Chapter 30

"In addition to the power of the soul, it can also quickly restore the battle qi. Although it is the effect of drinking tea, you need to drink a lot to be effective, but this cup of tea has been brewed by me for half a day. At this time, the battle qi in your body is just consumed. Drinking it will have a great plasticizing effect on your fighting spirit recovery."

After feeling it carefully, it was indeed the case, so he smiled at her and said, "You really have a heart."

"We are friends, so you don't need to be so polite." Xiao Xue smiled at me, looking very nice.

"By the way, I bought a silver bracelet outside today. Do you want to see if it looks good?"

As she spoke, Xiao Xue handed her wrist over, and I held it in my hand and held it in front of my eyes, saying: "It's really pretty, the patterns carved on it are very clear, but there's one gemstone missing. When you go out, I will bring you one."

"That's fine. I want the best gemstones. Of course, ordinary ones are fine. It would be even better if they have the crystal nucleus of a monster." Xiao Xue said.

What Xiao Xue said moved my heart. Now there are people who buy and sell magic beast crystal cores in the street outside. I went to find one to install on the bracelet she was wearing. Apart from helping her practice, it also looked more noble. Elegant, very in line with her temperament.

Thinking of this, I said, "That's fine. After two days, I'll go get you one."

"Really, I remember your words." Xiao Xue said.

"That can still be fake." I then smiled at her.

Afterwards, the two of us chatted and drank the tea from the hidden mist in the teapot.

The dou qi consumed in my body was filled with the meridians of my body without knowing it, and I was a little more diligent. This phenomenon made me feel happy immediately.

Originally, I thought that if I practiced the new high-level yellow-ranked fighting skill Dragon Flying Nine Heavens Palm, my foundation would be unstable. After drinking a pot of tea this time, my foundation was already very solid, and there was a faint breakthrough trend.

Now I am a one-star fighter, if I go further, I will be a two-star fighter.

Thinking about this result will be very exciting.

At this time, I suddenly saw Xiao Wen walking towards me, he looked at me with deep hostility and said, "Why are you with Xiao Xue?"

I was surprised by this, so I said annoyedly, "Why can't you be with her? Are you allowed to come here on your own initiative?"

At this time, Xiao Xue also wanted to put away the smile on her face, and turned into a cold expression, saying: "Brother Long and I are talking here, what are you doing here, don't disturb us."

What he said made Xiao Wen's face turn blue and red, he had no choice but to see that neither of us wanted to see him, so he turned his head and left.

I think he looks very unwilling, but what can I do?I really don't like him, and Xiaoxue doesn't like him as much as I do.

Then I saw that the tea in the pot was finished, and I said to Xiao Xue: "I'm going back now, you should also go to rest, boil me tea for a long time, I forgive you, don't visit me It's about the game."

After I said this, she laughed and said, "So you've been thinking about me not going to watch your game. I know you're a small-minded person."

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but flicked her forehead with my fingers and said, "I'm telling you to be careful and I will punish you."

After being slapped on the forehead by me, she immediately covered the place where she was slapped and pouted, "You are too bad, I won't tell you anymore, I'm leaving."

After speaking, I jumped and ran to the distance with the teapot and teacup in hand. Looking at her back, I felt a lot more refreshed. If there is anyone in the Xiao family who can play with me, it must be Xiao Xue.

After returning to my room, I crossed my knees and continued to recover the battle energy that was consumed, but at this time, without my knowledge, Xiao Wen went to propose marriage to his grandfather, the Third Elder, saying that he wanted to marry Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue has a special status and is just an ordinary person in the clan. After he said such words, the third elder immediately agreed.

Immediately, they sent someone to find Xiao Xue's parents and explain the matter to them.

Because Xiao Xue's family's status in the clan is very low, at this moment they are just a handyman and can't reach the core layer at all, even the three elders in the clan have spoken, there is no reason for them to disagree and refuse.

Afterwards, Xiao Xue was very reluctant when she happened to be at home. At this time, under her repeated insistence, her parents said to think about it.

Because Xiao Xue gradually fell in love with me after getting along with her.

At this time, the Xiao family who came to intervene immediately changed their faces, and said viciously: "This matter is not ordered by the third elder. If you refuse, can you imagine the consequences? And your daughter can match To be the grandson of our third elder is already a great honor, and it is also good for your family, you should weigh it yourself."

Under his threat, Xiao Xue's parents showed hesitation on their faces.

Seeing this situation at last, Xiao Xue immediately turned around and went back to her room. After seeing her like this, her parents, who loved her so much, became firm at this moment, and immediately said: "This matter still needs to be solved." Let Xiao Xue think on her own."

After hearing this, the messenger who sent the message said fiercely: "Then you just wait!"

After speaking, he left.

After walking for a while, I saw a group of executives from the Xiao family coming to the courtyard where they lived. Xiao Xue went out after hearing the movement, and saw his parents standing at the gate of the courtyard arguing with the group of people.

She walked forward and understood what these people were saying.

It turned out that after the agreement of the management of the family, the courtyard where Xiao Xue's family lived needed to be replaced and given over to other members of the Xiao family. Sometimes it is easy to take it back with a single sentence, which is really unreasonable.

However, what the management was holding was the transfer order written by the third elder himself, and no one dared to disobey it at this moment. This situation had already made Xiao Xue's parents tearful, but there was nothing they could do.

Among these people stood the messenger who had come to intervene earlier, with a sneer on his face, what he did just now was directed by him when he went back to force Xiao Xue's family to agree to her request, and faced with such a Under the current situation, although Xiao Xue's parents were very reluctant, Xiao Xue should also consider it for her parents.

Then he gritted his teeth and stood up to look at the matchmaker, saying: "I have agreed to the marriage with the third elder's grandson Xiao Wen, please don't embarrass my parents anymore."

After she finished speaking, her tears flowed down without disappointment.

This matter was not what she wanted at all, it was forced to do nothing, and after hearing what she said, the aggressive managers immediately changed their attitude.

The matchmaker stood up first and said: "This matter should be decided after discussion. Since Xiao Xue has agreed to marry the grandson of our third elder, this status will definitely change. The courtyard was originally earned by Xiao Xue's father with contribution points. Don't force it too much for the time being, go back and report it for the time being."

The people who followed all agreed with a loud bang. This group of people followed after obeying the messenger's request, so naturally he was the only one who followed suit.

A group of people left, and happily went back to report Xiao Xue's promise to marry San Zhang's grandson Xiao Wen, but after seeing these people leave, Xiao Xue couldn't help but ran back to her room and cried loudly.

At this moment, Xiao Xue could foresee that her whole life was going to be over.

What Xiao Wen is, she knows better than anyone else in her heart, she is arrogant and arrogant, following Xiao Xue's temperament and being with Xiao Wen, she will be bullied all day long.

But now the situation is stronger than others, and there is nothing I can do. At this time, I just finished practicing the exercises and walked out of the yard. I also saw a group of people rushing past, and I reached out and grabbed one of them and said, "What are you doing?"

This man knows me.

And after two games, he had already developed a fear of me, and I was the son of the patriarch, so he immediately stopped and said: "So that the young master knows that Xiao Wen, the grandson of the third elder in our family, is going to win!" Take Xiao Xue, a side branch of the clan, as his wife, and at this time, I am going to prepare three matchmakers and six certificates to make a marriage agreement."

What did you say.

I froze for a moment, then grabbed his collar and said, "Is this true?"

When the man saw me like this, he quickly showed a flustered expression and said, "I dare not lie to you! We were ordered to get things."

Hearing what he said, I pushed him away and told him to leave, and let him go.

That person didn't dare to stay, but at this moment, the anger in my heart was directly connected, what kind of thing is this Xiao Wen, how can He De be worthy of Xiao Xue.

Anyway, Xiao Xue and I are good friends, and I have a little understanding of what kind of type she likes, Xiao Wen is not good enough for her at all.

However, in order not to cause any misunderstanding, I went to the place where Xiao Xue's house is first. After all, this matter is too big, and Xiao Xue must admit it face to face. Xiao Wen's theory might be self-defeating and hurt the harmony of the two families.

I walked quickly across the path to the courtyard of Xiao Xue's house. At this time, I could feel a dull atmosphere reverberating in the courtyard. At this time, Xiao Xue's parents were sitting in the courtyard and sighing.

Seeing me coming, Xiao Xue's father immediately got up and cupped his hands and said, "Eldest young master, you are here..."

I waved my hand and said to him: "Uncle, you don't need to be so polite, I'm here to find Xiao Xue."

Hearing what I said, Xiao Xue's father pointed to Xiao Xue's room and said, "He's crying inside."

He is a real person, and he directly told me what Xue looks like now.

As soon as I heard this, I immediately strode forward and pushed Xiao Xue's door open. At this time, I didn't care about etiquette. When I walked in, I saw pear blossoms on Xiao Xue's face, looking very pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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