sweeping the world

Chapter 841 It's Society's Fault

Chapter 841 It's Society's Fault

If you want to say which regime in the world has the most promiscuous nobles, it is absolutely reliable to rank the Roman nobles at the forefront, and most Roman men and women are extremely promiscuous.

Rome made a bad start for the subsequent dynasties in Europa. In fact, the first sexually transmitted disease in the world appeared in Europa, and most of the sex-related diseases originated from Europa.It can even be said that the source of most diseases on the earth is Europa, and they even wiped out a civilization with their own diseases, that is Maya.

Extreme sexual promiscuity, almost no reasonable hygiene habits, any city can be full of feces and urine, that is the status quo of European civilizations before modern times.

No kidding, that is, until the modern era, Europa still maintained the living habits of their ancestors. Under the premise that there was no shortage of water, they rarely took a bath once a month.This is very different from the Romans who like to take a bath. In fact, after the demise of the Roman regime, there is no Rome.There is another example of ignorance or stupidity that I don't know. The whole world knows that people need to take medicine when they are sick, but the Europeans don't rely on medicine to cure their diseases, they rely on bloodletting.

The Europeans began to pay attention to the fact that after they became rich, they began to plunder the world by relying on the advantage of being one step ahead of others. They used almost half of the world's wealth to increase their quality of life in a short period of time. Insufficient, many aspects are full of the atmosphere of nouveau riche unsurprisingly.

The most aristocratic and trendsetting nation in Europe is Britain.Some people may not believe it, but in fact, the so-called British aristocratic style was learned from the East, from India and China, and improved by itself during the adaptation period.Even if it is an imported product, the British aristocratic style can still lead the whole of Europe, and the British aristocratic style of Britain has the title of "gentleman" etiquette.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the Romans of today are in many ways Greek in their behavior.

Earlier, the war between the Romans and the Greeks was a barbaric invasion of civilization, and then the civilization was digested by barbarism, and the Greek civilization succumbed to the force, but the crystallization of civilization was continued by the way of saving the country with curves.

If you have understood Greek civilization, you will know that this civilization is really dishonest, especially when it comes to sex.This point can be fully reflected in the sculpture culture of ancient Greece. The most obvious is that in many sculptures, both men and women are naked.

Nakedness is a kind of beauty, of course there is nothing wrong with it. The Europeans developed this aesthetic concept into art, which was reflected in sculptures in the early days and continued in paintings later.If you look up the history of oil painting development in Europa, you will be surprised to find that the early oil paintings are basically Hongguoguo paintings, even when painting the gods, and even the tempera paintings that are the predecessor of oil paintings.

Helena is currently accepting portraits. She only covered her lower abdomen with a silk scarf, and the rest of her body was directly exposed.

The one who painted for Helena was an old-fashioned painter. He had a great reputation in Constantinople and was often hired by nobles to do figure paintings.

Doss Hessel was also a suave and handsome man when he was young. He was born in the Hessel family, a moderately middle-class Roman noble family.With super high painting skills and handsome looks, there are often sex with the subject before painting, or after painting, and it is still the kind that both men and women eat.

Extreme indulgence requires a price. For example, you are only 40 years old but have the appearance of more than 50 years old, and then you are tortured because of kidney problems.The most direct manifestation is that peeing is like a shower head, and the urge to urinate is always frequent. It takes several times longer to urinate than others, and it may even be endless.

Doss Hessel was still one of the lucky ones, his body was ruined by indulgence, but at least he didn't contract sexually transmitted diseases.For a "warrior" like him who has "struggled" from young to middle-aged, he is only 1 years old but has already "killed thousands of people". It is really blessed by the gods that he has not had STDs.

The sun shone on Helena's body, and her hair, which was more inclined to be brown, really turned brown when the sun hit it.

Due to the abundant light, the advantages and disadvantages of Helena's body are also infinitely magnified. The advantage is that she has a more delicate skin than others, and the disadvantage is the common trouble of many European women... that is, excessive body hair.

"Master Doss, please use your best efforts to present my beautiful side on the canvas." Helena did not have the slightest embarrassment caused by being naked. She had maintained the same posture for a long time, and her body was covered with sweat. Feeling extremely uncomfortable: "This may be my last figure in Rome."

"Of course." Doss Hessel nodded repeatedly, without delaying his writing: "I will completely leave your beauty on the canvas."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the person pushed open the door and walked in without waiting for a response.

The person who came was a young girl about fifteen or sixteen years old. She didn't seem to know what was going on in the house. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was a little stunned, but she didn't cry out in embarrassment and fled, but her face turned red. Red.

"Helena?" Helena happened to be facing the door, and when she saw someone calling, she asked, "Don't walk behind me, it will block the sunlight, and don't touch my clothes."

Helena came back to her senses and heard that sentence, and subconsciously looked at the hanger on the left side of the house with envious eyes. There were many clothes hanging there, most of them were made of silk, and one of them was a Sichuan brocade that was widely circulated. Made of fabric.

"Princess Helena is in her prime." It's not the first time Doss Hesel saw Helena, and he wanted to paint her for a long time, but unfortunately he was rejected again and again. The old saying repeated: "You should paint yourself The liveliest side remains on the canvas."

Helena seemed extremely resistant: "I don't want it!"

Doss Hessel shook his head helplessly, and said, "You have never been the same as most people."

Helena ignored the disappointed Doss Hessel, looked at Helena with great anticipation, and begged, "Sister, can you take me to Julian's banquet?"

It's not a banquet, it's an auction.

Julian's invitation has already been sent out, and the auction is confirmed to be held in the arena, but it doesn't mean that it will be done immediately, and it will take some time to prepare.

The first thing to do is the security issue. After all, Julian will show the remaining three Shu brocades, which are treasures worth [-] gold coins.

Furthermore, the arena should at least be maintained and repaired, and it cannot be such a grand banquet with a careless occasion.

It is indispensable to issue announcements to the whole of Rome, such as notifying the nobles from other places to come, and let those families that have trained gladiators bring brave and skilled gladiators.

Thanks to Constantinople’s location near the sea, and thanks to the existence of the Mediterranean Sea, Rome’s territory revolves around the Mediterranean Sea. However, the first choice for traveling is to take a boat, and then land in a nearby area. Julian also gave a month's time.

"Then what can you give me in return?" Helena has a very good relationship with her sister. The problem is that Rome has its own national conditions. For example, if I do something for you, then you must give the corresponding return: "Forget it , because you...can't give me what I want."

Helena has always been very special, especially in an environment where most of the Roman nobles dared to try carnal desires before menstruation, but she couldn't stand the naked body that the noble ladies of Rome didn't care about the most, even more so. I have never accepted any male or female expression of favor, so that in the whole of Rome, it is really unique (good idiom).

It is precisely that Helena is different from the others. Although she has the status of a princess, she only has a small fiefdom, and she is extremely lacking in social interaction. Naturally, she has no channels to obtain gifts, and her quality of life is not good. As for poverty, luxury has nothing to do with it.

Helena stood there aggrieved for a while, then turned around and took a step forward when tears fell.She really wanted to go to the auction held by Julian.

In fact, according to Helena's identity, she should be able to participate. The problem is that her reputation is not good. It is not because of her bad reputation of rotten life, but because of her outstanding cleanliness and self-love that led to her being rejected.

Things that are not difficult to understand, such as a good person appearing in a situation where everyone is a bad person, the good person is extremely likely to be killed by the bad person, or be isolated.Everyone is drunk and I am sober. It may not be a good thing for the sober person. Helena's situation is a state of exclusion and isolation.

Because Helena was rejected and isolated in the general environment, it directly affected Constantius II's attitude towards Helena.To put it bluntly, Constantius II had a bad impression of his misfit daughter, so he didn't bring any benefits to the royal family, and even made the royal family a laughing stock to some extent, so that If there is any important occasion, if Helena can't be present, she will never be present.

Helena Lihua went back in the rain, but met Julian on the way.

Julian just went to see Constantius II and reported to him some things that happened in the fief.

Asia Minor has not been peaceful in recent years, especially after the religious wars started, Asia Minor with chaotic beliefs is inevitably out of a storm, and bloody killings due to different beliefs are happening all the time.

The emergence of the Han Dynasty envoy ushered in a rare period of peace for Persia Sasan and Rome. The large-scale fighting between the two countries came to a standstill. At the same time as the small-scale fighting, Shapur II restrained the people, and Zoroastrian Zoroastrianism has also made the greatest cooperation, and the direct manifestation is that the anger of Zoroastrian believers has been suppressed.

In the current years, there are only so many religions that can be called major religions, and Zoroastrianism has the most followers in Central Asia and West Asia.This is also directly related to the Persians standing up again. The strength of the country brings convenience in all aspects, including the expansion of religion.

"Hello." Helena greeted with her head slightly lowered. She wanted to leave directly, but was stopped by Julian's greeting: "Do you have anything to do?"

Julian was not familiar with Helena at all, and it could even be said that he had never met her a few times, but he was very familiar with Helena.

The nobles in Rome often laughed at Helena. All the beautiful qualities of this young girl have become a point of laughter in the general environment of Rome.

In the past, Julian didn't pay much attention to Helena, a cousin who seemed extremely special. Recently, as he got a better understanding of Han, Helena kept recurring in his mind.

Of course, although incest among the Roman nobles was common, Julian definitely didn't have any bad intentions for Helena, on the contrary, he wanted to give Helena a different life.

"There are only six days left until the auction. I have been wanting to find you and invite you in person." Julian was still quite sunny when he thought of it, and with due reserve, he showed enthusiasm again: "You know, I want to invite you." It's not that easy to find you."

Helena still lowered her head. She knew that her reputation had almost become a disgrace to the noble daughters of Rome. She repeatedly refused invitations from others because of her low self-esteem, and was often reprimanded by Constantius II later. It has evolved to the end, even if someone sends an invitation letter or something, it can't reach her, and the meeting or something has to be a coincidence.

"I now formally extend an invitation to Her Excellency Princess Helena." Julian did look for Helena just now, but of course he couldn't find it, and no one could tell where Helena was. It happened: "Princess Helena, please be sure to agree."

Helena raised her head in surprise, her face turned to hesitation, "I really want to participate, but...can you tell me why..."

"Of course I want my beautiful cousin to be there." Julian looked at Helena sincerely and said with a smile, "If the situation permits, I even want to invite my cousin as a female companion..."

"Female companion? No... I'm afraid I can't agree." Helena is a little sensitive to the word "female companion", or the shock given by the current situation in Roman society: "Well... If you don't become a female companion, you will withdraw the invitation?"

"How could it be?" Julian smiled heartily and said, "The invitation has been officially issued."

Helena was really pleasantly surprised, with a smile on her face, and said gratefully: "Thank you so much."

This time they met and sent out an invitation, and Julian just clicked on it, and left happily after achieving his goal.

"In this way, I can feel the beautiful Sichuan brocade at close range without being driven away?" Helena also likes beautiful things, but it is a pity that Helena does not give the opportunity to get close at all, Constantius Si II is even less likely to let her approach.There was an expectant smile on her face: "As long as I can take a closer look."


Embarrassing, the last chapter was reported for pornography?

(End of this chapter)

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