Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 122 Using Fighting Skills

Chapter 122 Using Fighting Skills
I stand on the left, and Yuan Batian stands on the right.

Yuan Batian started to run "Broken Spirit" in his body, and it was also running in my body at the same time, but I was running in the opposite direction.

Along with the two of us running, there was a sound like an explosion in midair!

Immediately, under the astonished eyes of the crowd, the originally unbreakable restriction unexpectedly experienced huge fluctuations, and under these two kinds of energy that were the same but not the same, some cracks actually appeared!
And this crack is expanding, and its speed is far beyond our expectations!
"Xiao Xue, hurry up!"

I saw Xiao Xue on the side staring at the current situation in a daze, so I couldn't help but remind him.

Such a good opportunity, we must seize this opportunity as soon as possible. It would be embarrassing if the opportunity is only once or twice.

"it is good."

Xiao Xue finally woke up from the daze very quickly, and immediately used her own power.

Immediately afterwards, the air was filled with the power of the fire element, and then an extremely powerful impact rushed into the prohibition.

If I didn't have the restraint of the two of us, this attack would not be of much use, but on the contrary, there are two of us this time!
So the unbreakable restriction is actually under such an ordinary attack.

After Yuan Batian and Xiao Xue saw this situation, their pupils shrank.

"How can it be done so easily?!"

There was some disbelief in their tone, and they all explained from the information they had learned from all parties that it was extremely difficult to obtain things in the Temple of God, but everything in front of them completely disrupted their thoughts.

Why do you all say that such a simple thing can be done is difficult? !
But if you think about it carefully, if it wasn't for the cooperation of the three of them and a plan for this matter, it really wouldn't be so simple to break the ban!

"Okay, you two, don't be in a daze now, hurry up and get your things, and then we should go to the next place."

Looking at their rather surprised lives, I have a smile on the corner of my mouth, and at the same time, there is a trace of pain. Why are the two of them so simple, but mine has to experience a narrow escape?

The restriction that was resolved this time belongs to Xiao Xue, so the place we should go next is the place where Yuan Batian picked things.

"Xiao Xue, what fighting skill did you choose?"

On the way there, I asked Xiao Xue very curiously. Xiao Xue glanced at me and then showed me the fighting skills in his hand, and then I saw four large characters.

"Seven Tactics of the Flame Dragon"!
My pupils shrank slightly at this moment.

"I didn't expect you to be able to obtain this book of fighting skills." There was a trace of strangeness in my tone: "I remember that what you originally cultivated was the incomplete book of fighting skills, but I didn't expect you to get the complete book of fighting skills this time , and if this is the case, then your road ahead should be much easier."

"Of course, otherwise, why would I have worked so hard just to acquire this fighting skill?"

Xiao Xue gave me a white look and said happily.

"Let's talk less, we have to hurry to our destination. After all, both of you have done it, and I haven't done it yet. Thinking about it is full of heartache."

Seeing the two of us talking, Yuan Batian couldn't help but compare our mouths.

And I looked at him from the side with a smile on my face. Most people think that Tianjiao is relatively cold and serious, and I also looked at Yuan Batian with an idea, but I didn't expect that under the relationship just now, I Just discovered.

In fact, Tianjiao is really easy to get along with, at least Yuan Batian is such a person, he is not as tall as many people imagined, in fact, he is even more funny.

As for why he has a cold attitude in front of many people, no one has ever really understood him, they are just guessing based on his appearance.

But if you really get along with each other for a long time, you will find that what you thought, whether it is people or various things, is different on the surface and in the heart.

"You can rest assured, our speed can already be considered faster, and in addition to our speed of breaking the ban, you will never forget it."

I stared at Yuan Batian a little speechlessly. In fact, our speed is not particularly slow, but if we say it is fast, we can't say that.

After all, where we are now is different.

"It's just that our speed can be a little faster." I lowered my head and calculated the time for a while, and then explained lightly: "Because although we don't spend much time, the time given to us is too much." There aren't many, so it's better to hurry just in case."

Yuan Batian and Xiao Xue nodded in agreement, and then the three of us started at full speed, and headed for our destination in a slightly crowded place here!
The place where Yuan Batian chose his fighting skills was still relatively far from our original place, but we quickly arrived at his place under our full-strength rush.

"This is the place I chose!"

In just a short time, we arrived at the so-called destination.

"I didn't expect you to choose such a high-level thing!" I was a little stunned when I saw the restriction in front of me, because I found that the restriction in front of me was bigger than both of us.

Although observing things does not mean observing the appearance, you can get the correct answer, but in any case, the appearance is the first impression, so isn't the thing growing inside extremely strong?

Yuan Batian stared at me a little bit speechlessly for a long time.

"Xiao Xue's choice matches him very well, so it is relatively profitable, and so is what I choose. Otherwise, don't you think that the real purpose of my coming here after all the hard work ...Is it to choose a volume of fighting skills!!!"


I found that I really didn't want to talk.

"Isn't that so?"

I have a little weak interface to answer.

I came here because I seem to be relieved of this kind of thinking.

"Did you come here with an idea?!" Yuan Batian stared at me very speechlessly, and suddenly heard my weak answer, so he couldn't help asking.


I nodded to show that this is the real reality.


Yuan Batian looked up at the sky speechlessly, God, why did you punish me like this? !Why did you take a picture of such a teammate of mine? !

"But we can only take out the things first?" Yuan Batian didn't bother to argue with me in the end, so he spoke out the real purpose of our coming here.

"It was you who argued with me first." I opened my mouth and explained to him lightly: "At the same time, I planned to start doing it right away when I first came here, but I just subconsciously felt a little bit, and you just talked to me directly. changed."

"So the fault is not mine, but on the contrary, the fault is yours personally!"


"Stop arguing, you two! I don't understand why two people who are obviously geniuses are both talking like an old woman..."

When Xiao Xue remembered these words, the scene fell into an extremely embarrassing moment.

"Let's do it first."

After that, I had to make an extremely embarrassing opening to explain these things.

It's simple and not particularly difficult!

It's just that compared to Xiao Xue's one, it took a longer time. Although Yuan Batian's prohibition on that one is more advanced, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

It's only half of the time, and we have completely settled the things on Yuan Batian's side.

"Then we're almost ready to leave!"

Since the three of us have already taken what we need, we naturally won't stay here for too long.

And the time is almost coming, even if we don't choose to go out, we will be forced to go out.

"So let's hurry him out."

The three of us left here along the way we came.


At this time, the dean is looking at the situation inside, um... To use precise words, he is staring at the gate with wide eyes, but he can't see anything.select!

At this time, the door was suddenly slowly pushed open, and the three of us slowly walked out of a tunnel like a black hole.

"You three are all done?!"

The dean widened his eyes and stared at the three of us. This is the fastest person he has ever seen to get this matter done since he became the dean, so subconsciously he asked what he thought Ask something.

"Of course it is!"

The three of us nodded.

"Otherwise, why did we come out so early? In this case, isn't this opportunity wasted in vain?"

It's not that I still opened my mouth and said this sentence to run on the dean.

And I subconsciously walked directly to the side of the dean.

"Dean, I have encountered some hurtful things, so I think the two of us should talk carefully." I said to the dean in front of me in a serious manner.


The dean was a little happy after hearing what we said, because such a fast speed showed that the three of us had very high qualifications, so why was he unhappy?
It's just that he was not happy for a long time just now, I was hit by my next words, if there are more mixed in it, then...


"You actually encountered such a thing that almost killed you!"

The dean had this expression when he first heard it, but when I told all the content, he changed to another expression.

(End of this chapter)

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