Qihai acupoint, as if it was emitting red light, forming a thin protective layer in my Qihai acupoint.

The voice of the right envoy said in my ear: "You are meditating now that this elixir is your protective layer. No matter how powerful the spiritual power is, it will not be able to break your Qihai acupoint, even though your cultivation level is not enough."

Although I didn't dare to open my eyes, I could hear the right envoy's voice, and I nodded again and again.

The right envoy whispered in my ear again: "Now you open your mouth again, and you will swallow another pill."

I quickly opened my mouth, and felt that I was swallowing another elixir, and this elixir also slid down the throat, and it still stayed in my Qihai acupoint, but it didn't disperse, but Suspended in my air sea cave, suspended between my ice attribute and fire attribute.

At this time, the right envoy said softly again: "Now my spiritual power has begun to enter your Qihai acupoint, you have to use your spiritual power to guide and gather in your Qihai acupoint, and then I will help you!"

I nodded repeatedly, and felt the large renal pelvis on my back being held up by a pair of palms, and a wave of spiritual power slowly entered my body.

I knew that this might be the right envoy helping me, so I quickly used my spiritual power to attract this spiritual power, which gradually condensed in my Qihai acupoint, starting from the outer layer, clinging to the protective layer, Gather towards the middle bit by bit.

At this time, the right envoy said: "There may be a huge impact in a while, and it will also make you lose consciousness temporarily. Don't panic, or you will fall into a magic barrier!"

At this moment, I can only let the right envoy manipulate me, nodding repeatedly.

The spiritual power of the right envoy suddenly increased, pouring into my Qihai acupoint like a storm, circling, hitting, and oppressing the elixir in the middle.

There was a "bang", I felt it, and then the Qihai acupoint swelled, and I saw the elixir burst, stirring in my Qihai acupoint!

Immediately after a loud "boom", my mind was also shaken, my eyes went dark, and my mind became confused. At the last moment of my consciousness, I was still thinking in my heart, this is the right envoy helping me, There must be some strange things happening, not to harm me!
"Xiao Long!" A familiar voice echoed in my ears, so familiar, it was the last voice I heard before I lost consciousness, the right envoy of the Demon Dragon Cult!
I tried my best to open my eyes, and what I saw in front of me was that familiar face, which was the right envoy.

The right envoy smiled all over his face, and said happily: "Xiao Long, I didn't misunderstand you. Your concentration is beyond the reach of ordinary people. You are now among the first-class masters. Even if you are the suzerain of a faction, you may not I can do nothing to you!"

I simply didn't believe You Shi's words, so I stared at You Shi in a daze.

The right envoy smiled and said: "Don't believe me, you can mobilize your spiritual power and give it a try!"

I didn't feel any discomfort in my whole body at this time, as if I was still very powerful, I sat up with all my strength.

This action startled me, and I almost floated up, almost unable to control myself.

The right emissary laughed: "This is also normal, don't be surprised, try hitting a big rock at the entrance of the cave!"

Curiously, I mobilized the spiritual power in Qihai acupoint, and slapped it out.

This palm startled me, I felt the spiritual power surged after the palm came out, the wind was blowing everywhere, sand and rocks were flying in front of my eyes, and the ground was full of dust!

There was a loud bang!
A big stone at the door was scattered by my palm, as if turned into dust!
Is this the power of Shuangsha?I was stunned by my own palm, I couldn't believe that this palm was made by myself!

(End of this chapter)

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