sweeping the world

Chapter 847 The Land of Sand and Blood

Chapter 847 The Land of Sand and Blood
If you can do it, let's stop talking nonsense!
Wasn't it because he couldn't beat him with his hands, it could only be because he had had a good time with his mouth, or it was the kind of murmur that when the object of abuse came over, he immediately shut up and pretended to be a grandson.

The Romans didn't think they couldn't beat the Han people, and the vast majority of Romans in the arena came to see how the Han people were defeated.And when it does happen, they'll cheer louder than ever.

The Romans, who had been competing for thousands of years, had their own way. Anyway, they didn't wait for everyone to get together and start bloody fights immediately.There will be some activities before the fight, usually to show the players on the field, or to have a ceremony to pay homage to the gods.


The rapid sound of the trumpet came from the aisle of each seat in the arena. A Roman soldier stood every few meters above the aisle, holding a trumpet and blowing it rhythmically.

Then, some Roman soldiers at the top of the auditorium raised their drumsticks and struck the snare drum tied to their chests, making a rhythmic sound of "Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom --".

They are snare drums, which look very particular. They are actually a tool for transmitting military orders on the battlefield. Together with trumpets, they have become part of the sound system of Roman military orders. The difference is that trumpets are generally used in infantry regiments, while snare drums are used in cavalry brigades. and tank battalions.

The noise gradually subsided under the sound of trumpets and snare drums. The doors at the front and rear of the fighting arena were opened. First came cavalry, followed by chariots. Mercedes on the track.

At this time, in the central field where the track was isolated by fences, some people first exposed their heads from the ground and were driven up by the elevator. Their whole bodies came out of the ground to show themselves to the audience.

"The basement is basically under the school field. I heard that some arenas not only collapsed in the auditorium, but also subsided when they hit the ground." Cai Mian didn't know where he heard the news: "The previous exhibition match , the way the lion appears is to jump out of the ground suddenly."

It was too late for Wang Meng to learn the news, and he didn't know that in order to stir up the audience's excitement, the Romans specially arranged for the lion to kill a worthless gladiator as soon as it jumped out.

To put it bluntly, there is really no machinery like elevators in Zhuxia. At most, there are lifts. That is the difference in the development routes of the two civilizations. The Romans used gears earlier than Zhu Xia.

However, because of the existence of Liu Yan, many things appeared in Han Dynasty early.

Therefore, if any modern person really travels back to ancient times, not only will he create history with his words and deeds, but in fact, he can also promote social development by tinkering with any tools.

The number of gladiators who participated was quite large, roughly no less than 600. They came from various places, most of them from various cities in Rome, and some were from countries, tribes, city-states and the like outside of Rome.

Every gladiator has his own attire, which usually has the characteristics of his own nation. For example, the costumes of the gladiators from Germany must have some fur.

One thing in common is that gladiators try their best to show their body before the official fight. When they show, they will actually choose to wear only their crotch, or simply wrap their crotch with cloth to show their full body to the audience to the greatest extent. muscle.

Most gladiators have more or less scars on their bodies. In fact, they are not completely scars from fighting. If you know how to distinguish, there are definitely more whip marks.

At present, as a gladiator, under normal circumstances, there will be a master. In layman's terms, they are some special slaves.

If the time goes back four or five hundred years, there will be Roman emperors among the gladiators.

One or two hundred years ago, not all gladiators were slaves. Especially during the period of military chaos, some nobles played the role of gladiators from time to time to show their bravery.

After the gladiator appeared, he didn't show much discipline, and seemed to be disorganized.Their favorite thing to do is to provoke anyone they catch, but they don't fight on the spot. To put it bluntly, they are actually provoking the emotions of the audience.

"Sirius! Shhh..."

"Sirius! Shhh..."

"Sirius! Shhh..."

Just shouting slogans is actually nothing, but adding a "hush" at the end is obviously a mockery.

It was the Han Chinese who participated in the competition finally appeared. They also came up to the ground from the elevator, but the audience saw that none of them knew the customs.

What custom?Just show off your figure to please the audience!

There were not many Han Chinese participating in the competition, and the entire team consisted of only fifteen people. Some of them wore heavy clothes and armor, but none of them wore only a pair of underpants.

As soon as the Han appeared, the gladiators stopped challenging each other.

The gladiators must have received some explanation beforehand. They slowly formed a circle. There should not be too many gladiators who provoke the Han people. There are also quite a few gladiators who take off their pants and point their butts at the Han people. A provocative way.

The audience set up gladiators and let out loud laughter at the provocation of the Han people. They were originally watching the Han people lose face or lose a lot, so they were naturally overjoyed to see the current scene.

"Can I kill someone?"

"It's just a bunch of dead bones in the grave."

"What are these trash who have ruined their country and their families proud of?"

"They only have the ideal of being a dog."

The fifteen Han people who were surrounded didn't show any sense of tension, but only endless anger, and they were already thinking about the cruel way to kill people.

But it is quite strange to say that the Romans wiped out the countries or tribes of those gladiators. After the cowardly people became the dogs of the Romans, they still became proud, and even flocked to them. What kind of thinking is it? structure?
"Although I know that I will be targeted..." Cai Mian said with a stinky expression on his face, "It's still annoying to watch!"

Wang Meng didn't speak.

Regardless of whether the missions of the Han Dynasty were violent as soon as they came, or a series of subsequent events, it was actually a kind of temptation.

Rome must have also arranged a series of exploratory actions, but they were disrupted by the Han country's way of doing things.

Actually, if you dare to commit violent murders in other people's capitals, why don't others be allowed to complain?The Romans' approach was already very gentle, and even seemed a bit cowardly.

Of course, all Han people actually don’t have any psychological burden on killing people violently in other capitals. After expelling the Hulu and restoring Zhuxia, the whole nation can experience a cultural revival class, which includes many histories of the Western Han and Eastern Han. How do other countries deal with bad things...

Make sense!All members of the envoys, including Wang Meng, were not satisfied with just killing Roman soldiers after being provoked, and even felt a little ashamed of their ancestors. You must know that the Western Han and Eastern Han directly killed foreign kings in other kings' palaces Really not too much.

Perhaps the high-level executives in Rome felt that the heat was enough, or maybe the fighting would break out on the spot, and Rome chose to end the "show".

A large group of Roman soldiers poured into the arena, and the gladiators were restrained and lined up before being escorted back underground.

"Go away!" Li Bin roughly pushed away the Roman soldiers who were about to come: "I am not a slave!"

The former Roman captain was pushed and fell to the ground, chewing mud. He looked confused at first, and then obviously furious. When he stood up, he was about to whip him with a long whip, but he saw the Han people standing in a row staring at each other. look at yourself.

The surrounding Roman soldiers noticed the abnormality and moved closer, one by one pressing on the hilt of the sword, and a confrontation scene was formed in an instant.

They are all soldiers, and they have basically been on the battlefield, and no one will be instantly embarrassed just because of their eyes.

Just as the captain of the Roman team was about to call out the military order to suppress, a Roman on horseback approached quickly.

The Roman knight who came on horseback was obviously higher in status than the squad leader. The knight did not ask the reason and ordered the squad leader to leave with the soldiers.

Soldiers who dare to fight often lose their fighting spirit because of orders from higher-level people.

At that moment, the team leader was incomparably angry, and even more aggrieved. He stared at Li Bin ferociously, and followed the knight's order to lead the team away.

In fact, the entire arena erupted with noise just now. The audience "exploded" the moment they saw the Roman soldiers leaving. They didn't care what the reason was. They only knew that the soldiers from their side who were pushed until they had a mouthful of mud turned out to be so special. How cowardly!

"Rome was strong thousands of years ago, and it has always been the strongest country in the known world. We have destroyed countless countries, and we have brought civilization to the world!" Julian still let the trumpet sound to suppress the scolding, After waiting for the audience to calm down, he went out: "The arena is a sacred place, and any conflicts can be resolved in the competition."

The same words are also applicable to Zhuxia. The two nations are at the top of the food chain most of the time in the West and the East. It is not easy to compare the number of countries and nations that have been wiped out.

Of course, Rome and Zhuxia also had a period of sinking, but generally speaking, Rome is better than Zhuxia. After all, East Asia has been a monster house since ancient times.

The audience did not buy everything Julian said, and the uproar continued.

"Have you found it?" Wang Meng said to Cai Mian: "The Romans are not afraid of officials."

Cai Mian smiled and said nothing.

The development process of the two nations is different. Rome has a history of needing to please the people in order to rise to power, and Zhu Xia never needed to please the people to gain power.

It is not only Cai Mian who is studying Rome, Wang Meng has also been studying Rome. They usually think that Rome is a completely weird country, and they don’t understand how those systems can make Rome gradually stronger, not because of internal friction. So the country died.

Take the fiefdom system as an example. The Romans have never had centralized power since the founding of the country. Nobles of all sizes not only had their own private kingdoms, but also private armies. In fact, civil wars were very frequent in the early days, but magically there were conflicts later. It was a competition to see who was more prestigious externally, and the result was that it was so out of control. External wars caused by Rome's internal conflicts continued to expand Rome's territory.

This is what Wang Meng can't understand. There are conflicts in the country, shouldn't it be a fight to the death?How dare you pull the army abroad? What if the army goes out but is attacked by the opponent?The magic is also here, it's all a matter of life and death, but no one takes advantage of the opponent to lead the army to raid the lair.

"In our place..." Cai Mian hesitated again and again, but still felt uncomfortable: "After the great expansion of the Spring and Autumn Period, there was an endless civil war. Why didn't they behave like the Romans?"

Wang Meng couldn't answer.

An episode ended, and the arena became empty.

It didn't take long before Romans in robes appeared again carrying some wooden boards.

That was drawing lots. Each team had its own number, and everyone had their own number. The opponent in each round was determined by drawing lots.

At the time of the lottery draw, the audience finally stopped clamoring. Those who were close tried to see the lottery number plate clearly, while those who were far away could only listen to the narration.

There are too many people participating in the competition. Naturally, it is impossible for only one person to draw lots at a time. In fact, it is to touch the number and get it right, and then it will be written on the wooden board. No one knows if the process is tricky, but the speed is very fast.

Only fifteen Han Chinese participated in the competition, and they were not drawn in the first round. Soon thirty gladiators who participated in individual battles were arranged to enter the field. Unlike the previous ones who only wore underpants, they put on protective gear.

The audience booed again for the absence of the Han people in the first round, but it soon turned into cheers, because the gladiators started fighting immediately after entering the field.

For the Romans who like to watch bloody scenes, blood spilling can easily arouse their excitement. The more bloody the picture, the easier it is to stimulate their "G" point. As long as it is bloody enough, most of the time it is not at all. Who cares about the blood.

Although it is a personal battle, it is obvious that there is an alliance between the gladiators, and then it can be seen that some of them show mercy, but some gladiators who seem to be "dragons" accidentally become ghosts wandering around.

Gradually, the number of gladiators who can still stand on the field continues to decrease, and the more they become disabled and die later, the less they will die.

"Thank you gladiators for your wonderful performance!" Gallus appeared in a very showy dress and waved his hand: "The slaves come on to clean up."

The arena is not too small, and the voice of a single person can't reach the whole audience. It can only be done by someone repeating it over a short distance.

In terms of excitement, the gladiatorial fight just now was actually okay. At the beginning, it fully demonstrated the blood of the gladiatorial fight, but later on it really became a performance. Many fights are obviously for the purpose of achieving visual effects. Basically, you can do whatever you want to show off your skills .

Normally, the audience would have booed and might even have caused a riot, but something was different today. Basically, everyone could tell that they were targeting the Han people, and they were very happy to see the result.

"Then...please come out to the second team." Gallus shouted loudly: "This time there will be two Serisians playing!"

(End of this chapter)

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