sweeping the world

Chapter 869 Lovely Ah 3

Chapter 869 Lovely Ah San

It is partly true that Ah San's cavalry and chariot soldiers were afraid of being beaten, but there is another reason.

Before the international friends who watched the battle came, Ah San and the Han army had been fighting for three years. The previous naval battle had nothing to do with cavalry and chariot soldiers. San's army fought a fierce battle on the border between Jitanata and the Gupta Dynasty.

The whole battle lasted only two months, but the intensity was very bloody. Among them, Ah San sent cavalry and chariot soldiers to fight many times, but was repeatedly defeated by the Han army with heavy infantry and long-range troops. Using the cavalry to cooperate, they fought several annihilation battles against Ah San's cavalry and chariot soldiers.

So don't look at the fact that the Han army in this local battlefield has only infantry, Ah San knows very well that the pure infantry of the Han army is not afraid of cavalry and chariot soldiers at all.

Another point is that this wave of attacks by the Han army appeared to be very sudden. For the passively defensive Asan side, they have not completed internal discussions at all. very dull.

"A counterattack must be a counterattack!" Shamir Malibao Saker Khan was very heartbroken: "The most important thing now is to find out the size of the Han army's offensive force, and whether there are any changes in the rest!"

Since the two camps came to this plain one after another, the armies of both sides would engage in small-scale battles from time to time, followed by a confrontation.

However, in the past two months, even small-scale battles have rarely occurred between the two sides. It seems that there is a sudden tacit understanding between the two sides, or they will not fight, and once they fight, they will enter a decisive battle posture.

The number of people is more or less lazy, and once the army has inertia, it will be the beginning of a nightmare. The three of them don't know what's going on with the Han army.

This has something to do with Ah San's repeated defeats on the battlefield. The morale of Ah San's army is really not very high after losing consecutive battles. If it weren't for being the invaded party, they wouldn't even want to fight.

Although he has the responsibility of defending the land, it doesn't prevent Ah San from wanting to continue the confrontation quietly. It's better to wait for more reinforcements to arrive, and Samadragupta can also come to the battlefield in person.

It should be said that the generals of Asan hope most now that Samadragupta can come to the battlefield as soon as possible. The main reason is that the arrival of Samadragupta can boost the morale of the army. Otherwise, with the current state of the army, they will There is no confidence in the victory of this war at all.

"Isn't it said that the Han people are the most respectful of etiquette? The king sent a letter of credence to invite the emperor of Han to come to the meeting, but he didn't get a reply, so why did he suddenly start fighting?" Sareman Dovidos Kacedon said almost gnashing his teeth: "Should send People went to the military camps of the Han Empire and asked where their rituals went!"

Everyone felt that this Brahmin's mind was a little abnormal. The two sides had already entered the state of national war. No matter how much the Han people valued etiquette, the battlefield was not a place to talk about etiquette.

"There is a difference in the speed at which military orders are delivered, and there must be some places that have not received our orders." Shamir Mario Saker Khan said heavily: "We must be mentally prepared for a certain military camp to be captured by the Han army. "

Perhaps Shamir Mario Saker Khan is just a crow's mouth, and soon someone came to report the loss of several places and ask for instructions on what to do.

There is another very unfortunate news for them, that is, Ah San's scouts finally found Han cavalry behind their camp.

"Quantity!" Shamir Mario Saker Khan almost roared, "Don't just say you found the cavalry of the Han Empire, you need to know the exact number!"

Ah San was very impressed with the cavalry of the Han army.

Although their cavalry and the cavalry of the Han army are both cavalry, the most obvious difference is that their [-] cavalry fought with the [-] cavalry of the Han army, but their own [-] cavalry was defeated when they encountered the [-] cavalry of the Han army. Losing, if it wasn't for running extremely fast, I don't know how many people would survive, but even if they slipped fast, there would only be less than four thousand left.

One time could be an accident, but Ah San's cavalry was overwhelmed by the Han cavalry with fewer numbers than him, and it was self-deception if it was an accident.

The bravery of the Han cavalry caused fear to the Asan, not only in the battle between the cavalry and the cavalry. not nervous.

"We can't sit still!" Sugerman Dovidos Cacedon repeated that he would send someone to the Han army to question the answer about 'Li', and then gave a suggestion: "The cavalry of the Han Empire appeared behind us, and our cavalry The follow-up reinforcements are not safe, and there will be big troubles in supplies and supplies. We can no longer stick to the camp, even if we cannot fight, we must attack!"

Some of the people didn't understand whether they wanted to work hard or to break out and retreat.

Ah San on this side, including his allies, has more than 30 people. Not only is the size of the camp exaggerated, but also the daily consumption is astonishing.

Although they have brought enough food, they will not worry about running out of food for at least two months. The problem is that the army not only needs food, but also needs a lot of supplementary resources. For example, metal and wood are two indispensable things. resource.

Metal is used to build new equipment and repair damaged equipment, and it can be said that its importance is no less important than food.

There are even more uses for wood. It is needed to build a camp, and it is also indispensable for daily cooking. Even weapons cannot be separated from the resource of wood.

There are too many things to discuss, and sometimes the discussion will turn into an argument or a quarrel. They are tossing and responding to the outbreak of the war, but the whole day has passed, and the night is about to fall. Resolutely resist in situ or retreat through the encirclement.

After night fell, the entire battlefield could be considered to have stopped, but the stop only lasted for less than an hour. The large equipment of the Han army that had been silent for a long time began to show its power at night.

It was under the scene that all kinds of stone bullets and giant crossbows were constantly being shot into the camp from afar, Ah San, who was the most present at the scene, finally thought of a very important thing.

"Send out the elite, the absolute elite!" Sareman Dovidos Cacedon's mouth was almost worn out, and he seemed to be doing a good job: "Break through the interception of the Han army and pass on the news here. The most important thing The thing is to tell the king what's going on here!"

Shamir Mario Saker Khan rolled his eyes directly, if he waited for Sareman Dovidos Kacedon to remind the day lily to be cold.At noon, he had already mobilized the elite of his men and ordered them to arrive at Fahrenheit City as quickly as possible to inform Samadragupta of what happened here.

(End of this chapter)

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