Chapter 97
Liu Yan could see that his identity had already been discovered by the people on Ran Min's side, otherwise Shen Zhong wouldn't have made this special trip.

Of course, Liu Yan was still mistaken. Ran Min knew Liu Yan's Jin (Han) identity, but they didn't think Liu Yan could take all the ideas of the Han people.

In fact, Ran Min has always been very sure about Liu Yan's assertion that Goguryeo was in Hou Zhao.The reason why they sent the powerful Shen Zhong over was to win over or use Liu Yan.

There is one condition for the win, which is to accept Liu Yan for his own use.Using it is even more talkative. As long as Liu Yan is under control, won't Ran Min's side be able to continuously obtain resources from Goguryeo?
"So, you didn't find out that the Han tribe had a salt farm on the coast?" Shen Zhong was still a dignified person when he wasn't pretending to be crazy: "Have you ruled out the existence of a salt farm on a certain island in the sea?"

Ning Wenbo maintained a saluting posture, and replied: "Reporting to the servant, the Han tribe leaders are too wary of us, so it is difficult to ask."

"Is that so?" Shen Zhong waved his hand, signaling Ning Wenbo to back down.He turned his attention to those who had been standing respectfully on one side: "Liu Yan wants to buy someone."

Those who stood respectfully straightened up immediately when they heard the words. They have a common identity, which is Ran Min's private part.

One thing to be really aware of is that not everyone can become the Miqu, and at the same time being someone's Miqu is also equivalent to signing a contract of prostitution.

Ran Min's trilogy is slightly different from other people's trilogy. Although they are all trilogy, almost all the people Ran Min accepts are relatives sent by various powerful or powerful families.The reason why these powerful and powerful families serve Ran Min is not simple. It is not a simple relationship between the patron and the sheltered.

If you understand history, you will be surprised by one thing, and that is that Ran Min has always defeated the crowd with the few, and repeatedly defeated the strong with the weak!

In the battle to defend Yecheng, Ran Min won with [-] against [-] and beheaded [-].

In the battle of Handan, the enemy army was [-], and Ran Min won, killing [-] enemies.

In the Battle of Cangting, the enemy's coalition forces, Ran Min's 20 troops won, killing [-] enemies.

In the battle of Xiangguo, Ran Min's [-] soldiers and horses faced Shi Qi, Shi Kun, and Murong Xianbei's more than [-] elites. Because they listened to the Taoist priest's evil words, they rashly went to battle. They were defeated and the entire army was wiped out.

In the second battle to defend Yecheng, Liu Xian had an army of [-], Ran Minsheng beheaded [-], and Liu Xian killed Shi Qi.

In the third battle to defend Yecheng, Liu Xian rebelled and attacked Yecheng, and Ran Min won again.

In the Changshan rescue battle, Ran Min's [-] cavalry reinforcements won, and Liu Xian perished.

In the Battle of Liantai, Murong Ke had nearly 20 Xianbei elites, and Ran Min had less than [-] people. They killed the enemy in a bloody battle, broke through the siege, and finally the horse fell down and was captured.

A total of nine wars were recorded, seven victories were made, Jizhou was wiped out, and Shijie was exterminated.You must know that the Jie people are a powerful alien race that surpassed the Huns, and their heavy cavalry has amazing combat effectiveness.How did Ran Min achieve such a record?According to historical records, the number of soldiers under Ran Min reached 30 at its peak, surpassing the peak of Shi Jie.However, as long as you know what a begging army is, you won't think that a large number is a good thing.

Before discussing the military strength of Ran Min in his most prosperous period, it is necessary to briefly introduce an important military force, which is the largest armed group of Han people in the north during the Five Husbands and Chaos China—the Qihuo Army.

The Qihuo army was the product of the Hu people slaughtering the Jin people and wantonly destroying the Central Plains.With the rise of the Xiongnu and the Jie people, the Jin people in the north suffered almost annihilation.In order to protect themselves, the surviving Jin people spontaneously organized together. They used the form of refugee groups to arm themselves for self-defense while migrating around to survive.This refugee armed group is the begging army.And the commander-in-chief of the begging army is Li Nong!

Who is Li Nong?It's Shi Le's good buddy!In other words, in fact Li Nong is not Ran Min's subordinate. He will support Ran Min, but it is impossible to completely obey his orders.

Why is Ran Min able to repeatedly defeat the crowd with the few?Without it, it is because the powerful and powerful families in the Central Plains who are attached to him have been sending high-quality talents and soldiers to Ran Min all the time!
In fact, no matter whether it is Shen Zhong or anyone else, no matter what official position they held in the Later Zhao court, there is one identity that cannot be separated after all, and that is the identity of Jin people.

The Jin people had a hard time surviving in Hou Zhao, a country where the Jie people were in power, and they needed a leader.And Li Nong will not be a suitable leader. Although Li Nong has the largest armed force of Jin people, but because the main body is refugees, he is destined to have class opposition with the powerful and powerful, and it can only be Ran Min. .

"For our ideal, you need some people to work under Liu Yan." Shen Zhong said with sincerity on his face: "Xiu Chenghou needs you to infiltrate the Han tribe, not to master this tribe, but to be able to understand them and help us in the future. Penetrate your influence into Qingzhou and contribute your part."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. They all had a basic concept of national righteousness, otherwise they would not have been persuaded to become the backbone of Ran Min's command.

The people of Jin in the Central Plains and the North had a hard time. Only an absolute leader can make many families stay together for warmth. Ran Min is a suitable candidate.Now that we have all huddled together to keep warm, it is right to contribute to the collective.

Speaking of which, there are really many capable people among the Jin people. Although Ran Min has high military strength, the army has never been a place that pays attention to personal force.Ran Min can have the right to speak in Hou Zhao, relying on the elite team under his account.Of course, Ran Min still needs Li Nong's support.

The Han Ministry needs a group of qualified officers to play a role in various matters for the Han Ministry's army.The army is not about gathering people, distributing weapons or something, and then there is the army.The army needs to carry out various professional training, so it needs to use qualified officers.

There are too few talents under Liu Yan, especially in the regular army. How can refugees and people from local tyrants have knowledge about the regular army?The level they are in is only doomed to one point, and the relevant military knowledge will be very limited.

It was Liu Yan's sudden idea to obtain some professional officers from Ran Min, but he couldn't control it as soon as the idea came up.

"Your Majesty, won't you be infiltrated this way?" Ji Chang was full of confusion: "I'm afraid it's not good!"

Liu Yan was worried about this, but he didn't worry so much after thinking about it.

If a power can be controlled by some people with obvious identities, Liu Yan thinks that it would not be a bad thing to seek refuge with Ran Min.After all, those people like Ran Min are really showing their face, not secretly infiltrating, so that they will all be controlled, talk about independence, one day they will not be infiltrated and controlled by Ran Min, but will be infiltrated and controlled by other people.

"So..." Ji Chang was a little excited and a little pleased: "It will be as your Majesty decided!"

What did Liu Yan say?He told Ji Chang that the prospects for the development of the Han tribe are limitless, and now it seems that the people sent by Ran Min are a worry, but who knows that in the future, these people will not be chess pieces for the Han tribe to infiltrate the powerful and powerful families in the Central Plains?
Since the monarch has such ambitions, as a subordinate, Ji Chang can only encourage and not pour cold water on him. He feels that he needs to have a good talk with other people.

Yes, Liu Yan also set his sights on the powerful and rich.Now that he is the sheriff, he can extend his tentacles to those powerful and powerful clans, and he has enough time to integrate them.

"Then attack the Lou family first!" Liu Yan clapped his hands and set the attack target: "Such a family should be the first attack target!"

Kuaiqi has already sent a message to the Quartet. Naturally, it is not the kind of call to attack someone, but to announce to the Quartet that Liu Yan has become the governor of Changguang County.

The Han Dynasty needs to collect taxes from all the families in Changguang County once again. This time it is still a symbolic meaning, and it can be regarded as an opportunity for those parties who did not express it before.

"Is this a motive to confirm the enemy and us?" Shen Zhong seemed very interested. He had already sold more than [-] people to Liu Yan in exchange for a lot of weapons.He learned that the Han Dynasty will soon have a new round of military measures, and asked: "Then it will be as agreed last time?"

"Sure." Liu Yan did not object to Shen Zhong bringing people to watch the battle: "I will need my brother to give me some advice when the time comes."

Shen Zhong comforted his beard: "It's easy to say, easy to say."


Some of the small and medium-sized ones in the back are transferred to the extra episodes related to the works, which will not affect the overall reading. If you are interested, you can switch to the catalog to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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