Chapter 945
The greatest significance of history to contemporary people is to let people learn what lessons have learned from the past, to avoid those actions that will lead to bad situations, and to learn from those experiences that will lead to good results.

"The situation we are facing is not optimistic, but it is also a situation that has been expected for a long time." Su Ren did not make it clear, and he believed that the officers could understand the unfinished meaning: "The location called Herat by the locals is assembled." [-] enemy troops, and more than [-] enemy troops in the Aral Sea."

Herat was fifty miles to the west of their position, which was once the territory of the Persians and was later occupied by the Huns.

The Aral Sea is the Aral Sea of ​​later generations. It is located 120 miles north of their location. It is the largest lake in the area, but it is not a high-quality freshwater resource. It is strange that the water quality is similar to that of sea water in the inland location.

"The enemy army on the Aral Sea was assembled by the Hunnites to deal with the forces of the right army, and now it has become a threat to us." When Su Ren said this, the officers all burst into laughter.He also laughed for a while, and then continued: "Everything is still going according to plan. What we really need to pay attention to is the enemy army in Herat."

The right-hand army of the Protectorate of the Western Regions first broke into the territory of the Shujie people, and then invaded the territory of the Huns, but only after a little bit of ravages in the territory of the Huns, they turned to the territory of the Kangju people.

The Huns must have been paying attention to the movements of the Protectorate of the Western Regions. They responded when the Protectorate of the Western Regions was preparing to invade and mobilized their troops to the location of the Aral Sea.

What the Hunnites did not expect was that the right-hand army of the Protectorate of the Western Regions would turn to Kangju. I don’t know why they didn’t leave the Aral Sea assembly area and watched Kangju being ravaged by the Han army. Sadness is everywhere.

Su Ren looked at his military commander Shi, and asked, "Has the data been calculated yet?"

Chen Xu replied immediately: "Our own troops have assembled, and there are more than [-] Western Region followers."

Before they set off, there were 300 people belonging to the sequence of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, 1 Han Chinese were conscripted, and 6000 Western Regions were accompanying the army.

First, they entered the area occupied by the Shujie people. They called it the first stage of invasion, and they did not suffer much losses.

It was during the second phase of the invasion that the real losses began to be incurred, that is, into the territory of the Hunnitians.

The Persians were right when they said that the Huns were tenacious in combat. They were suddenly invaded. Although the people did not organize an organized army to resist, the Huns did not appear docile when they were invaded. It can be said that the Hunnites made a tenacious resistance.

When the followers of the Western Regions obeyed the orders of the Han Chinese to suppress the same Western Regions people, and even when they carried out violence against the Shujie people, most of the time they faced a very relaxed situation. They probably did not expect the Hunnites to be different. Use the experience and mentality of the Western Regions and Shujie people to deal with the Huns. Many unnecessary casualties occurred in the situation where the Huns were not taken seriously.

In the early days of the invasion of Hunnit, the followers of the Western Regions lost more than 1 people in a short period of half a month.

The serious casualties finally let the followers of the Western Regions know that the Hunnites are different, and faced every fight with the most vigilant attitude, and the losses were naturally reduced.The means and methods they used to deal with the Huns have become more cruel and bloody.

"We had hoped to see such a result." Chen Xu couldn't help showing a smug smile: "Whether it's the people from the Western Regions hating the Huns, or the Huns hating the people from the Western Regions, it's the result we would like to see. "

Although the Han Empire took the initiative to invade the Hunnites, the main force of the invasion in terms of numbers was the people from the Western Regions, and those who did all the dirty work were also from the Western Regions. There must be some Hunnites who survived on certain occasions. Spread everything that people from the Western Regions have done.

Whether the people in the Western Regions realize what kind of role they have become is actually not that important, they have no right to choose at all.

For the people from the Western Regions who participated in the invasion, they invaded the territory of the Shujie people and the Hunnites, exchanged their heads for five baht, and there are still huge spoils waiting to be shared on the books. Just seeing these is enough up.

"This place is the battleground we have chosen." Su Ren pointed to an area marked as a plain on the map of mountains and rivers: "The battle itself does not have a very complicated battle plan, we need to carry out a frontal battle with the Huns Confrontation."

They came out with fifty-six thousand lambs, some of which fell in the growth stage, and others who had been fed with blood and grew into adults with deadly horns growing out of their heads.

This generation of Han people don't like threats. They think that northern Xinjiang is the biggest threat, and when people's livelihood in China is still in a state of corruption, they grit their teeth and deal with the threats they see.

They will go to war and even go to war with the Gupta Dynasty regardless of consumption and losses. It is nothing more than thinking that the Gupta Dynasty is a threat. They don’t want to wait until a day when the Gupta Dynasty’s warships sail to the coastal waters of the Han Empire, and choose to take the initiative to eliminate possible threats.

The retinue of people from the Western Regions brought out now are also considered to be threats. Taking them back and encircling them would not be the best plan. It is impossible to completely cover up the matter. Once they are noticed by the people from the Western Regions, no one will Responding to the recruitment of the Western Region Protectorate again is only one of the bad consequences. What is more serious is that it will make the people of the Western Regions recognize the facts and carry out a life-or-death resistance.

"How about Xiaoguo?" Su Ren asked what kind of choice they would make when they noticed the movement of the army: "Is it stable?"

"It's very complicated." Chen Xu didn't know what kind of expression to use, so he had no choice but to remain expressionless: "The general situation can still be controlled, and more people who will cause trouble have been transferred."

People's emotions are very complicated. Two people who don't know each other get along for a long time, and they either become friends or become enemies.

It will be more complicated if there is such a little relationship, not everyone can be ruthless.

"Then don't waste time." Su Ren never thought that every Han Chinese would have the same awareness: "The situation can't get worse."

After the meeting, the officers naturally returned to their respective teams.

The area they are in should be regarded as a plateau area. When they are closer to the sky, the night sky they see will naturally be clearer.

Tonight is a fine cloudless day, the moon passes this latitude during the day, and there are only twinkling stars in the sky.

The Hunnites are half-nomadic and half-farming. The southeast is probably dominated by farming, and this area is also a plateau; To resettle nomadic tribes.

"I heard that the altitude south of Kunlun Mountain is higher than where we are staying?" Fang Lun was lying on a haystack, looking at the sky with countless stars: "The altitude on the other side of Tianshan Mountain is also higher than that on this side." many?"

To the south of the Kunlun Mountains is the modern Hoh Xil Mountains, and to the south is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the highest altitude in the world. The Han people have not yet brought that area under their control, and are still in an exploratory stage.

Seriously speaking, the Western Regions is also a place with a higher altitude, especially the two areas of Tianshan and Congling (Pamir). The Governor of the Western Regions arranges to go to these two places for training every year. the process of.

"There are a small number of savages living there, and there is also a kind of long-haired cow?" Wang Mian didn't know that it was a cow: "I heard that the meat of that kind of cow is very chewy?"

The Han people have been exploring the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the eighth year of Yuanshuo. All kinds of information only show that it is an extremely desolate place. It has been repeatedly confirmed that it is not suitable for Han people to live in. At the same time, there are no rich mineral resources after exploration. The area that can provide farming is also small and pitiful.

This is a mistake made by the contemporary Han people. Maybe it is because the exploration is not comprehensive, or the technology is not enough. Otherwise, they will find that the minerals on the plateau are surprisingly rich.

According to modern exploration, the types of resources stored on the plateau are extremely rich. There are 8000 known minerals, including [-] million tons of copper reserves, [-] tons of gold, and more than [-] tons of silver. In addition, such as lead and zinc The reserves of iron ore are even more astonishing, but the reserves of iron ore are lower.

If the dynasties of the past dynasties knew that there were such huge reserves of minerals on the plateau, they would not have to worry about the amount of gold and silver. Only 8000 million tons of copper mines would be enough to drive them crazy, and they would probably try to control it at any cost. mining.

However, the past dynasties have encountered the same situation as the Han people today, or they have explored it because of technology and have not found it, so that they have not moved their eyes at all.

"Zhuang Quan and the others were transferred away." Fang Lun didn't know how much Wang Mian knew, and asked, "Do you know why?"

"What else can it be?" Wang Mian turned over to make himself lie down more comfortably: "They are different from me, unlike me, I don't care so much about the life and death of my brother-in-law or other miscellaneous relatives."

Zhuang Quan is from the south of the Yangtze River, where he has not experienced the tragedy of the Wuhu ravages, and his treatment of aliens is slightly different from that of the Han people north of the Yangtze River.

Most of the remaining people who sympathize with the people from the Western Regions are from the south of the Yangtze River. They have lived north of the Yangtze River since childhood and survived the ravages of the barbarians. Only three or five out of a hundred have sympathy for the people from the Western Regions.

At least they still know who they are, and they didn't go crazy when they realized something was wrong, but just persuading the people from the Western Regions to leave or escape would make the situation on this side extremely bad.

Fang Lun didn't know what kind of mood it was, and asked, "Are they going to be okay?"

"You are asking the wrong person." Wang Mian said with an absurd expression, "Maybe you can ask Chief Li."

Fang Lun wanted to ask, but felt that if he really did that, there was a [-]% chance that he would become one of the people who would be transferred.

"We are Han people, and they are also Han people." Wang Mian was talking about Xiaoguo and the soldiers of the Protectorate of the Western Regions: "If it is worse, they will be escorted back to the Western Regions, and there will be no execution."

Fang Lun was not as optimistic as Wang Mian. After a short silence, he said in an inexplicable tone, "We are participating in a war."

What can be said in the world can most easily arouse a person's evil thoughts, there is no doubt that it is war, no matter which camp they stand on, both sides regard each other as enemies.Since it is a hostile relationship, it doesn't care what method is used to eliminate it, so it becomes more and more reckless.

In the early morning of the next day, the sound of horns resounding throughout the camp awakened the sleeping people. No matter what state of mind they were in, they should wash up as soon as possible. Whether they could eat in the camp was entirely up to the commander's order.

"After three months of running around, I can eat and drink with my hands free on horseback." Wang Mian's sleep quality was obviously good last night, and he looked very energetic: "It's great to be able to eat rice balls in this poor place. It makes me feel happier than holding a leg of lamb or something."

The marching troops, whether it was the regular army of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, or the entourage of the Han Xiaoguo and the Western Regions, were all eating hot rice balls.

No one cares about how many grain trucks are always there, but why the rice can never run out, so no one has noticed that there are always ten people who look like civilians in the team, and they are protected far more than one The leader of the army.They just feel the strength of their own side, so far away from their hometown, there is no shortage of food in their hometown.

"Can you now understand why I'm so desperate?" Abati gathered his hands holding the rice balls and said to Zeku, "Such a small thing explains too much."

As before, Zeku had no idea what Abati meant. He only knew that Abati was one of the smart people in the village. If Abati wanted to do something, there was absolutely nothing wrong with following him.

"So Wang Shi sent someone to ask me if I want to join the servant army, and I chose to join without hesitation." Abati didn't realize what he was going to do, but he really wanted to serve the Han Empire. , and then desperately to obtain naturalization: "Believe me, obey them, serve them, is our only choice."

Zeku said cleanly, "You can do whatever you say."

For the rest of the followers of the Western Regions, if the records in the exchange book are good, the Han army will basically ask if they want to join the servant army. Since then, he has been out of touch with the retinue.

Judging from a lot of information, Abati firmly believes that becoming a servant will be the most important choice in his life. What he knows is that if he wants to become a naturalized citizen, he must first become a servant.

"I hope that the Confucian scholars in the army don't brag." Su Ren actually had a headache: "If they don't succeed, no matter how obvious it is, no one from the Western Regions can go back."

"Turning barbarians into summer is a long process." Chen Xu himself is also one of the disciples of Confucianism, but most of the Confucian scholars now are actually "long" crooked, and more inclined to metaphysics: "We can't let the whole army of Western Regions Annihilated, we are the only ones left to go back."

Su Ren started rubbing his swollen temples again.

(End of this chapter)

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