Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 190 Encounter

Chapter 190 Encounter
Pulling Xiao Xue away from my arms, I looked at the sky outside, it was already dusk, and I asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, what happened these few days when I was in a coma?"

Xiao Yan sighed, "Oh, you don't know, the innocence of Lieyan City has really changed in the past two days, the Wang family is now ruined, and most of the Wang family's disciples have quit the Wang family and joined the Wu family. Now the Wu family can really become a faintly The number one force in Raging Flame City."

I frowned slightly. Although it looks good on the surface, it actually hides a lot of dangers. You must know that there are eight other families in Raging Flame City. Could they just stand by like this?That is impossible!

I was meditating when the door was suddenly opened. I hurriedly turned around and saw Wu Ming pushing the door in. As soon as he saw me, a happy smile appeared on his frowning face, and he strode over, " Haha, Brother Xiao Long, you're awake, it's really great, brother, I haven't eaten properly for several days because of this, now seeing you wake up, I finally let go of the boulder in my heart."

"Hmph, I'm afraid there is something you need me to help with. Looking at this guy's sad face, you can guess that there is nothing good." Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't show it on the surface, "Thank you Brother Wu Ming is concerned, but seeing the frown in your brows, I'm afraid you have something on your mind."

A trace of surprise flashed in Wu Ming's eyes immediately, "Brother Xiao Long not only has his cultivation base greatly improved, but also can see whether people's hearts are strong or not. It's amazing!"

Hearing this sarcasm, I slapped him on the shoulder with a smile and scolded, "Are you kidding me? If I'm running out of time now, you kid, talk and fart quickly, or don't clean up. I rest".

I have really helped the Wu family a lot now, and it can be said that I am a little exhausted. If Wu Ming feels a little ashamed, he should get up and leave at this time.

"Alas", Wu Ming sighed heavily, then stood up, and I was ecstatic in my heart, "Is this guy really going to be ashamed and leave? Xiao Yan and I don't owe them anything."

Unexpectedly, something that surprised me happened. After Wu Ming let out a long sigh, he knelt down with a "plop", "Brother Xiao Long, brother Xiao Yan, you must help my Wu family. I've reached a hurdle I can't get past, I hope you can help me out of the old love, my Wu family will definitely have a big thank you."

Xiaoyao and I looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes. They both said that the man has gold under his knees. This Wu Ming is usually a very face-saving person. He usually doesn't want to say a word when we meet. What happened to him now? What happened, they all knelt down.

But no matter what happens, you can't let this guy kneel down. You must know that he is not only good-faced, but also very small-minded. God knows whether he will remember us when he kneels down. In case one day he secretly revenges us It's terrible, thinking of this, I quickly supported him with my hands, "Brother Wu Ming doesn't have to be like this, as the saying goes, a man doesn't cry easily, if you have anything to say, just say it, we will definitely help you if we can of."

This time I also learned the lesson, and I didn't speak so full of words. Wu Ming wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Oh, I thought it was a good thing that the Wang family fell, but in the end I found that only our two families were really hurt. Now The other eight major forces in the city have already twisted into one rope, saying that they will hold a young disciple competition with my Wu family."

When I heard this, I felt a "thump" in my heart, and hurriedly asked, "Why, your Wu family doesn't want me and Xiao Yan to go up, right? You must know that Xiao Yan and I belong to the Xiao family, so we can't go up." Although I said so on my lips, but my heart slandered fiercely, "Damn it, if your Wu family is not destroyed by others, what are you doing to us?"

Hearing that he was looking for me so smoothly, the tears that Wu Ming had just stopped flowed out again, and there was even a tendency to howl, "Brother Xiao Long, you can't be so cruel, when Xiao Yan and I were at school, But good buddy, you must know that I helped to find his Qinglian Dixinhuo. The remaining eight major families have said that if the Wu family wins, they will respectfully call us the boss of Raging Flame City. It will gather all major forces to wipe out our Wu family."

As soon as I heard what he said, I immediately screamed inwardly. Xiao Yan is the most nostalgic guy. Now that I heard him talking about the old days, it's no wonder that Xiao Yan didn't agree. Thinking of this, I use prayer His eyes turned towards Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan didn't dare to meet my eyes, he simply lowered his head, and finally heaved a long sigh, "Brother Xiao Long, I know you have nothing to do with this matter, and you said no If it sounds nice, you and Wu Ming are not that good, but I can't ignore it, you better not get involved in this muddy water, I'll just block it myself."

Seeing his hard-working appearance, I really wanted to kick him, "Who are you? Are you hard-working?" But in the end I restrained myself. If I did that, everyone would definitely hate me.

"Oh, that's all, brother Xiao Yan, without you this time, I wouldn't be able to advance so fast. Besides, we are still brothers with broken bones and tendons. Just pick it up in one piece.”

The eyes of Wu Ming and Xiao Yan were filled with ecstasy, Xiao Yan patted my shoulder vigorously, "Okay, as expected of the son of my Xiao family, he is responsible for everything..."

Wu Ming also rubbed his hands together happily, "Haha, thank you so much Brother Xiao Long, with you and Xiao Yan joining this time, my Wu family is sure to win. Tonight, Tianfenglou, let's not get drunk No return! My treat!"

"Hehe", I sneered, "Brother Wu Ming, although what I said may hurt our feelings, I still want to say it. Xiao Yan and I have helped your Wu family so much, and we have not gained anything. Good thing, I'll get straight to the point if I have anything to say, if you help the Wu family win the first place this time, I don't know if there is any benefit, brother, I'm straight, don't take offense."

Wu Ming's eyes rolled wildly, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "The family that won this time has a big prize, that is a ten thousand year ginseng, as long as you can help my Wu family get the first place, this ten thousand year ginseng The ginseng belongs to you and brother Xiao Yan."

Hearing the words of Wannian ginseng, I was extremely shocked. The prize this time is really very rich. Even if it is not for the Wu family, it is worth fighting for the first place just for this Wannian ginseng. Thinking of this , I nodded in satisfaction, "Haha, brother Wu Ming is indeed a cheerful person, based on your current demeanor, you will be the Patriarch of the Wu family in the future."

After discussing the business, it was already dark, and the few of us came to the most luxurious Tianfeng Tower in Raging Flame City. Looking at the monks who kept entering, I couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Wu Ming, I heard that Tianfeng Tower It was opened by the Li family, and now we are in a hostile stage with them, they will not throw us out."

Wu Ming was dressed in white, which made him extremely handsome. He flicked the fan in his hand and slapped it a few times gracefully, "Haha, Brother Xiao Long, don't worry about such things. You must know that businessmen pay attention to kindness." For your sake, if they really do that, what reputation will they have, so you can go in and eat, drink and have fun."

After following him in with strides, the interior was indeed magnificently decorated. Even the maids who dressed the guests were monks who could practice. People who are more or less know how to practice.

Tianfeng Building has five floors in total, the highest floor is Tianzihao, which has only one room.We were lucky today that it was empty.Wu Ming was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out his wallet. Seeing him easily take out 1 amethyst coins, I couldn't help but secretly stunned, this guy is really a rich master, although I also have a lot of amethyst coins , but that was all earned by me, and I must not squander it like this.

While I was meditating, "Please invite some gentlemen to come with the little girl." A pleasant voice came to my ears, and I hurriedly looked up, only to see a beautiful girl smiling sweetly at us. , She is as beautiful as a person in a painting. The beautiful facial features are just matched together, which makes people look extremely pleasing to the eye, and even improves her mood.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my arm. Xiao Xue was opening her eyes wide and looking at me bitterly, "Aren't you fascinated by seeing a beauty? You watched her for five seconds just now. If I hadn't pinched you After a while, I'm afraid it will take 10 minutes, and there is no one else who can't compare to this vixen."

I couldn't help smiling dumbly, and stroked Xiao Xue's beautiful hair lovingly with my hand, "Silly girl, what are you thinking, the reason why I paid attention to this woman for so long just now is because I was using her to have sex with you just now. In the end, I found out that you are slightly better than her in both temperament and appearance."

Xiao Xue heard me praise her like this, and couldn't hold back her face anymore, she gave me an angry look, "I gave you full marks for this answer, so I will forgive you, but next time I must answer better than this time. , or you'll see me." After finishing speaking, he gritted his little tiger teeth at me.

I couldn't help laughing bitterly, this girl is really tricky and weird, but this is what attracts me the most about her. When I am with her, I will never think about guarding against her. It is really a rare enjoyment. Her Xiaoqiong nose said, "Okay, let's go up too, Xiao Yan and the others have already reached the third floor."

I was sitting in the Tianzi shop eating and drinking. After all, I haven’t eaten for several days. Wu Ming is really not stingy at all when it comes to eating. What do you want for delicious food? It's like spending money like water, which makes me envious.

I picked up the wine in the glass and invited Wu Ming who was also feasting and drinking, "Brother Wu Ming, how is your food doing now, why don't we talk about something."

(End of this chapter)

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