sweeping the world

Chapter 845 Come, stand and poke

Chapter 845 Come, stand and poke

At this moment, the arena was already crowded with people, and the noble figures hadn't appeared yet, but they couldn't make the audience feel bored, so the person in charge of the arena arranged for a beast show.

In fact, in the early days, the arena was indeed called the Colosseum. At the beginning, it was also a fight between man and beast. There is nothing wrong with calling it the Colosseum.

The animal fighting program being performed is that the team fights against the lion together.

There are five people in this team, two with swords and shields, one with fishing nets and harpoons, and the other two with long-handled heavy axes.

They seem to have cooperated for a long time. Basically, the sword, shield and long-handled heavy ax form a group. The two groups cooperate to provoke or attack the lion. The single player with a fishing net and a harpoon is always cruising.

Whenever the team members are in danger, or the lion is attacked by the team members, the audience in the arena will cheer.

In order to gain cheers, the gladiators of the fighting beasts do all kinds of death. For example, the sword and shield player can obviously dodge the slap of the lion's claws, but he just puts on the posture of raising the shield to defend. Next, the person is slapped Just fly backwards.It looked quite dangerous, but he didn't actually suffer any damage, all of which were withstood by the shield.

Death also requires skill, some extremely dangerous things gladiators do not do.Like a lion swooping, he will inevitably avoid it, or he will be crushed by the lion, even if he is not killed by the sharp teeth of the mouth, the person will be thrown down and crushed by the weight of hundreds of catties , and then being torn by that sharp claw, it is really going to die.

Waves of cheers spread to the hall where the banquet was held, but everyone was not attracted at all. Now they can abandon the irrelevant things and focus on the big events that are about to happen. The follow-up intention of Linna's outfit.

Wang Meng made this move only after discussing with the high-level officials of the diplomatic mission. It was just a trivial signal, and it was impossible for him to ask for marriage.After all, exchanges between countries require the initiative, and often the party who speaks first will lose the initiative.

There are some things that Wang Meng can do.He saw that Helena was wearing a Hanfu wrongly, and motioned for Cai Mian to talk to her.

After Helena knew she was wearing the wrong clothes, she blushed like an apple.She awkwardly accepted Cai Mian's suggestion, which was to be corrected by the maid on the Han side.

Not all of the Han Dynasty envoys were male, and there were twenty females accompanying them.Their origins are somewhat complicated. There are female officials from the Ouchi deep palace, and there are also maids brought by the high-level envoys themselves.

The size of the entire mission is nearly [-], and only [-] women can imagine how rare it is. Each of them is protected as a treasure, and will not be exposed to the public view if it is not necessary.

After a trip to Persian Sasanian, the number of Han missions increased again and again, especially the number of women increased sharply, and later evolved into Han women to manage the maids sent by Persian Sasanian and the purchased slaves.

What kind of temperament this person has depends entirely on whether he has power (money) in his hands.A beautiful woman, but ordinary clothes, plus some words and deeds are not good, the impression will only be rustic.

Ordinary-looking women, well-dressed and full of self-confidence, will definitely give people extra points for their impression.

Any Han woman among the missions, even if she was restrained and shy before, will become confident after gaining management experience, and will at least give people the impression of being generous.

There is no doubt that the first appearance of the women of the Han family amazed the Romans. They were dressed in decent court maids, and the self-confidence shown in their words and deeds was not only the difference in dress with Roman women, but also the excitement brought by the sense of curiosity. The two completely different styles are extremely attractive to the Romans.

Helena, who left to make necessary corrections, reappeared, and her appearance this time attracted far more attention than the last time.

It was a kind of aura and aura supported by the girl of the Han family. Furthermore, just now Helena had received a short lesson in Han family etiquette, and she knew what kind of pace she should walk in when wearing Han family costumes.The result is that the person is still the same person, but the Helena that everyone sees seems to be a different person.

The women of the Han family are dressed in formal attire, and they never swing their arms when they walk, nor do they stride too far.The correct way to walk is to put your arms on your lower abdomen, take small steps, and raise your head slightly when necessary. The whole posture is full of the beauty of etiquette.

"This is my Helena?" Constantius II was really surprised. He looked at Helena's changed hairstyle, the ponytail hairstyle that looked full of beauty when he saw it. The craftsmanship of jewelry is not simple, and I couldn't help but praise: "It's so beautiful!"

The hairstyle of the horse bun was popular in the Western Han Dynasty. It has become the mainstream of women's hairstyles for a long time, especially for aristocratic women. First, it follows the trend closely, and second, the bun can accommodate more hair accessories. .

For the Romans, men basically have short hair, which can be short, and most of them are small broken hair; women have the same habit of wearing long hair like other ethnic groups. Braids, especially long braids with multiple strands are the most popular.

Helena compared her long braided hairstyle, which tends to be a ponytail, and then looked at Helena's beautiful ponytail, instantly burning with jealousy.

Constantius II thought that the time had come, so he approached Wang Meng and asked, "Han envoy, is my Helena beautiful?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Da Qin." Wang Meng did not go against his true intentions: "In terms of the aesthetics of a man, Your Excellency Princess Helena is indeed beautiful."

"She is the jewel in my palm." Constantius II was obviously very happy to get the answer he wanted: "It is still the treasure of Rome."

This is not the same as what Wang Meng learned. What he knows is that Helena has always been a fringe figure, even hated by Constantius II.But, it doesn't matter what the truth is, you have to be polite to have a good time, and to tell the truth is to openly demolish the stage.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Meng calling Constantius II "Your Majesty". After Constantine I, Augustus of Rome usually wore a crown on his head in formal occasions.There is no "Majesty" on the throne in Rome, not even steps.

So far, the title Mianxia is not used exclusively to address clergymen. It has to be reformed by Christianity later, for example, learning from Augustus and also making some "crowns" to wear.

There is another thing, Christianity has not yet designed human-shaped angels... Either the messenger of the Son of Heaven, or the bird-man with wings.They don't even have the title of angel now, but some "angels" have been designed.

The early angels and the angels after the Renaissance are two different things, and the early angels come from some Greek mythology, usually some strange images, such as the body of an animal and a human face, or even no human face , the modern image of an angel is a product of the Renaissance.

It must be said that the early angels all had their own names or code names, and they were not collectively called angels.

The arrival of the Han envoys shocked countless races and gave them unparalleled imagination. The first people to be inspired were the Persian Sasanians.

For example, the Zoroastrians think that the Holy Flame is not as compelling as the Angel, so should they change their name?

Arabs, Serbians, Gypsies, Jews... these peoples who don't have their own country, or even their own religion, they have seen the privileges of the Han angels, and heard about the power of the Han Empire in the distance. The title "angel" is extremely admired, and it will also play a key role in subsequent historical events.

If there is another party that was extremely shocked, it is undoubtedly Christianity, which has direct conflicts with the Han envoys. They saw the fearlessness and fearlessness of the Han envoys, and saw the extreme self-confidence. Scolding, but in my heart I long for those qualities, and almost subconsciously believe that we also have such people. If such people cannot appear, we will illusory such a person or a group.

For Christianity, its own belief is based on "fiction", and the "lord" can continue to supplement and improve, and then fabricate a group of creatures that do not exist but can show beauty, which is nothing at all .

Right now, the issue of how to fabricate a group of great creatures has been repeatedly unfolded before the arrival of the Han envoys. Wang Meng got the biggest supplement.I don't know what stubbornness means. They think that the envoys of the Son of Heaven are angels, so our "lord" must also have angels, or infinite. (Do not take it seriously)
In the lobby, the priests who were invited stayed in the corner all the time. Most of the time, they silently watched every move of the Han people, and only occasionally a few people communicated with each other.

"Since the Han people came to Constantinople, they have always held the greatest initiative, and everyone, including Augustus, has become a foil."

"Yeah, like now, Helena just put on the Han Chinese costume and became the focus of the audience."

They don't want to do anything more, it's not that they are cowardly, but all the nobles who have entangled interests with them have issued a statement. The Han people may be hateful, but the wealth of the Han people is not hateful. The most important thing at present is to obtain goods from the Han people and resell them. Travel around the world and create wealth that belongs to the Romans themselves.

For the Romans who have no sense of honor for a long time, it is nothing to say that it is patience or restraint in order to obtain benefits, even if they really admit it. In addition, they all have the intention to change their beliefs.

Once the Han people really make it clear that they do not welcome Christianity (including believers), with the current behavior of the Romans, do you believe that Christianity will usher in a big recession?In order to avoid such a thing from happening, Bishop Child's task today is to defuse the hostility with the Han people. For this reason, he specially invited Marus Utansis, who has friendship with most high-level Han officials, as an intermediary.

On the other side, Constantius II has been leading the topic, but Wang Meng said nothing as if he didn't understand, not to mention how depressed Constantius II was.

However, Helena has undergone new changes. No matter what her inner emotions are, she shows a full-fledged Roman ladylike demeanor, and occasionally strikes up a conversation, and every sentence is inseparable from her praise and yearning for Han.

Julian, who was acting as a translator, felt uncomfortable all the time. He couldn’t guarantee that the other Romans present could not speak Chinese. In addition, his own Chinese was limited to ordinary communication. He couldn’t even give some profound hints, so he could only continue. suffer.

Constantius II, who failed to achieve his goal, wisely changed the subject and asked, "Has Julian informed you before?"

Fortunately, Wang Meng's thinking ability is sufficient, otherwise he would really be stopped by such an abrupt sentence.He didn't beat around the bush and said, "The Persians shouldn't show up. No matter what form the big man takes, there is absolutely no problem at all."

In order not to further irritate the Romans, the Persians have been staying on board for now.

"Then..." Constantius II looked at Gallus, as if signaling or implying something, then looked at Wang Meng again: "In order to have a wonderful performance, we include individual battles and group battles. "

Wang Meng smiled and said: "The Han people don't mind showing their brave side."

This time Constantius II was even more upset.

To be fair, the Han people came to the capital of Rome, no matter how harsh Peter’s words were, the Han people rioted in their capital, especially if they didn’t kill any Christians, they were all Roman soldiers.

The war started without any hesitation in the capital of others, causing the entire capital to fall into chaos, which is what Constantius II can bear, but there is a limit to anyone's patience.

There are many reasons why Constantius II chose to be patient. From the perspective of sitting on the Augustus throne, he did not want Han to really become an iron alliance with Persian Sassanid. He suppressed Christianity, and more importantly, the benefits brought by trade.

Face is given to each other. Constantius II thought that he had already given face very much, so what if Wang Meng lowered his head a little.

"It seems that only by inflicting maximum bloodshed will the Han people wake up!" Constantius II said to Gallus with almost gritted teeth: "Everyone in Constantinople is on your choice list. Within this period, you must kill all the Han people who enter the arena!"

Gallus saluted and answered "Yes", but looked at Julian.

Julian's response to Gallus was to nod heavily. He needed to please the Han people to achieve some of his goals, but he also believed that the current communication method was unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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