Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 347 Treatment of Blood Poison

Chapter 347 Treatment of Blood Poison

I looked at the injury on Scarface, and it was indeed more than half healed, and the bloodshot state of both eyes was indeed much better, and the eyes gradually became clear and transparent from the original muddy.

I know that our medicine is still effective, and it can indeed cure blood poisoning. I saw that his condition was better at this time, and asked softly: "Do you feel better?"

The look of pain on Scarface's face disappeared. He looked at me and said in surprise, "What happened to me before? Ah! I remember! Am I awake?"

I smiled and nodded and said: "You don't have to worry, you have been rescued by us, do you feel better now?"

There was also a look of surprise on Scarface's face, and he muttered to himself: "It's unbelievable! It's unbelievable that I can be rescued after being poisoned by this kind of poison! I knew that I was poisoned at the beginning. It's over, thank you, great benefactor!"

I smiled slightly: "We have been investigating this matter, and we have tried our best to find the antidote to this poison, but we haven't found the person who spread this poison. We need your help! People can be saved, but we can't save people endlessly, we have to find the source!"

A resolute look appeared on Scarface's face: "This poison is indeed too vicious, and I am willing to do my best to help you!"

Then I smiled and asked: "Okay, please help us recall the situation when you were poisoned, or in other words, where and how you got poisoned, so that we can follow the vine and find the source. Completely eliminate those who spread this poison."

Although I know it all, Scar has obviously forgotten it, so I had to ask him to recall it again.

When Scarface heard what I said, a look of confusion appeared on his face, and he began to speak as if he was muttering to himself.

Scarface is not very clear about the original situation, he only knows where he came from and how he broke up with Li Er, and the specific situation is not clear no matter how he thinks about it.

I was also very anxious watching from the side, and couldn't help reminding: "Do you still remember where you and Li Er met? What happened after that?"

Scarface said: "Ah! Yes, I remember that I met Li Er by accident, and then I followed Li Er until Li Er entered an alley. I can't remember what happened after that."

When Scarface said this, another painful expression appeared on his face.

I looked at Shuangsha and said softly: "Senior, this location may be very important, the source of what we are looking for is likely to be in this alley!"

Shuang Sha nodded, but did not express anything. The cultivation of these two people is quite high, but they are too lazy to take care of these things. I know this very well.

I can imagine that Scarface also became poisoned after following Li Er into the alley, and then his eyes were red, his temperament changed drastically, and he couldn't control it at all.

Thinking of this, I said softly: "I can understand your pain, don't be too embarrassed, it's just that the poison is too vicious, as long as you can remember that alley, can you remember?"

Scarface nodded and said: "I don't remember very clearly, but if I get to this place, I will definitely remember it!"

Only then did I get excited: "Then can you still walk around now?"

Dasha immediately laughed and said: "This is not a problem, as long as he is conscious, we can help him, and make sure he doesn't need much effort!"

Er Sha also said with a smile: "Brother, why should we waste this physical strength? Find a carriage and we can pull him around the city? As long as we see this alley, we can go in, there is no need at all." He followed the adventure!"

As soon as I heard that this idea was quite good, seeing that Scarface's sanity was completely clear, I immediately said: "Seniors, this will trouble you a lot, you go find a carriage, it's not too late , let's go to the city for a while, and find the source as soon as possible!"

Shuangsha also agreed, and immediately turned around and left.

Only then did I raise my scarred face.

In fact, the scar face is just because the poison has penetrated deep into the brain, making me a little confused. Although the body is a little worn out, it is not very big. After being lifted up by me, I can still walk around slightly, which is even more no problem. .

When we arrived at the door, Shuangsha had already brought a carriage over, we immediately supported Scarface into the carriage, and opened the front curtain so that Scarface could see the situation ahead.Fight Break Chapter 295

I couldn't help but tell Shuang Sha about my discovery. Shuang Sha took a deep breath when he saw this. The three of us looked at each other, and we all felt that there was indeed something wrong with this death. These eight guises have some tricks.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look." I took the lead into the wine shop and found a place by the window to sit down.

"Xiao Er, two pots of No. [-] daughter Hong, one catty of beef!" Ling Yun yelled after sitting down.

"Okay, guest officer, this is blood pear wine, which is given away for free by the store. Let's drink it first. If it tastes good, I hope the guest officer will come more often!" Xiaoer greeted warmly.

Not to mention, there are quite a lot of people in this restaurant, even if everyone in the city is in danger now, this remote restaurant is still full of people.

"Hey, this small shop is so popular, we didn't know it before!" Ling Yun said.

"Be careful, don't fall for the Tao. The people here seem to be practitioners, and their cultivation bases are not low." I reminded.

Then our meat and meat came up. The smell of wine and meat made people's index fingers move, but we were just chatting and didn't really eat anything.

Gradually the sky darkened, Xiaoer quietly walked out of the wine shop, stepped on her feet, and leaped into the air with her strength, grasping left and right with both hands, the candle in the red cover was switched to the side of the blue cover.

The faint blue light looked a little weird in the darkness, and Xiao Er walked back quietly, as if he hadn't done anything.

"Xiao Er, why did you change the candles!" Someone among the guest officers asked, not all of the people here came to drink, some of the purposes were actually the same as ours, and they were all disciples of various sects.

"Oh, the guest officer doesn't know. There are strange things happening in the city now. It is rumored that people who are delusional will get excited when they see red, so I changed the color, so as not to bring disaster to the shop." Xiao Er patiently After explaining, he opened the door curtain and walked into the back of the restaurant.

"No! Let's go!" Shuangsha grabbed me and disappeared in place before I could speak.

"What's wrong?" I was caught on the roof by the two, and I asked in a daze.

"Hush, there are many footsteps coming this way!" Shuang Sha whispered.

"What! There's Scar in the car, bring him here too!" I remembered that Scar was left in the car by himself now, and it would be bad luck if someone did anything against him.

I just felt a gust of wind blowing behind me, and Ling Yun disappeared beside me. When I was stunned, he returned to the original place with a heavy expression on his face.

"The disciple with the scarred face is no longer in the car!" Ling Yun said.

I can't believe that Scar can be taken away by someone in just such a short while?Or did the sick person leave by himself?
However, at this time, I also understood that it was not the time to look for someone. Now I can see the wine shop on the opposite side from the roof, and people are still drinking there without finding anything.

"Da da da da da da" a sound of messy footsteps getting closer and closer, I saw a group of people in different clothes walking over in a distance.

As they got closer and closer, you could see that they were all walking with red eyes and confused faces, as if they were being seduced by someone. At this time, the people in the wine shop were still drinking, as if they were not at all. Don't know the same.

"It's a good thing we didn't drink or eat meat. You look at these people's eyes, it seems that they are no longer sober." Ling Feng said.

"Ah, it seems that this little wine shop is playing tricks on all of this, boy, just wait here and see if I don't destroy them!" Ling Yun said as he was about to do it.

And although I can see the situation of the wine shop with my eyesight, I can't see the eyes of the people inside, but I understand it after listening to them.

"Don't! Wait a minute, how can a small errand in a small restaurant manage such a big game? Wait until we find the person behind the scenes before doing it. Otherwise, even if we can destroy this restaurant, there will probably be more of them like this!" The restaurant appeared." I just hurriedly stopped Ling Yun's actions and explained.

"Aw!" I grabbed Qiuqiu out of the ice sword, and he yelled unhappily.

"This! What is this! Is this a spirit beast?" Shuangsha didn't care about the situation below at this time, and suddenly asked me with his eyes wide open.

"Uh, isn't that right, why are you so surprised?" I asked helplessly when I saw their expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

"Spirit beast, it's really a spirit beast! You don't know, boy, when our Demon Dragon Sect was once glorious, we had commanded thousands of spirit beasts. It is precisely because we have the help of spirit beasts that in this Hey, but after that fierce battle, there are very few people who are still alive today." Ling Feng said with dim eyes, as if he was still recalling the past.

"Then why are you so surprised to see the spirit beast?" I don't understand, there were so many in the Demon Dragon Cult before, why they were so surprised to see such a small one.

Ling Feng seemed to have recalled it at this time, Ling Yun replied, "That's because since the disbandment of the Demon Dragon Cult, many spirit beasts have been exterminated, and now there are no spirit beasts."

But at this time, the people below were already in chaos. Some people with cultivation base seemed to react at this time and wanted to stand up, but when they stood up, they also integrated into the team.

"Why do only the Demon Dragon Cult have spirit beasts?" We were still talking on the roof.

"Because our natural blood is different from others, spirit beasts can sense it, so they are willing to be with us." Ling Yun was still explaining to me.

"Master, they have entered the wine cellar in the backyard." Qiuqiu who had just left came back and said to me at this time.

"What? What's in the wine cellar?" I asked in surprise, because there were a lot of people who just came, and an ordinary wine cellar would definitely not be able to accommodate the activities of so many people.

"I didn't have time to watch it. There is a very powerful person guarding me. I'm afraid he might find me." After finishing speaking, Qiuqiu returned to the Frost Sword, leaving me standing here thinking.

"You guys can only talk!" Ling Feng, who had just come back to his senses, asked again in surprise.

"Yes, we have a contract, so we can understand each other's words." I explained and weighed what to do next.

"Okay, as expected of the young master. There is no one down here, what should we do?" Shuang Sha didn't know what to say, looking at the quiet street below, she asked me.

At this time, Xiao Er just walked out of the inn gently and extinguished the candle in the cover.

The alley that was originally illuminated by this candle light gradually darkened, and the night became quiet.

The three of us finally decided to go back to the inn and wait and see tomorrow, otherwise we might startle the snake and hide even more concealed.

"Junior Sister Su, now only I, the Blood Sword Sect, is safe and sound. You still don't hurry up to deal with the relationship with the Blood Sword Sect. Do you also want to become such a monster who doesn't recognize ghosts? By then, no one will care about your beauty. I appreciate it." A disciple of the Blood Sword Sect in red said presumptuously.

"Hey, you people don't think about how to get rid of demons and defend the way, but you come here to take advantage of others' danger. Thanks to you, you can still survive until now. This poison may have been released by your blood sword sect." Lin Fei'er was also dressed in red. Jiao shouted.

"Do you know that you are slandering the Blood Sword Sect? If you can't produce evidence, you, a beauty, have to leave with us!" The leading disciple looked at Lin Fei'er with squinting eyes.

"Hmph, you dare to touch me!" Lin Fei'er was also angry, and she drew her long sword and pointed it at the leading disciple of the Blood Sword Sect.

"Hahaha, all sects are in chaos now, who will care about you, do it, take the two junior sisters to my Blood Sword Sect for refuge." The red-clothed disciple said,
After finishing speaking, the following disciples were about to rush forward, but there was a "slap" sound of kicking the door from upstairs.

"Even if I, Han Xing, die, I won't let you villains succeed!" Seeing a pale face, Han Xing jumped down from the second floor of the inn with a sword.

"Yo, there's still a little boy here, he looks a bit immature, so you don't need to take this back, let him lie here and rest, do it!" The man in red still didn't intend to make a move, but just asked the disciples below to do it.

The four disciples in red drew their swords out of their sheaths, and blood energy entangled on the tip of the swords, and the four swords struck at the same time.

Su Yan and Lin Fei'er hastened to go around Han Xing and went up to meet him. Now that Han Xing looks like he can't do it without his hands, how can he be expected to protect him.

I saw that the swords of the four people were extremely heavy, and each sword seemed to carry the strength of the whole body. Fortunately, Su Yan and Lin Fei'er were women, and their moves were agile, so they didn't touch them at all. While pulling out a few hidden weapons, there is nothing that these four people can do.

"Trash, thanks to the fact that you are still inner sect disciples, two of you can't beat one for so long, Juyin, you go!" the red-clothed disciple folded his hands and cursed.

"Yes!" A young man in red with a cold face came out.

Han Xing's complexion tightened, feeling the strength of this man. At this moment, the hand holding the sword couldn't help but clenched the hilt tightly, looking at this man named Juyin as if he was facing a big enemy.

At this time, suddenly two cold lights flashed from the door, and went directly towards the four disciples who were attacking Su Yan and the others.

"Who are you so bold?" Wu Di's voice sounded, and the long sword was caught in the battle.

When Han Xing saw the figures of the two people, he was relieved, because he was really powerless at this time. If he was in his heyday, he would not pay attention to these people at all, but now that he is weak, he may not even be able to accept opinions.

"Oh? Here are two more people who are not afraid of death? Juyin, I'll leave it to you!" The man in red still had the same complexion at this time, with a relaxed attitude, looking lewdly at the two girls who were fighting.

"Yes!" Ju Yin responded, and the long sword stabbed directly at the empty door of Wu Di and Wu Xie, forcing the two of them to be pierced into the vital point by a sword if they didn't return to guard.

(End of this chapter)

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