sweeping the world

Chapter 899 Grand Event

Chapter 899 Grand Event
In the battle of the Gupta Dynasty to destroy the country, Persian Sassan not only played soy sauce almost all the way, but also played a negative role in the standpoint of the Han. They did not expect the Han to not notice it, and made great efforts to remedy it later, such as persuading Vagata Jia and Liang Satrapu voluntarily withdrew from the occupied area obtained from the Gupta Dynasty.

Vajathaga is very knowledgeable. They know that they can easily destroy the Han people of the Gupta Dynasty. It is enough for them to bear it. Adding a Persian Sassanid is even more stressful. Withdraw the army, hoping that the Han people will know their own affairs and not make trouble.

The relationship between the two Satraps and the Persian Sasanian is very complicated, with ups and downs and frictions on the border.They naturally also saw the strength of the Han people. The problem was that when they received Persian Sasanian advice, their brains twitched for a while. They just wanted to express and did not fully follow Persian Sasanian advice. People talk to Han people about compensation.

Xyas has only one wish now, hoping that Emperor Han can choose more beauties from so many beauties, and those beauties will bring joy to Emperor Han, and at the same time, pillow wind and so on can play a role. So that Master Han Tianzi will not remember the villain's faults, forget the unpleasant things that happened before, and the two countries will create a better future in a friendly way.

Walking on the streets of Chang'an in person, looking at the disciplined crowd on both sides, the thinking Wai Nuo Ren felt shocked and envious.

What a country looks like depends on the country's military strength alone, and even the country's economic strength is strong, but the quality of the people is not good. Even if the country can be strong for a while, it cannot last.

"The Han people we have seen have supported an unrivaled country." Julian was talking about the Han people's pursuit of order and observance of discipline: "How can a country be weak with citizens of this quality?" ?”

On this point, Julian was wrong. The dynasties of the Xia Dynasty all emphasized order and discipline, but in many cases, people's will did not produce the desired results.

In the long history, most of the time in Zhuxia, civilization was overrun by barbarism, and the only few times civilization was overthrown by barbarism was an extremely painful price.

During the period of Wuhu Luanhua, the Han people in the north were almost wiped out, and the impact on Zhuxia was unimaginably far-reaching. First, it broke the myth of the Han people's invincibility, smashed the backbone of the Han people's pride, and brought about cultural changes.

Yang Jian established the Great Sui Dynasty after the Zhou Dynasty, but the cultures of all dynasties after the Great Sui Dynasty actually covered the culture of the Hu people, and the names of many things even changed.

If you want to say which one cost the most, it is the tampering of civilization by "My Qing Dynasty" and the ignorance of the people to the peak.

In the Song Dynasty, the firearms had been flexibly applied on the battlefield. By the Ming Dynasty, there was almost a mature system. When the "My Great Qing" came back to the insistence of "Invincible Riding and Shooting", it was "My Great Qing" "Qing" knows how to ensure his dominance, so he doesn't care about the progress of the times.

Under the ignorant policy of "My Great Qing Dynasty", the Han people no longer feel that they have anything to be proud of, but instead feel that they should be inferior to others.This is even reflected in the fact that "My Great Qing" has swallowed the pill, but there are still a considerable number of Han people who think that "My Great Qing" can be rescued, and even take the initiative to beautify "My Great Qing" Brother loves to die or live drama to promote to the public.

"I found..." Flavis has been paying attention for a long time, and now he is finally sure: "There are differences among Han Chinese!"

"What?" Julian's attention was instantly attracted: "What's the difference?"

"Among them, the shorter they are, the less confident they look." Flavius ​​has wanted to say this for a long time: "Look carefully at their facial features. There are also subtle differences in their eyes and nose bridges."

Needless to say, Flavis's observation is correct. Different Han people also have their own spiritual outlook, and their appearance is secondary.

This generation of Han people is the first generation after integration. The Han people who originally belonged to the Han family are generally taller in stature, while the Hu people who have been integrated into the big family tend to be shorter in stature.

Furthermore, there are also differences in the distance between the eyes. For example, the distance between the eyes of those groups originally belonging to the Hu people will be farther apart, which also includes the difference in the bridge of the nose.

Julian fell into deep thought. He felt that it was necessary to understand what Flavius ​​said. Maybe one day Rome would benefit from it?
The team is still moving forward, and the streets are full of Han culture-style buildings, which makes Wai Guoren very focused.They wondered if they had some illusions, why did they see traces of Ah San?

It’s not an illusion, Buddhism was introduced to Zhuxia from the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Samanas who came to preach it encountered unprecedented difficulties. Except for a very small number of people who accepted Buddhism, the vast majority of people lacked interest in believing in Buddhism.Those monks clicked on a new missionary technique, that is, they desperately participated in Zhuxia's building reform.

The Eastern Han Dynasty, Western Jin Dynasty, Eastern Jin Dynasty... the Shamen built countless temples, and even participated in the construction of the palace city many times, bringing some patterns of Asan to the buildings of Zhuxia, including "flying eaves".

There are people all along the way, no one cheers, no one sheds petals, and no children run out of flowers, some just comment on the whole process.

When the front suddenly became empty, Wei Guoren, who had been watched all the way, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It was all because there were a sea of ​​people on one side, and there were only a few people on the other side, which seemed so empty that it was abnormal.

The place they walked to was the square of the Central Gymnasium. This side of the square was deliberately vacated in order to accommodate those members of the diplomatic mission who did not need to enter the stadium.

After arriving at this place, Wang Meng met up with the officials of the Honglu Pavilion.

The official in charge of arranging the order of admission was Xun Xian. Under Wang Meng's recommendation, he met with the envoys of various countries one by one and entered the stage of communication.

"That is to say, according to our own wishes, keep those who don't need to participate in this square?" Julian understood it completely, but what he didn't understand was: "Do we need to make any preparations?"

"Ready?" Xun Xian thought about it carefully, and said, "Wear your own national costume when you enter the venue, and the queue ensures the distance between different nationalities, does that count?"

"Are all the emperors and ministers of your country inside?" After asking what he wanted to know most, Xeas asked curiously, listening to the cheers coming from the Central Gymnasium, "What is happening inside? Is it in there?" Fighting?"

"Are you talking about the wrestling in Daqin?" Xun Xian shook his head when he got the answer, avoiding the question of whether the emperor was there: "No, it's folk artists who are performing."

The crooked nuts entered the stage of looking at each other, they were completely confused by the Han officials.

"Your Excellency?" Julian asked seriously, "May I ask what your official position is, and what is your status in the Han Empire?"

Xun Xian was obviously a little unhappy to be asked such a question, but he still replied: "My official worship is Honglu Qing of the Honglu Pavilion, and he is a nobleman."

"Hong Luqing and Meng Yuan are the emperor's personal secretary." Wang Meng knew what Julian cared about: "Can you understand?"

Julian immediately saluted Xun Xian ceremoniously, and was very satisfied that the Han Dynasty had arranged for Xun Xian to welcome him.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with?Wang Meng was the emperor's personal secretary, and served as the manager of the largest city in the Han Dynasty. Later, he also represented the emperor as an envoy, which shows that he is a person who is valued by the emperor. In a certain way, it also shows that the status of a person who has been a personal secretary is not bad. where to go.

Wei Guoren soon knew what kind of existence Xun Xian was. Just because they had served the emperor personally, they felt that it was a very honorable thing for them to be welcomed by Xun Xian, and they didn't dare not cooperate. , followed by cooperation with a happy mood.

The Honglu Hall has a very serious request for each crooked nut to wear its own national costume. After getting the approval of the crooked nut, many staff members of the Honglu Hall began to get busy, pulling up one cloth wall after another to cover their sight. Use it as a changing room.

After wasting a little time, all the waiguoren changed into their national costumes, and Xun Xian, who had disappeared for a while, reappeared, accompanied by many soldiers of the Han army.

The soldiers of the Han army who appeared were not here to kill people. They stood two meters apart on both sides, and built a special passage in this way.

The Romans and Persians were arranged in the first order of approach, with Julian at the forefront.

After entering the Central Gymnasium, Julian found that he did not enter the dark room as he imagined, on the contrary, the lighting in the room was quite sufficient.What he couldn't understand was what was emitting soft light every meter on both sides of the passage.

It was a lampstand placed on the wall. The candles inside provided the light, and it was covered by a layer of milky white glass. The light naturally turned into a soft pale yellow.

Julian silently counted how far he had walked, saw the stronger light ahead, and knew that there was the exit.He vaguely heard someone outside introducing something loudly, but he couldn't hear the details.

Waiting to step out of the aisle, Julian was not used to the strong light at first, squinted his eyes, bursts of cheers came from his ears, and subconsciously looked around. The first floor is filled with seats from bottom to top.

It can be said that the Central Gymnasium is full of seats. Many people have spent a lot of effort in order to be able to visit the venue in person today, hoping that what they see will reflect its due value.

In the auditorium, I have heard the commentary before, and I know that the first to appear in the "exhibition" will be the Romans at the end of the West. I heard that they are still a powerful country that is invincible in the West?
"Tsk tsk, where is the strong country? Our plaything!"

Uh, I'm not mistaken, today is not a welcome ceremony, it's just an event for the citizens of Chang'an to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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