Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 194 Challenge

Chapter 194 Challenge
I laughed and cursed, "Stinky girl, your courage is getting bigger and bigger, isn't your butt itchy again?"

Xiao Xue's face turned red, and her mouth was almost raised to the sky, "Hmph, you're a guy who can bully people, by the way, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

"Haha", I laughed out loud, and following her exclamation, I held her in my arms and smelled the refreshing fragrance of her hair, "Silly girl, I miss you every day I don't see you, You are also strange, why don't you move to Wu's house, then we can see each other every day."

Xiao Xue struggled in my arms for a long time without struggling to get away. She glared at me bitterly, and said: "You guys don't have your own house in Raging Flame City. I always live in someone else's house, and I will be laughed at by others. You And Xiao Yan thick-skinned, I can't do it."

I was taken aback, and suddenly realized that what Xiao Xue said was indeed such a truth, and at the same time, I made up my mind that as long as I win this competition, I must buy a house in Raging Flame City, or at least have a home.

Thinking of this, I asked: "Xiao Xue, you go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, you don't come to see me today just to talk about the house, right?"

Xiao Xue gave me a pair of cute white-eyed Ren'er, and said softly: "Of course not, let me see if you are ready, tomorrow is the time for the martial arts competition, are you sure?"

A touch of emotion surged in my heart, and I hugged her vigorously, "Haha, of course, now that I have the strength of a nine-star fighter, ordinary people can't hurt me, let alone those young disciples."

Early the next morning, Xiao Yan and I followed Wu Ming out of the gate of the Wu family. At the same time, hundreds of elite disciples of the Wu family followed behind us. Soon we came to the martial arts competition outside the flame city. field.

At this time, the inside was already full of crowds, there were disciples from other big families, but more of them were spectators. When they saw a group of us approaching, they immediately made way for us.

There is a tall platform next to Must Terrace, on which the nine masters of the Raging Flame City sit, of course, the head of the Wu family is also among them. When he saw us coming, his eyes showed joy.

"Haha, Brother Wu's family is really powerful. It seems that we have to work hard this time, otherwise the seat of the first family in Raging Flame City will belong to Brother Wu."

An old man with white eyebrows was speaking in a non-yin and yang manner, his face had a strong look of prey. He was the head of the Li family, and he had always been on good terms with the Wang family.

"Hmph, my Wu family is just a small faction. Everyone will have a chance to compete for the seat of the first family this time." Patriarch Wu gave Patriarch Li a cold look, but through words, he cleverly avoided it. To protect the sharpness of his words, so as not to become the target of public criticism.

Patriarch Li missed a single hit, and didn't speak, but smiled awkwardly, and then looked at the stage.

At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared on the stage at some point. He looked majesticly at the crowd, wearing a green dragon Taoist robe, and rushed towards the crowd with a strong deterrent force.

The audience immediately became quiet, but even more heated discussions erupted immediately, "Oh my God, it's actually the city lord. The nine families are so powerful that even the city lord can be invited. I can't help but admire."

The person who spoke just now was immediately despised by the companion next to him, "I said brother, your news is too behind, and you don't even know that the city owner is a referee. The game is more fair."

"Ahem, please be quiet, everyone!" Like a roaring thunder, the city lord Dissipated used his spiritual energy while speaking, and the audience immediately fell silent.

The city lord nodded in satisfaction, "Based on the principle of fairness and justice, in the next competition, we will adopt a lottery system, and each family will send ten disciples. This time we will adopt an elimination system, and whoever is left at the end will be You can get the position of the first throne."

"Okay!" There was a warm voice from below, and after a while, two young disciples came up to the stage carrying a big box. Looking at their clothes, they should belong to the city lord. The two moved the box in front of the city lord, and then go down.

The city lord reached into the box, took out a note, and shouted into the loudspeaker: "Okay, next is the Tian family and the Li family and the Wu family to compete on stage."

As soon as the voice of the city lord fell, I heard Patriarch Wu's voice transmission to me, "Boy, this is the first match. It must not be careless. You and Xiao Yan have the most advanced skills. Discuss who will go up."

At this time, the disciple of the Tian family had already stepped onto the stage. He was wearing a bright red dress, as if he was going to celebrate joy.

When I saw him wearing this outfit, I wanted to laugh, and at the same time, I felt a strong curiosity. I want to see what this guy is thinking. fell on the competition platform.

The man in red looked about 20 years old. His delicate face was set off by the red clothes like a woman. At this time, a look of doubt appeared on his face, "Are you from the Wu family? I remember the outstanding disciples of the Wu family." Clearly, it is just preparing for the arrival of this day.”

Seeing his innocent appearance, I suppressed a smile, "Hehe, young man, don't you know that there is a kind of disciple who has been latent for a long time, and they will only come out at the most critical time, and now I will tell you a very unfortunate one." The news, I am the potential disciple."

The face of the man in red immediately changed drastically. Although he has reached the five-star fighter stage, he already has the faint feeling that he is not my opponent.

Patriarch Tian stood up in the auditorium with a "huh", staring at Patriarch Wu, "Wu Shengtian, I didn't expect you to use your hole card in the first round of the competition. Aren't you afraid of losing?"

"Hahaha, I will lose. Don't you know that the trump card can kill everything? If it is possible, I hope I can continue to use it to suppress all of you who are not convinced." Wu Shengtian looked at it with a look of teasing. Zhu Tian Patriarch.

Patriarch Tian's face turned red immediately, and he yelled angrily at the competition stage, "Tian Sheng, don't fight, your opponent is a nine-star fighting master, when it's time to admit defeat, just admit defeat."

Tian Sheng's face became even paler, he looked at me in fear, his lips were trembling constantly, I could clearly see from it that he wanted to say the three words I admit defeat.

I didn't care about his performance, and looked at Patriarch Tian approvingly. I didn't expect this old guy to love his disciples, which I appreciate very much.

Thinking of this, I turned my head and yelled at the trembling Tian Sheng, "Boy, your patriarch has already made you admit defeat. If you don't repent and start fighting later, I don't guarantee that you will survive."

Tian Sheng lowered his head, not daring to look at me. He lowered his head and thought for a while, his eyes were full of fear, "Hmph, as the Tian family, I should win glory for the Tian family, even if I die, I will defend the Tian family." dignity!"

"Okay, as expected of the Tian family, you really are a man."

"The Tian family is really kind. Not only the head of the family loves his subordinates, but also the subordinates are loyal and loyal. They are really role models for my generation. I will definitely join the Tian family in the future."

Listening to the discussion in the audience, my nose was almost crooked, "Good boy, since you have never repented, don't blame me for being ruthless. Go to bed and reflect for half a year."

"Hero, spare your life! I have no choice?!" Suddenly an extremely small voice penetrated into my ears, and I looked at this guy suspiciously, why did you send me a sound transmission?

Tian Sheng's eyes are full of fortitude, but I can clearly see the look of pleading for mercy in the depths of his eyes, "Patriarch Tian is not a man of grandeur, if I really listened to his surrender just now, I will definitely give up when I go back. I can't live for more than three days, so I don't put on a show, lest this old bastard go back and kill me."

"Oh? That's right, but why should I not kill you, you know you stole the limelight just now." My eyes were narrowed, but the fierce murderous aura still shot on his face, all of this Tell him, don't try to take advantage of me.

"I'm willing to offer 1 amethyst coins to buy my life, and I'll give it to you after I step down!" Tian Sheng's eyes were full of anxiety, for fear that I would kill him suddenly.

"Okay!" I yelled, and my whole figure turned into a flash of lightning, and my palm hit him hard on the chest, but the people in the audience looked at me suspiciously, not understanding why I suddenly shouted Make a good word, of course, only Tian Sheng and I understand the key to this.

(End of this chapter)

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