sweeping the world

Chapter 987 It's Shocking Bad News

Chapter 987 It's Shocking Bad News

If it weren't for the fear of a collapse from within, Liu Yan really had the thought to push the World Island directly.

In terms of pure force, if the Han Empire does not rely on the system, it is fully capable of advancing directly into Central Asia, but it is only an invasion of Central Asia, and it is difficult to advance further due to logistics constraints.

If Liu Yan relied on the system to conquer, it would not be too difficult to kill Europa, but just conquering is not enough, and it is difficult to gain a firm foothold.

The Han Empire needed at least ten years to develop the people's livelihood. It occupied so many territories and added so many resources. Even if the lives of the people did not improve one by one, they could not live in a precarious life.

The reason why a powerful country collapses is usually not simply broken by external forces, but internal problems first appear, and then there are external forces to interfere.In the end, internal and external difficulties caused a collapse.

Throughout the long history, no country that can be called a powerful country was destroyed by pure external forces. Only those small countries with few people were easily destroyed by pure external forces.

In the history of Zhuxia, from the ancient pre-Qin period to the modern times, every time the country was subjugated because of internal problems.

If the internal troubles were not fatal, the Central Plains Dynasty would be able to suffer losses early and then counterattack even if it faced the most powerful enemy country.

Not only the Central Plains dynasty of Zhuxia, but many powerful countries are like that, such as the Seleucid Empire and the Parthian Empire.

The Seleucid Empire and the Parthian Empire lasted at least a few decades when they entered the stage of subjugation, and they could even continue to linger for another 200 years if they really shrank.

Rome's "living on" stage lasted even longer. They lost part of Europe's territory, and Eastern Rome continued to exist for thousands of years.

Liu Yan can imagine that if he continues to be "reckless" recklessly, although he can expand to the greatest extent in his generation, it is absolutely inevitable that he will not be able to survive the second life.

There have been lessons learned from the past, what a great man Qin Shihuang was, what he did was to annex the six countries with the same origin by force, but because he only achieved annexation by force, he did not conquer ideologically.

The time for unification was too short, and the people who lived in the generation of conflicts did not die out. Didn't they jump out one after another after waiting for the death of the first emperor?

Even though they have the same roots and origins, what the Han people want to conquer is a foreign race that they have never had contact with before. It is impossible to assimilate and integrate them in a short time.

"Who doesn't understand this truth?" Si Hongzhuang and Qian Jiantong just talked about the reason why the expansion of the Han Empire was hindered: "Leaving aside the people's livelihood in the country, the foreign race in the conquered land is a trouble that cannot be ignored."

There are not many places that can be regarded as the land of conquest, the Indochina Peninsula where Si Hongzhuang is about to go to sit is one, and the Asan Continent where Qian Jiantong is going is also one.

The Indochina Peninsula is actually pretty good. Although the Zhuxias had little contact with them in the long history, there are still some countries that bear the imprints of the Zhuxias.

The Asan Continent is different. Zhuxia’s records about the Asan Continent are only a few words, and even those countries that claim to be Western Han or Eastern Han vassal states, the Western Han and Eastern Han did not know that there was such a thing. The prestige of the Western Han and Eastern Han intimidated enemy countries that had ambitions for them.

"Take your time." Qian Jiantong remembered his "indicator", and did not forget that Huan Wen had a special reminder before leaving.He said leisurely: "One million and 80 are shipped to the mainland a year, and they will be gone in a few years, right?"

"..." Si Hongzhuang stared at the sky speechlessly for a long time, there are 80 million gods a year, so the foreign race will desperately resist even if they are afraid of death.He looked at Qian Jiantong, and for the sake of good friendship, he said, "Take it easy."

Qian Jiantong is not joking, he is very serious.

The south of the Yangtze River needs a large number of Asan to exchange for Nanyang monkeys in a short period of time. The first batch is 20 yuan.Is this a hard target, or does it need to be done within half a year after Qian Jiantong takes office.

"Although the Great Han destroyed the Gupta Dynasty, don't there still be dozens or even hundreds of states?" Qian Jiantong felt that the Gupta Empire was really a wonderful country. How could there be so many states within states: "Those states are not contradictory. Less, right?"

Si Hongzhuang understood right away. He knew that the first thing Qian Jiantong did after taking office was to drive those states into chaos. The states could not really kill each other, what was needed was to arrest the population of each other.

"First pay for the acquisition, anyway..." Qian Jiantong grinned, and continued: "Anyway, whatever they eat, they will vomit later."

The Gupta Empire has dozens of hundreds of states within states, which are actually very few. When the Zhou royal family had the largest number, there were more than 3000 states within states. It can even be said that the states of the Zhou royal family possessed more power than Gupta The state of the dynasty is much larger, that is to say, Qian Jiantong has read less history books, so it is rare and strange.

There are quite a few countries with similar situations, such as Sasanian and Rome. Although they are unified countries, the number of "states within a state" is still considerable, but in a different form, such as privately owned by nobles or It is a fief.

The Central Plains Dynasty on Zhuxia’s side stopped before Liu Yan’s founding of the country. The only one without a “state within a state” was the Qin Empire after the First Emperor swept the wasteland and Liuhe. Otherwise, the previous princes and marquises also had their own fiefdoms. .

It is the current Han Empire, isn't it because of the reopening of feudalism?Compared with those previous dynasties, Liu Yan is generous to the extent that there is no limit. When the title reaches the fifth level, he can go to Ah San to get a village, and the Marquis can still have his own Marquis. In a broad sense, today’s The current Han Empire probably has as many as thousands of "states within states".

Let alone now, as long as human society does not collapse, can we still lack the existence of a "state within a state"?The names may be different, but fundamentally they are the same.

"According to the mansion newspaper, the number of slaves in Dahan is about to exceed 300 million." Si Hongzhuang was a little melancholy: "If the trend is followed, the day when the number of slaves exceeds that of ordinary people will appear soon."

Qian Jiantong said happily: "Isn't it good to exceed? The number of slaves is large, which means that there are more people with titles and more government labor."

Si Hongzhuang didn't want to remember that Qian Jiantong was a descendant of the Huns. The problem was that Qian Jiantong didn't care about the number of slaves at all, so he had to think about it.

"There have always been more slaves in Daqin than the people in the country. When exaggerating, one person from Daqin compares with thirty slaves." Qian Jiantong didn't pay attention to Si Hongzhuang's face, and continued on his own: "The slaves of Dahan want me to say It’s still too little, if all the labor is handed over to the slaves, wouldn’t they be able to concentrate on training? Then there would be no shortage of soldiers for the big men.”

Si Hongzhuang looked up at the sky again.

That's what the wealthy families and powerful families in the Western Jin Dynasty thought. It was also the first and only dynasty among the many local dynasties in the Xia Dynasty that the number of foreign slaves far exceeded the country's population.

What happened in the Western Jin Dynasty was caused by the war and the sharp drop in population. Everyone was in urgent need of labor, so no matter what labor force they dared to accept.It would be fine if they were strong enough to suppress them, like the Romans were suppressed to the stage of waiting for the Huns to drive the Goths into chaos.

The problem is that those people in the Western Jin Dynasty are just idiots. They only care about the royal family and kill each other. They didn't even manage to suppress it for ten years, so they went south in desperation.

It is precisely because of the imbecile of the Western Jin Dynasty that the current Han people are enjoying the dividends of the labor output of foreign slaves on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are actually more or less afraid of repeating the same mistakes, and they are under a very complicated mentality.

"It's a good thing to liberate more people, even if they don't serve as a source of soldiers." Qian Jiantong thought of the various workshops that have sprung up in the south: "Nowadays, the people who have slaves hand over the field work to the slaves. Go work and make money.”

There is another phenomenon that Qian Jiantong did not mention.He didn't know about other places. The textile owners on the grassland had already begun to use slaves extensively. At the beginning, they only used slaves for grazing. The main reason was that those slaves were also good at grazing. The use of slaves in subsequent processes has been increasing.

To put it bluntly, it is an inevitable phenomenon. Slaves can be used at will after one-time purchase, and there is no need to pay monthly wages.

Next, when it comes to exploiting slaves, who should complain to slaves who have no human rights?

Facing the free people is different, you have to be careful when oppressing, lest you will sue if you are crushed too hard.

Even simpler, the use of slaves can minimize labor costs. It is also a commodity. The profit of hiring freemen is at least three times higher than the profit of using slaves. However, there is no owner who does not pursue profits. It is conceivable How to choose if you know you can choose.

Qian Jiantong didn't mention it, but Si Hongzhuang mentioned it.

"The Ministry of Zhongshu is already discussing a decision." Si Hongzhuang also heard some gossip, but he didn't guarantee it was true, so he just chatted and guessed: "I heard that it is a rigid regulation, and the minimum number of people to be hired in terms of scale."

Qian Jiantong didn't care too much about this.His family engaged in animal husbandry. Apart from the slave benefits brought by the title, he basically chose the descendants of the Huns for employment. It was said that those people were skilled, but he knew that he was taking care of groups with the same roots.

It’s not just Qian Jiantong’s family that does that. Han people give priority to employees and also choose people close to them. They can be clan members or fellow villagers.

The current relationship households will not use wages to grind foreign labor or do more excessive things, on the contrary, they will work harder than outsiders.This is also a real phenomenon that the relationship between relatives (neighbors) has not collapsed. They are very aware of the importance of affection, and they understand how good it is for them to have a relationship.

"That..." Qian Jiantong also had some gossip, but he still confirmed the real news: "General Hussars has submitted a proposal to Menxia Province. It is proposed to castrate male slaves."

Si Hongzhuang also knew the news, whether he liked it or not, he didn't mention it. The first moment he heard the news, he felt admiration towards Ran Min.

Menxia Province is a deliberative department. Naturally, it needs to accept opinions from all parties, from the important ministers of the country to the common people, but anyone who has any ideas and courage, no matter what suggestions, can be sent to Menxia Province Offices established in various places.

Submit directly to the provincial government office under the Miyagi Gate, which is a privilege of high-ranking officials, but it is one thing to submit it, and another thing to be approved, and the privilege is only a lot less The review process directly enters the semi-final review stage.

The privileges of the Han Empire are laid out clearly, not unspoken rules or black box operations.

According to Liu Yan, this encourages capable people to make more contributions if they want to enjoy the privileges.

"I heard it was the first time he was directly dismissed by the provincial government?" Qian Jiantong once again knew about Ran Min's cruelty, and also wondered if Ran Min didn't consider his posthumous name?He continued with a strange expression: "I was rejected twice in a row, and the third time the Hussar General stated his position directly without giving any reason for the rejection. He wanted to single out all the servants under his sect."

The three servants in Menxia Province are Cai You, Xie Ai and Wang Meng.

Xie Ai estimated that he could make a dozen moves under Ran Min's hands?

What is certain is that Cai You and Wang Meng stand side by side, someone that Ran Min can knock down with a single punch.

Therefore, when Ran Min said he wanted to challenge three of them one by one, he was confident that he would win. He was much more confident than clamoring to challenge all the chief officials of Zhongshu Province and Shangshu Province in one single.

One thing to know, apart from Zhongshuling Jichang of Zhongshuxing and Shangshuling Sangyu of Shangshuxing, Huan Wenwen and Xie An in the six Shangshu are not low in force value, and then Yu Yi and Lu Yi are not as good as Xie An Ai is also much stronger than Cai You and Wang Meng, and the remaining Fushou and Tian Shuo's force values ​​are not worth mentioning.

"The version I heard is a little different from yours." Si Hongzhuang also had a strange expression on his face: "The version I heard was that the general Hussars was holding what was suspected to be an explosive bag, but it was actually a quilt. The family of the three servants No one was left behind, and each family went to ask the reason for the rejection."

"..." Qian Jiantong once again refreshed his impression of Ran Min, and he could imagine that the three servants were absolutely terrified: "It's really... really worthy of being..."

Si Hongzhuang is a general, and he is very happy to have such a tough boss like Ran Min in his camp, but he is often stunned by the actions of Ran Min.

"Did you hear when General Hussars will go to the country?" Qian Jiantong thought that he was the Tianzhu Protectorate, and there was Ran Min's Marquis in the Tianzhu Protectorate's jurisdiction, and his legs suddenly became weak: "Wrong, No one will really stay in their own country. Have you heard when the Hussar General will visit the country?"

"..." Si Hongzhuang was about to tell Qian Jiantong the news, but he learned from Xie Ai: "Including General Hussars, there are fourteen Marquises who will visit the Marquis Kingdom this year. "

"!!!" Qian Jiantong's legs went limp, and he sat on the deck with his hands propped up on the ship's railing without a soft buttock.He swallowed heavily and asked in a panic, "Do you know the exact date?"

How could Si Hongzhuang grasp that information? He didn't know whether to gloat or sympathize with Qian Jiantong, who leaned on his upper body and looked limp on the guardrail.

(End of this chapter)

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