sweeping the world

Chapter 941 The Power of Additional Buffs

Chapter 941 The Power of Additional Buffs

Before the Han people set foot in the Western Regions, the chaotic situation in the Western Regions was doomed to attack each other. In fact, it was the Han people (Western Han) who brought stability to the Western Regions and made the Western Regions less aggressive against each other for a long period of time. .

Otherwise, when the people of the Western Regions were their own masters and when the Huns were masters of the Western Regions, the people of the Western Regions and all ethnic groups killed each other far more bloody than the invasion of foreigners.

The Shujie people caught by them were a Shujie tribe staying in the drug donation area.

This group of Shujie people sensed the changes in the Protectorate of the Western Regions, and fled without too much hesitation, and made due preparations, gathering the young and strong in the tribe to try to intercept the pursuers.

Nearly [-] Shujie cavalry were first discovered and harassed by Yishi's Han army scouts, followed by a group of Han army rangers.

A total of more than 800 Shujie cavalry were defeated and routed by [-] Han troops, leaving two or three hundred corpses behind. The rest of the Shujie people were really discouraged. To flee in all directions.

Those scattered Shujie cavalry will naturally be pursued by the Han army.Finding and capturing the fleeing Shujie tribe was more important to the Han than chasing and routing the enemy soldiers.

Once the location of that tribe can be found, it means that a foreign tribe will be swept into the garbage dump of history, and the Han people will also get a lot of livestock and women.

A large part of the cruel methods adopted by the Han people in the Western Regions were actually forced.

Since Liu Yan founded the country and eliminated the Jie people, he obtained a considerable number of classics, including many orthodox and unofficial histories of the Western Han Dynasty.

After researching, I discovered something. It turns out that after the Western Han Dynasty regained the Hetao, they no longer just started wars for revenge. They would calculate the possible benefits of the war. Except for some times, it would be impossible not to fight. Most of the time, before starting a war, you must first ensure that you will not lose money. .

The reason why it is said that the Han people were forced to use cruel methods in the Western Regions is of course a sufficient reason.

First of all, there are too many people from the Western Regions, but the number of Han Chinese living in the Western Regions is too small.

Then there are factors related to expenditure and income, but the balance of payments is relatively minor, and the main reason is that the number of people from the Western Regions needs to be reduced.

The Protectorate of the Western Regions encourages and even encourages the recruited Han people to bring more followers from the Western Regions. It is clear that they are using the followers of the Western Regions as cannon fodder, whether they are the followers of the Western Regions who are following themselves, or the Western Regions who are going to deal with them. The more dead the better.Only relatively speaking, unless it is necessary, he will not maliciously consume the people from the Western Regions who mix with him.

"Actually, people from the Western Regions are quite capable of fighting." Li Bing watched the fight ahead, and commented: "At least the people from the Western Regions on our side are very brave."

To bring a result to a war, one must go through a massacre first, but the ones who charge up will be the Western Regions carried by the army.

Abati was one of the Han people's retinue, and his sister married a Han as a concubine. However, people from the Western Regions did not have the word "concubine". According to them, she was the Han's third wife.

After having a Han man as his brother-in-law, Abati has enjoyed a lot of benefits. He doesn’t have to worry about one day the ferocious Han people rush into his family. It’s just one aspect. Some preferential policies are not the most important thing. The biggest gain is being able to go out with the Han army. .

"Die to me!!!" Abati charged forward on horseback and stabbed the spear in his hand, and the tip of the gun pierced the opponent's chest: "Kill four more, and I will get a certificate of good citizenship!"

Abati didn't know what nationality he belonged to, and he didn't even know which country his ancestors belonged to. He lived within the borders of Shule from the moment he was sensible.

After killing an opponent, Abati dismounted sideways and squatted down next to the corpse. The spear was placed on the ground, and he drew out the dagger pinned to his waist belt. With the dagger, he cut off his head like that.

There is an artery on the left and right sides of the human neck, which is the blood vessel from the body to the head. When it is cut, it will produce a kind of punching pressure inside the blood vessel. The moment the blood vessel is broken, the blood will be sprayed out directly, followed by a lot Black blood gushed out.

Abati was spattered all over his face by the sprayed blood. He touched the blood on his eyes and continued to cut. Since the dagger is not so sharp, it was actually a bit difficult to cut. It took a lot of effort to be considered a success. Tie the hair on that head to the belt, and get back on the horse with a happy face.

Scenes like that happened in many places, and sometimes several people from the Western Regions would compete for a head because of disputes, all because the enemy's head was wealth to them.

More than 300 Western Regions retinues confronted about [-] Shujie people, and it was almost a situation of four fighting one.

The Shujie people organized again to stall for time. Among them were men, women, old and young. They were all determined to die just to buy a little more time so that their families could have more time to escape.

Because of the determination to die, the Sagittarius people did not behave cowardly at all, on the contrary they showed absolute bravery.

If people from the Western Regions were fighting each other in the past, the Shujie people in this state should have frightened their opponents to retreat.

But then again, the Shujie people who have risen tyrannically and occupied the western corner of the Western Regions, it was very rare for them in the past to have a bad situation where they would die if they didn't work hard. Why are they determined to die just to delay a little more time? Things that don't exist.

The bravery of the Shujie people frightened the attendants of the Western Regions, but the frightened attendants of the Western Regions showed an angry side in the next moment.

"Do you know who I am!? My brother-in-law is Han Chinese!!!"

Can people become more dicks if they become relatives with Han people?For those Westerners who have daughters or sisters married to Han people, they will answer that they have indeed become more dicks!

Just imagine, because there is a Han Chinese son-in-law or brother-in-law, no one in the life circle should respect themselves.

And because of that reason, usually when the tax collectors of the Han Empire came to collect taxes, they could go over and chat with each other with a shy face.This kind of behavior is an enviable thing in the eyes of other Western Regions people, and I also feel that I have more face.

Occasionally, I can get something from Han relatives, and other Westerners can’t get anything at all. It’s something most Westerners will do to show off. The rest of the Western Regions were different.

The trivial daily life has cultivated the heart, and when the confidence is full, people will naturally tremble and become more courageous.

He is full of courage, and he can display his full strength with ten minutes of strength. In addition, there is a Han army in the distance, and his courage is even fatter. I am afraid that the gang will look fierce, but they are actually shaking their courage in despair. Desperate Sagittarius?

"Aren't we going to join the war?"

"If 300 men cannot defeat the opponent's [-] or so old, weak, sick and disabled, there is no need for them to exist."

For those Shujie people who fled in all directions, the officers leading the team were not in a hurry to hunt down and kill them.

Nomads will not give up their livestock even if they are running for their lives, and they are reluctant to abandon necessary belongings.If you lose your livestock, you will lose food. If you lose your property, it will be hard to get it again. If you lose those people, you will be dead if you are alive.

The Shujie people who fled basically had a carriage, or a very ancient style carriage. It was not fast at all, not to mention the constraints of the herds. There were flat grasslands everywhere, so they could Can you really escape after running away for two or three hours?

As the entourage of the Han people, the equipment of the people from the Western Regions is already simple enough, and it is the Shujie people who are even more unbearable than them.

Nomads will not lack high-quality horses, but they are extremely short of iron. The Shujie people are a nomadic tribe that has only emerged in the past ten years. They have received some support from the Hunnites, but the real benefits will only be those big ones. tribe.

Among the three hundred Shujie people fighting with the Western Regions, do you know if twenty of them have some metal in their hands?

There are 600 people from the Western Regions, and the guys in the hands of more than [-] people can be called iron weapons. If they miss the target, it will be fine. Once they hit the target, the Shujie people will either die or be injured.

Wooden sticks, wooden sticks and sharpened wood can kill people, but the problem is that they are definitely not the same as metal sharp weapons. After a few sticks taken by the followers of the Western Regions, as long as the head is not hit hard, it just feels very painful.

That is also one of the reasons why many of the followers of the Western Regions were frightened by the desperate efforts of the Shujie people, but most of the followers of the Western Regions were furious and basically did not feel frightened.

"What a bunch of trash."

"They are not trash, how could we easily restore the entire Western Regions."

"I heard that someone wants to train this type of people from the Western Regions?"


"That's right, with Sima Shi's example first, even if someone proposes it, it will not be approved."

How did the Western Jin Dynasty become the Eastern Jin Dynasty?The incident happened decades ago. No matter how forgetful the Han people are, they will not forget the catastrophe that just happened in such a short period of time.

The reason why Shenzhou Luchen and Yiguan Nandu happened is that the Western Jin Dynasty committed suicide by itself, not only arresting foreign slaves, but also accepting the tribes who took the initiative to attach themselves, and even doing stupid things such as training foreign armed forces and providing weapons and armor.

If the Western Jin Dynasty is really strong, it may become an Eastern version of Rome.

The Romans have long been the status quo that the population of foreign races in the country is larger than that of their own race. In a certain period of time, the ratio even reached [-]:[-].The reason why they have not been overthrown by foreign races for so long is that some Romans knew to put aside their disputes when encountering foreign races' counterattack.

The Romans who have been playing for so long, they have now begun to encounter the counterattack of the Germans. The history is so similar that the Constantine family killed each other, which gave the Germans a chance to stand up.

Seriously, the Western Jin Dynasty is actually not weak compared to the Zhuhu at that time, but the prince of the Sima family liked to play cannibalism too much, which gave the Zhuhu a chance to seize the Central Plains.

There is such an obvious example, not to mention that people who cannot make decisions have ideas about arming and training aliens but keep secrets, and those who can give opinions on national policies are even less likely to make suggestions. Things to be looked at with the eyes of "caring for the mentally retarded".

After spending nearly an hour, about [-] Shujie people were finally dealt with.

The followers of the people from the Western Regions were like wolfhounds that were released to bite people, and they came back with their trophies in their mouths. If they had tails, they would definitely wag them very diligently.

"I killed three."

"I only killed one."

"I killed four!"

"I didn't kill any..."

Don't expect the people from the Western Regions to have any discipline in their retinue. After they came back, they found their relatives, either happily twisting their bleeding heads to report their merits, or dejectedly feeling sorry for themselves.

They can exchange a Shujie man's head for [-] five baht coins, which is the kind of simple and quick way to get a reward immediately after handing in the head, and there is absolutely no arrears.

The Western Regions Protectorate's rewards for cannon fodder have always been one-for-one, not only for the Western Regions' followers, who usually issue arrest warrants, or want the heads of any ethnic group, whether it is the Western Regions or the Han people who have done the job, they deserve it. There are as many rewards as there are, and a kickback of five baht will not be withheld.

Abati found Fang Lun with a cloth bag containing [-] five-baht coins, and handed the bag out with great respect.

Fang Lun took the money bag nonchalantly, counted three hundred pieces according to the rules, put them in his bag, and returned the money bag to Abati.

Regardless of whether it is disdainful or because of the rules, the Western Regions Protectorate will not intercept them, but it is a rule for the Han people to collect fees from the Western Regions.

First of all, the Han people are willing to bring people from the Western Regions to play with them, so that they can come out with the army and make a fortune, so it is a reasonable thing to have a commission, right?
Secondly, while restraining the retinues of the Western Regions, the Han people also had responsibilities for the retinues of the Western Regions.If the Western Regions people who followed him died in battle, the Han people would still have to pay for their pensions privately.

It is already mandatory to make the five baht coins minted by the official Han Empire the only currency in the Western Regions. People who hold other currencies can go to the designated place to exchange them within a period of one year. After one year, they can use the official currency designated by the Han Empire. would be an offense.

What kind of exchange method should the currency be? Ordinary people don't think it's a big deal to them no matter how much they care about it. They only know that compared with other currencies, the five baht coin is a high-quality currency.

"It's hard for them too." Wang Mian was talking about the logistics staff who drove the carriage with the cash box and ran with the team: "Look at the ruts, they will definitely not be able to walk in the wetland."

Fang Lun rolled his eyes, and said truthfully, "The main reason is that the people in the Western Regions have no self-confidence. They are afraid that they will not get the money if they delay, so they have to make the delivery on the battlefield."

Wang Mian patted the commission that had just been collected, and the leather bag made a sound of metal clinking: "It's nothing to carry around tens or hundreds of catties of coins in the end."

Is it troublesome to make money?Fang Lun didn't even bother to roll his eyes this time.

(End of this chapter)

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