Chapter 906

"As women, in Rome, or in the Han Empire, our destiny has already been fixed." Helena knew that she couldn't understand the sigh on her face, but felt a burst of heart fatigue: "Great as Momia can only stay behind the scenes."

Helena knew Momia, she was a very famous woman in Roman history, she was the mother of Alexander Severus, Alexander Severus was able to become the Augustus of Rome, at least six points of credit depended on Momia Ya, what is even more rare is that Momia helped Alexander Severus lay an extremely solid foundation, and only then did Alexander Severus solve the mortal enemy of the Parthian Empire during his administration.

"What kind of life can we live? We need to be born in a good family under the protection of Hera, and when we grow up, we need to choose the husband-in-law..." Helena undoubtedly felt that she was lucky to be reincarnated into the Constantine family. Having a life of growing up in a more favorable environment than most people: "I thought my husband would be Julian, and I have already planned my future lifestyle..."

Helena decided to be a silent listener, and she had already seen that Helena simply wanted to talk.

Looking forward to a better life is the nature of all intelligent creatures. Men may not have so many fantasies, but women will inevitably think about what will happen after they have a family.

Usually women don't always think in a good direction, but more often think in a bad way.After all, it is women who want to change their living environment. They always think about what will happen to their husbands and what will happen to their family members.

"Julian's family environment is very simple. Except for that wrong brother Gallus, he has no relatives." When Helena said this, she showed a self-conscious smile, and asked Helena: "Do you know Gallus well?" Luce?"

Helena nodded. "People usually call him Brainless Gallus, but I think he's fine."

Gallus also had the experience of being exiled. The reason why he was forgiven by Constantius II earlier than Julian was not because of his original fiefdom.

Before Julian was exiled, his fiefdoms were in Egypt and Asia Minor, especially Egypt was the home of his mother Basilina's father.

Egypt is very important to Rome. Under the premise that Italy, including Europe, does not obey Constantius II at all, the Constantine family must not lose Egypt. He wanted to kill Julian but endured it, and later he was forced to release Julian from exile.

"My idea is to help Julian after marriage, and do everything I can to help him, so that he can become the next Augustus's most powerful challenger." I was terrified of losing power and didn't want to be a victim like Galla."

The Gala that Helena mentioned is Julian's second sister. She married the Italian Governor Gastis for political reasons, and her life was not happy.

It should be said that the Roman royal family has been unhappy for the past hundred years. Men are easily killed in the struggle for power, and women are married off as political bargaining chips and lead an extremely unsatisfactory life.

"Really, I will do everything I can to make Julian become Augustus." Helena showed a sad smile when she said this: "I knew that the object of marriage might be Julian from a long time ago." I worked hard, but at that time Julian was still in exile."

Helena at least knows how to look at the expression of misery, but she doesn't understand what misery is.After she became sensible, the Constantine family had ended their internal fighting, and Rome had generally stabilized.

Before the onset of menarche, Constantius II mentioned to Helena more than once that Helena was only eight years old at that time in order to compensate Julian for marrying them.

Constantine is not a peaceful and friendly family. Constantine I may be mighty and domineering, but Constantine is a family with no family at all, and because Constantine I did not handle the issue of successors well, originally Families without a foundation of kinship will directly meet each other with swordsmen.

Helena has seen too much misery, and she is especially terrified of what will happen to people who lose power. She swore to the gods very early on that she would never lose her asylum no matter what the price was.

When Helena was sensible, it was the year when the fighting within the Constantine family was the most intense.

"You are happy." Helena said with some jealousy, "You have always been happy. You have been happy before, and you will probably be happy in the future."

Simple people don't have too many pursuits, less needs and less desires, and it is difficult to become a stumbling block for others.

Helena has always known what she needs, especially after knowing that her future husband will be Julian, she has an unprecedented sense of urgency.

"The first man who touched my body was the captain of Miyagi's bodyguard." Helena found some wine on her own, and she had already drank a lot: "The reason why I want him to touch me is that I can enter and leave Miyagi at will."

Helena had fallen asleep on the table.

I don't know what kind of wood the table is made of. It looks like it has been boiled with tung oil. The tabletop is extremely smooth and exudes a pleasant woody fragrance.

"Why do I need to go in and out of the palace at will? Apart from being able to sell things and get back what I need, I can also freely contact those nobles." Helena doesn't care if Helena is asleep or not, she just wants to find a living person Narratively: "When I was a princess, I got to know more nobles, win over them, and catch them. One day I will be able to use them, I think so."

The night is dark, and in the cold winter, there is naturally no sound of insects that can pass through the doors and windows into the house, and only occasionally the sound of dogs barking.

"Everyone says I'm a slut. I really look like a slut, but who knew that the captain of the first guard who touched my body was fed to the dog the next year, except for him..." Helena saw the sea Lena's head moved, and after a careful look, she was sure that Helena was sleeping, and she was still drooling: "Only at the beginning of this year, Augustus mentioned the matter of marriage again. I found Julian and told him that he was about to become Caesar. Once he becomes Caesar, we will be a match made in heaven. I offered myself to him. He was the first man to enter my body, and I thought he would be my husband."

Earlier this year?It was the time when Wang Meng led the envoys to Constantinople.

At that stage, Constantius II had indeed begun to secretly prepare for the wedding of Julian and Helena. He would know about both of them in private, and the wedding would be held by the end of the year without accident.

Many people knew that there would be a grand wedding, which was a signal of reconciliation from Constantius II.

There will also be a grand wedding in Constantinople. The groom will be Julian, but the bride will definitely not be Helena.

Wang Meng's team arrived in Constantinople and changed too many things. Not only did Julian and Helena's marriage fail, but the relationship between Constantine's family and Christianity that was about to be bad was also healed again.

"God loves to joke with me. Later Augustus said that things have changed. Julian is no longer a suitable marriage partner for me. Rome needs my dedication." Helena drank another glass, pinching the glass vigorously: "Do you know what I was thinking at that time? I wanted to kill Julian! It was he who suggested to Augustus to give me to Emperor Han, and he didn't even dare to touch my finger after making the suggestion! Then why before And touched me!"

The wine glass was thrown out forcefully by Helena. It first hit the wall and then fell to the ground. Miraculously, it was not broken.

"I've always wondered if he had thought of making me a candidate for marriage before he touched me." Helena stared straight at the wine glass still rolling on the ground: "If that's the case, I won't touch me again." Whoever kills him and thrusts his sword into his chest will be a soldier of the Han Empire."

Everyone has come to the Han Empire. Helena is not a dull person, let alone a stupid person. She already knows that her consequences will be very bad. The emperor who is regarded as a god by the Han people should not accept a woman with a bad reputation.

Helena also knew that the most important thing was reputation, and chastity was secondary. The emperor of the Han people did not reject non-virgins. It was recorded repeatedly in the history of the Han people, but there should be no flaws in reputation.

"I've thought about it a lot..." Helena stood up, her body shaking slightly: "Emperor Han will definitely accept me. In order to go to war with Rome, Emperor Han needs a reason. And my unclean reputation is what Emperor Han wants me to do. The best reason for Rome to go to war."

Helena walked to the window, pushed it open, and looked at the still brightly lit Chang'an City.

"No man in a high position cares about feelings. I have seen through this incident a long time ago." Helena leaned over and leaned half of her body out of the window, looking down: "I have also prepared my mind. Prepare, but I don't accept my fate!"

There is the ground under the window, without any debris.

"I will do everything possible to be successfully sown by Emperor Han and give birth to a baby boy before the Han Empire goes to war with Rome!" Helena looked up at the sky, where there are dots of stars: "Emperor Han will need a baby boy!" A child with Roman royal blood, under the banner of what the Han people call ordering order out of chaos."

The sky is full of stars, and the breeze on the ground is blowing.

"Yes, the Han people need that child!" Helena felt that her eyes were turning black. She knew that it was because she was not intoxicated, but her body could not hold on under the influence of alcohol: "He will become the leader of the Han Empire." Doge of Rome..."

Helena leaned against the window and fell limply on the ground. The sound of her falling down woke Helena up.

Helena raised her head and looked around confusedly, and saw Helena lying on the ground inelegantly with an expression of not knowing what to do.

…………Dividing line…………

Solemnly declare, it's not whitewashing, it's based on Helena's performance in history, looking at the first half of her life is very similar to the Roman version of Princess Taiping, the honor is subjectively written by myself.

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(End of this chapter)

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