Chapter 88

The huge gap in the ratio of men to women is a huge headache no matter what era it is in. Among them, the situation where there are more men than women will have the most serious consequences.

Among the 37871 people in the Han tribe, there were only 8791 women, of which 2178 were married. The rest were actually of marriageable age. After all, these days, as long as you have haircut, you can get married.

According to the suggestions of Ji Chang and others, Liu Yan conducted official matchmaking with those women, that is, Liu Yan chose which woman should marry whom.

Yes, official matchmaking, in fact, this is also a normal situation nowadays. It has been a law since the Western Han Dynasty that the government performs matchmaking and allows women of the right age to marry.That was because Emperor Wu (Liu Che) launched a bloody battle with the Xiongnu, and the country's young people suffered too much. In order to ensure the continuation of the race, the law came into being.

But... hadn't Huaxia Zhengshuo already crossed south to the south of the Yangtze River and died in a dream?There is no law at all in the North and Central Plains, and some old customs and habits have become fragmented.The government is responsible for the marriage of women of appropriate age. Except for a few powerful men and wealthy families who are still carrying out the marriage, there is no such thing at all.

Liu Yan almost agreed to Ji Chang for a time, but something happened during the period, that is, Tian Shuo matched a couple, and for some reason, the newly married woman committed suicide, and the investigation could not find out why.It's fine if there are individual cases. The male side of many newlyweds finds that their wives are not perfect, and they beat and scold them frequently. As a result, many times the women commit suicide or ask for divorce.

"Okay, virginity complex! But in the pre-Qin period, Huaxia didn't pay much attention to virginity, and it didn't pay much attention to virginity in the Han Dynasty. It's about the woman's loyalty to her husband and womanhood after marriage." Liu Yan's face was not too special. The expression on his face: "Now is a special era. Jin people are very concerned about things that Qin people and Han people don't care about."

Ji Chang came to Liu Yan again, wanting to give advice again.He just didn't understand why Liu Yan, who was easy to talk about in other matters, seemed a bit... how to say it when it came to this kind of matter?Is it mother?
To be fair, why did the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties not talk about virginity plots? It was due to social trends. After all, the first emperor who unified the world, that is, Ying Zheng’s mother Zhao Ji, was not married to his father, King Zhuangxiang of Qin, Ying Chu (a foreigner); Western Han Dynasty The mother of Emperor Wu Liu Che, Wang Na, one of the concubines of Emperor Jing Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty, was not perfect. She was married and gave birth to a daughter, and then married Emperor Jing Liu Qi.

The emperor is like that, and what kind of folks are like the royal family in everything, you can know after a little thought.

"Both Qin and Han had a strong period, and they at least had an almost overwhelming advantage over the Hu people. In the era of Qin and Han, men cared about their wives' morality and loyalty, but they were able to accept their wives' past." Liu Yan finally had an expression on his face. He said with a mocking face: "Why are Jin people so sensitive? The answer lies in the weakness of Jin people. They become self-esteem super strong and fragile, and they start to fancy women. It seems that the only thing they can get comfort in the end is the woman's membrane."

Ji Chang was stung. He knew that what Liu Yan said was right. There were really not many things that Jin people could protect.

"I don't care about the attitude towards that layer of film." Liu Yan shook his head: "But whether it's a man or a woman, they are all under my rule. I don't like to hear anyone again, because the newlyweds Ye's own wife doesn't have that layer of film, causing some disputes."

Liu Yan actually also cares about that layer of film.In fact, as long as you are a man, it is impossible not to care, but you have to divide your time, right?Jin men should not blame the captured women for being raped because of their own incompetence. They should think about why they were unable to protect women from being raped by barbarians. They should not become angry after learning that their wives lost their membrane. Manic.Okay, forget about being so manic and murderous. Is it a man to beat and scold his wife at every turn?

"Remember, we are Han people. It's the Han people who say 'the country will perish with the weak, but the Han will perish with the strong'!" Liu Yan paused, then asked again: "What else is there?"

"Your Majesty, another group of powerful men have arrived." Ji Chang sighed and had no intention of saying anything more about the 'distribution' of women.He collected his thoughts for a moment and then said: "According to your Majesty's instructions, they will walk around first and then be taken there."

The so-called over there refers to the place where the Han tribe traded with many families, a newly built but temporary walled city.Those Hu people or Jin families brought all kinds of goods needed by the Han tribe, mainly slaves, and exchanged weapons or salt with the Han tribe.

Li Tan has now entered the fortified city, which is almost all picked up from wood, but he has been thinking about one thing in his mind, whether Ah Xiang was captured by the Han tribe, or was rescued by the Han tribe.There is another thing, since Ah Xiang is alive, then the distant cousin doesn't know if he is still alive.

"Young Master?" Li Zhong had to speak out, and everyone else was called over. It was too conspicuous to leave the Li family alone: ​​"Young Master!"

"Huh?" Li Tan finally came back to his senses, he raised his eyes and asked, "Uncle Zhong?"

The walled city was still quite big, and it sounded noisy. That was because there were actually more people, and it looked quite heavily guarded. However, Li Tan was a little confused about what happened to those people who looked very thin or should be said to be scrawny. What's going on?

"We were arranged to come here, and we were told that we would entertain lunch." Li Zhong said with emotion: "The Han tribe can be considered..." After a pause, he didn't know what he said before he swallowed it back: "But there is some food. We are in the Han territory again, so we just have to listen to the arrangements."

At this time, the team has attracted Li Tan's attention, it is a team led by several knights to enter the city wall.

Li Tan will pay attention because he saw Li Kuang!

The knight entered the walled city and dismounted, and met some people who looked like servants or something... In short, they were people who served people. They untied something for the knight, and then got some things that Li Tan couldn't understand. Something, another group of soldiers from the camp appeared and surrounded the carriages.

The shed of the carriage was opened, and people could be seen sitting or lying on it. The Han people were shouting loudly, and it sounded like they were explaining loudly how the people in the carriage should cooperate.

Li Tan was already walking towards Li Kuang quickly. He was stopped before he could get close. When he wanted to say hello to Li Kuang, he saw Li Kuang greeting a tall and burly man with great respect... The majestic man reports something.

"Your Majesty!" Li Kuang must be respectful when facing Liu Yan: "This time, 87 women were brought back for redemption. Except for nine who died on the way, the rest have been brought back."

Yes, Liu Yan came to the scene in person.He didn't come here on purpose, he simply came here for a walk because he had nothing to do for the time being. He heard that Li Kuang personally brought back some redeemed women, so he came over to have a look.

The women on the carriage were too thin, and most of them were naked and looked a little dirty.They looked around with frightened eyes, as if they would scream sharply if there was any disturbance.

"The vegetable people are all vegetable people." Li Kuang's lips were trembling when he spoke: "The subordinates bought twelve women whose legs had been cut off..."

"Are you a rookie?" Liu Yan turned his gaze and looked at the women who looked like rabbits in shock, and said, "As long as they can create value, it doesn't matter whether they have legs or not..."

Recently, the Han Dynasty has been buying women as much as possible, no matter if they are Jin people or Hu people, as long as they are of childbearing age, they will buy them.Liu Yan has always believed that one sentence is very reasonable. The prosperity of a nation depends on women, and the continuation of a nation also depends on women. Whoever has more fertile women of the right age will have a future for the nation.

"We will need more women!" Liu Yan really planned to make this matter a top priority: "Finish the matter and rest for a few days, but don't provoke Ah Xiang for the time being."

As a leader taking care of the family background of his subordinates, Liu Yan really moved Li Kuang to tears.

Li Kuang didn't know that Liu Yan simply regarded him and Axiang as a model. After all... these two couples were probably much more miserable than most people. If they could get back together, not only Liu Yan would be happy, but also for the Han tribe There will be enough reference in this related aspect in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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