Chapter 948

People hold grass, horses hold rings, and horseshoes are wrapped in cloth. Can it really be done quietly?This is a literati who has never personally been on the battlefield or participated in a battle, out of a kind of imaginary whimsical imagination.

But when a large group of people moves, as long as they reach a certain number, they are also wearing boots (cloth), and there will inevitably be trampling sounds when people walk around. How could there be no movement at all?

Even if it is an illusion for all kinds of silent literary and artistic processing, it is indeed useful to wrap the horseshoes in cloth, otherwise the sound of the horseshoes being trampled is too crisp, and it will not be the dull sound after being wrapped in cloth.

Those who understand the common sense of sound wave transmission know that crisp sound means stronger penetrating power. Once the sound is clear to a certain extent, it can even tear the eardrum easily, and it is indispensable to "tear" some glass objects.

Three thousand knights and at least six thousand war horses want to get closer to the target of the sneak attack. What can be guaranteed is not to artificially create a big noise, but it is absolutely impossible to avoid the stampede of [-] horseshoes wrapped in cloth. The movement made by the ground.

Under the dark night, the excessive burning of firewood reduced the brightness of the bonfire. The Hunnites who were awake first felt that they had some illusions, how could there be rolling thunder coming from afar.

The next moment, a Hunnitian who came back to his senses opened his mouth wide. He knew in his head what caused the rolling thunder, but his head was temporarily unable to control his body under extreme shock. Like a stuttering disease, he keeps repeating the first syllable he wants to speak, and it takes a lot of effort to scream the whole sentence.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Horseshoes wrapped in cloth make no sound when trampled on?Don't need too many people, just try ten people jumping in place a few times to see.

The weight of the war horse itself, plus the load on the horse's back, the weight of hundreds of catties is all borne by the horse's hooves, and every step under the galloping hoofs is no less than a drumstick hitting a big drum.

The Hunnites sleeping on the ground, even if they were not awakened by the sound, their lying bodies could feel the increasingly obvious vibration of the ground.

Depending on everyone's vigilance, the Hunnites who woke up in their sleep realized that the reaction arc of being attacked by the night was long or short. The first time they reacted was to stand up and rush out of the tent to see Those who arrived were those who were scurrying around, and most of them would soon join the ranks of scurrying.

"All those who went out to investigate should be hanged!" Lekuma said with a livid face, "There are so many enemies, how could they... how dare they not find anything!"

Lekuma is also the name of a bad street in Central Asia, but his surname is Zaiyaku, and he is a descendant of a large tribe of the Alan people.He would appear here because he was ill before, or he should have stayed at the front as one of the commanders of the army.

The enemy army has not really come in, but the whole camp is in chaos. Some people want to fight back, some are at a loss, some want to escape, but there is no difference, they just run around meaninglessly.

Lekuma had no idea of ​​suppressing chaos at all. What he led was a group of people without any discipline, old and weak women and children who could not even be counted as mobs.

In fact, even if it is a regular army, if it falls into the bombing camp, at most there will be more possibilities to stop it, and it is completely impossible to calm down in a very short period of time.

Le Kuma has not read any military books, but he knows that once more than [-]% of the people panic and run around, even if the gods come at that moment, it is impossible to calm people down. Once they want to stop the chaos, the most likely thing is to To be drawn into, or even to be hurt (killed) by those whose fear reigns.

"Mother, the team and horses are ready."

"how many people?"

"200 people."

"very good already."

Lekumar stepped out of the tent and saw a scene he didn't want to see the most.

The camp roar will be chaos first, and people are running around in a panic. It may be that there is a little friction or something in the process of running around.

People who are extremely panicked will not have much sense left. They will think that they are in absolute danger and subconsciously want to protect themselves.

The behavior of wanting to protect oneself is the instinct of any creature, that is, to eliminate the possible threats to itself, it will become aggressive.

In the camp, I don't know who swung the weapon at whom first, and then it evolved to the point where it was out of control. Everyone looked like they were going to hurt themselves, and they didn't want strangers to approach them. That was infinite self-defense leading to infinite fighting .

"Untie all the cows and sheep!" Lekumar turned on his horse and said, "Free all the horses."

Someone will carry out the order. The only reason for Lekuma to do it is that the animals will run around when they are free. The enemy troops who come to attack will not have so much time to chase them. They still have the opportunity to slowly gather behind. A smart way to cut your losses.

After saying "Drive!", Le Kuma led his people to start their own risk-avoiding operation. They would go to another location where there was no movement, and they would not show mercy to anyone who blocked the way along the way.

Yang Su discovered the situation in the camp when he was at least one mile away from the enemy camp, and he almost didn't think much about what happened.

"There is no need to worry about the enemy for the time being." Yang Su shouted at the top of his voice: "Our first goal is to eliminate the herds!"

That's what happened!Under the current state, whoever gets involved will face a bunch of hysterical self-defense lunatics. It will not be easier to kill than in the normal state. Perhaps it should be more difficult to kill than usual. If you really want to kill it, you will have heavy casualties. Mental preparation.

"Separate some people." Yang Su drove his horse close to his herald: "Continuously create panic in the camp, don't give them a chance to calm down."

Yang Su's current order actually has a preventive plan in advance, that is, before the real sneak attack, he will pre-conceive the possible situation and plan with the greatest possibility.

Fires are already breaking out in the camp, and the Hunnites have also entered a crazier stage.

When faced with danger, once they cannot solve the threat, they will subconsciously want to flee. Most Hunnites have entered the stage of wanting to avoid danger. They use their best efforts to move to the periphery, and some calm down Those who know that they should at least get a horse for transportation, otherwise they will not be able to escape even if they leave the camp.

Everyone wants to escape danger, so everyone is the biggest threat.At this moment, no matter how familiar people are, once they find that there is a direction that may hinder their progress, they will swing their weapons without hesitation.

The Han army had already scouted the location of the herds and horses, and the Han army officers and soldiers with their respective missions felt the target position as quickly as possible.

Some Han soldiers found that their herds or horses were released before they arrived.

Some of the Han army met the Hunnites who came over to do something, and the first fight between the Han army and the Hunnites happened tonight.

"It is indeed the Hunnites who were left behind." Nie Xing meant that it was too easy to deal with: "Their leader is a smart man, and he can think of such a thing."

Da He wiped the blood-stained blade and the corpse on the ground, looked around and said, "He is indeed a smart man."

Instead of trying to organize resistance that could not be organized at all, they chose to let go of the herds and war horses, so that the Han army would not be able to slaughter all the herds and take away the concentrated war horses.

"Send a small team to chase after him." Yang Su was very depressed when he got the report: "Such a smart person can't let him live."

The Hunnites didn't pay much attention to camping. Everything looked so chaotic, but it fit their level of civilization. The messy tents and shacks didn't have any fire protection zone. When a fire was ignited, it would blow continuously along the direction of the wind. As it spread, the fire grew so intense that even the clouds in the sky reflected the fire on the ground.

The Hunnites in the camp were still killing each other, while the Han army organized arson outside the camp.

The fire on the periphery can prevent the Huns from leaving the camp, and the Han army also caught and killed the Huns who broke out of the encirclement.

The remaining Han army carried out the initial combat objectives, killing all cattle, sheep and other livestock they could find, and collecting the horses they found.

For other luggage and other items, there were either Hunnites who were frantic and killing each other in the camp, or fires spreading everywhere. The Han army would not take this unnecessary risk to enter.

"The situation here cannot be hidden." Yang Su was looking at the clouds in the sky reflecting the flames on the ground: "There will be reinforcements from the enemy soon."

They had already conducted sufficient reconnaissance on the surrounding area before the operation started. In addition to this Hunnitian logistics force, there were three or four more or less Hunnitian troops nearby. The nearest Hunnitian troops could arrive within half an hour.

"Our task is to destroy the enemy's logistics." Yang Su looked around at the officer who was listening to the order: "My opinion is that we can retreat."

The army should have a clear goal, and should not just make a mistake as soon as it thinks about it. After the combat goal is achieved, it should retreat without delay.

Some officers wanted to suggest an ambush to the Hunnites who would come to support them, but they hesitated to speak several times and still did not speak.

There were only [-] Hunnites who came to support within half an hour, and Yang Su gave up the ambush after perfect thinking.

If you want to ambush, you must first determine the marching route of the Hunnites and consider the appropriate ambush location. The process will inevitably take some time.

If they guessed correctly the marching route of the Huns and successfully ambushed, but don't forget that the terrain of this place is a plain, and the Huns who came to help would also be cavalry.

Under the same premise of the cavalry, it is not possible to annihilate them all in one ambush.

"We don't have that much time." Yang Su said the reason why he didn't make troubles: "We also have other tasks!"

The officer, who was hesitant to speak again and again, showed a sneer. One day they will understand a truth, why some people can command a battle, while others can only be commanded.Isn't it about making the right decision when a choice is needed?
The [-] Han troops who did not lose a single person, the whole operation took nearly one person to disappear, and began to retreat with the collected horses.

Behind them was the camp that was raging in flames, and the flames illuminated certain areas, where the ground was covered with corpses of cattle and sheep, so much blood that it pooled into the low-lying area and became a pool of blood.

Lekumar was not hunted down. During his evasion, he watched the Han army leave from a distance. At the same time, he also watched the camp that became a sea of ​​flames. He didn't show up when the reinforcements came, and he led the team back when the east was white. camp.

The fire was still burning in the camp, and the smell of burning was filling the nostrils. There were charred human corpses lying in some areas where the fire stopped.

"Are you running away like a coward?" Ahdi stared at Lekumar with red eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "You should be hanged!"

"If you were present, there wouldn't be a better result." Lekumar didn't feel that he was justifying, but telling the truth: "You have seen Yingxiao and know what is going on."

Of course Ahdi knew what was going on in Ying Xiao. It was a group of non-calm people killing each other, and there was no reason to talk to crazy people.Knowing what will happen does not mean accepting such a result, and he still stares at Le Kuma, with extreme patience and fear of the tribe behind Le Kuma, so he doesn't draw a knife to cut people.

"We already know that there is such a Han army behind us, and we can also see what their goals are." Le Kumar actually laughed: "Now that we know what they want to do, we can destroy them!"

It is impossible for the Hunites...or any army to gather all their logistical resources together.

Especially for logistics units carrying a large number of herds, livestock is an animal that consumes a lot of forage, and the excess livestock is concentrated in one place and cannot be supplied at all.

The 20 Hunnites who participated in the front line were followed by at least [-] Hunnites who ensured the logistics of the army. The one attacked by the Han army was only one of them.

"I'm going to the camp closest to here, you can go, but..." Le Kumar looked at the more than 2000 cavalry not far away: "They are under my control."

Ahdi refused without even thinking about it, but when he was about to speak, he found himself floating up, and at the last moment when his consciousness fell into darkness, he saw a headless corpse standing in place spewing out blood.

"His lack of support caused the camp to be destroyed!" Lekumar yelled at the people who were about to surround him with knives: "You should know what the surname Zayaku stands for!"

The Hunnites who were brought over by Ahdi, when they heard the word "Zayaku", they seemed to have been immobilized, and they were stunned for a while when they faced the hideous Lekumar In the end, he chose to salute and express his willingness to accept dispatch.

Someone needs to be responsible for the loss in this place. Ahdi, whose head was beheaded, would be a good candidate, not only because his support was not timely, but more importantly, he did not have a good surname.

(End of this chapter)

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