Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 36 Breakthrough Again

Chapter 36 Breakthrough Again

Such a big luminous pearl should be very expensive even with its current size.

At this time, I felt something kicked under my feet, and when I looked down, I saw it was a wooden box.

The wooden box is simple in style, with a pair of wings carved on it.

Because it was thrown in the corner for too long, it was covered with a layer of dust. I bent down to pick up the wooden box and blow off the dust attached to it. At this time, I saw a small lock.

I casually twisted the small lock and opened it, and I saw a square jade block lying inside.

Looking at this piece of jade, I couldn't help but touch it with my hand. At this time, I suddenly felt some energy passing along my fingers to the brain nerves.

At this time, a series of handwriting suddenly appeared in my mind, and then they were connected into a series, continuously whirling in the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally gathered into three words, Tianhun Wing.

Sky Soul Wings!
There was a scorching light on my face, I didn't understand it at first, but now after fully receiving the text sent back from the jade, I understood that this jade is a record of a fighting skill.

And it is a very rare flying fighting skill.

The Sky Soul Wings can allow practitioners above the level of two-star fighters to grow wings out of thin air from their backs and fly forward quickly.

Of course, the flying speed and distance are determined by the strength of the user.

The two sides are directly proportional.

Right now I'm just a two-star fighter, if I use the Sky Soul Wing, I'd be very incensed if I can fly for about a mile or two.

But even though the distance is short enough, this is still a precious fighting skill, and I accepted it all without hesitation.

Afterwards, I wanted Xiao Xue to come over and receive it, but she didn't respond at all when she touched the jade block. It seems that what I received just now was the out-of-print Sky Soul Wing Fighting Skill.

But at this time Xiao Xue said: "It seems that you should have this fighting skill, so I don't need to learn it."

She spoke very generously, and at this time, I could only accept this reality.

Originally, this place was discovered by everyone, and there are things that should be shared together, but now it doesn't work.

However, these gold coins on the ground and precious medicinal materials can be shared between the two of us.

Xiao Xue didn't have anything to store, so I used the Naring on my hand to collect all the gold coins and medicinal materials on the ground.

But I still kept a hundred-year-old ganoderma, and the other night pearl was not taken back.

The luminous pearl can still illuminate, and the two luminous pearls can have the effect of clarifying the mind and seeing the nature. If the practitioner lies or sits next to him, he can practice with half the effort.

I asked Xiao Xue to sit next to Ye Mingzhu, and then let her take the century-old Ganoderma lucidum.

After that, she began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

I was protecting her Dharma by the side, because I had just made a breakthrough, so I had to have a solid foundation at this time, and because the meridian had just been damaged, it was not yet fully developed, so it was not suitable to raise the level as soon as possible at this time.

But Xiao Xue was different. She had stayed in the Dou Zhe realm for a long time. At this time, she ate the hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, and then used the medicinal effect to break down the barriers in her body.

She sat in front of Ye Mingzhu, silently circulating the battle energy in her body.

After about two hours, I immediately opened my eyes. At this moment, I noticed that her aura changed suddenly, and I immediately said happily: "Congratulations, you have broken through to become a one-star fighter."

At this time, Xiao Xue's face was also very happy, with a sense of jumping, after all, being able to break through the one-star fighter means that her status in the family has risen.

Just like her father, as a star fighter, she can be allocated a small courtyard. If Xiao Xue returns to Xiao's house again, no one will force them to give up that small courtyard. After all, it is already very remarkable to have two one-star fighters in one family.

Afterwards, I shared my cultivation experience with Xiao Xue, and I knew everything about her. I told him all the situations and points to pay attention to during the cultivation, so that she could avoid some detours .

Before we knew it, it was already midnight, and we relied on each other to rest here for the whole night.

The next day we went back to the tree hole along the passage that slid down, and then walked out of the hole.

At this time, I suddenly saw a group of people in blue clothes running towards the ancient tree where we were. They didn't ride horses, but they were not slow at all, and they had already arrived under the ancient tree within a few breaths.

Seeing these people approaching menacingly, I quickly took Xiao Xue back into the tree hole.

I don't know what purpose these people come for.

At this time, Xiao Xue and I had already been seen, and the first middle-aged man in a green shirt wearing a tall hat said to the tree hole, "I saw you, come out by yourself."

After hearing this voice, I thought for a while, and brought Xiao Xue to the edge of the tree hole to look at them again, and said, "Who are you, why are you surrounding the two of us?"

I didn't recognize the person in front of me, but at this time the leader of the man in Tsing Yi raised his head and looked at me and said: "A certain family is named Ye Feng, and the treasure in this cave was taken by me earlier, but I brought it with me later. When people came to carry it, you two got there first, if you return the treasure to me now, if you can’t, you two can stay today.”

After he finished speaking, he waved his arms, and the men in green clothes he brought over immediately formed a circle, enveloping the entire tree.

Then, unless we put on wings, there is no way to escape at all.

There are many people on the other side, I looked around and found that there were thirty or forty people, and none of them were weak.

After thinking about it, I pulled Xiao Xue behind me with my hand and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Xiao Xue's hands were trembling, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll block the pursuers later, you go first."

What she said warmed my heart, and then I smiled at her and said, "None of us need to stay, I will show you the feeling of being able to fly."

After I finished speaking, I hugged Xiao Xue's waist, and then fell straight down from the tree.

Seeing the heads of those people who were approaching under the tree, my heart moved, and I used the new Sky Soul Wing fighting skill.

A phantom of red wings rose from behind me, and after I flapped it twice, my body gradually rose, and I left the forest like Xiao Xuefei, and it took only a few breaths to reach two miles away. outside the place.

Here, the vindictiveness in my body can no longer hold up. If it is forced to run, the meridians that were originally repaired will probably burst again.

I didn't dare to force myself, and we moved away from the group of people so quickly, the distance between the two sides has already been opened, and we should be able to escape at this time.

I didn't care about the appearance of those people at this time. After landing, I dragged Xiao Xue and ran forward. After a while, we stopped. At this time, I was relieved when I saw that there were no pursuers coming. It is estimated that those people were dumped by us.

Later, I found that the two of us had come to an unnamed mountain peak. The mountain was quiet and there was not even a tall tree. It looked very strange. I don’t know where this place is, but now there are The pursuers had no choice but to walk forward, hoping to pass the mountain.

With this in mind, Xiaoxue and I walked forward again, and when we had just turned over the mountain and were not going downhill, we suddenly heard a deep roar.

I quickly grabbed Xiao Xue and looked forward, and saw a colorful tiger crawling out from the bushes, he looked very handsome, he was three or four feet tall, standing there like a giant.

The tail of this colorful tiger is not a long strip like the common beast tiger. The tail of this tiger has a hook. After seeing this tiger with a hook tail, I was surprised.

On the Alien Beast Atlas, I have read the description of this tiger. This is the manticore, which is a more powerful type of monster, and it is probably equivalent to a human three-star fighter.

This is amazing, with my current strength and Xiao Xue who broke through as a one-star fighter may not necessarily be his opponent, besides, I was just injured and it didn't take long for me to recover.

Immediately, Xiao Xue and I stood still at the same time, and sweat appeared on my forehead. ,

Because I was too frightened looking at this Manticore, one of them is not good today, and we both have to account for our lives here.

At this time, I also understood why those people behind me didn't chase after them. With such a huge monster here, it is naturally impossible to foolishly come over and be someone's food.

But now that it happened, it was not a good idea to retreat.

Thinking about it, I drew a long machete from the ring.

I don't know when this machete was put in, but I only put it in because I saw that it was made of black iron, which was relatively hard.

At this time, it is the most reliable to use it to deal with the enemy with such a huge monster as the Manticore, and Xiao Xue also took out her blade. I can't even care about these.

The two of them slowly approached the Manticore with a big knife in each hand. At this time, we can't be cowardly. If the momentum drops if we send it, maybe the Manticore will take the opportunity and throw us to the ground, killing both of us. swallow it.

And after seeing the two of us approaching along the avenue, those tigers didn't know, so they suppressed our momentum, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

When I saw this situation, I was immediately overjoyed, if I forced that Manticore back like this today, that would be a very good thing.

With such thoughts in mind, I winked at Xiao Xue and quickened my pace. At this moment, the Manticore just stepped back a few steps, but suddenly shook his head, with a cold light in his eyes.

After seeing this situation, my heart suddenly twitched, and then I yelled without thinking, and pulled Xiao Xue back.

And at this moment, a huge scorpion tail descended from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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