Chapter 837

This shit... More than 300 million people died in a war, and anyone who hears it will instantly feel numb!
The population of Rome has always been small, and at its peak it was nearly 2000 million.If the number of citizens is counted alone, it will be even fewer. If 1 people die, it is like bleeding from the heart. If 30 citizens die, it is unknown whether Rome can continue to exist.

At that moment, most of the people in the parliament hall opened their mouths in shock.

The news came back from Aulus Sextus Cicero. They were willing to believe that the envoys did not dare to talk nonsense. It must be something that really happened. That would be terrifying.

"Then..." Helena couldn't help but asked again: "The angel just said that the Puppet Yan Kingdom was wiped out, can you tell me how many people died in that war?"

"There are more than [-] people who died directly in the war of destroying the country." Wang Meng was still Liu Yan's personal secretary Lang at the time, and he was able to watch the number of war casualties: "The number of people who died indirectly in the war is not easy to calculate."

There is one thing that Wang Meng did not say. In the war of extermination with the Jie people, the soldiers on both sides died on the battlefield were an absolute minority. One hundred thousand, the number of non-soldiers killed by Jie, Qiang, Di and Zahu is more, and the number of soldiers killed on both sides only accounts for about 20 of them.

Later, the hearts of the Jie tribe were completely shattered, but it was a matter of the survival of the race, so the Jie people were not easy to surrender. A war of extermination has not yet ended, and the result is that people with blue eyes in Fanhan They were all completely unlucky, seeing one was definitely caught.

That genocide war was extremely bloody, and Ran Min was the first to kill in the Han army system. It was an action that had not happened again for hundreds of years. It was still a one-time killing of 10 people. It was just a trick at the beginning. Killing Jie people, whoever resisted and killed whoever was behind, completely made Ran Min leave a mark in the history books.

In the battle of destroying Yan, Murong Yan's army resisted resolutely. Unfortunately, it was the first time they tasted the horror of firearms, and then the Han army came with high morale after repeated victories. Only so many Murong Yan's troops died on the battlefield. , The number of casualties of the Han army was only so small.

"Compared to the war on our side, the war in the far east is more...cruel." Helena originally wanted to use the word "bloody". It's hard to imagine whether I will go crazy seeing hundreds of thousands of dead people, and I can't help asking: "Is Siris the country of barbarians?"

Wang Meng looked at Helena with sharp eyes, and said word by word: "China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; it has the beauty of uniforms, so it is called Hua. This sentence came from hundreds of years ago."

There are many books that have used words and characters with similar meanings, and the most used ones are "Zuo Zhuan" and "Shang Shu Zheng Zheng", but these two books are considered "fake books".

The "fake book" here is said to be written by later generations in the name or fame of their ancestors. For example, when Kong Yingda took out "Shangshu Zhengyi", he said that he found it at home, but in "Shangshu Zhengyi" The content of the book has not been quoted by other classics, which is extremely abnormal.

Let’s talk about "Zuo Zhuan". In fact, "Zuo Zhuan" is a "story club". It uses stories one after another to tell the thoughts that it wants to spread. No one knows whether those deeds happened to the ancient sages. They use stories to spread Good thinking itself is political correctness.

I was a little puzzled that the child lying on the ice begging for carp was filial, but his head was a bit clumsy, why didn't he just smash the ice, how long would it take to melt the ice with his body temperature, and he would turn into ice by himself.

There is another story about Meng's mother moving three times. The background is that the family's life is very difficult, but they can move again and again, and they can still have a house every time.It is the wish of every parent to let their children have a good growth environment, but they must consider their own financial situation, otherwise they will meet kind-hearted people every time, either giving them a house or not collecting rent.

There is also a story about digging a wall to make light of it. I have to tell you, dude, digging a wall is wrong. Fortunately, there are old men living next door. If there is a woman, even if it is not a beautiful woman, it constitutes a crime of voyeurism!
"China?" Helena saw that Constantius II had been silent, but she had infinite curiosity: "Is the official country name of Seris China?"

"Big Han, your translation is the Han Empire." Wang Meng actually wanted to answer the 'Middle Kingdom', the question is not necessary: ​​"Seres is the name of the cloth you wear, not the name of the country of this envoy."

The name "China" appeared very early. The word "China" was first seen in the inscription "He Zun" on the bronze ware in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, "Yu Qizhai is here for China, and he created the people himself".The word "China" in Chinese first referred to the Gyeonggi area in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and later evolved into the Central Plains area in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in the Yellow River Basin. Outside China, it was called Siyi.To put it simply, China is the one that lives in the middle of the world, and the Siyi people are those that live in the middle of the world.

"It's like an angel calling Rome Daqin?" Helena tilted her head slightly, and said in a daze, "Your country name is Dahan, and calling yourself China is also one of the names."

Well, it's not like that. Generally speaking, Zhu Xia calls himself China with a sense of pride. He only needs to say clearly that "except for China, everyone else is scum." It is not another self-proclaimed country, let alone a country. short name.This sentiment has been passed down, but the artistic conception has changed again and again. One thing that has not changed is that there are only China and foreign countries in the world.

Wang Meng smiled implicitly, expressing that he did not want to answer Helena's wrong and embarrassing questions.

Constantius II finally spoke again, calling Helena back to the high platform.He said something later, and Julian, who had been standing by the side of the passage, walked towards Wang Meng.

Wang Meng guessed that Helena asked too many inappropriate questions, which seemed a bit reliable, and the translation work should be exchanged to Julian, who would definitely be more reliable.He could have another guess. Helena's appearance this time was just a preview, and he would definitely see this Roman princess many times later.

After Julian came out, he stood still and saluted Constantius II, then saluted the Roman councilors present, and finally said to Wang Meng: "Next, I will complete the translation work."

Compared with Helena who speaks Chinese with an accent, Julian's Chinese is very standard.

Julian must have obtained that set of pinyin notes and studied them seriously.

Helena probably belongs to the kind of learning method that is spoken in the form of dialogue without learning.

When the interpreter was changed, the atmosphere also changed. There were no Roman councilors talking nonsense, only Constantius II said, Wang Meng answered or asked questions, and Julian translated.

The topic at the beginning was just to understand each other about Han and Rome, and there were inevitably those diplomatic words that felt hypocritical at first hearing, such as what I have admired for a long time, the leaders of the two countries have a good relationship with each other, and hope that the friendship between the two countries will last forever and create a better future together. blah blah blah a lot.

"Archbishop Peter will be punished by the church. He will be stripped of his identity as an archbishop and will not be allowed to believe in the 'lord'." Julian was translating the words of Constantius II: "In addition to those punishments, he also They will be fined up to [-] yuan and are strictly prohibited from participating in political activities."

Wang Meng understood that even Constantius II could not personally punish Archbishop Peter, he could only put pressure on Christianity.He took it for granted that the punishment was too light, not to mention that the battle broke out because of Peter's stupidity, which caused chaos in Constantinople and bloody disputes between the two great powers. Cut off the fat head, or hang, the latter two are considered cheap Peter.

"I don't need to translate the next sentence for the time being." Wang Meng thought about it, and said, "Can I understand that the emperor of Great Qin has lost control and restriction on the sect?"

Julian was stupefied, he himself was the lamb of the Lord, and he spent money to become the holy son of Christianity, but there are a lot of holy sons and saints of Christianity to be honest, but whoever is willing to spend Anyone with money can get the status of the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden, and some children of the great nobles that Christianity wants to recruit will also get the title of the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden.

It must be said that Julian's belief in 'the Lord' is still very devout.He didn't know that Wang Mengqing didn't know his attitude towards faith. He only felt embarrassed and weird after hearing this, and he was just lost in thought for a while.

"Then, should the Han's credentials be divided into two parts, one for your monarch and the other for the 'lord' of Christianity?" Wang Meng was not familiar with Christianity, so he asked Thinking that the 'Lord' is a living person: "If so, when will I be able to meet that 'Lord'?"

Julian really wants to say that if Wang Meng is willing to change his belief, he is willing to help Wang Meng stab to the heart with a sword. The process will be bloody and painful. It is not clear whether he will see the Lord, but death is a certainty.

Seeing that Julian was still stunned, Wang Meng frowned and said, "Is the 'Lord' really more noble than Augustus? I can see Augustus, but not that 'Lord'."

Now Wang Meng only has one worry, regardless of how Han Guo should respond to that "lord", if he can't see him, he can't communicate.

"Actually... the angels can try the burning method?" Julian said uncertainly, "Maybe the 'Lord' can be received in the kingdom of heaven?"

At this moment, Wang Meng was stunned. After realizing it, he finally knew that the "lord" only existed in the kingdom of heaven, that is, the living people would never see him at all. It seemed that it was unknown whether he could enter the kingdom of heaven after death.What he wondered was that there was also a custom of "burning" in Rome, but it might not be received by the "lord".

"I understand now that the Archbishop is the spokesperson of the 'Lord' in this world." Wang Meng glanced at the confused Constantius II on the high platform with a "distressed" look, and let Constantius Si II felt baffled.He looked at Julian again and said, "It's amazing and unbelievable that your monarch doesn't have divine power."

It is not right to say that, in fact, no matter where, which country or nation, there is only one phenomenon of imperial power and divine power, either the imperial power suppresses the divine power so that the rulers also have the divine power, or the divine power suppresses the imperial power and causes religion to control the country. Who is more cunning and capable.The difference is that the king will end in person, and the gods will not end in person, and they have to end in person. It is still unclear whether the gods exist or not. Of course, the spokesperson will do things.

"In order to repay your kindness, I would like to reveal some things." Wang Meng's words caught Julian's attention: "In Dahan, the Son of Heaven is not only the lord of all living beings, but also the ruler of the gods, the supreme being.", He just clicked.

Seeing that he was really studying Chinese with all his heart, Julian fully understood what Wang Meng wanted to express, and his eyes widened in an instant, not only shining brightly, but almost firing lasers.

What is more amazing is that even if the envoys from the Han Dynasty did not come, Wang Meng did not say those words. In history, after Julian became the Augustus of Rome, he tried his best to control Christianity and became the dual holder of imperial power and theocratic power. Some, and carried out a number of reforms to Rome according to their own wishes, and came up with measures to protect the equality of beliefs.

But Julian only served as Augustus for a year and eight months before he died and became the last Augustus of the Constantinian dynasty. The Constantinian dynasty was replaced by the Valentinian dynasty.

During the short conversation, Julian felt that he had gained a lot and found the goal of life. His favor with Wang Meng burst instantly, and at the same time, his devotion to the 'Lord' dropped rapidly.

They all intend to master theocratic power, Julian must abandon piety, otherwise how will he do it in the future!
The matter was a little out of Constantius II's control. He was already dissatisfied with Julian who left him to have a pleasant conversation with the Han envoy, but now his resentment has risen infinitely. He endured extreme unhappiness and said something loudly In the end, he left with a stinky face.

The departure of Constantius II caused the parliament hall to fall into a "buzzing" noise again. Many congressmen who were waiting to get a share of the benefits yelled and shouted. Not seeing it as a play is also extremely unpleasant.

In fact, Wang Meng didn't realize what the situation was. He waited to be sent out of the parliament hall by Julian, and when he arrived at the rest place arranged, he was still wondering why things were a little anticlimactic.

"Now is the best result." Julian is not the ruler of Rome now, he will think about Rome, and he values ​​the interests of the supreme power of Rome in his hands.He feels that making good relations with the Han Kingdom is the priority at the moment: "Augustus disrupted all the steps. The longer the time passes, the lower the heat will be."

Wang Meng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Today's matter is indeed too hot, and the negotiation must be full of gunpowder. Letting the situation cool down is really beneficial to the Han side.

(End of this chapter)

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