sweeping the world

Chapter 938 Army and People

Chapter 938 Army and People

Two babies, one whose mother can read and the other whose mother cannot read, have different starting points from the moment they are born.

The reason is very simple, a baby with a literate mother must be born into a good family; an illiterate mother must be due to the family environment.

Any era pays attention to the right family. A good family is married to a good family. It is difficult for a poor person to marry a rich person. It is the same as having offspring. The children of the poor family and the children of the rich family naturally have different starting points.

The above is too depressed, extremely lack of positive energy...

In fact, a literate mother will inevitably broaden her horizons and acquire more knowledge. She can always teach by precepts and deeds, and the children's growth space will definitely have better teaching.

For example, if the child also made a mistake, a literate mother can tell more truths and use perfect logic to tell the wronged child what he did wrong and what should be done right; an illiterate mother, she may There are not so many reasons to tell, and it is even more unclear what logic is. Teaching children is to rely on beating. Children who make mistakes after beating are confused. Not even knowing what to do is the right thing to do.

Ignorance or not starts with literacy, and literacy enables people to read and gain wisdom from words. Otherwise, how can words be an indispensable part of civilization?

The Han Empire has been promoting education for a long time, but it did not develop this matter in a practical direction from the very beginning. Educating people is not for reading and reciting poems to fight against, but only for the hope that the educated people can read words fluently, not for educating a group of people. Poet, philosopher, thinker idea.

For a long time in Zhuxia, education has always been an elite route.

The so-called elitism means that once people are educated to study, they must want to make the educated people become all-round talents. The lower limit is to become famous and the upper limit is to become the pillar of the country, and what they want is to leave a name in history.

In the eyes of Zhu Xia's ancestors, education has always been a sacred thing, and it would be extremely shameful to educate stupid people, so there was a rule that if you are not successful, you can't leave the door.This point was the strictest in the ancient pre-Qin period, causing many educated people to stay within the gate wall all their lives, but those who can go out of the gate wall can at least become famous.

Liu Yan is well aware of the importance of education to a nation.

Countries that value education have adopted educational materials that suit them. Starting from the generation that valued education, the nation has ushered in a leap forward.

Germany and Japan are the two most typical examples. Both of them are rulers who understand the importance of education, provide enough financial support for education, and wait for the educated new generation to grow up. The educated generation has become the backbone , All aspects supported the country's tyrannical rise.

Japan and Germany have adopted a universal education policy, and they have indeed received far more returns than they imagined.

More established powers cling to elite education. As a result, their paths become narrower and narrower, and they gradually decline from the position of the top world powers, or even fall from the top to the second-rate. .

Any group needs a sufficient base, especially educated people.After all, no one knows what kind of achievements a person can achieve. Given basic cultural education, more people can stand on the stage, and there will be an infinite future for a group.

The education method advocated by Liu Yan is to make more people literate, and let those literate people choose what route to take.

What kind of threshold they have stepped into because of literacy, it must be that only a very small number of people can pass the threshold, and more people will only be literate in their lives and will not achieve any achievements in a certain field, but the greater the base of literacy, There are more opportunities for a nation.

In addition to the progress or achievements in some scientific fields that may be brought about by the promotion of education, what is more practical for the current Han Empire is the integration of the nation.

Liu Yan came up with the alphabet in the seventh year of Yuanshuo.It was he who racked his brains and finally sorted it out. In the process, he had forgotten many things in pinyin. He first wrote out the 28 letters of the English alphabet, and then sorted them out gradually.

Everyone knows what Pinyin is, but except for a very small number of people, who can remember the whole set so clearly?Anyway, Liu Yan does not belong to one of them. He can figure it out in the end thanks to the fact that he used pinyin typing instead of Wubi to surf the Internet.

Pinyin is not used in teaching literacy here in the Western Regions. In fact, there are not that many people who master Pinyin now. Most of them are assigned to major cities as teachers. Places like the Western Regions that have just been newly recovered cannot be taken care of for the time being.

Even if the Western Regions have arranged for teachers who can speak pinyin, the village on the edge of the Gobi with only 300 to [-] people does not know when they will be able to recruit teachers.

Near noon, the people in the square slowly dispersed.

Fang Lun's sheep herding location is in the south of the village.

It is very strange to say that the village seems to be a boundary line, with a wide Gobi area to the north and a grassland to the south.

The area where the village is located is in the east of Congling. There is a river about [-] miles to the west.

The name of that river is Congling River, which originated from Puchang Sea and has many branches. It should be the longest river in the Western Regions?

The battle in the Congling area was a battle between the Han army and a force claiming to be Shujie. It was a large half-agricultural and half-nomadic tribe. The ethnic structure was very complicated. race with hair color.Its tribe has a population of about [-], and it used to be entrenched in the western area of ​​Congling.

Before the Han people marched into the Western Regions, Shujie lived and inhabited within the Western Regions, which can be regarded as occupying the old land of the Han family.

Shujie has now migrated to the west, but a considerable number of people are left unwilling to leave. The Han people have only one response to this kind of stuff, nothing more than iron and fire.

Fang Lun looked up at the position of the sun, and began to gather the sheep to return.

A group of people suddenly appeared on a small hill in the distance. Fang Lun, who happened to turn his head to look, noticed that he squinted his eyes and tried to identify them. Due to the distance and his eyesight, he really couldn't tell who they were. who.

Fang Lun left the flock behind and ran towards the village as fast as he could, calling the police loudly when he approached the village.

They made their home in the Western Regions, and the Han people were not very popular in the Western Regions because of what they did. People would be on guard day and night, and Fang Lun had already been discovered when he ran back.

Waiting for that group of people to approach the village, what they saw was that the young and strong in the village had gathered, everyone was holding weapons, and some people were wearing armor.

Those who came were not murderers, let alone people from the Western Regions, but a group of Han soldiers.

"You're very vigilant!" Li Bing was only happy with the actions of the villagers, and he didn't feel offended. If he came here and saw a group of people who were frightened and tidied up, he would be mad: "Let someone unload the goods on the carriage. .”

Lin Sui had seen a few carriages a long time ago, and had some guesses. Seeing that it was indeed something given by the Protectorate of the Western Regions, he grinned and told the drinkers to unload the goods quickly.

Li Bing came here specially, and sent two thousand catties of various plant foods, mostly rice and highland barley.

There are many types of staple food in the Han Empire, depending on the region it is located in. In the north, most of the food is milled wheat, while in the south, it is mostly rice.

The staple food of the military is rice, which accounts for the majority. Of course, the South and Indochina Peninsula are the main grain-producing areas, and there are bugs such as system warehouses. There is no need to consider the consumption during long-distance transportation. The army mainly provides rice.

Every once in a while, the Protectorate of the Western Regions will send a team to deliver some supplies to the villages where the Han people live. In addition to the staple food of plants, there are some necessities of life, such as salt.They sent supplies, and when they left, they would take away some leather goods and other items provided by the village, which was considered a different kind of transaction.

If you count it seriously, the leather goods provided by the village are usually not equivalent to the supplies sent, and the Western Regions Protectorate is doing this as an aid.

"Leader Li." With a flattering smile, Wang Mian asked for no other reason: "Do you need manpower this time?"

Li Bing had been to this village more than once, and he had some impressions of Wang Mian. He laughed and scolded, "He's just a reckless guy who can't sit still. But this time we really need some people."

The establishment of the entire Protectorate of the Western Regions is only the size of an army, that is, 5000 soldiers and generals. However, it is dealing with the Western Regions, which is wider than the entire Central Plains. In many cases, it is necessary to recruit some people outside the establishment.

"There are still [-] places left on my side." Li Bing was not only dealing with this existence, but also the other four.

Even if the Han Chinese came over and continued to wreak havoc, there are still many people from the Western Regions. A general estimate should be about 500 million?

The Protectorate of the Western Regions will select some people from the Western Regions when necessary, but the most important thing for the Protectorate of the Western Regions must be the Han people in the Western Regions.

"Who are you attacking this time?" Lin Sui must have stayed in the village, and no one will teach him to read and write once he leaves: "Is it the restless Shule people, or the Shujie people?"

Before the Han people came to this area, Shule had already inhabited the area for a long time.

This time the Han Empire did not intend to rule the Western Regions only in name as before, leaving behind so many messy kingdoms, city-states and tribes, they would definitely be divided into groups and collapsed one after another.

Shule was one of the first kingdoms in the Western Regions to be destroyed. The head of the king was sent to Chang'an to show off. With very few exceptions, the officials of the kingdom were regarded as extra heads. The soldiers either died or became slaves, and the civilians were There are different treatments depending on the degree of cooperation.

Just like the truth in the world, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The Han people have no intention of bringing light and democracy to the Shule people, and the Shule people will not foolishly wait for the tragic ending.

The Shule people feel that their resistance is just, and the Han people also think that suppressing the Shule people's resistance is a matter of course, and they will inevitably dispatch the army.

Lin Sui chatted with Li Bing in order to give the villagers enough time.

It doesn't take much time to pick candidates, they have already agreed on the next batch of candidates before, and the time is wasted to go to other villages to find auxiliary soldiers.

The Han people in this village have at least one concubine from the Western Regions. Unlike Buyi, most Western Region women have no relatives and no reason. Many Western Region women have family members in nearby villages.

Li Bing actually knew what was going to happen. Even if Lin Sui didn't say hello, he would deliberately give some time for the recruited Han people to choose their auxiliary soldiers.

Usually, a Han Chinese galloping on horseback enters a village of people from the Western Regions, calls a few people's names, and tells them what happened, or a list of candidates has been prepared in advance, unless the people on the list are not present. Everyone from the Western Regions who was not on the list hurried home and took the things they had prepared in advance to follow.

Without wasting much effort, five Han Chinese, including Fang Lun, appeared in front of Li Bing fully armed with the selected auxiliary soldiers.

Every Han Chinese is accompanied by at least five auxiliary soldiers from the Western Regions, and the seven auxiliary soldiers Fang Lun mentioned are relatives of the wives or concubines of the rest of the villagers, which he had already agreed with others in advance.

The five Han Chinese plus the auxiliary soldiers brought by myself brought the number to 32, which was almost double the number of soldiers brought by Li Bing.

"I'll give you another 5 minutes." Li Bing looked around at the crowd standing in the distance and said, "Say goodbye to your lord."

Fang Lun thought for a while and went to Buyi, and asked: "Our child will be born in five months. I am going out to earn more money for the child. It would be better to be promoted again. I have already asked Zuo Neighbors, remember to ask them for help when you have something to do. Then stop picking up horse manure.”

Buyi couldn't understand what Fang Lun was saying, but he knew that Fang Lun was about to go out with the army, so he said something that Fang Lun didn't understand, and pushed Fang Lun away.

"Your little gentleman tells you to be careful." Lin Sui came over specially and helped translate: "I tell you not to care about money." She continued to translate with a rather strange expression: "She hopes that you can kill more people and get promoted."

Fang Lun nodded solemnly.

In the Han Empire, title was more important than anything else. Even if you had a wealthy family, without a corresponding title, you would not be qualified to marry a concubine, not to mention there were many other restrictions.

Although Buyi is a woman from the Western Regions, she can't understand Chinese, and she doesn't know many things about the Han Empire, except for the importance of titles.

The rest of the couples (concubines) who are talking will inevitably be told that they must kill a lot, and no matter what, they must earn at least one rank of title when they go out this time.

"Whoever says they are not Han Chinese, I am in a hurry." Li Bing said to his robe full of teasing: "Everyone is as smart as anything, knowing that nothing is more important than a title."

(End of this chapter)

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