sweeping the world

Chapter 917 From now on

Chapter 917 From now on

Unless it is a fool with no thoughts at all, or a living person will have his own troubles.

Liu Yan, the king of a country.

The trouble in public affairs is how to govern the country so that the country and the nation do not decline under their own governance. It is extremely important to leave some spiritual wealth to the nation.

The worries about private matters are the women and their children, especially the education and future arrangements for the children.

For the Sangong and the Nine Qings at the level of Sang Yu, their worry is whether they can perform their duties competently, but don't let down the trust of the king, otherwise the consequences will definitely be serious.

In addition to business affairs, people of Sang Yu's level are most concerned about family affairs.

Standing tall means falling hard...

If it is a small official with sesame seeds and mung beans, unless it is a big crime, otherwise it will not involve the family.

When it comes to the official position of the Sangong Jiuqing, as long as it is a crime, it will not be a trivial matter, because it will not be deliberately pursued if it is a minor crime, and only the crime that the king cannot tolerate will be dealt with.

The bigger the official, once it is really dealt with, don't think about being able to carry it down by yourself, it doesn't exist at all.

There are absolutely no fewer people involved when he is dealt with. Those people who usually have close friends with him and some of his subordinates are definitely unlucky. At the same time, it is inevitable that the family will be liquidated.

That is not the so-called implicated, it is that those implicated have definitely obtained some benefits from the high-ranking officials who committed the crime, and there is no such thing as a good thing that takes advantage of the benefits and does not bear the consequences.

Therefore, the bigger and bigger an official is, the more he has to be cautious about everything. It is impossible to use his power to make profits at every turn, but once he uses his private power to make profits, the benefits will be extremely huge.

The process of being an official is actually similar to building a house. You need to consolidate your foundation so that you can walk steadily without stepping on a high platform that is about to be smashed.

Sang Yu went to Miyagi to find Liu Yan the next day, and asked for three days of rest.

Liu Yan could understand how panic Sang Yu felt, and he didn't comfort him, let alone express anything superfluous, he was just right.

The new year is approaching, and New Year's Day is the time when Liu Yan proclaims himself emperor. Recently, it is the busiest time. It seems very unusual for Sang Yu to ask for leave at such a time.

Sang Yu spent three days reflecting on his experiences in the past ten years.

During the three days, the atmosphere in the Sang family's mansion was in a frozen state, even babies would be restrained and cry by their parents, and adults would not dare to make any noise, unless they needed to move around, they would stay in their own rooms.

Well-to-do households don’t need to go out to shop. From daily ingredients to some luxury items, the sellers usually bring the goods to the door. The abnormality in the Sang Mansion is guessed from some details.

On the first day, a colleague sent a greeting card to pay a visit to Sang Yu. The main reason was that it was unusual for Sang Yu not to be in office at this time, but someone with enough weight in the Sang family came out to explain that the head of the family had something important to do. Unable to receive guests.

On the second day, the immediate family members of the Sang House who were on duty went home immediately after get off work, and did not hang out as usual; the immediate family members who were not on duty disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the first day, the mansions around the Sang Mansion discovered abnormalities, and it was confirmed on the second day that they were all guessing what happened to the Sang family.

The strange situation in the Sang Mansion can't be hidden from anyone at all. If the children of a family are all huddled in the mansion, it is an unusual thing. Even the invitations sent by colleagues with the same weight are not accepted, which shows that Things will not be small.

Sang Yu stayed in the study for three days, stepped out of the room early in the morning on the fourth day, and reappeared with a smile on his face.

That scene was first seen by the old man who had been guarding the door, and he let go of his heart, smiling like a chrysanthemum and bowing to salute.

If the Patriarch can smile, it means that he has cleared his mind. Once he reaches the level of Sangong Jiuqing, once his thinking is clear, as long as it is not the king who really wants to do it, everything else can be solved. The difference is that the price paid is not big.

"In the past few days, who has sent invitations?"

"Go home..."

The elder of the family must have a good memory, at least he must be clear about some things that the head of the family will ask, so he will list them one by one.

"Send a greeting card."


The news that Sang Yu finally walked out of the study quickly spread throughout the entire Sang Mansion, and it was especially mentioned that Sang Yu had a smile on his face when he came out.

The whole Sang Mansion seemed to have gone from the harsh winter to the warm spring season, and the baby could cry freely again, and everyone didn't need to keep a rigid face all the time.

During breakfast, Sang Yu did not reprimand the clansmen who made mistakes as usual, but asked the clansmen who were officials some things in a very friendly manner.

"Strict family style is the foundation of a foothold." Sang Yu put down the tableware, looked around everyone, and said, "You need to remember it!"

While everyone was surprised, the heart that had just been put down was lifted up again.

"The country is about to be restructured." Sang Yu first smiled at his brothers of the same generation, and looked at those younger generations: "The new system will provide more official positions, so please remember not to force them."

The system of three provinces and six ministries will indeed have more official positions than the system of Sangong and Jiuqing. Sang Yu knows that any family is gearing up for more positions, and his own family has the same plan.

"Brothers and younger brothers." Sang Yu looked at the clansmen of the same generation: "If you are recruited, can you go down to the local government?"

Eldest brother Sang Wan had a lot of things he wanted to ask, but the occasion was not so suitable, so he chose to take the lead and agree.

"The Sang family no longer needs to forge ahead." Sang Yu repeated: "The most important thing is to be prudent. If you have time, you can read the doctrine of the mean."

Three days made Sang Yu understand a lot of things. The grace he got fits his identity, and the family is also the top existence in the north. What a family can have is enough.

There is almost everything that should be there, so how strong should it be?
Is it powerful enough to replace the current ruling family?
During the breakfast, Sang Yu's attitude was very obvious. He was already the appointed head of the Shangshu Province, and it was difficult for brothers of the same generation to forge ahead.

There are only so many holes in a center, and Sang has already occupied one of the three most important positions. The more holes he occupies, the better.

The juniors should be determined to forge ahead, that is, they should not stay in the center, but should go down to the local area.

Some things don't need to be so clear and transparent. Those words of Sang Yu were conveyed to the whole Sang family, and all the people knew how they should behave in the world.

Sang Yu went back to work, and the carriage was walking on the street, looking at the bustling or desolate scenery, his mental level was completely different from before.He already knows the definition of himself in the future, so he doesn't need to be deliberately low-key, but he can't show his presence everywhere.

At the gate of the palace, some officials who came earlier saw Sang Yu's carriage, and almost all of them turned their eyes to it.

"Nothing happened these days, right?" Ran Min looked at Sang Yu who was getting off the car, and said, "The door has been closed for three days."

No one responded to Ran Min's question. They were actually quite surprised to hear that Sang Yu asked Xiu Mu and the Sang clan not to leave the mansion if they stayed behind closed doors.

Everyone was trying their best to figure out what happened. People with enough levels knew that Sang Yu had a conversation with Liu Yan in Miyagi, while those who were not level enough didn't even know that Sang Yu was out of Miyagi to close the door.

Sang Yu got off the carriage and responded with a smile to everyone who was greeted along the way, appearing more approachable than before.He saw Ran Min pause and actually walk over. When he was three steps away, he took the lead in bowing his hands and saluting. Ran Min was stunned for a moment before returning the salute.

People who saw this scene were stunned no matter whether their expressions changed or not. Anyone who was an official in the center knew that Sang Yu and Ran Min had a very unpleasant quarrel, and even though there was no conflict afterwards, they could not communicate with each other. To meet each other is to treat each other as if the other does not exist.

Today, Sang Yu took the initiative to approach Ran Min and salute?It has to make people think too much.

Sang Yu greeted each other again, not understanding the various eyes, and said to Ran Min: "If the Marquis of Meiyang is free at night, would you like to have a drink?"

It was another surprise that almost shocked the others. They regarded Sang Yu's behavior as actively seeking peace.

Ran Min said carelessly: "I have an appointment with Su Xiao, Yuan Zi, An Shi, Ruicai and Heng An tonight."

Those are the table characters of the Taiwei and the four generals of the "Zheng" level.

"You..." Ran Min looked at Sang Yu suspiciously: "Why did you become so weird?"

Sang Yu smiled and said nothing, even being rejected was not the slightest smoke.

To this day, Sang Yu feels that Ran Min is truly wise and foolish, especially some of Ran Min's behaviors after seeking the king to no avail are full of great wisdom.

Sang Yu is indeed taking the initiative to reconcile with Ran Min. He will not only treat Ran Min like this, but also resolve those who had conflicts due to the North-South dispute in the past.

Everyone was thinking about it, they knew that something important happened to Sang Yu, but they couldn't figure out what it was, otherwise Sang Yu wouldn't have such a big change all of a sudden.

The palace gate was opened with a loud "creak", and the people outside the gate divided into two lines to enter.

It takes them about half an hour to walk to the main hall of Jianzhang Palace. During this period, they don't need to be quiet, but they can't make loud noises either.

"Zi Shen." Ji Chang didn't turn his head, and behind him was Sang Yu: "Is it okay to act like this?"

Sang Yu is ranked second in the queue, behind him is the eunuch Tian Shuo, the fourth is Ting Wei Yu Yi, and after that are Lu Yi and Cai You, arranged according to the order of official positions.

On one side of the queue, Taiwei Xu Zheng was at the front, Hussar General Ran Min was second, followed by four generals at the level of "Zheng", and then people at the level of General Zhonglang.

"The change of the imperial envoy made Min a little scared." Ran Min didn't interrupt on purpose, but was really scared.He wanted to provoke Sang Yu again, so he imitated Ji Chang's words: "Is it all right?"

"There were a lot of entanglements in the past." Sang Yu had to give a plausible explanation: "A few days ago, by chance, today..." He stopped, showing a sighing expression: "I know how to deal with things."

Since Sang Yu's change was related to Liu Yan, no one said anything.

After a short period of silence, the conversation between each other continued. They were talking about some things about the ceremony of proclaiming the emperor, and inquiring about each other's preparation progress.

There are only six days until New Year's Day, and the preparations that should be made are actually in place. The next step is to repeat the verification again and again to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the ceremony.

Those at the level of Sangong and Jiuqing were relatively silent along the way. They were all thinking about Sang Yu's transformation and whether they should make some changes.

"After the grand ceremony, Chang resigned as prime minister." Ji Changhui was the first highly centralized prime minister of the Han Dynasty, but he will not be the last prime minister, but there are many prime ministers after the reform: "Zi Shen has been in office before (right) The prime minister will be the imperial envoy doctor later, and it is very suitable to be in charge of the minister."

Under the three provinces and six ministries, the prime minister is no longer the head of civil servants, and the Zhongshuling, Shangshuling, and Shizhonghui will become the heads of the three major departments.

Zhongshu Province is a decision-making department. The highest head is Zhongshu Ling, the second official is Zhongshu Shilang, and Zhongshu Sheren is specially set up to deal with the king, and there are various official positions down the line.

Shangshu Province is an executive department. The highest head is Shangshuling. There are two left and right servants, two left and right ministers, two left and right ministers, one doctor, six ministers and many subordinate officials.

Menxia province is in charge of deliberation, the minister is the supreme head, but the minister is not fixed to one person, there can be more than one minister, down to the door minister, there are regular servants on horseback, admonishing doctors, Yushi Zhongcheng, and Shi Yushi And other positions perform their own duties.

Restructuring is a major event, involving all officials, and everyone's position will change. The central government has been discussing this for nearly four years, and confirmed the heads of various departments and the level of deputy officials.

This time the reorganization has little to do with the military, except that the post of Taiwei was abolished, and the highest official position in the military was changed to General. There are still Hussar Generals and Car Cavalry Generals. The generals and the Zhonglang generals such as "Ping", "Ping", and "Fu" have not changed, but they have the same fixed products as civilian posts.

Liu Yan won't do anything about using culture to control military affairs, but he doesn't get used to the military anymore. The standing army should be whatever it is, but the county and county soldiers are assigned to the Ministry of War of the Sixth Ministry, and the logistics resources also belong to it. The management of the Ministry of War is equivalent to putting a lock on the army.

In order to keep the military bosses from jumping, it is also a kind of exchange. The highest rank of civil servants is the second rank, that is, Zhongshuling, Shangshuling and Shizhong are the second rank, while the generals are the first rank, Hussar General and Chariot General It is the second rank, and the generals of the four "conquers", the four "towns", the four "ping" and the four "fu" are the third rank.

Compared with the previous system of three officials and nine ministers, Liu Yan's restructuring this time is planned to be completed in one step.

The bosses can actually see that after the restructuring, there will be a further centralization of power by the king. If there are more departments, the powers will be refined and dispersed, but no one dares to attack. They just feel that it is really not a good thing to have no restrictions on the king. For example, Without the prime minister, no one will restrain the king's decisions on civil affairs.

All in all, the restructuring harmed the interests of some people, but Liu Yan's strength overwhelmed everything.

The system reform is a good thing for the middle and lower level officials. They don't care about the troubles of the high level, they only know that their room for improvement has become wider.

(End of this chapter)

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