sweeping the world

Chapter 903 Wretched development, don't wave

Chapter 903 Wretched development, don't wave

The banquet is not formal, it is held in the mode of buffet, this mode is very suitable for the current situation, many people have too much to talk about, if they sit separately, they can't talk at all, and this kind of occasion has always been a place where conversation is more important than conversation. Eating is important, no one comes here just for eating.

Julian also saw similarities with Rome in the banquet mode of the Han Empire. He didn't know that it was because of Liu Yan's interference, thinking that the Han people had already had such a banquet method.

The buffet mode is really the standard banquet method in Rome. Rome holds a banquet without restraint. If you really want to say goodbye, you just sit still, and it usually appears on the occasion of negotiation.

After a long wait, the Roman royal family and the Sasanian royal family were finally notified that they were going to prepare to go over to see the emperor.

Today is not a formal welcome ceremony, but people from foreign countries obviously don't think so.They felt that they had received the most solemn welcome and felt the unparalleled enthusiasm from the Han people, so they naturally had a good impression of the Han Empire.

Julian and Xyas walked side by side, followed by their two sisters.As they moved forward, they kept their eyes on Liu Yan, not paying much attention to what was going on around them.

When the envoys entered the audience procedure, the people in the hall consciously stepped aside, and the plates or wine glasses with food in their hands were also handed over to the waiter, and at the same time fell silent.

Liu Yan was standing just like that, with Xu Zheng on the left and Ji Chang on the right. The three of them stood in the shape of a character, and a group of ministers surrounded them in a circle.

In the eyes of Julian and Xyas, Emperor Han is full of majesty even when he stands quietly, as if all the light and heat are dancing with the breath of Emperor Han, feeling the pressure every time he takes a step forward .

In fact, it was a subconscious suggestion. They knew Liu Yan's identity, and because of the great psychological pressure caused by the power of the Han Empire, they unconsciously restrained themselves and began to be cautious.

"See His Majesty the Son of Heaven!"

Julian's posture is standing straight but with his head drooping, his right hand covering his heart, which is a very standard saluting posture below Rome.

Xias covered his heart with his right hand, and bent his waist almost ninety degrees, which is also a very standard saluting posture below Persia.

Helena, Helena, Yena, and Nikal knelt down on their knees, and made a five-body prostration gesture to Liu Yan.

In different countries, the saluting postures of men and women are naturally different. At the same time, the dignity held by men and women is also different in terms of etiquette.

In Rome and Sassanid, women showed respect (surrender) to the supreme superior by kneeling down. Another common etiquette in both countries was to kiss the instep (or big toe) of the superior.

Their address to Liu Yan is very strange. There is no such title as "Your Majesty the Son of Heaven" among Zhu Xia's respectful titles. At the same time, no one would address "Tianzi" in front of the Son of Heaven. Generally, "Tianzi" is called behind his back, but To add a "today", the combination is "today's day".

When Roman men and Persian men salute, they cover their hearts with their right hands. Firstly, most people are best at using weapons with their right hands. Empty right hands are a way to show no hostility; How so.

At present, it is not "I am Qing Dynasty", the dynasty of the Han people has never been entangled in whether people from other countries should kneel to the emperor. Generally, if they are not willing to kneel, they will fight until they are willing to kneel, so that they will not talk about forcing anything, but use a large army to speak at the city. , There is a fundamental difference from the "My Great Qing" kind of mouth strong king.

No one stood up to ask why Julian and Xyas didn't kneel. The two of them returned to their normal postures with Cui Zong's "flat body", and the four girls also stood up again at the same time.

Helena stood up again, unlike the other three girls who were cautious and did not dare to look at Liu Yan.She looked at Liu Yan with two points of cautiousness, three points of curiosity, and five points of aggressive eyes.

Liu Yan is 1.9 meters tall, and his figure is not very strong, and his appearance can only be described as above average.

However, in Liu Yan's position, his appearance is completely secondary. No matter how ordinary his appearance is, he will develop the temperament that a superior person should have when he is in power all the year round. Unlimited extra points in the subjective consciousness.

That's the thing, when a person sees someone in power, the first thing that comes to mind is not the figure, but the invisible but real "right".

If people in a whole country obey a pig, what they see when they look at that pig is not a pig, but an authority that cannot be ignored, and a domineering arrogance that is the only one in heaven and earth.

Liu Yan immediately noticed the aggressive eyes of this blond girl, and those eyes were sending out infinite fluctuations. When translated, it was either "I must get him" or "I really want to swallow him".He was amused by this look, but only amused.

"The angels of the Han Dynasty came to your country, and I am pleased to receive so many cares." Cui Zong was a little far away from Liu Yan, and everyone could see clearly that Liu Yan did not say anything at all, but he continued: "Now, when you come to the Han Dynasty, you will be treated the same Of."

Julian and Xyas didn't understand what this operation was, they were a little confused for a second, then they reacted and saluted again.

It's not an operation, today is not a formal meeting, according to Zhu Xia's "ritual" Liu Yan let the Roman royal family and the Sassanian royal family see that it is no longer in accordance with the reception process, how can we talk to him directly?

Liu Yan looked around blankly, without looking at the members of the Roman royal family and the Sassanian royal family, just turned around and walked away. The Han people present did not feel uncomfortable at all, but all the international friends were stunned.

Until Liu Yan left, Prime Minister Ji Chang and Taiwei Xu Zheng also left, and then all the people at the level of Sangong and Jiuqing left except Lu Yi, leaving only some officials at the level of sub-officials to continue their rare gatherings and chats.

"Everyone." Xun Xian woke up the international friends who were in a daze, and with a professional smile on his face, he made a gesture of asking: "Dianke is already waiting, please come with me."

Members of the Roman royal family and the Sassanian royal family had to be stunned by this audience. They didn't understand what was going on at all, and followed Xun Xian in a slow-thinking manner.

"It is extremely rare for Your Majesty to meet you today." Xun Xian explained the etiquette of Zhu Xia, especially explaining that it is a rare exception for them to meet the emperor without going through the etiquette instruction of the Honglu Pavilion: "The Dianke is the son of a big man. Foreign ministers, please treat this with seriousness."

Julian and Xyas immediately put aside all distracting thoughts, thinking about how to state their demands when they meet later.

The four girls kept walking, not knowing what they were thinking, but their expressions were extremely dazed.

They were brought to a door, and Xun Xian knocked on the door and smiled at them, but he also left straight away.

The door was opened, and they looked inside subconsciously, and what they saw was a screen with beautiful patterns, and before they could react, someone came out.

"Everyone." After Yang Dun appeared, he made a gesture of leading the way: "Please come with me."

What else could Julian and Xyas do?Just like a puppet on a string, the Han Empire will follow how it arranges.

What we are entering now is the simplified process in Zhuxia etiquette. The standard process is infinitely more complicated, in order to completely confuse the crooked nuts, let the crooked nuts lose their thinking, get used to obeying the arrangement, and then don’t care All negotiations are in a passive position.

In modern terms, one set after another is actually to control the rhythm, so don't say that the ancients are always useless, the usefulness is far greater than imagined.

Lu Yi would not do the business of greeting guests at the door, it would be considered a great face to see the guests come in and nod in greeting.After he finished nodding to the guests who came in, someone naturally arranged for the guests to sit in his place.

The four girls entered the room, before they had time to think about it, Yang Dun politely invited them into the inner room.

Only Xun Xian, who was returned by Lu Yi, was left at the scene, and the guests were Julian and Xeas. The two sides greeted each other, and some attendants brought drinks, fruits, and desserts.

Not long after, Wang Meng entered alone.What he saw was Xun Xian happily communicating in Chinese with Julian, who knew how to speak Chinese, while Xyas was sitting depressed.

"Angel, it's great to have you here." Xeas didn't have the face to ask Julian to act as his interpreter, and the Han Empire didn't arrange an interpreter. He just wanted to say something so that Lu Yi could understand it. : "Can I trouble you to paraphrase?"

"..." Wang Meng could understand most of Persian, but he couldn't understand Persian characters.He needs to correct one point: "Your Excellency, Meng has ceased to be an angel since he returned to China."

Xias dared to say that because he knew that Wang Meng was not an angel, otherwise he would not have the face to let the angel representing the Son of Heaven act as an interpreter.

On the other side, Julian had already expressed Rome's recognition of the strength of the Han Empire, and used his personal identity to discuss with Lu Yi the proposal to form a non-union organization.

"Your envoy is saying that Dahan, Daqin, and Sasanian will become the leaders of this organization and jointly be responsible for disputes and other affairs among the member states?" Lu Yi found this very interesting, but he doubted whether Rome and Sassanid were qualified to be alongside the Han. , but there is no need to talk about this now: "I am only responsible for receiving the two of you today and listening to their discussions on trade issues. This is what your envoy is talking about..."

Julian understood very well, he just mentioned it in his personal capacity, and he has not yet communicated with Rome itself.He believed that Constantius would agree with his idea, and Shapur II would certainly accept it.

After all, the reality is there. The Han Empire is really too powerful. It cannot be an enemy, but can only choose to be a friend. It is very necessary to coax a wave, otherwise the consequences will be a bit hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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