Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 135 To the Academy

Chapter 135 Back to Academy
Listening to Ziyang's explanation, although his expression and tone were very serious, I still imagined his distressed appearance at that time. When this guy ran away, he must have been like a bereaved dog.

Ziyang glanced at me resentfully, and said with a slight complaint: "Brother Xiao Long, why don't you say help me, why are you still laughing at me, it really hurts my heart, little brother, alas!"

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Ziyang, you really misunderstood me when you said that. Think about it, what kind of person am I? What's more, that guy must be coming for me." , How about it, you will lead me to find him tomorrow, and we will meet him well, but have you found out his address and classroom in the past two days?"

Only then did Ziyang happily say: "Haha, Brother Xiao Long is really loyal. As for the address, don't worry. If I don't even investigate this clearly, I won't have the face to hang around with you. This kid is called Li Yuheng, but he didn't Knowing his origin, this kid is usually elusive."

My brows gradually frowned, as soon as I thought of the surname Li and the word elusive, I couldn't help thinking of the demons in my heart.

"Forget it, don't talk so much, I'm tired now, you can go and see tomorrow, just turn off the lights and go to sleep." Xiao Yan said to us lying on the bed.

The dormitory fell silent immediately, Ziyang, Tianmeng, I, and I were all waiting for tomorrow, and then fell asleep unknowingly.

The sun did not know when it quietly emerged, and its holy sunshine sprinkled into the dormitory, awakening everyone who was sleeping.

I yawned, and then I stretched my waist long. It's better to sleep in the dormitory. Not only is it very practical, but it's not as scary as in the endless mountains.

Tianmeng and Ziyang were immediately awakened by my yawn, only Xiao Yan was still asleep, he was really exhausted these days, and he was not in the mood to meddle in our affairs.

The three of us washed up quickly, then left the dormitory one after another, and then started discussing under a big tree how to trouble Li Yuheng.

"I think so, let's just wait here for that kid. I have made inquiries in the past two days. This is the only way for that kid to go to the cafeteria to eat." Ziyang gritted his teeth. He was almost killed in two days. Although he usually pretended not to care, he was still quite annoyed.

Tianmeng frowned and said, "It's a little bad. How should I say it? We are also students at the same school. Now it's really a place for students to eat. Let's kill him in full view. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the principal to do so."

I glanced at Tianmeng, and secretly admired his thoughtfulness. What this kid said is good, but it would be really bad if it was seen by outsiders. Thinking of this, I said, "How about this, Tianmeng, you go to the academy first The valley is waiting for us, Ziyang and I will lead him to the back mountain in a while, when the time comes, we will gang up on him, if he is a demon, we will kill him, if not, we will rob him."

Tianmeng's eyes lit up, she nodded quickly and said yes, and then walked towards the back mountain of the college, Ziyang and I looked at each other, then climbed up the big tree, waiting for Li Yuheng's arrival, Ziyang kept poking his head out to check .

After a while, this guy Ziyang turned his head with a happy face, "Hey, Brother Xiao Long, get ready, that guy is coming."

"Oh? That's a good relationship. I've been waiting for this thing for so long, and now it's finally here. This time, I must interrogate him properly." While talking, I jumped down with Ziyang.

Li Yuheng was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the two of us, and he seemed to calm down quickly. When he saw that it was Ziyang, a hint of cunning flashed in his originally angry eyes, "Hey, who did I say, so it turns out He is the defeated under my command, what? Thinking that finding a useless helper can change the situation of the battle, it's really ridiculous."

A trace of ridicule flashed in Ziyang's eyes, "Haha, didn't you keep looking for me, Brother Xiao Long, now that he is right in front of your eyes, you can't recognize him? He's really blind, and you'll be useless for the rest of your life. "

Li Yuheng didn't pay attention to his scolding, instead he just stared at me, which made me shudder. It seems that this guy has good skills, and he is the most difficult person to deal with if he is not moved by foreign objects.

"I heard that you've been looking for me. I don't know what you can do." I spoke first, because I felt that it was so silly for the two of them to pretend to be unrivaled experts and stand silent.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to borrow your head." As soon as Li Yuheng finished speaking, his momentum suddenly changed, and his eyes turned blood red.

I was startled. The red eyes are a symbol only possessed by demons. Could it be that another demon has entered the school?Before I could figure it out, a howling wind came from my ears.

I hurriedly squatted down to hide, and then grabbed Ziyang, who was staring blankly, and ran to the back mountain. Tianmeng was waiting for us there, and he must have set up a trap by now.

Ziyang ghost screamed and was dragged forward by me. The scenery around me kept flashing from both sides, and my lightning step had been run to the limit.

Finally approaching the back mountain, suddenly a white stone appeared on the ground in front of me, I was overjoyed, and then jumped over, I know that white stone, only Tianmeng has it, there must be him Get the trap.

With a "plop", Li Yuheng didn't know it, and he fell into it without any precautions. When he was caught in the trap, a black long sword appeared at some point, and stabbed fiercely into the trap.

"Ah..." A scream came from the trap. Although I don't know where he was stabbed, I must have stabbed him. I seized the opportunity, then summoned the Scarlet Blood Sword, and stabbed him fiercely. into the hole.

This time the scream was much quieter, it should have stabbed an important part, Tianmeng in white jumped out from the big tree nearby, and then came to us.

I smiled and patted this guy on the shoulder, "Sure, boy, I dug out such a perfect trap, if I didn't know your belongings, I'm afraid I would have fallen for it too."

Tianmeng smiled shyly, "Hehe, it's just a trivial skill, he can't make it to the stage, let's go and see how that guy is doing."

When the three of us gathered around the entrance of the cave and took a look inside, we all laughed out loud at the same time. We saw a long black sword stuck in Li Yuheng's lifeline. The Chiyue Sword stuck into this guy's chest, and there was a mass of green substance sticking to him under his body, what a poor guy.

Although Li Yuheng was seriously injured, his eyes became even redder, "In the name of the demons, I curse you shameless fellows, you will all die badly."

"Hmph, do you demons only know how to talk, you only curse others all day long, I want to teach you a good lesson." Ziyang was furious, and then began to take off his pants.

"Damn it, Ziyang, what are you doing, why are you taking off your pants, don't be impulsive." Tianmeng and I were afraid that he would do something unbelievable, so we hurriedly held him back.

Ziyang struggled to break free from both of us, but finally found that he was not as strong as me, so he finally gave up struggling, and said with a wry smile: "What are you doing, I want to pee on him, isn't this guy arrogant, I want him to take it with him. Covered in urine to meet the demon lord he worships."

"No, you can't do this, you will be cursed by the devil." Li Yuheng, who was seriously injured, seemed to gain strength when he heard Ziyang's words. He struggled vigorously, but the green liquid on his back stuck him to death of.

"Huh la la", what Ziyang wanted to do was still done, his urine kept spilling on Li Yuheng's face and body, "Haha, now you are afraid, let you be arrogant that day, let you chase and kill me that day."

Li Yuheng died in the end. I don't know if he died of anger or bleeding too much. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets, staring at the three of us.

I sneered, then took out corrosive water from my arms, and poured it on him. Li Yuheng's body disappeared into the deep pit with green smoke, leaving only some rags, as if saying that someone seemed to have existed here .

The three of us turned our heads and left. This guy is really disgusting. He used more corrosive water than others.

Suddenly, Tianmeng slapped his forehead fiercely, "Hey, we forgot a big thing."

Ziyang and I were taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"Don't you guys want to know who introduced this guy? I suspect that the teacher in our college has been bought by the demons. If we follow through the investigation, we will be able to find out that teacher as well." Tianmeng stood aside He patted his forehead regretfully.

I understood what he meant in an instant. I really didn't think of this. Thinking of this, I comforted Tianmeng, "Okay, don't think about it so much, I will ask the principal later and ask him to find out who took Li Yuheng Just recruit them in."

Tianmeng sighed regretfully, "Oh, I'm afraid the demons are not that stupid, they won't leave such an obvious clue, but you should ask the principal later, there is always a glimmer of hope."

I patted Tianmeng on the shoulder and said: "Well, don't worry Tianmeng, even if we can't find the root cause this time, my strength has been greatly improved recently, not to mention brother Xiao Yan helping us, The principal is on our side, so there is nothing to be afraid of, if there is one, we will kill one, and if there are two, we will kill a pair."

Ziyang beside me was excited by my words, "Yes, let's kill one."

(End of this chapter)

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