sweeping the world

Chapter 950 Consumption

Chapter 950 Consumption

"They have been retreating eastward, and we have not found any new Han troops." Zakuma asked with some uncertainty: "Are they running away?"

Within the time Li Kuang identified, the Han army camp on the frontal battlefield seemed to move eastward in embarrassment, and it was no longer the kind of cavalry fighting in circles.

The camp of the Han army retreating from the frontal battlefield was indeed in a state of embarrassment. Before they set off, their most prosperous troops reached more than [-], but when they retreated to within a hundred miles of their own border, there were less than [-] left, which was more than half of them. Many people stayed in that strange foreign land.

Those who did not successfully retreat with the large army, whether it was the guards of the Western Regions, or the Han Xiaoguo and the followers of the Western Regions, not all of them were dead, some became captives of the Hunnites, and some were Get separated from large groups in a mobile engagement state.

Unless the battle death is clearly registered during the combat phase, otherwise it will only be recorded as missing.However, as long as it is recognized as missing in a war, it is basically difficult to reappear.

"There is still an enemy army in our territory." Lekumar has always wanted revenge. Since he said that, it means that the revenge has not been rewarded: "You need to support me."

Zakuma knew what kind of support Lekuma needed, but shook his head: "Of course the enemy army must be eliminated, but we don't have any extra troops."

"As long as that enemy army is still there, our logistics will always be threatened!" Lekumar did not hide his hatred at all: "I need to destroy them to restore my reputation!"

I don't know if they haven't received the notice to retreat, or the retreat deadline for the troops led by Yang Su hasn't come yet, and they are still wandering in the territory of Hunnit.

This 3000-strong Han army almost let Lekumar succeed. They retreated quickly and decisively when they saw the opportunity, so that they could continue to wreak havoc in the territory of the Huns, but casualties were inevitable, 2000 people There are only [-] or more than [-] people left.

"Our losses this time were too great." Zakuma didn't know all the news, but the ones he knew almost fainted when he heard it: "The Han army is like a demon. Most of our territory was ravaged, and many people died in the sneak attack. The number of people is incalculable, and more than five hundred villages were destroyed and tribes attacked.”

Lekuma’s news is better. He has more accurate data from the tribe. Not counting the casualties caused by the battlefield confrontation, more than 40 people died in the surprise attack of the Han army, except for the villages attacked and the tribe, and two other large cities were burned by devastating fires.

The Han people and their lackeys from the Western Regions rushed into the border of the Hunnites and saw that the Hunnites, men, women, old and young, brutally killed them, destroyed their houses, burned their villages, killed their livestock and took away their war horses.

If you stand on the side of the Hunnites, the crimes of the Han Chinese and the lackeys of the Western Regions are too numerous to list.

The world has always been divided into camps and there is no pure good and evil. At present, the Han people have done countless things to the Huns, but have the Huns not done to other countries (ethnicities)?

If the Hunnites were on the side of burning, killing and looting into the Han Empire, they would be extremely excited and proud, and they would have held countless celebrations.

This is the so-called enemy's hero and my enemy's bandit. The truth is that simple.

"What we can do now is to pursue and wait for Kam's order." The Kam mentioned by Zakumar is a 'servant', and Lekuma's father is one of the 'servants': "Maha will soon An order came."

Maha is a sacred place for the Hunnites. It is located in the west of the modern Kush Mountains. It is not a large city, not even a small mountain village. While the temple was built, there were elders stationed there for a long time. The 'servant' will also go there, and the 'servant' will discuss with the elders, inform Shan Yu of the result of the discussion, and Shan Yu will make the final decision.

The general leader of the Hunnites was called Shan Yu. The leaders of most nomadic peoples in the world were called Shan Yu, and a small number were called Great Khan.

Nomads have a tradition every time. The Huns have been rampant for such a long time, which has had a great impact on the world, including some names of nomads.

Powers with descendants of the Huns like the Huns generally continued some titles from the Huns period. For example, the leaders called them Shanyu, Zuo Xianwang, Youxian Wang, Bi Xiaowang, Danghu...etc. Abandoned, some titles such as the commander of the ten thousand, the commander of the thousand, and the commander of the centurion were retained.

The politics and religion of Hunnith are not unified, and it is a situation that is only controlled by religion.It is very simple to form such a situation. The patriarch of each large tribe is generally a "servant".Their "servant" is the human spokesperson of a certain god, and has a natural right to speak.Shan Yu's force did not reach the title of suppressing everything, so Shan Yu was naturally subject to religion.

The Han army camp appeared to be in a state of disarray, and the Hunnit cavalry units that were fighting with it were not much better.

Of the [-] Hunnitian cavalry led by Zakuma, except for the [-] cavalry who were released, the [-] cavalry placed on the frontal battlefield were only [-] when the Han army took the initiative to retreat. Thousand or so.

Although the number of troops is relatively small, the Han army camp is the one retreating, and the Hunnites who are in the pursuit state have a psychological advantage.

"Precisely because they took the initiative to retreat." Zakumar said happily: "If they persist... even for a day, we should be the first to be unable to hold on."

Lekuma was full of thoughts to save face, but he really didn't have the time to listen to Zakuma's bitterness: "If we don't deal with that Han army, our retreat will never be safe!"

As a mother, losing face means losing prestige. It doesn't matter whether you can wipe out the Han army that sneaked around and attacked. The key is that Lekumar must show a vindictive side.

Lekuma came behind with another [-] cavalry, and after the rendezvous, their strength could have exceeded [-]. Zakuma repeatedly tried to persuade Lekuma to join forces, but apparently the persuasion failed.

"Reinforcements have arrived from the direction of the Aral Sea." Lekumar insisted, "After the rendezvous, your troops will reach 7000. You should send me 5000 troops!"

Zakumar already knew that Aral Sea had sent reinforcements over, and that was one of the main reasons why he continued to pursue seriously, otherwise he would just give up after chasing to a certain extent.

"Two thousand." Even if he didn't give Lekuma face, he still wanted to give Zaiyaku face: "No more!"

There are another two thousand cavalry, which together make a total of five thousand cavalry. Lekuma can go to various camps to collect another two or three thousand cavalry.It's just that the cavalry who came out behind were either old and weak or healthy women, that is, they were strong and powerful, and they were not very useful in real combat.

The scouts of the Han army hiding in the grass on a low slope all showed puzzled expressions when they saw the Hunnites dividing their troops.

This scout team of the Han army has been following for six days, always paying attention to the movements of the Hunnites, and reporting to the rear in time. There are several other teams of Paoze who are doing the same thing as them.

Paying attention to the enemy's movement is something that any commander will do with all his strength. In such an era, the only way to know the enemy's movement is to rely on scouts. That's why it is said that an excellent scout can equal at least one army. s reason.

The news of the division of the Hungarian cavalry in the chasing state was reported to Li Kuang. Zhao Chang immediately discussed it with a group of praises. Their conclusion was that the Hungarian cavalry who had been divided went to intercept the enemy who had not withdrawn. force.

"We still have two troops that haven't been withdrawn, and one of them is Yang Su's unit who was ordered to attack the logistics." Zhao Chang has never forgotten how many of his own troops are on the battlefield: "Someone tried to contact Yang Su's unit. , we did not find them, which is good news in a way.”

"Didn't retreat after the rendezvous deadline?" Li Kuang looked at the map of mountains and rivers hanging on the shelf without looking away: "Can't they withdraw, or have they found a valuable attack target?"

Zhao Chang was even more inclined that Yang Su's troops would not be able to withdraw: "The losses of the Hunnites are too great, and they are all crazy."

During their retreat, they were constantly attacked by small groups of Hunites. Many Hunites simply came to die like moths to a flame. The word "crazy" is appropriate.

Those Hunnites who kept raiding the Han army to die, they either survived the Han army’s attack, or their blood relatives died in the Han army’s attack. I don’t know the reason why they didn’t try their best immediately before. Come desperate with hatred and shame.

The expeditionary left Han army had already withdrawn to within [-] miles of its own border, and if it retreated another [-] miles or so to the east, it should have arrived at the preset position.

Li Kuang has always been on the side of the left army, and even the marching commander Shi is also in the left army, and the right army is handed over to the deputy general Yang Rui.

"Counting the time, Vice General Yang has already launched an offensive against the Aral Sea." Zhao Chang knew why Li Kuang kept his eyes on the mountains and rivers map: "If they can conquer the Aral Sea in time, we can form a counterattack against the invading enemy forces. Attack from both front and back."

If he had never fought the Huns, Li Kuang would not think that the Huns were difficult to fight. It was because he had fought several times and saw the tenacity and tenacity of the Huns. He could not help guessing that the battle in the Aral Sea might be It's hard to tell the winner.

"Even if it is difficult to make a quick battle, it will also make it difficult for the Hunnites to take care of both ends." Zhao Chang had to regret that if the military strength of the Protectorate of the Western Regions was sufficient, they would not need too many and only need one more army. The First World War will not be fought so hard: "The general trend is still with me."

The Protectorate of the Western Regions has only 13 regular troops. They spent [-] in this expedition to Hunnit, and recruited [-] Han Chinese and [-] Western Regions.

At the end of the first phase of the war, did you count the two troops of the right army and the left army that were cruising and attacking Hunnit, and the left army that withdrew to the border was less than 3? people.

Among the 3 people, more than 7000 belonged to the Han people, and about [-] Han people were left in Hunnit.Of the [-] people from the Western Regions who were conscripted into the expedition, as many as [-] remained in Hunnite.

If it is defined by the goal of consuming the people of the Western Regions, the Protectorate of the Western Regions is undoubtedly a success, not to mention the results of the Left Army's rampage against the Huns, even if the entire left army of the expedition was wiped out in the Huns. Within the borders of the country, it is actually a lot of money based on data alone.

"12..." Li Kuang finally turned his gaze away from the map of mountains and rivers: "plus the previous 13..."

After the Han people regained the Western Regions, according to rough statistics, there are more than 230 million recorded Western Regions people. They have recruited a total of 25 Western Regions people so far this time, and they almost wiped out all the young and strong people in the Western Regions .

Zhao Chang thought that Li Kuang was hesitant or confused, and said in a low voice, "For the sake of the great man's great achievements, and for the future generations, why not die if someone who is not of my race?"

"Hehe." Li Kuang would not blame himself or be confused because too many people from the Western Regions died: "In the second stage, the only concern is the rebellion or riots that those people from the Western Regions may have."

"Their relatives are all in the rear." Zhao Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and continued with a smile: "Our propaganda is that the Hunnites are going to the Western Regions to burn, kill and loot, and they will try their best to resist. Just dare to have a different heart... Just let the princes in the court know, it’s better to be slow than fast.”

Li Kuang is not willing to leave a record of incompetence on his resume.He has been suffering psychological pressure that others can hardly understand.When he was a school lieutenant, his wife was already Linzi Ling.When he became a member of Zhonglang General, his wife became a palace order and concurrently served as Diaochan.With such a wife, as a husband, he doesn't want to stand still for a moment.

The troops withdrew to the preset position of the battlefield and finally took a breather. The Hunnites who were chasing found that there were more than [-] Han troops here. It may be unclear how many belong to the Han army for a while. But it was a quantity that made the Hunnites dare not rush straight up.

The Huns were frightened and retreated for [-] miles. Zakuma figured out that more than [-] of the more than [-] people were from the Western Regions and ordered them to stop retreating.

"The Han Empire kills two birds with one stone!" If Zakuma hadn't figured it out before, he should have figured it out when he saw a large number of people from the Western Regions conscripted to the battlefield again: "They deliberately drag the people from the Western Regions to the battlefield where we will consume them!"

So what if you figured it out?The people from the Western Regions rushed into the territory of the Huns to do those things. It is impossible for the Huns to give up revenge just because the people from the Western Regions were driven by the Han.

"The Han people are too insidious!" Zakuma didn't know the new changes in the northern border of the Han Empire, and only thought that consuming the people from the Western Regions was one of the goals of the Han Empire: "Is it possible for us to incite the people from the Western Regions?"

Pushmar is the imam accompanying the army, a role similar to a priest.He was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "It depends on whether we can win this battlefield."

"It's not okay to tell the people from the Western Regions clearly that they are being consumed?" Zakuma didn't like this answer: "Those Western Regions people who are like horse dung, don't they know that the Han Empire wants them all to die?"


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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