Chapter 981 Just learn it till the end

Only by admitting the weak and accepting the strong can progress can be made. A nation that does not understand this truth will never escape the fate of being eliminated.

When accepting the culture of the powerful, if the values ​​of the nation are not maintained, then although the "body" of the nation is still alive, without the "spirit" and "inner" it is tantamount to death.

The culture of the Romans is Hellenized, but their "spirit" and "inner" are still out-and-out Rome. Even because they accepted the culture of the Greeks, they magnified some good aspects of the Greek culture, which benefited the Romans. It's not as simple as one plus one equals two.

For a long period of time, the Romans conquered a lot of peoples, and they always absorbed after they conquered a people. At the beginning, it was religious, such as continuing to worship the gods of the conquered peoples, and then slowly Slowly, even culture and values ​​are still absorbed.

The Romans never refused to learn good things. After they discovered the strength of the Han people, the more powerful the nobles, the first group of people to learn the culture of the Han people.

If the Han Empire sends envoys to Rome again, they will find that the closer Rome is to the eastern provinces, a large number of nobles no longer wear traditional robes, but instead wear gorgeous Han family clothes.

The imitation of clothing styles is only one aspect, being able to be invited to participate in the banquet of the great nobles, and to find that the banquet is not what it used to be.

In the past, the banquets of the Romans were nothing more than putting out rich food for people to eat. The food was usually some cold dishes and the like.

Now, the small and medium nobles still do the same thing, but the big nobles basically don't do that anymore.

Regardless of whether they look good or not, the nobles just learned from the Han people's way of holding banquets. Some of them learned it decently, and some didn't even learn the form, but they were always changing.

Those Roman aristocrats who have learned decently, they have family children who went to the Han Empire, and those family children were invited to participate in the banquet held by the Han people.

Depending on who invited the noble children to participate in the banquet, the Romans who participated in the banquets of the Han nobles many times, and the Romans who only participated in the banquets held by the Han nobles, learned completely different banquet forms.

They will keep some cold dishes in buffet style, but basically just to take care of the ignorant customers.

The newly learned method of holding a banquet is to arrange a place with tables and futons, and to serve one dish after another in order.

Many Roman aristocrats just learned the trick. Most of them have never eaten Han food at all. Even if the food is changed to mainly hot food, only a very small number of nobles can provide Han food. .

The Romans were very curious about any new things. They were even interested in some arts of weak nations, and they would imitate interesting things.

It's just fun to learn something from the weak and small nations, but learning from the strong is to become stronger.

The Romans deeply knew that they could never fall behind the pace of progress, and they never rejected learning. That was the crucial factor for Rome to become the overlord of Europa, and none of them!

For the Romans to learn from the Han Empire in an all-round way, the Persians were surprised at first after knowing it, and then the Persians came back to their senses.

Although the Romans in the eyes of the Persians are powerful, the Persians always have a hint of arrogance.They admit that the Romans are a little better than themselves, but the culture of the Persians is more diverse and superior than the Romans.

In fact, the Romans learned some culture and living habits from the Persians. This is also where the Persians can despise the Romans even though they can't beat the Romans.

The Persians did not move closer to the Han people in everything like the Romans. For example, the Persians did not imitate the clothes of the Han people.

In terms of food, the Persians are very similar to the Han people. The only difference is the difference in the color of the dishes. In fact, the cooking is almost the same, but the taste is different.

The history of the Persians is much longer than that of the Romans. Although the Persians had a period of decline, didn't the Persians stand up again?
A nation with a long history must have something to be proud of. The Persians are willing to learn from the Han people, but they will not independently Sinicize like the Romans.They will not change their clothing features, let alone abandon their traditions, and even deliberately keep their own traditions.

"Actually..." Xias was talking about related matters just now, and asked Julian wonderingly: "After you have fully studied the Han people, are the Romans still Romans?"

Julian was very puzzled by Xyas' point of view, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's that you have completely changed your clothing styles and living habits..." Xias said a lot, and finally asked: "Is Rome still Rome?"

"Of course Rome will be Rome." Julian recalled it, and said with a smile, "It's as if we once fully accepted Greek culture. Are we not Romans?"

Xyas was stunned by the words, thinking: [Indeed!The Romans were all Hellenized, but they were still Romans. 】

They were marching southeast with the Han army, and they were arranged in the middle of the whole team.

The ice and snow on this piece of land had already begun to melt, and the soil on the ground was quite wet, becoming muddy after repeated trampling.

Fortunately, the Han army on the expedition did not lack animal power. With a large number of carriages and horses for transportation, people finally didn't have to get stuck in the mud step by step.

But there are many troubles. For example, when the soil becomes muddy, the wheels often get stuck. It must be handled by animals and people to get rid of it.

Later, Li Tan changed the way of marching. The whole team was spread out to the greatest extent, and became a team moving south in a fan-shaped way, not the very common way of marching with a long snake.

After minimizing the repeated trampling, the muddy difficulty was greatly resolved. The marching speed was the slowest 120 miles per day, and it could be close to [-] miles when it was fast.

Because of the huge animal power in the team, they need to stop for repairs every five hundred miles or so. A repair usually takes two to three days. They walked for seven days but were still more than four hundred miles away from Junji Mountain.

It is not that the more animal power, the faster the marching speed.

Like cavalry troops, they can indeed march vigorously within a range of [-] miles on horseback, but they can't march vigorously indefinitely. If you don't want your war horses to be abandoned, maintaining your war horses is a must. .

The cavalry unit is only short-distance mobile, and although the pure infantry walks slower than them every day, the infantry marching on foot is actually much faster than them in long-distance marching.

Infantry will be faster than cavalry on long marches because infantry don't need to stop every few days to allow their horses to recover.In this way, although the infantry marches seventy miles a day, and the cavalry marches one hundred and twenty or thirty miles a day, the infantry marches seventy miles a day, while the cavalry marches for two or three days and needs to rest for two or three days. , In many cases, the cavalry will arrive after three or four days after the infantry has traveled a distance of more than a thousand miles.

So, the so-called fastness of the cavalry unit is based on the premise that the distance does not exceed [-] miles, and the distance exceeds the range of [-] miles. The price for the cavalry to keep fast is to let the horses be abolished.

The Han army withdrew from the border of Xigaoche.

Xigaoche didn't seem to know it, and didn't send a large-scale troop to chase it.

During the retreat of the Han army, they encountered sporadic attacks. When they were captured and questioned, they were some people who had been hiding. They did not attack after receiving an order, but purely self-acts.

After withdrawing from the border of Xigaoche, even sporadic attacks did not happen again. The scouts who stayed behind to spy reported that there was no sign of Xigaoche sending troops.

"Perhaps..." Dou'a said hesitantly, "Dingling people don't even know about our invasion?"

"Who knows." Li Tan said dejectedly, "Maybe our invasion is in the wrong direction."

They more or less figured out one thing, the chosen invasion location would be icy and snowy when it snowed, it would be unfavorable for marching after the ice and snow melted, and it would turn into a swampy country once it entered the rainy season.Such an environment is not suitable for habitat no matter how you look at it, no wonder there are no signs of habitation in large areas.

"We just left, and it's raining locally." Li Tan has more information than Dou'a: "It's only been raining for two days, and the area where we were originally stationed is not far away, and the terrain is low-lying. It directly turned into large and small pools. If the rain continues, it is not impossible to form lakes."

The Han people can already tell that that area is basically a basin. The amount of water melted from ice and snow, coupled with the amount of rain in the rainy season, it is inevitable that lakes will form in low-lying areas, and areas without lakes will be full of streams. Only some Where the terrain is relatively higher, the humidity will be lower, but it is not much better.

"We tortured some prisoners." Li Tan said with a wry smile: "In the summer, there will be swamps all over there."

The subtext is that their withdrawal behavior is completely correct, and they should withdraw at the right time. If it is a few days later, they will have to face the rainy season, and if they continue to delay, they will have to face the swamps.

"It's a pity..." Dou'a said with great regret: "Even if the big man occupies that piece of land, he won't get much."

This statement is completely correct, that is, after modern times, both the Soviet Union and Russia treat that piece of land as if it does not exist, and they don't even have the intention to develop it, so that they just maintain the original style.

That piece of land is not without resources, but the cost of developing that piece of land is higher than other places.So under the premise of some choices, who will develop it?
"It's not without harvest." Zhang Hao said cheerfully: "It is estimated that the value of the fur and medicinal materials is very high."

Now it is Dingling people. I don’t know how many nomadic troops there were before. It seems that there are not many Dingling people in that area. Considering the local appearance and climate, if there are not many people, they will not consume the gift of nature and stay. China's natural resources are certainly plentiful.

The Han army paid attention to profit when they went to Xigaoche. They didn't kill many Dingling people when they went to Xigaoche. They didn't take the initiative to hunt and collect resources at the beginning. They really couldn't find the enemy later, so they wouldn't be stupid to stay in the camp and do nothing. , it must be to generate income.

Under constant hunting and exploration, large numbers of animals were killed and their furs were collected.

The harvest of plants is more than that of fur. There are a large number of medicinal materials that are difficult to find in the Central Plains, and some plants that have never been seen. Anyway, if they can be found, they will definitely not turn a blind eye.

"In addition to the gains from the Northern Expedition..." Zhang Hao said happily, "It's a huge profit!"

The harvest of exterminating Rouran and Donggaoche is more than one million livestock, with the largest number of sheep, followed by the number of cattle, and the third largest number of horses.

It's a pity that because of the military affairs of invading Xigaoche, those prisoners of war can only be dealt with, or else they can increase the income.

If it is to share the spoils, it is a small soldier who went out with the army, and it is estimated that at least one thousand five baht will be obtained.

Money is still secondary, what soldiers value most is credit.

According to the rules of the Han army, those who have meritorious service on the battlefield are counted separately. Those who are unlucky enough to have no military merits will be judged based on their original official titles and titles.

This is part of the "minimum security" for participating in the war. The rules were formed from the pre-Qin period, and have been passed down from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The current Han Empire also chooses to keep it.

There are more or less gains, and the casualties on our side are not serious, and the morale of the troops has always been high.

The morale of the Han army seems to be high all the time, which is really shocking. Some people in small countries with few people can only understand it. The stronger the country, the more it understands what it means.

"When they marched north, their morale was high, and their morale was high when they were in a world of ice and snow. Now they are still high on their way home." Flavis asked in bewilderment, "Are the Han people always like this?"

"What you should ask is, is every army in the Han Empire like this?" Julian didn't believe that any army in the Han Empire was like this: "The army of the Han Empire's Northern Expedition must be elite. The cost is to destroy two countries and get an astonishing capture, I must be happy."

Flavius ​​thought about it and thought so.

If the Roman legion had gone through such a conquest, they would probably have shown greater excitement than the Han.After all, there were not many people killed or injured, but so many supplies were seized. It is no wonder that the living can share the spoils.

"I know a Marquis of the Han Army. He said that he can get at least five hundred gold coins." Flavis is not a poor man, he can even be said to be a rich man, but he still feels jealous: "He doesn't seem to care much about wealth Enthusiastic, happy to be promoted to a rank."

Julian was very clear about what titles represented in the Han Empire, and raised a topic that he wanted to discuss a long time ago: "Rome did not establish titles, should we also establish titles?"

(End of this chapter)

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