Chapter 839
If a person is too stupid, no matter how good his family background and background are, he will definitely find it difficult to secure a high position, and even the higher he sits, the worse his fate will be.

Wang Meng did not hide his affection for Julian at all, even after he was arranged to rest in the manor, he ordered someone to deliver a few boxes to Julian's manor, so that those dignitaries who were always paying attention to the movements of the Han country's envoys would know One point, that is, Julian did not know what he did to get the friendship of the envoy of Han.

At this moment, Julian was extremely troubled. It wasn't because Wang Meng sent two boxes of silk and Shu brocade, nor was it because of the beautiful looking porcelain and the pot of hay leaves (tea leaves) that smelled strange. He was troubled. What's worse is that there are too many people who send invitations and drop by.

"Silk? Oh, yes, silk was indeed sent." With a forced smile on his face, Julian half-lyed on a recliner full of Roman characteristics, half-slanting body under the service of a female slave. After eating the grapes, he swallowed and continued, "There are twenty bolts of silk in total. There is also a kind of cloth that feels soft and brightly colored. It is said to be called Shu Brocade. It is specially produced in the southwestern border of the Han Empire. The price is lower than that of silk." high."

The Romans... at least the Roman nobles, they were very particular about receiving guests. They needed to hold a special ball, and there would be some scantily clad dancers (prostitutes). They also had to arrange female and male slaves to be present. There is no need to drag the partner who wants to mate to another room, just find a place to put on a mask, and then have sex on the spot.

It is normal to arrange female slaves, and the existence of male slaves is to serve female guests.At the same time, some male aristocrats with special hobbies also like to mate with male slaves, and they are the kind who have both offense and suffering.

In the eyes of the Romans, mating in public is not a shameful thing at all, but the endurance should not be too short. Some nobles like to show off their endurance in public mating. If the endurance is short, no one is willing to lose face. As a result, It's because aphrodisiacs are very popular in the aristocratic circles of Rome. Every year, there are absurd things that a few nobles die because of excessive lust after taking aphrodisiacs.

Julian also had sex with female slaves in public. It should be said that every male nobleman in Rome had the same experience. They really regarded this as normal, even if male nobles brought their wives to In the banquet, it is also correct to mate with female slaves as usual, even the wives of male nobles are allowed to mate with male slaves, but they can't cum inside.

Ridiculous?If it had been 200 years earlier, it would have been absurd and embarrassing for noble women to mate with male slaves. The problem is that Rome has robbed the wealth of the huge Parthian Empire since it solved the Parthian Empire. Finally, the enemy who had been fighting for hundreds of years was finally solved, and everyone swelled up.

With no deadly foreign enemies, coupled with being so rich all of a sudden, the wind of pleasure must prevail. If you don't change the way to have fun, you can naturally come up with whatever is exciting.

What I have to say is that Zhuxia's side is actually not much better. Even if etiquette, justice, honesty and shame have been deeply rooted in the national thought, don't think that they are really conservative in terms of sex.

In the ancient pre-Qin period, what was emphasized was sexual openness. When a man was in love with a woman, he could have sex no matter where he was. The reason why Confucius was able to come to the world was because his father and mother had a passionate sex in the wild. It turns out that his father was already very old at the time, but his mother was very young. It was a love that ignored the age gap.

In the era when Zhou etiquette was extremely emphasized, men and women can have sex anytime, anywhere as long as they are in love with each other. What is interesting is that no matter what class of people they think it is correct, it is the most reasonable thing about human relations. Who will stop it? It's just that there is no humanity, men and women who just want to have a show don't want an audience at all.

It is a unique taste of nobles to like to mate when there are spectators. The unobstructed meeting has been very popular in the noble circle for a while, but their mating objects are by no means their wives, usually female concubines or maids.At the same time, as men, they can indulge themselves, but their wives must guard themselves like jade, which is different from the Romans.

In the future, Zhuxia has more and more restrictions on women. Men can still indulge regardless of whether they are married or unmarried. Women can only have sex with the person they like before they are married. Only for my husband.

When it comes to sexual desire, both Rome and Han are very open today. The difference is that the openness in Rome does not limit men and women and their status. The higher the status in Han, the more restrained they will be.

In the folks of the Han Dynasty, the current mating rights are in the hands of women, which means that unmarried women want to have sex as much as they want. They return to their natural nature not because of indoctrination, but because it has been like this since ancient times.

The real situation is that from the pre-Qin period to the Jin Dynasty, that layer of film was not deliberately taken seriously, especially women in the Western Han and Eastern Han were the most casual.The most special example is Lu Wei, the sister of Liu Bang's real wife Lu Zhi.

Lu Wei stepped on two boats in an upright manner. While dating Lu Wan, she had no delay in obtaining physical pleasure with the strong Fan Kui. Later, it was Lu Zhi who made the decision to end this love triangle. Lu Zhi let Lu Wei Hurry up and choose someone to be your husband.

At that time, Fan Kui was Liu Bang's right and left arm just like Lu Wan, and there was not much difference in the identities of the two men. The husband Lu Wei chose was Fan Kui who could get more physical pleasure.

Women are so open, how can men bear it?Brother, that doesn’t mean that women are so open all of a sudden, it’s that they have been so open since ancient times. It can only be said that the growth environment made everyone get used to it, and there was nothing wrong with it at all.Since you don't feel that there is anything wrong, it is a very normal thing, isn't it?

So, it's normal for Roman men and women to like to mate in public, but the guests who came to Julian's side are not interested now, and they are more concerned about profit than carnal desire.

It was all in vain that Julian specially spent a lot of money to invite the dancers. Every one of them was the number one in Constantinople. The appearance fee was at least two gold coins, and the most expensive one even cost ten. coins.

Women are dancers and family slaves, and the source of male slaves is some families who train gladiators.Their clothes are unusually... glamorous?They deliberately wore wristbands and combat boots, iron plates were tied on their calves, and they wore a pair of briefs. Show the masculinity of strong men.

Now some people will look at the dancing girls, female slaves and male slaves, but they are also habitually admiring, even if they want to do something they like to do, it is not now.

Since everyone didn't have that sensual interest, Julian could only work hard on the food. According to the customs of Roman nobles, he must make the guests feel at home in the material aspect.

The food of the Romans was still very rich, which was directly related to the territory they occupied, especially Rome's vast territory and the distribution of time zones was even wider.Their greatest pride is that the northern part of the empire is icy cold, but the southern part of the empire is extremely hot. The wheat fields in the east have just been harvested, while the new seedlings in the west have just been planted.

Julian is not a person who likes to show off. Under the enthusiasm of all the guests, he still had to show off the silk and Shu brocade.

The Romans were no strangers to silk. They had come into contact with silk hundreds of years ago, but the quantity was too small, but the price was incomparably astonishing.

The early Romans didn't know who made the silk at all, and the silk they got had been changed hands several times. Everyone was adding up profits, but it became shockingly expensive.

There is such a saying that I don’t know if it’s a joke. The reason why the Romans were dead against the Persians was that the Romans finally knew one day that the silk came from a country further east than the Persians. The trade route made it impossible for silk to be sold to Rome. For the sake of silk, the Romans shouted "just do it", and wars lasted for hundreds of years.

The Persians never thought of cutting off the silk trade. They could get huge profits from it. The more silk they resold, the more profitable they would be. Only when something went wrong would they cut off the trade.In fact, the Persians took the blame for the Huns, and they also knew that they were behind the blame, and for a time they gritted their teeth and wanted to participate in the war against the Huns.

However, before the Persians could take action, there was a shout from a distance that "a strong man will be punished even if he is far away". Chen Tang led all the younger brothers from the Western Regions to deal with the Northern Xiongnu Shanyu Zhizhi on the Silk Road. up.

Zhizhi Shanyu of the Northern Huns was killed, and cheers were greeted, and the countries passing through the Silk Road were finally able to count money happily.

The fact is also the same. Otherwise, even if Chen Tang could borrow troops from various countries, given the prestige of the Western Han Empire, the countries would not dare not to borrow troops. The problem is that they would never follow orders regardless of the cost. Zhi Zhi, so that I can happily continue collecting silk tolls.

The Persians cheered the whole country when they knew that the Silk Road was reopened, but the reopening of the Silk Road was too late for Parthia.

At that time, the severance of the Silk Road had a very fatal impact on the Parthian Empire, that is, they could no longer obtain monstrous wealth from the Silk Road, and the national finances were in a state of bankruptcy. It will be infinitely magnified, and the central government will become the villain. Not only are the Romans screaming and wanting to die, but the major Persian nobles in the interior are also looking forward to the end of the dynasty, and then the Parthian Empire collapses.

At the current historical stage, due to barbarian invasions in Zhuxia, the Silk Road was actually cut off for a long time.In other words, whether it was the Persians, the Romans, or whoever, they had not acquired new silk in a long time.

To tell a joke, Wang Meng and other Han people came to Constantinople. They could see some Romans wearing silk. The robe made of silk may be older than the wearer. It is the father of the father’s grandfather. The ... passed through, generation after generation took great pains to preserve it, and it is never taken out on non-essential occasions.

There is only one reason why those Romans who have collections are willing to take them out now. They look forward to the stars and the moon. I don’t know how many old Romans can’t forget the moment they get a new one. It became a reality, and what is even more exaggerated is that the people who produced silk came to Rome in person.Is it possible to buy as much silk as you want at this time, which must be enough for the contemporary Romans to burn for their ancestors?

The silk and Shu brocade were hung on the shelves for display. The guests looked at it with the eyes of their first love, and suddenly found that the Shu brocade was more gorgeous, and the silk looked dull in comparison.

There is no other reason, the silk is still smooth, and the halo that you will never forget can be seen when it is illuminated by strong light, but the Shu brocade is so radiant under the strong light that it almost blinds everyone's dog's eyes.

"Oh my god, my god... my mother!"

"Eyes, I'll drop my eyes!"

"Already blind..., already blind!"

At this moment, please use Dongbei accent, Shandong accent and Henan accent to read from top to bottom.

Shu brocade is actually a general term. It has an astonishingly long history. It appeared even earlier in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and there are so many styles and manufacturing methods. The style is the brilliance from the manufacturing process to the processing method.

The Shu brocade carried by Wang Meng was actually produced in Linzi. The only purpose of bringing it here was to blind the eyes of the Romans. Therefore, it was a custom-made style, and it could be as gorgeous as it was.

Julian's retainers were very good at choosing. The one hanging on the shelf was one with a lot of silver threads embroidered with mythical animal patterns. I don't know if it was a prank and they even added gold-plated bells, which could not only blind the Romans. The dog's eyes were open, and the wind was blowing the Shu brocade hanging on the shelf, and the melodious sound of bells was ringing.

The mythical beast is really a mythical beast, the unicorn that Zhuxia considers auspicious, because it is patterned with silver thread, it looks like a silver unicorn, and there are fiery red patterns around it, it looks like a silver unicorn in the fire.

There are many bells, and the ones used to make the sound are pearls.Numerous bells form the shape of a golden crow. As a result, the overall pattern on the Sichuan brocade looks like a golden crow burning a silver unicorn.

After exclaiming, the garden was full of heavy gasps, and everyone stared at him with wide-eyed eyes. Everyone's eyes were filled with the desire to keep it for themselves.

"Five thousand gold coins! It will belong to the Cassius family!"

"Idiots are dreaming! The materials on it are more than five thousand gold coins!"

"Twenty thousand gold coins!"

"Go away, I will offer [-] gold coins, which will be kept in the Maxim family!"

The guests bid and cursed loudly by themselves, and Julian had no chance to speak at all.At this moment, he really wanted to know what kind of gifts Wang Meng gave, and how many were similar to the one in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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