Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 324 Fight For Me

Chapter 324 Fight For Me
Ah Hong smiled and said, "You are joking. Even if you want to plot something wrong, it's him, a big man, who treats me, a little girl."

"Come on, now some women don't like to take the initiative, and I don't know what you think." Xiao Xue played with her hair.His eyes looked around, but he didn't look at Ah Hong.

Even so, the meaning of his words is very obvious.

Ah Hong can't sit still, he doesn't allow others to insult him, hey, why do you say that to me.You think you are a good thing.

I walked over tonight, separated the two girls, and said, please, stop arguing.

While we were making a fuss, there was a man standing at the door watching a show.Because our patents are placed elsewhere, he has never been seen at all, so he has seen our farce clearly from childhood to old age!Until a burst came from behind.With applause, we realized there was someone at the door.I turned my head and saw that the man was actually Master Li's second son!Li Mi!We didn't have much contact with the inside when we came down. I don't know why he came here suddenly.

It turned out to be Young Master Li Mi, sometimes I greet you from a distance, please forgive me, I said, when Li Mi said, he was free and easy, hey, there is no need for etiquette between me, after all, you are the one who saved our Li family, we should thank you, I was very moved by what I said. Now there are many people who you help him, and he will be regarded as a white-eyed wolf, but Li Mi is not like this.

He walked in.Looked at it, Xiao Xue, and then said, this girl is very interesting, I like it, if you don't mind, how about going to Li's house and being my girlfriend.Xiao Xue waved her hands hastily after hearing this, I don't understand you, I like freedom, and being your companion, I don't have any freedom at all, the so-called female companion is the young master's personal servant girl, who is responsible for daily life and food care.

Inside, he burst out laughing!I like Miss Xiao Xue the most, this unruly and willful girl, I think your place is too lively, why don't I move here too.

Young master Li, you are too good at joking, this place is so small, how can there be room for you.I think there must be such a thing when you come today.

After hearing what I said, he nodded, you are still smarter!I did come here with my father, and told me to come here, and the ring competition is five days away, are you ready?he ask me.

I'm actually not ready, but I can't say that.After all, I still have Xiao Yan. If there is an emergency, I will ask Xiao Yan to help me in the group arena.

So I received it, the group arena, I will prepare well, and strive to win the champion, because!The Li family struggled.

So ambitious, this is a gift from my father, I hope you like it!he!As he said that, he asked someone to take out a small black wooden box.

I saw that this small wooden box was somewhat similar to that one, the small wooden box for finished medicine, so I asked, could this be the same medicine as before?

Of course not, you open it and take a look at the things inside. It is very precious, and my father told me that it must be delivered to you in advance. After I heard these words, I immediately combined and respected this. He opened it up and saw a bright bead inside.

I took the bracelet in my hand and played with it over and over again. It was just an ordinary table, and there was nothing special about it. I was speechless for a moment. Why did Young Master Li say that it was a precious thing.

Not knowing what it was, I asked.

Take a closer look at the difference between this and ordinary beads.He said, I held it in my hand and thought about it for a while, only to find that there are some very fine holes on the table, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, because the benefits of those small stutters are covered. , on the pattern of the table.Makes up, patterned, part of.How about a lock.Did you find something unusual? This is the beauty of this table. These small holes are actually the eyes of needles. Just press the bead lightly, and thousands of needles will be launched from it. The silver needles are highly poisonous, and those who are shot by the silver needles will surely die!
The ring competition is about to come. At this time, the second young master Li sent this kind of gift, the meaning is very obvious, but I have never, I can't accept such things that can use hidden weapons.

After hearing what I said, Second Young Master Li smiled and said, I know you are an upright person, little brother!But in this ring competition, the Wang family will definitely use it as a hidden weapon. My father is worried about you, so he must let me give you this as a self-defense weapon. If you have any troubles, how can our Li family survive? !

Master Li Er, you are too serious, I appreciate Master Li's kindness!

I had no choice but to accept this thing, and when I was about to leave, I still did not forget to joke, if you think you have too many girls here, you can give me one, I am short of girls here, Usually life is too boring, if there is a girl sitting next to my ear to make a noise, it is also a kind of fun.

Xiao Xue, who had been talking non-stop before, immediately shut her mouth tightly after hearing such words, and stood aside, as if nothing happened.

I couldn't help laughing to myself, it's still Master Face who has the ability!Just a few simple words, like two girls arguing, stopped.It's not easy.

I have to say that it is really a talent to talk about here, and it is a good thing that he can be resurrected.

Xiao Xue saw that Second Young Master Li was standing there and still refused to leave, so she said, Gentle, you are welcome to come again next time!His intention was very obvious, he just wanted Second Young Master Li to leave here quickly.

It's a pity, his words didn't have any effect, people turned around and looked at her and said, interesting, really interesting, why don't you pour me a cup of tea, I want to, give it a try, the beauty is here What does it feel like on the side.

Xiao Xue snorted coldly, and said, I'm sorry, I don't feel well, I have to go back to the room first, after that, he turned around and left, after some things happened, he didn't forget to step on him, tired When he cried out in pain.

This kind of girl is really pungent, but I really like it, Young Master Ren, even if he is stepped on, that's all he can say, compared to Xiao Xue who is lively, outgoing and popular, but more restrained, he has always stood aside , without saying a word, just secretly observing every move of Master Li Er!Perhaps it was because he lived in the mountains all year round, so he was extremely wary of people outside.

But I didn't intend to continue the trouble, so I persuaded him, Second Young Master, you should go back quickly, the master has been waiting at home for such a long time, you should be anxious.

Well see you next time.

When I came back after sending off Second Young Master Li, I found that Ah Hong was studying that weapon, his brows were wrinkled as he almost regained his composure, as if he was thinking about it.

How about it.Isn't this amazing?He nodded and said, there is a kind of weapon in the rivers and lakes called "Ten Thousand Paths People's Traces Extinguished", which is probably what it is talking about.

I'm surprised that he still knows the affairs of Jianghu, it seems really enough, knowledgeable.

You are so young that you live alone in the deep mountains and old forests, and you have heard a little about the affairs of the rivers and lakes.Miss Ah Hong tilted her head and said with a smile, if you think I live in the deep mountains and old forests and I am deaf, then you are completely wrong. I know the news on the Internet.

When I heard what he said, I immediately had doubts about his identity. He never said what he was doing all this time.It's just because he lives in the mountains, so I didn't ask any more questions. I always thought he was a child in the mountains, but today he doesn't look like him at all. If this is just a simple child living in the mountains, how would he know the world? There are so many things.

After he asked the weapon to be put down, he said to me, but don't worry, I'm absolutely harmless to you. Although I like to hear shocking words, I never have the intention of harming others.

I was caught by him, and I felt awkward for a while, so I had to do other things to divert my attention. I picked up my martial arts cheat book and looked through it. I only learned the moves on it. to half.

Ah Hong also came over and looked through his martial arts cheats with me. This is because he read it relatively quickly, and he seemed to be familiar with the moves above.

What he said is right, he seems to be very familiar with this martial arts cheat book, I was very surprised after hearing it, even a person with a deep knowledge of martial arts should just do it like this!

So I felt that I shouldn't bear it anymore, so I asked directly.Hehe, what exactly is your identity?Why don't you tell me.Do you know that this makes me curious.After hearing what I said, Ah Hong just smiled and said, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Naturally, I have my own reasons for doing this. I called you out just because I really want to be friends with you. There is no other reason.Since he said so, I can only believe it, after all, there is nothing to verify.Ah Hong said with a smile, he wants to make some with me, a great tonic soup.After all, my current body is still weak, and I still need to replenish it.

I hastily waved my hand and said, forget it, no need, I have been drinking various soups and medicines these days, I should digest it.

But Ah Hong didn't listen to me at all, he still had to prepare, and after a while, he brought over another nourishing soup, and I saw that the oily flowers floating on it felt a little greasy.So he said to him, let's put this away first, I am tired, and I will drink it later.When I was practicing, Ah Hong was sitting on the small chair next to her. She held her chin with both hands, and watched my practice with great interest.

Even I don't know exactly where I attracted her.

(End of this chapter)

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