sweeping the world

Chapter 853 Come, who refuses to accept! ?

Chapter 853 Come, who refuses to accept! ?

unbelievable, incomprehensible...

I have already entered the age of firearms, and most of the nations I know have at least entered the Bronze Age, and the black sorghum is still in the Stone Age?

It's so terribly pitiful, it's like a river of sadness flowing against the current!

Needless to say, I'm a good person, black people, I will take you flying!
In order to achieve common progress, we often find out that there are a lot of black sorghum in a certain place, and we repair the dock very generously, climbing mountains and wading without fear of hardships, and approaching it with a kind smile.

We are definitely not bad people, and we will never use knives or guns if we can talk and persuade well. Everything is for the black sorghum to accept our friendliness, and we sincerely want to lead the black sorghum to live a new life together and build a better future together.

There should be a little more trust between people. If you yell "吱啦哦啦" as soon as you meet, and want to hit people with stones and branches, don't blame us for turning your back!

Can't you just have fun?They have to force us to do things like arrest people and burn villages.

Once again, we are good people, and we are here to lead the black sorghum to a new life. Even if it is tied, we must tie the black sorghum together to the great cause of labor to produce beauty!
The Romans have been doing this kind of thing all the time. North Africa and East Africa have been plagued by disasters for 800 years. It is not too much black corn to build rivers. Even the Romans’ favorite canals have been built for thousands of miles.

The Persians also looked for labor from the black sorghum, and even recruited the black sorghum to attack the Greeks, but they were often turned back by the Greeks.

Being neighbors of these people is definitely a bad luck for thousands of generations. Not only will they be harmed by the ancestors of the Romans and Persians, even if the Romans are extinct, the Persians will also decline, but what the hell is defined by Rome? Rise up those white-skinned men of barbarians!

"This continent is very rich." Fu Wei is one of the people who went ashore to observe it himself, and he has the right to speak after the investigation: "The land in most coastal areas is very fertile and there are many animals."

Looking from the sea to the land, most of the sights are plains, and the green scene everywhere is derogatory to say it is wild, but it is also enough to show that there is no shortage of rain.

"Naturally, the environment is very good, and there may be no external threats. The situation of the local aborigines is very similar to that of those in Southeast Asia." Fu Wei paused for a moment, thought about his words before continuing: "Our preliminary investigation shows that There is no habit of artificial farming here, and the aborigines rely on gathering and hunting for a living."

The fleet carrying the envoys did not dock, but was moored outside to wait.

In order to understand this area in more detail, Wang Meng invited the chief officer of the base to come over. He was a tough man in his thirties with a rough appearance.

Chen Xin had been thinking about it a few years ago, but he couldn't imagine that one day he would be hundreds of thousands of miles away from his hometown, let alone become the chief officer of a base.

If he hadn't seen a race that was so black that only the whites of the eyes and white teeth were left, Chen Xin wouldn't believe that such weird people existed in the world even if he killed him.

"Their chins are more protruding, their foreheads are more concave, their nose bridges are very wide, and their lips are quite thick." Chen Xin said with joy, but he still had to be disgusted: "In short, the thieves are ugly! At a glance, they are similar to chimpanzees! "

Wang Meng was imagining that according to Chen Xin's description, wouldn't it look like a chimpanzee face?
In fact, the Han people have long been in contact with black-skinned people. For example, there are many such people in Nanyang. The problem is that the blacks in Nanyang are not really black-skinned. They are only considered as sub-black...or brown people?
The same is the yellow-skinned race, and there are differences in facial features and even individuals. For example, the northern Han people belong to the tall type among the yellow-skinned races, while the southern Han people are relatively ordinary. People with yellow skin are short races.

There are also differences among white-skinned races in Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, and Southern Europe, not only in terms of facial features, but also in height and physique.

Therefore, people of the same black-skinned race, North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, South Africa, and Central Africa, apart from the same skin color, must also have some differences in details.

"The black people in West Africa are not good labor force." Julian really understood that the Han people set up bases here to capture slaves, and they may also have established strongholds in South Africa and North Africa: "It's not because the wildness is difficult to tame, on the contrary, it's easy. Tame, but they are too stupid, there is nothing commendable in their physique and physical strength, and they are especially edible."

In terms of physique, the black skin in West Africa is really not good, the figure is not tall, and at the same time it is not strong.The key issue is that the physique seems to be comparable to that of the Han people in northern and eastern Europe, and the races in other regions, including the Romans, are weak compared to the Han people in terms of height.

It is not that the Romans have never been to West Africa. It should be said that they have explored as early as hundreds of years ago, but they did not explore so carefully. At the same time, they feel that this place is really too wild. If you want to invade, you don’t even know how to invade. Whoever has not formed civilization will be difficult to conquer.

Absolutely not wrong, the Romans did not attack West Africa because the natives here did not establish their own country, basically formed tribes with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people, and they did not belong to each other, and they were still at every turn. Just fight each other.

There are too many tribes. It is not enough to conquer one or two tribes to conquer everyone. You have to fight one after another. At that time, the Romans decided to continue anal with the Persians.

The most important thing is that the black sorghum in West Africa did not break away from the society of collecting and hunting, so they did not create any wealth. If they really came to grab it, would it be to grab the sticks in the hands of the indigenous people?

As for the plundering of resources, the Romans said that the resources on Europa could not be exhausted, and there were still other Mediterranean coasts in Africa waiting to be dug.

"North African and East African blacks are a very high-quality labor force." Julian described the physical advantages of North African and East African blacks as if selling business, and then talked about some experience of taming, and then got to the main topic: " If Seris needs high-quality labor from North and East Africa, Rome is willing to provide it."

Chen Xin was stunned. He could understand what Julian was saying, and the reason for being stunned was quite simple.In his values ​​and worldview, the source of labor has always been robbing, and buying with money does not exist at all.

"This is a good trade." Wang Meng didn't know what Chen Xin was thinking, and nodded in approval: "The big man has a lot of projects that require labor."

People from different classes have different visions and ideas. What Chen Xin thinks is why he can buy it with his hands, and what Wang Meng thinks about is diplomacy with Rome.

Wang Meng has been wondering what kind of goods Rome can offer to attract Han people to buy if they establish trade relations with Rome.After all, in terms of quite a lot of products related to technology, the Han people undoubtedly left the Romans by more than one street in terms of innovation and craftsmanship.

What Wang Meng thought before was that the Romans could also sell resources, and the Han people had to think it was cost-effective to travel thousands of miles to buy resources. Otherwise, Rome would just be the place where Han people’s goods were dumped, and there was no need for any funds to flow back.

Well now, Julian mentioned the slave trade. No matter how bad Rome is, it can catch slaves all over the world and sell them to the Han people, so as to save the trade deficit that is destined to be terrible.

The fleet loaded with black sorghum went out to sea to join the fleet moored outside, and the size of the entire fleet reached 510 six ships.

"Seres..." Flavis swallowed hard as he looked at the densely packed ships around him, "How many ocean-going ships does Siris have?"

No Roman could answer Flavis' question. They thought they already had a basic understanding of Han, but they always had to re-evaluate their understanding of Han if they were not careful.

Afterwards, the fleet continued to set off, and it would park close to the coastline every ten days or so, and the fleet would come to rendezvous every time.

"This is the No. 13 wharf we saw... or called a coastal town." Julian was completely numb, and completely lost the ability to react to shock: "Every one of them is the people of Seris in order to arrest them." There must be more that we haven’t seen.”

"Did the Siris people come to lead black people to civilization?" Helena had a hard time expressing how she felt, and continued to say a little dumbly: "Before the Siris people came, those local people didn't know how the house was. make it?"

It seems that there is no slander?Even after 700 years, some black sorghums on the African continent have never even seen a house, and they still live a hunting life indifferent to the world, wearing animal skins and holding sharpened wooden spears.At present, the vast majority of peoples on the earth are still in the Stone Age, and West Africa on the African continent is in such an era.The local black sorghum said happily, let alone a house, believe it or not, sorghum has never seen a piece of cloth!

The Han people in the current era have a lot of paranoia, such as endlessly chasing and killing Jie people, and they like to find a nation and rush to arrest them to make them understand that labor produces beauty, and carry out infrastructure construction for the whole nation and the entire territory.

People who are in love with infrastructure have a desire for labor that people without such problems don't understand.The Romans used to be infrastructure madmen, such as building rivers and canals all over the map, but later the disease of the Romans was cured, and now the disease about infrastructure has been cured, and they don’t understand that the Han people are so crazy everywhere. What kind of medicine do you need to take to catch slaves to get treatment.

The infrastructure disease of the Han people does not only occur in the local area, but has developed to an advanced stage wherever it goes.Especially the Han people found that there is no shortage of indigenous peoples in the newly explored continent. The construction is based on the firm determination to take root for a thousand years. Houses must be built, roads must be repaired, and fences and fences must be fenced. Find a land that can be farmed and reclaim it, and maybe build a city wall or something later.

In short, working makes me happy. Being a slave master and supervising slaves' work is a disease, and it is completely impossible to cure it!

Maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's the season that's chosen perfectly. The fleet passed the Cape of Good Hope with good weather all the time.

"I kind of believe that the emperor Siris is a god." Flavis looked at the black clouds behind him, the lightning flashing in the sky, and the rumbling thunder from a distance: There's no danger, but it's not like that at all!"

The Cape of Good Hope is not only named because of its strange shape, nor because it is a very famous headland at the southwestern tip of Africa, but also a sea area with many storms and rough waves. Its danger is far beyond imagination.

Those words of Flavis not only made the faces of the Romans turn weird, but also the faces of the Persians. The Han people subconsciously puffed up their chests and raised their heads when they heard it.

During the voyage, there have been many times when the fleet just passed by, but there was a storm behind it.No one had mentioned this before, but Flavis couldn't help but be moved by the extremely harsh weather at the Cape of Good Hope, but he reminded everyone.

The mighty power of nature cannot be understood by human beings who claim to be the leader of all spirits. Otherwise, there would not be so many myths and stories in human history. A wave of planting to a certain god, and then it became an epic that was praised.

It seems that soon there will be a rare flood in Europe in a thousand years, and the lambs of the "lord" seized the opportunity to spread a wave of publicity, and the result... everyone understands.

Julian obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, so he quickly followed the rhythm: "Those Serris ships that are constantly joining the fleet in South Africa don't seem to be just for loading slaves?"

"Gold and precious stones!" Helena saw it with her own eyes, because the porter accidentally overturned the box, and more than one mouthful, the result was piles of gold and glittering grains: "We don't know the black south Rich in gold and precious stones!"

In South Africa, the reserves of gold and diamonds are of course very scary. Diamonds will be difficult to obtain, but gold can be found in the right rivers.

At this moment, everyone wanted to turn around and go back to Constantinople or Cetsyphon, to publicize a wave of gold and diamonds in South Africa, and to use the power of the whole country to compete with the Han people for the ownership of South Africa.But they looked at the various types of ships that could not be seen around, and comforted themselves that they were not good at water and could not swim back.

After passing the Cape of Good Hope, according to the classification of sea areas, it has actually entered the waters of the Asan Ocean, and more finely divided it has entered the Mozambique Strait.

Of course, except for Asanyang, the above titles do not exist now.For example, the Cape of Good Hope is not called the Cape of Good Hope, but is called the headland by the Han people.Then there is the Mozambique Strait, which is called the Monkey Strait on the map of the Han people.

"Why is it called the Monkey Strait?" Wang Meng was confused by the question, and looked at Fu Wei: "You tell me."

Fu Wei took it for granted: "The island on the edge of the mainland is full of monkeys, and there are dozens of known species. The island is named Monkey Island, and the strait is naturally called Monkey Strait!"

At that moment, the Romans and Persians expressed their admiration. Given that only the fleet of the Han people can travel around the world, the geographical naming rights... can't compete!
(End of this chapter)

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