sweeping the world

Chapter 973 Give me a chance!

Chapter 973 Give me a chance!
The severe winter passed, and the calendar opened a new page, and it was the 14th year of Yuanshuo.

When spring comes, there will only be very few places in the south that will snow. When spring comes, it will not be long before there will be a lot of spring flowers blooming everywhere.

In most places in the north, the arrival of spring is only when the ice and snow start to melt. Precisely because of the melting of ice and snow, many places will not only temporarily form multiple streams, but the ground will also become abnormally wet.

If the wet ground is stepped on repeatedly, it will undoubtedly become muddy. As the climate gets warmer, various plants will grow crazily on the muddy ground, especially weeds grow the fastest.

Guanzhong is counted according to the area, maybe it should be counted in the northwest?The ice and snow in this place will not completely melt until the middle of spring. If the season does not change much, there will be a rainy season in the middle of spring, so the spring plowing in Guanzhong is basically until the end of the year.

In fact, the further north you go, the later the spring plowing time, and the further south you go, the earlier the spring plowing time.

On the land of the Han Empire, farmers in the south have entered the busiest time at this moment. People working can be seen everywhere in the fields. The first thing they do is to plow the fields.

Field ridges are the boundaries used by each household to divide their own fields. While rectifying the field ridges, they also maintain water delivery channels.

"The price of cattle is too cheap now."

"Can't you?"

"This is the benefit of laying down the grassland!"

"With cattle, the farm work that used to take a month can now be done in three to five days."

Laying down the grassland is of course beneficial, and the direct manifestation is that it provides a large number of livestock, especially cattle and horses, which are very important for farming peoples.

In the current era, cattle are basically used to plow fields in the south. When horses are available in the north, cattle will not be chosen.

That is determined by the soil quality and appearance of the two regions, and it is also the different needs of planting crops in the regions.To put it bluntly, most of the cultivated fields in the south are paddy fields, while dry fields in the north are mainly dry fields.

The hooves of cows and horses are not the same, and then there are differences in pulling power and endurance.Generally speaking, it is best to use cattle as animal power in muddy fields, and horses are better than cattle for pulling plows in dry fields.

If you look at the history of farming in the world, you will find that where horse-drawn plows are used, the speed of farming will definitely far exceed that of using cattle.In fact, most countries and nations in the world use horse-drawn plows far more than ox-drawn plows.

"Even if you really can't afford cattle, you can rent them from the township society!"

"In such a year, how profligate should I be, so I don't have enough money to buy cattle?"

Let’s talk about the most intuitive data. When the Eastern Jin Dynasty ruled, the price of cattle suitable for farming would not be less than [-] yuan; now, the price of cattle suitable for farming is only [-] yuan.This is equivalent to a cliff-like fluctuation in the price of cattle.

Five thousand yuan is actually a big amount for ordinary people, but don't forget who owned farmland in the Han Empire. Except for those who originally owned land, they were all rewarded for their meritorious service.

It must be understood that in terms of the Jin Dynasty, those who originally owned land were not so poor, no matter how poor they were.

And at the same time as receiving land rewards for meritorious service, since they can obtain titles, at least they have participated in a war. Even the soldiers of the Han army can get [-]% of the capture, and the whole army will still have overall spoils after the war. For the profit above, after a war, they can get no less than [-] yuan.

Only a very small number of people can obtain the title in one war. Most people actually need to go through a dozen battles to get the title. If you are willing to save money and wait to retire from the army, whose package will be less than one ten thousand dollars?

Ten thousand yuan, five thousand is spent on buying a farm ox. The land is earned by military service. If a title goes to a place to settle down, the local government will also need to build a house for him. That is to say, in addition to some necessities of life, such as Except for furniture and scattered bowls, chopsticks, ladles, basins and other small things, unless you want to buy some non-daily necessities, there are actually no other expenses.

"A year's plan lies in spring? There is no such saying now!"

"Spring plowing is still very important. It's just that there are more ways to get money now."

The seemingly simple and honest man may be a warrior with blood on his hands. Because of his bravery, he has won military merits. In addition to hundreds of acres of fertile land and a lot of cash, he must have more than one slave.

Among the busy figures in the field, at least seven out of ten were slaves.

Most of the slaves in the south came from the Indochina Peninsula. While they looked dark, their bones tended to be thin.

If we want to talk about the quality of slaves, it is actually the slaves of the original Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla who were the best in agricultural labor. They themselves are also farming people, and they are familiar with farming operations and are not lazy at the same time.

Slaves from the steppe want them to farm?Basically, it needs to be taught from scratch.There is so much to praise, probably because the slaves from the grassland are not lazy.

In recent years, many slaves have been brought back from the Western Regions. That is, the slaves south of the Yangtze River rarely come from the Three Kingdoms of the Peninsula, the grasslands, and the Western Regions. Basically slaves from Indochina.

If the Indochina Peninsula is divided by civilization, it is also an area of ​​farming ethnic groups, but in fact, whether it is now or later generations, as long as they are local aboriginal men, they are definitely not good at farming.

"Those monkeys are usually good at climbing trees and sleeping late, so they know how to work in the fields, but they have to use whips to educate them."


"I heard that the Nanyang monkey can be replaced with Ah San soon?"

"Can I change it?"

"Someone also heard from Junzhong Paozhe who was a guest at home."

"What kind of replacement?"

One thing I have to admit is that the male slaves in the Indochina Peninsula are really useless. Even if they use whips to urge them, those monkeys will not let them go when they can be lazy.

The slaves in the family are monkeys from the Indochina Peninsula, which is a bad thing for everyone. They keep complaining. Since the complainers are not real mud-legged people, but have titles, the government dare not ignore those complaints.

The government reacted to the central government, and the central government could not ignore the grievances of the meritorious class. Considering that the Gupta Empire had lost a large number of slaves, Ah San was better than the Nanyang monkey to some extent, so he proposed to use the Nanyang monkey to replace Ah San with the government. Three policies.

"When did this happen?"

"According to Pao Ze, the soonest will be this autumn?"

"It happens to be the autumn harvest!"

"Slave Ah San, none of us have used it before, so I don't know if it's good or not."

"No matter how bad it is, can it still be worse than those monkeys?"

"makes sense!"

In the continuous field, the "moo" of the cows rises and falls with each other. They are harnessed to the plow, and they are pulling the plow and walking in the mud.

As a farming nation, the plow has always been the most important tool but not one of them. Most people can’t tell what the style of the plow was before the pre-Qin period. In the pre-Han period, the plow underwent a reform and was gradually used uniformly. Straight plow.

The so-called straight-shaft plow, as the name suggests, is a plow that presents a straight shape. It also has a triangular-shaped propulsion plow head, a grip frame and a related trunk.

Liu Yan has not brought much technology to this era. Fortunately, he is not someone who has never done farm work. He actually needed to participate in work when he was a child. Just a vague impression.

As the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty, no matter how ridiculous the method is, the emperor must endure the necessary show, that is, a farming show at a specific time.

When Liu Yan became the emperor, he actually did not reject farming by himself, but rather than farming by himself, it is more correct to focus on being an "operator" and "arbiter".

When participating in the farming show, Liu Yan saw Zhiyuanli. In fact, he didn't discover anything at the first time. He felt something was wrong when he operated it, and discovered the characteristic of difficulty in turning.

Liu Yan paid attention to the plow and started to observe it. It took him a long time to figure out what was wrong, but he only made some suggestions, not a designer.

The Shaofu received an order, and the emperor asked them to develop a more advanced plow, especially when it came to improving the rotation and structure. After repeated research and improvement, the finished product was already very close to the Quyuan plow.

It’s just a style close to Quyuanli, not the real Quyuanli. If you want to blame it, you can blame Liu Yan’s poor memory. Unlike his colleagues who travel through time, they can remember all poems and songs, and they can also remember all related to farming. Exaggeration One point also mastered all the knowledge of modern technology.

"The male monkey must be replaced by Ah San. No matter how bad Ah San is, he is definitely better than the male monkey. I'm just curious. Where will the monkeys we changed be sent to?"

"I don't know that."

The slaves from the Indochina peninsula, the males are useless in terms of physique and personality. The thin body can't do heavy work, and the lazy character can't do fine work. No Han people will object to saying that they are the worst slaves.

In fact, the center of the Han Empire did not think about what arrangements should be made for the male slaves who "take back" the Indochina Peninsula. Maybe they will be sent to build roads, or they will be sent to various mines. The reason for this is because these monkeys are unusable, and they probably don't have any thought of cherishing them. The speed at which the monkeys are consumed will definitely be very fast.

"Are you talking about Ah San?"

"Ah, yes."

"Ah San, I've seen it before. It's not much different from the monkeys in the Indochina Peninsula in appearance."

"No way! Then what's the difference between changing and not changing?"

"They look very similar... Ah San should be more diligent than monkeys."

Among the people who got together, five or six people out of ten were retired from the army and returned home, and they were actually not that worried.

The collected desires and demands have the ability to be transmitted to the local government, and the local government dare not ignore and cover it up, and the center will certainly not ignore the demands of their group.This is their greatest strength.

Only the absolutely disadvantaged will feel insecure, and it is natural for them to feel insecure.After all, if you can't get a response when you make a request, no one will take them seriously. How can there be any sense of security?
In the Han Empire, people who have no right to speak are usually those who have no service history. If they have service history, even if they have not made military achievements and won the title, whoever does not have the robes in the army can always get the title with the robes he knows ,
The ruling group, including Liu Yan, regards the nobles as the foundation of the empire, and they also count on the nobles to play a role in stabilizing the place.

Even when it comes time to enlist soldiers in a national war, the group of nobles is also the best source of soldiers. It can be used immediately on the battlefield.

It doesn't mean that without a title, it will be completely ignored in the Han Empire, but just like the sentence "take responsibility, have obligations, and enjoy treatment", don't be angry when you encounter something, think about yourself no matter what. What has been done for the country, is it embarrassing to ask the country to do for itself?

Individuals and individuals pay attention to giving and receiving, and the same principle should be true between individuals and countries. It is normal to enjoy equal rights and interests as much as you pay. It is the biggest abnormality to ask for more than anyone else without doing the shit.

"When will I be selected to go to war..."

"It's not that we don't work hard or pay attention, it's just that we don't have that opportunity."

"Earlier, the county soldiers had the opportunity to be transferred outside. I heard that this time only the standing army was dispatched to fight the grassland."

"I don't know if it will become the norm? If you don't transfer county and county soldiers when you go out to fight, there are only a few people who can enter the standing army."

"It should have been fought for a long time ago, but now it is getting more and more difficult."

Without a title and without the opportunity to participate in the national war, it would indeed be a terrible thing.

When some nobles hear others complaining, no matter how proud they are, they will choose to keep their mouths shut, rejoicing that they have caught up with the good times.

Since the 12th year of Yuanshuo, the first large-scale military operation of the Han Empire was the Battle of the Prairie.

Before the real fight started, I don't know how many people were looking forward to participating. First, the standing armies kept asking for battle, and the county and county soldiers in the North were also eager to be selected as auxiliary soldiers to go together.

When it came time to start the war, most people were destined to be disappointed. What they didn't expect was that the number of troops mobilized would be so small, and what they didn't expect was that this group of prairie coalition forces would be so useless.

Compared with the previous grassland nomads, the new generation of grasslands such as Rouran and Gaoche are indeed quite useless, especially when they face the Han army in its heyday.

Hundreds of thousands of grassland coalition troops were repeatedly defeated and annihilated by less than [-] Han troops, which really disappointed those who thought about participating in the war in the form of reinforcements.

"It doesn't have to be on the battlefield, does it?"

"Then tell me, is there any other way to obtain the title!"

As if, as if, maybe... there is no easier way for ordinary people?
(End of this chapter)

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