Chapter 99
The Hall of Heroes should definitely be built. It would be a good thing to improve the morale of the army. It would give the soldiers the greatest belonging, both physically and mentally.So the question is, where should Liu Yan build the Hall of Heroes?
"Choose to build on land?" As far as the current stage is concerned, Liu Yan is hesitant, silent for a while, and asks: "After the completion... can we choose another site to build at some point in the future, and then move?"

The main reason is that Liu Yan didn't know the customs at that time. He only knew one thing, that the buildings with far-reaching and important meanings could not be changed or moved at will.There is no doubt that the Hall of Heroes is a building of great significance, and it even determines the morale of the military. It will be fine if it is not built. Once it is built, there is no room for mistakes.In this way, there are too many aspects that require absolute caution.

Everyone understood what Liu Yan meant, but no one dared to speak rashly.

Ji Chang glanced at those people who were not at the core of the Han tribe. With these people around, it is inconvenient to bring up some too sensitive topics.

The core figures in the Han Dynasty all know that the sea is their retreat, and they can choose to take a boat to the sea and take refuge on the islands in the sea if they have to.This is also the reason why the Han Dynasty is confident.

The families who have surrendered have their own industries behind them. They have too many pots and pans, and it is absolutely impossible for them to abandon everything and take their people to sea.

In fact, not only these families with people present, but any family is in the same situation. If they know that the Han tribe has the option of going to sea under unavoidable circumstances, they should hesitate whether they should belong to the Han tribe.

It's still the same old problem, Liu Yan extremely likes to stay in high places.

No, the place where the dozen or so people are now is the tallest building in the resettlement site, a tower built of wood and stones.Look, the tower is seven or eight meters high, and if you want to climb to the top, you need to walk the circular ladder inside.

On the seaside, the wind is actually quite strong at high altitudes. Several maids who are serving are led by Xiangyi to make tea on a wall that has been specially blocked. After they make the tea, they will put it in a cup, seal it, and place it on the plate. The tea cup was taken to the important person who was discussing, and to see whose tea cup was empty, he opened the cork and filled it.

In ancient times, buildings that were tall enough to a certain level were called towers, but buildings and pavilions must be separated. A building is a building, and a pavilion is a pavilion, and they cannot be generalized.There is no place in the Han Dynasty that can be called a mansion. The difference between most of the stewards and ordinary civilians is that they can live in a single room.On this point, Liu Yan is also treated in the same way.

In fact, in modern times, it doesn't matter where the high-ranking people live, and they will even be praised because of the humble place they live in.One thing to be clear about is that in ancient times, the superior should have the majesty of the superior, and what kind of status should be treated accordingly. Some people may praise that some people live in poor places, but most of them will. Criticism, such as indecency or something.

It has been nearly three months since the Shangxiawan area in Huangdao District underwent major construction.From the tower, it can be seen that the mansion is being built in Xiawandi.Perhaps out of the same site selection vision, the place where the mansion is built is precisely the modern sea view villa area.However, sea view and so on will be liked by everyone in modern times, but now it is a very troublesome thing. What needs to be considered is how to withstand the test of strong winds.

"We won't stay in this place forever." Liu Yan raised his hand and pointed to the surroundings: "This is just a dwelling."

Everyone looked in the direction of Liu Yan's finger and saw villages, some busy people, and naturally some reclaimed land.

It's not that this area is so bad, in fact, the terrain of this area is still very good.I heard from some local people that this is not a place where hurricanes or typhoons often pass by. Compared with other coastlines, the wind is the most moderate.

"Build a town and make it prosperous." Liu Yanxiang said clearly, "But it won't be a government forever."

Everyone nodded in understanding, especially Ji Chang nodded fiercely.

In other words, Ji Chang’s gaze and expression on Liu Yan are very strange recently, Liu Yan felt it was inexplicable but didn’t go into it.Among them, Ji Chang looked at Liu Yan with the eyes of a descendant of a strong Han royal family.And Liu Yan?Liu Yan didn't realize it at all, but felt that Ji Chang took the lead in shaping the majesty of the superior.

A government office can be understood as an administrative center.It is very particular about where a government should be located, otherwise it would not be so cumbersome if the city is not built.

Ji Chang thought he had almost figured out Liu Yan's mentality. He thought Liu Yan wanted to fight back to Chang'an or Luoyang and choose one of them as the final administrative center?When he thinks about it for a while, his scalp becomes numb, partly because of its difficulty, but also because of Liu Yan's high-mindedness... Or noble?

Chang'an and Luoyang, the respective capitals of the Han Dynasty, are actually not prosperous now, and they can even be said to be extremely dilapidated, especially Luoyang.Since Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang with a fire, no one has too much financial resources to rebuild it later.

The suitable place for Changguang County to serve as a government is in Buqicheng. After all, there must be a reason for choosing that place for hundreds of years.Is it suitable for Han to go to Buqicheng now?Maybe it is appropriate, but the premise is to really settle down, then let the people of Changguang County accept the rule.

A few days ago, the Han tribe destroyed the Lou family and won the battle with the Selonaa tribe.Liu Yan led his army back to their habitat, firstly to rest and secondly, to wait for the next opportunity.

The Selona'a tribe is currently wandering on the border between Changguang County and Gaomi County. A wandering tribe like them can do this, but the Han tribe has no choice, especially after Liu Yan becomes a county of Changguang County. After guarding.If Liu Yan led his army to approach Gaomi County, it would not be the Selonaa tribe that would be nervous. It would be the locals in Gaomi County who would be highly nervous, which could cause a chain reaction.

The Han tribe cannot make too many enemies at the moment. The Selonaa tribe is the primary enemy, followed by those families in Changguang County that have not surrendered.

"A new round of recruitment is already in operation." Ji Chang is now saluting at every turn: "We will recruit good riders from various families, and it is estimated that we can integrate a cavalry team of about [-]."

Having seen how to fight in Ran Min's trilogy, no one will casually call those who know how to ride horses cavalry.Now, Li Hong and a group of people are not far away. Some of them are teaching how to fight on horseback, and many of them are training infantry.

No one would say that the price was too high for hiring Ran Min's troop for military training, and they were even very happy that there were some people who could use formal methods to train troops for the Han tribe.

When he came back this time, Liu Yan had already issued another call-up order, and the call-up was for auxiliary soldiers.They will select excellent soldiers from the previous batch of auxiliary soldiers to make up for the vacancies that were killed in battle, and then select 500 people to train as sword and shield soldiers.On the whole, the number of soldiers in the headquarters of the Han Dynasty increased to [-], and the number of auxiliary soldiers remained unchanged at [-].

The troops transferred from the four families were reduced to seven hundred.The [-] strong households of various families will be absorbed and become directly under the jurisdiction of the Han Dynasty, and the heads of the four families will be appointed to military positions.

The cavalry drawn from the Hu family had a combat power of 370 two left after the battle, and the cavalry of the Han tribe itself added up to 580 nine.Ji Chang's plan is to mobilize as many good cavalry from various families as possible, fix the number of cavalry troops at [-], set up an elimination system similar to the infantry, and unqualified cavalry will serve as auxiliary cavalry for the cavalry.

In this way, if it is not counted as tribal armies, it means that there will be two thousand infantry and one thousand cavalry under Liu Yan's command, two thousand auxiliary soldiers for the infantry, and auxiliary cavalry for the cavalry, but it is not easy to count for the time being.

"Your Majesty, our Kuaiqi keeps warning those families attached to the Selona tribe to intimidate them to the greatest extent, and it will be effective." Ji Chang said with a smile again: "Because we win the battle, there will be more The family is willing to place a bet, and besides... we have an official status and enough food at present, if your majesty is willing, you can issue an order to summon the mixed cavalry from the small nomadic tribe."

In the past, the situation and situation were wrong if we did not call in the miscellaneous cavalry from the small nomadic tribes. Calling them in would be a drag and threat, but now the situation is different...

(End of this chapter)

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