Chapter 957
Going north from Yanmen Pass does not immediately lead to the appearance of grasslands. On the contrary, the geographical environment is full of mountains and mountains, and valley roads formed by two peaks can be seen everywhere.

"Look at the top of the mountain." Julian raised his finger and pointed to the surroundings: "There are more than one places where you can see the old site of the beacon tower."

The mountains on this side are high and low, and the average slope is very steep. No matter how you look at it, it is not easy to climb with bare hands.

"Why didn't the Han people move the pass to the north, and built it at the southernmost end of the mountain range?" Flavis remembered that Rome chose to build fortifications at both ends of the Alps: "Is there still a pass in front?"

There is no pass in front, and even the small-scale Tibetan army camps and small fortresses that can be seen everywhere in the belly of the mountain range cannot be seen, only the remains of some beacon towers.

They are constantly moving in the mountains, most of the time they are walking in the valley road environment, and they are constantly going around in a space similar to the environment. When the sun is shining, it is impossible to distinguish the direction, and people who are not familiar with the road here will soon lose their way.

"The environment is too complicated." Julian took a few sips of water and kept scanning the surrounding environment: "Natural barrier!"

"Indeed!" Flavis kept thinking about a question just now: "If you use the environment to hide soldiers, you can continue to ambush the invaders. Presumably that's what the Han people did when they resisted the invaders from the grassland."

However, Flavis guessed wrong, the environment of the place is very suitable for ambushes, but most of the encounter phases do not fight in this complex environment.

Facing the invasion of grassland nomads, in many cases, the Central Plains Dynasty had no time to react. The front continued to fall, and the rear was not reported in time due to the time difference. Waiting for the army to be mobilized and assembled, there was not much time to plan an ambush in the mountains. Only a very few Adventurous generals will lead their troops into the mountains in the fog of war, and more generals choose to stay at Yanmen Pass and the Great Wall for passive defense.

It took them two days to get out of the mountains. Looking forward, it was a glance. Although they couldn't see the end of the horizon at a glance, compared with the mountains that can be seen everywhere, the field of vision was at least fairly wide.

If the field of vision is tight, if you stay in a space where you can't see too far for a long time, and the environment is extremely complicated, no matter how nervous you are, you will inevitably fall into an inexplicable state of anxiety.

In many cases, unless the mood fluctuates too much, it is difficult for people to perceive their own state. When they suddenly change from an uncomfortable environment to a new environment that is pleasing to the eye, they will wonder how they have let go of some heavy burden.

There are several counties beyond the mountains of Yanmen County, at most there were as many as sixteen counties, but every time the country experienced turmoil, the Hulu would take advantage of the situation and invade southward, which often caused heavy damage to northern Xinjiang. Now only There are four counties left, the most famous of which is Mayi.

"Passing through Taiyuan County, you can see that the population is no longer dense." Flavis kept scanning the surroundings, and what he saw was desolation: "The most densely populated place in the Han Empire is the Central Plains as the Han people call it?"

The Romans knew the history of the Han people, and the word "Central Plains" appeared very frequently. It took them a lot of effort to know which territories "Central Plains" covered.

The so-called Central Plains, in terms of region, refers to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River centered around Luoyang to Daliang (Kaifeng). Generally speaking, the Central Plains is generally regarded as Zhengshuo.

In the change of regimes in the past dynasties, whichever regime ruled the Central Plains is generally regarded as Zhengshuo, and later it appears that whoever inherits the Central Plains culture and thought is the Zhengshuo, so there is Zhao Song Mingming who lost most of the Central Plains. The reason why it is still recognized as Zhengshuo is not that the Jurchen Jin Kingdom, which rules most of the Central Plains, has the title of Zhengshuo.

"The area with the most concentrated Han population is where the national highway crosses." Director Liu didn't think it was a secret: "Didn't you see clearly from Jiankang to Tongguan, and from Chang'an to Yanmen?"

Central Plains?Now there are no Han people to emphasize the civilization of the Central Plains, and they don't care about which regions the Central Plains refers to.

The thinking of the Han people changed with the division of the local and non-native in the center, and was repeatedly influenced by the official guidance. From the sea in the south, to Mobei in the north, from the ice sheet in the east, to the plateau in the west, they are all regarded as native; the non-native is the Indochina Peninsula. And the enclaves of the Asan continent, various islands, etc. that are not directly connected to the mainland.

Maps are not as easily available as later generations, and it can even be said that people who are not of a certain height cannot see them at all. Most Han people have no idea about the size of the country they live in, and they are crooked nuts who want to study it. There are not many references and only vague concepts.

According to official statistics, the current total land area of ​​the Han Empire has reached 740 million square miles, or 870 million square kilometers.

When Rome's land territory was the largest, it once reached 590 million square kilometers, but now due to the rise of the barbarians, there are only less than 500 million square kilometers left.

Sassanid's land territory is the smallest of the three empires. When the land territory was the largest, it could reach 500 million square kilometers. At the current stage when Shapur II was in power, it was 460 million square kilometers.

The land territory of the Han Empire would be so large. In addition to the expansion of the mainland and the inclusion of islands in the sea, the elimination of the Gupta Dynasty increased by 320 million square kilometers.

As far as the ocean of rule is concerned, the Han Empire still controls the largest sea area, followed by Rome in second place, and Sasanian is still in the last place.

"How much?" Julian said incredulously, "740 million square Hanli?"

Director Liu would not have had the guts to disclose the country's territory if he hadn't been prompted. He just said the answer, and every one of the crooked nuts was shocked and dumbfounded.

The Han Empire is the overlord of the world. If force can threaten any country, then the mainstream of the Han people will inevitably become the mainstream of the world. It is the inevitable trend of replacing all countries from fashion to some academic terms.

Rome has already begun to learn the length and weight units of the Han Empire, and Sassanian has followed up after a while, not to mention other countries.Although they have not abandoned some of their counting unit names now, they must subconsciously think that the counting unit names of the Han people are more professional, but they will add a special prefix, such as adding a "Han" before "Li", and the full name is Words like "Hanli".

If history had not been changed by Liu Yan, such a thing would have happened, but the protagonist had become an Englishman.

Without enough knowledge, even if you know some data, you will be ignorant, and even your head will be full of paste.

Julian didn't dare to claim to be a learned and talented person, but he didn't think he was ignorant. He had a little understanding of the concept of 740 square Hanli, and compared the territory that Rome knew, the expression on his face The shock was more apparent.

"Even if we march eastward to the territory of the Slavs, as long as we don't cross Kazan, it is estimated that we are only on the same level as the Han Empire." The meaning is that if we simply want to catch up with or exceed the territory of the Han Empire, we need to expand southward by at least [-] Hanli."

In Africa, especially North Africa, there are not many lands worth occupying in this era. If more lands are occupied, is it selling sand?

Julian imagined it for a while, and there was no disagreement with Flavis' point of view.

Even if the Romans have the ability to expand now, they will use their main force in Africa when they are sick.Their eyes will only be fixed on the Europa continent, and the direction of expansion will also be eastward. The first thing to defeat is the Germans. After solving the Germans, they will face the Goths, and finally they will face the Slavs.

The rise of the barbarians is not a generalization. Of course, there are factors of the Romans' own civil war, but the Germanic people are no longer the group that lived in the Stone Age.

"We want to deal with the Germans, and the only way we can really get friendly with the Persians." Flavis inevitably looked at the Persians on the other carriage: "A complete truce with the Persians, transfer the army to Europa!"

Flavis himself had a lot of communication with the Germanic people, and he deeply knew that Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni were as big as boogers, but the three countries belonged to the Germanic tribes. The lighthouse, especially Frank, has attracted the attention of more than half of the Germans.

"Comprehensive peace..." Julian had to smile bitterly: "We are trying to do that, and the Persians also have the same idea. But everyone knows that it can only be a limited peace, and it is impossible to achieve real mutual trust and coexistence. Avoid friction altogether, remove only a limited amount of troops from the border."

Flavis also began to smile wryly. Due to the strength of the Han Empire, the two countries are trying to move towards understanding. How can the hatred of thousands of years be resolved?He even knew that even if there was no thousand-year hatred, the conflict of interests alone would be enough for the two countries.

The territory called the Eastern Territory by Rome covers Syria, Palestine, Iraq and other places. It is independent and independent, and the areas controlled by Rome and Sasanian respectively are a quagmire.

Sasanian and Rome want to be friendly to each other, how to solve the ownership of the Middle East is a big problem.

Unless either Rome or Sassanid was willing to withdraw completely, the dispute could never disappear.

However, whether it is Rome or Sassan, who dares to give up the Middle East easily?
Rome's abandonment of the Middle East is tantamount to letting go of the eastern gateway to the Mediterranean Sea. They dare not place the safety of the Mediterranean Sea on the conscience of the Persians, so it is impossible to give up control of Syria and Palestine.

In the same way, the Persians did not want the Romans to control Syria, Palestine, and Iraq, just because the Romans did not leave from the above three areas, and there would never be any security in the western border of Sassan.

"So, we will always be entangled with the Romans." Xias glanced at the vehicles full of Romans in front of him, and said with a stern face: "No matter how nice the Romans say, they will never believe us. We also don't really trust the Romans."

Knowing the strength of the Han Empire for a long time, and knowing the territory of the Han Empire just now, what other small countries think, the big countries don't care at all.

For a country that is also nominally at the imperial level, it doesn't matter what thoughts or intentions the Han Empire has, just because even if they know, all they can do is estimate the appetite of the Han Empire and how much they can resist.

"The territory of the Han Empire is already so large, it is not difficult to guess that the Han people have actually reached the bottleneck of expansion." Cambyses reasoned very seriously: "How much territory a country can rule does not entirely depend on force, but more on Do you have the ability to rule? Obviously, the territory of the Han Empire is already too large, and if it takes more than half a year for news from the border to reach the center, that kind of rule is extremely fragile."

It will take half a year just to pass the news, so the mobilization of the army will take more.If a place needs to wait for reinforcements for up to a year, it means that there is no so-called security at all in that place. Once repeated fights are needed to ensure that the territory remains in the territory, unless the country has endless national funds, otherwise it will eventually have to It is reluctant to give up.

"The news we got is that the Han army has withdrawn from Hunnite." Xeas obviously understood what Cambyses wanted to express, and agreed: "The Han Empire can clearly capture the territory of Hunnit, but They didn't do that, proving your suspicions."

"This time the Han Empire has to deal with the enemies in the north, and those tribes united to threaten the Han Empire." Cambyses didn't know much, what he wanted to say was: "We can wait for the outcome of the war and take a look at the Han Empire. How to deal with the war in northern Xinjiang. Once the Han army is finished, they will withdraw to the mainland, which proves our guess."

If the Han Empire had no need for expansion, it would be great news for Sassan. The Han army would not have to worry about expanding westward every day, and the behavior of being forced to tilt the economy to the military regardless of the consequences could be stopped.

Sassan adjusted her national policy in the 11th year of Yuan Shuo, mainly because she was frightened by the Han Empire, and subconsciously began to prepare for war. On the premise of drawing troops, they started to form a new legion.

Until the 12th year of Yuanshuo, due to the relaxation of relations between Sassanian and Rome, some troops could be transferred from the west to fill the gap in the east. The empire's series of military mobilizations in the northern border was frightened and accelerated.

"In less than four years, our military expenditure has increased from 300 million (gold coins) to the current 6000 million (gold coins) every year." Xias took a deep breath, fully imagining how much the various classes in the country have increased Tax: "If this continues, we don't have to wait for the Han Chinese or the Romans to kill us. We will repeat the old story of Vologassis V again."

(End of this chapter)

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