Chapter 144

"Haha, what did you brat say?" The headmaster said with joy in his eyes. Although he cursed, the joy in his eyes could be seen by anyone.

Just as the three of us were chatting and laughing, a male student came in in a panic. He was wearing a Tsing Yi. When he saw the principal, he hurriedly shouted: "Principal, it's not good. Teacher Yao was attacked by someone." You are seriously injured, go and have a look."

"What! You said that Yaoxi was attacked!" The headmaster's eyes immediately turned blood red, and his aura suddenly exploded, and he rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

Tianmeng and I looked at each other, we both saw the shock in each other's eyes, and then quickly rushed towards the principal's office, who could have hurt Yao Xi beauty? Someone wants revenge on him?

Soon the principal's office was in front of us, and the surroundings of the principal's office were crowded with students and teachers who were watching the excitement. Xiao Yan and I rushed over with fierce fighters exuding from our bodies, and turned the rushing crowd on their backs. Many people cursed loudly: "Hey, it's that little bastard who wants to sneak up on me."

It was a man in white who cursed. I glared at him viciously with my blood red eyes. The man in white immediately trembled in fright. This time he saw clearly that it was me and Xiao Yan. He kowtowed on the ground, "Bosses, spare me , the two bosses, please forgive me."

"Forget it Xiao Long, let's go in and see how Yao Xi is doing." Xiao Yan grabbed my hand and said to me.

I nodded, then let out a cold snort, and strode towards the principal's office. The people around me hurriedly dodged, as if they were avoiding a disaster.

Soon, Xiao Yan and I came to the principal's office unimpeded. The principal was holding the pale Yaoxi and crying bitterly, "Xi'er, don't die, tell me who hurt you, and I will report it for you." Qiu, I will go down and reunite with you."

I was startled, looking at Yao Xi's angry look, it seemed that he was going to die soon, I stood there for a long time without saying a word, and I didn't know how to persuade him.

Xiao Yan walked forward quickly, and then took out the only panacea left, and put it in Yaoxi's mouth. Yaoxi's face immediately became rosy, and her breathing seemed to be steady. He grabbed Yaoxi Xi's arm was tested, and a look of joy flashed across his face, "Principal, don't be like this. Teacher Yaoxi's injury is cured. I have used the panacea to stabilize her injury. Now I only need the dragon blood tree to heal it." .”

With a "plop", the headmaster knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face, "Xiao Yan, thank you so much, I didn't expect you to have such a peerless panacea on you, I, I..."

Seeing his excited look, Xiao Yan hurriedly pulled him up, "Principal, what are you like? You take care of us like that, let alone a small panacea. Even if I fight to the death, I can still help you." how is it."

I listened to it secretly and praised him endlessly. I didn't expect that Xiao Yan, who is usually so cold, could speak so heart-warmingly.

Thinking of this, I stepped forward and asked: "Brother Xiao Yan, what is the sacred blood dragon wood you mentioned just now, could it make Teacher Yaoxi's injury completely recover from it?"

Xiao Yan nodded heavily, "That's right, the reason why Teacher Yaoxi wakes up now is because she still lacks a trace of masculinity in her body, so just use Shenlongxuemu."

Yao Xi's face has now returned to blood, and her breathing has gradually stabilized, but her eyelids are still unwilling to open, and she will never reveal her beautiful eyes again.I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart.

The sadness in the headmaster's eyes was gone, he sighed slightly, and said: "Oh, I heard that there is a dragon blood tree in the endless mountain range, I can only ask you for this matter."

My face was turning green, I didn't expect that I just came out of that extremely dangerous place, and now I'm about to come in again, it's really hard life and I can't blame the school.

The headmaster seemed to see the reluctance on my face, and he said, "Xiao Long, Yaoxi's life is all in your hands, so you can go with Xiao Yan."

Seeing the headmaster in tears, I knew I couldn't get rid of his request.

"Okay, then just wait for us for a few days, at most seven days, at least three days, we will show up, and then we will definitely hand over the sacred blood dragon wood to you." Xiao Yan pulled me I walked outside the principal's office, and there was already a group of people crowded outside, they all made way for me and Xiao Yan.

Soon, Xiao Yan and I came to the valley. The guard was still Li Wei. He was standing guard alone in the wind. He looked extraordinarily lonely, and one couldn't help feeling desolate.

"Are the two junior brothers going to enter the Endless Mountain Range?" He saw us from a long distance, so he ran down to meet us in advance.

I smiled and said: "Yeah, I still need senior brother Li Wei to make it easier. This matter is really important. Teacher Yaoxi doesn't know who was injured, so the principal needs us to go to the Endless Mountains to find Shenlong Xuemu for treatment." .”

"Okay, okay, since this is the case, go in quickly, I wish you all the best." Li Wei seemed to have received a lot of care from the principal, so he hastily turned on the switch.

I cupped my hands at him and said, "In that case, thank you, brother."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yan and I stepped into the Endless Mountain Range. The scenery changed completely. We had already appeared in the Endless Mountain Range, surrounded by towering ancient trees.

Looking at the densely packed trees, I couldn't help having a headache, and asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, where is there such a dragon blood tree here? There must be hundreds of millions of big trees here. I'm afraid we'll have to look for it even if we fly to find it." Last year or so."

A hint of color flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes, "Hmph, if the Shenlongxuemu was so easy to find, would it still be preserved until now? Let me tell you, at night, the Shenlongxuemu will faintly glow red. I can find it."

I was overjoyed, "Brother Xiao Yan really knows a lot, it must be the old man Yao who told you."

Xiao Yan nodded, and heaved a long sigh, "Well, although I know a lot, there must be all kinds of beasts lurking around the Shenlong Xuemu, we'd better be careful, if you accidentally get hurt Yes, it’s really worth the candle.”

There was also a strange flash in my eyes, and I asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, since it's still early, let's talk about it here, who do you think hurt Teacher Yaoxi, even though Yaoxi fell in love with the principal?" , but I have never offended anyone, and when I talk about it now, I still can't believe that Teacher Yaoxi was almost killed by someone."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, which made me almost mistake him for the move, but what he said next made me let out a long breath, "Hmph, who else, I'm sure It is someone who admires Teacher Yaoxi, this kind of guy must be an extremely selfish ghost, what he can't get, others can't even imagine."

I just nodded in relief. What Xiao Yan said just now is similar to what I expected, but if you want to guess who it is, it’s not accurate. After all, Yaoxi is a heartthrob at school. After waking up, I was asking each other.

Before I knew it, the sun had already set, and night fell quietly. Xiao Yan and I looked at each other, and then flew towards the sky, because only in this way can we see the light from the dragon blood tree.

But when we climbed to a height of [-] meters, we still didn't see anything. I couldn't help feeling a bit of doubt in my heart, and asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, why did we ascend to such a high level? Why is there nothing there?" , Was it taken away by someone else?"

Xiao Yan looked at his feet solemnly, carefully looking for the sacred blood dragon wood, "No one can take this kind of thing completely, even if someone wants to do the thing of extinction, they can't do it, because there are dragons growing on it. Where the blood wood is, the ability contains endless dragon energy, as long as there is a grass on that piece of ground, one day you can get the dragon blood wood."

Suddenly, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and not far below his finger, there was an irrepressible surprise in his voice, "There is the dragon blood tree over there."

I blinked my eyes hard, but I couldn't see anything unusual, so I couldn't help but asked in doubt, "Where is there something, brother Xiao Yan, you must have misread it and caused your nerves to go wrong, right?"

The corner of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched with pride, "I forgot to tell you just now, you can't see it with ordinary naked eyes, you need to use your spiritual power to infuse it into your eyes, and then you can see clearly."

Hearing what he said, I tried to do it, but it almost scared me down. I saw a red dragon staring at us below, glaring at us, as if it wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Brother Xiao Yan, run quickly", I turned my head and flew away after I finished saying this, it was really scary, there was a blood dragon lurking, but I felt something was wrong in my heart, but I couldn't tell.

"Haha, I didn't tell you just now, because I was also afraid of this situation." Xiao Yan laughed and grabbed my arm, pointing down with his finger and laughing. "You see that blood dragon can't move at all, so you can rest assured, he is made of dragon blood wood, the main purpose is to scare away those who want to harvest it, but this time our luck is really good Well, it was so easy to find Shenlong Xuemu."

(End of this chapter)

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