sweeping the world

Chapter 991 Still this operation?

Chapter 991 Still this operation?
"The number of cases that have been found and filed is 37."

"Check, check again!"

Yu Yi kept rubbing his temples, his face was full of exhaustion.

The resolution to castrate slaves has been passed at the Umrah meeting. The ministers listed many implementation plans, and later decided to coordinate several feasible plans to form a big plan.

Although the resolution was passed and there was a plan for implementation, it was not notified. Only a small group of people knew that the resolution was passed, and those who knew about the implementation plan were limited to a small circle.

Yu Yi is the minister of the Ministry of punishment, and he has actually only been in office for less than a year.

The Ministry of Punishment generally inherited the functions of the Yushifu, Tingwei Office, and Dali Temple under the previous Sangong Jiuqing system. Some official titles have changed, and the transfer of functions has also changed, but the general operation is still the same.

In the past, all parts of the country needed to summarize and sort out the local cases every winter, and then sent them to Chang'an for another summary and archiving.

Now those files naturally belong to the Ministry of Punishment, and Yu Yi got a task, which is to find out the files of slaves raping women from good families.

It has been 14 years since the founding of the Han Dynasty. There was a class of slaves from the beginning. However, the number of slaves was small in the early days. As time went on, the number of slaves increased.

But all living creatures, especially humans with wisdom, must make some mistakes.

There is such a saying that "all evils are headed by adultery", does it point out the mistakes that people most want to make?
Yu Yi came to look for files related to sexual assault committed by slaves, but he was surprised that there were thousands of records to check.

Those slaves who committed sexual assaults naturally died, some died without bones, and there were not a few people who were even implicated and died.

In fact, Yu Yi was very puzzled, whether it was the Han people's poor discipline and restraint on the slaves, or the slaves were so suppressed to the point of madness, how could so many things happen?
As soon as the thought came to his mind, Yu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The Han Dynasty has as many as 300 million slaves. Just a few thousand incidents are considered very few, right?"

In terms of proportion and probability, it is really too small.

It is necessary to deeply know that there is such a nation that has legal rape laws. The reason for legal rape is that women wear less clothes, and rape or more excessive gang rape does not constitute a crime.One can imagine how many assault cases occur in that country every year, and how fearful women living in that country must be.

In the early years, the gender gap among the Han people was too serious, and the sexual assaults that occurred were also very serious. It is fundamental for officials to understand the principle that blocking is worse than sparse.

Later, it was even simpler. If the tribe lacked women, they would rob them. If individuals were not easy to rob, then the army would clear the way. If the army did not rob, they would replenish the country's population. Instead, the people formed a team to become a slave-catching team. Everything was done without offending the Han people. Work legally according to law.

"Let's sort it out." Yu Yi said seriously to Gaining, the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Punishment: "This matter is of great importance, so we should do it as quickly as possible!"

Gai Ning really didn't know what his boss was up to, so he respectfully replied, "No!"

Yu Yi ordered people to pack the compiled files into boxes and have them carry the boxes with him.

The main office of the Criminal Ministry is in Miyagi, and the core offices are all in Miyagi.

Walking in the Miyagi, Yu Yi found that not only the Criminal Department looked busy, but the Sixth Department was a little less busy than the Industrial Department, and the other five departments were all busy.

In fact, the Ministry of Industry is also very busy, but the busy place is not in Miyagi, but in the outskirts of the city.

The Ministry of Industry is now busier than any other department. They have received a huge share of off-line work from the Shaofu, and they need to manufacture [-] qualified gun beds, gun barrels and sub guns within a year.

In order to show Liu Yan that they could work, the entire engineering department was like crazy. Not only did they have to complete the work within the deadline, but they also had to produce high-quality products.

In the future, whether the Ministry of Industry can intervene in the production of firearms depends entirely on the sale of the hammer, or it will be ashamed to fight with Shaofu again.

Participating in the production of firearms is not simply a matter of face. For the Ministry of Industry, it has risen to the height of being completely marginalized. If they cannot participate in the production of firearms, their official positions will be whatever they are, but don’t think about it. Don't even think about the benefits and credits.

The Ministry of Industry needs to complete 12 flintlock parts within a year, and the Shaofu's share is [-].

In addition to the spare parts of the flintlock, Shaofu also has [-] guns of various calibers.

Everything shows that the Han Empire has put firearms on the agenda, and the army is transitioning from a complete cold weapon to the age of firearms.

"Yu Shangshu." Lu Yi put down the document in his hand and asked, "It's finished so soon?"

Yu Yi smiled and nodded.

This is the advantage of being in the center. Local files have long been sent to be summarized. If you want to find any file, you can go to the archives where it has been summarized. It only costs labor, and there is really nothing too troublesome.

In addition to being responsible for national-level etiquette, the Ministry of Rites of the Han Empire was also responsible for planning wars.

The current Han Empire does not have any military operations that need to be planned by the Ministry of Rites. Most of the time, there are not many things that the Ministry of Rites can be busy with.The big thing is to be busy with national-level sacrifices, and the smaller things are the marriages and funerals of high-ranking officials and lords.

This time Liu Yan handed over the matter of public opinion guidance to the Ministry of Rites, and it was Lu Yi who fought hard.

Before the establishment of the Ministry of Rites, the guidance of public opinion was done by the Honglu Hall under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The Ministry of Rites has been established, but its officials are actually the members of the former Honglu Hall, and they are very familiar with the task of guiding public opinion.

"Yi checked a little bit and found some special files." Yu Yi opened a box, picked up the top files, opened one of them, and said: "This thing happened in Yuanshuo In 12, the male master of the family enlisted to fight in the Western Regions, and the female master couldn't stand her loneliness and had an affair with a slave."

Lu Yi took the file from Yu Yi and looked at it carefully.

It was a widow who was so hungry and thirsty that she was almost crazy, her husband couldn't bear it anymore, and the slaves in the family looked strong and not ugly, and an affair occurred as a result.

The reason why it was compiled into a file is that the male owner's friend of that family came to take care of it, discovered the abnormality and beat the slave to death. As a result, the female owner took advantage of the slave's unpreparedness and killed the male owner's friend. That's when the government was alerted.

"This..." Lu Yi looked puzzled, "This woman has lost her mind!"

In this day and age, being drafted into war was a common occurrence.Even if you don't go to the battlefield, you will be away from the corvee for a period of time.

There is such an unspoken rule among the people, that is, the male master of the family leaves for a long time, and the neighbors will not take care of any messy things between the female master and others, even if they find out.

In fact, if you check the history books, you will find that only those with some status value this.

If we study it more carefully, it is absolutely unacceptable to modern people that the male owner who has been away for about a year returns home and finds that his wife has a big belly, and even gave birth to a child, but he does not go crazy. A child with whom I have no blood relationship.

Every era has its own values. Things that are unimaginable and absolutely unacceptable to modern people may be extremely normal in a certain era. (honor no bullshit)
What Lu Yi wondered was why did the hostess find slaves? Couldn't she find a Han Chinese if she couldn't hold back?

"There is still this file." Yu Yi handed out another file, shaking his head and smiling wryly, "The male master of the family does not sleep with his wife, but he works hard for the female slave. The wife threw herself into the river unbearably humiliated. "

Apart from those two files, Yu Yi didn't introduce any more.He picked out two for favor, and more would be annoying.

Lu Yi naturally accepted Yu Yi's kindness. Those two copies were worthy of publicity, and the first one simply didn't need any further processing.

There are some differences in values ​​between the contemporary Han people and the previous ones, including the inability to accept wives who behave indiscriminately, but the customs are ancient and difficult to eradicate in a short time.Even if the customs can be accepted, there is absolutely no man who can accept that the object of his wife's nonsense is a slave.

It is conceivable that once the first case is widely circulated, it will definitely attract a lot of attention and even trigger a wave of slave killings.

As a man of the Han family, what he longs for and desires most is to be able to go out with the army, thinking about going to the battlefield to fight for a first-class title.

I went to the battlefield to fight desperately, not for myself, but for the whole family.After going to the battlefield, I don’t know if I can go back alive. If I can’t hold on to my loneliness, it’s fine, but I let the slaves do it, can I bear it?

If the first part is to arouse the anger of men, then the second part is to make women crazy.

"Yu Shangshu...you really have a bright eye." Wang Biaozhi's face was full of admiration: "Just two copies can cause a great sensation."

Lu Yi had no embarrassment when his subordinate officials went to praise the bosses of other departments. He even had to admit that he really deserved to have been in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Look for it again." Lu Yi knew that he might not be able to find better promotional materials, but only two copies were not enough: "We should focus on all aspects."

Their guidance of public opinion this time is not to create a frenzy of slave killing, but to pave the way for the castration of slaves to become a must.

The government asked each family to hand over their slaves for castration, and each family voluntarily requested that the slaves be castrated. One is the government's mandatory request, and the other is the government's help. It is really not the same thing.

In the next few days, let’s start with the streets and alleys of Chang’an, discussing which family’s mistress is really brain-dead and how to let slaves do it, and which family’s male master doesn’t sleep and his wife sows wildly on female slaves.

As soon as the topic enters the public, there is almost no need to intervene, and it will spread by itself.

"There has been a slave killing." Yu Yi called the attention of the various departments under his jurisdiction the day after the public opinion spread, but he did not expect to receive a report the next day: "Or hundreds of cases?"

Gaining had no idea that the public opinion was spread by people sent by the Ministry of Rites. He was puzzled and puzzled. He pleaded guilty and said: "We are incompetent. Please ask the minister to discuss the crime."

The Ministry of Punishment is not passively accepting reports, and prevention in advance is also one of its responsibilities.

In the previous dynasties, no matter how the slaves died, they were fined according to the law, and the Han Empire continued this set of laws.

Those who killed the slaves at home, they knew very well that the Han law should not be ignored, and they took the initiative to pay the fine, but when asked why they killed the slaves, no one would tell the truth, and the simple and honest ones would hesitate or ask for help. They gave all kinds of reasons, including the reason that the slave fell to his death while walking.

The departments directly under the Criminal Ministry didn't care much about the unknown situation, but they had to pay attention to it when there were too many cases.

Although slaves are property, they are still private property, but they are also part of the Han Empire, involving human life, no matter who the life is, the Ministry of Punishment has the right to intervene.

In fact, if there were too many homicide cases, it would be equivalent to negligence of duty by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, which is really negligent, indicating that they did not perform their duties well at all.

"Naturally, crimes must be judged." Yu Yi looked at Gai Ning, who was a little terrified, and said expressionlessly, "Every department must do its best to stop the tide. If the people are still uneasy, you can tell them to send it to the government first. "

Gai Ning breathed a sigh of relief, but was surprised why Yu Yi didn't get angry, because this time the Ministry of Punishment suffered an unreasonable disaster.

"Hundreds of incidents in one day..." Yu Yi stood up, as if talking to himself: "It's so frequent, I'm afraid something big will happen, I need to see His Majesty."

Gaining was stunned.

Yes, the killing of slaves was too much, but it was not Han people who were killed, so why should they go to see the emperor about such a thing?
"That's right." Yu Yi walked a few steps and stopped, as if suddenly thinking of something, he told Gai Ning: "Go to the Ministry of War and ask about the number of female slaves under the name of the Ministry of War. If there are enough... seek help from the Ministry of War. I am willing to exchange the female slaves for the male slaves in their family. The procedure must not go wrong, it must be in line with the procedure, and the people must be happy."

"..." Gai Ning felt that his brain had become a paste, and he replied, "No!"

Their respective offices are in Miyagi, and Gaining only needs to walk 500 meters to get to the Ministry of War.

When he came to the Ministry of War, Gai Ning didn't go in right away. He needed to think about who he should contact and what kind of words he should use.

"Gai Zhongcheng?" Chen Jiaju, the left supervisor of the Ministry of War, came to Gai Ning with a puzzled face, greeted him, and said, "Please follow me."

Gai Ning was very surprised, he didn't even say why he came, why was he invited to go in, it seems that he still went to the office of the Minister of War?
"Come?" Huan Wen seemed to have known that Gai Ning would come, and nodded a thick book on the table: "This is the roster."

"..." Gai Ning couldn't help but wonder if he was involved in some major event, everything seemed weird, and he replied dumbly: "No!", leaving the Ministry of War as if he was in a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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